-;-':~' :C'C .:~ r' ~:'i; [th~ '~- i:"-.:';~~'-~~ c ~ ---I ':;,~ , ,. --"- ..-" ;.:-~.::...:'--'"' No.Fin.C-B(7)-3/98 Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Regulations) Department. 10th April,2002. Dated Shimla-171002, the Subjact:- §f.;!.!lLQ.fJ2!!J}.f!l~5.§~c~~::!~-S Govern",entwal In continuation number dated pleased to 01.07.2001" to this 21st September, decide the of~ that 2001 the Government Depart",ent's Office Memorandum the Governor. Dearness 01 Himachal Himachal Allow"nce Pradesh of even Pradesh pay,,!,le shall is to employees 01 be g;.~~-~.::J.:1 2. The term "PAY" for the purpose Ot'calculation of Dearness Allowance, shall remain the same as defined in para 2 of thj~ Department number dated 27th I\~ay. 1999 opted to retain pre-revised O.tv,. of even and in respect of such empJc'yees VJho have pay sc~les or whose scales have not yet been r~vi~ed. the term !'PAY" shz;i!, be the same as defined in para 2 and note belolJ'l para' 2.of this DepzrtmerJ O..~~. of even numter dated 8th Noverr;ber, 1999. 3. The admissible Dearness Allowance shall be paid in casfl 01.042002 and the arrears accrued from 01-07-2001 credited to the interest ther~on Genera! shall , Provident accrue from Fund Accounts 01-05-2002. \N.e.f. to 31.03;.2002 51',811be of the employees alld The Government empioyeesj . v,/ho have retired or have closed their GPF Accounts shall be paid the arrears jn 4 SL ': p.~ ; .,: /.--<;'-" " )Vf j .;(1 cash. !;~ L ~ ~d ~.REG) ..1 .en'a'mount paid se of in NSS employees of the State Government. " \ ;. " .~.I. ( .t"' ~:1'" :y' --' II to the~I " (R.N.~~TTA} Additional Secretary (FII Government of Himach. Pradesh. I To the 10lhApril FOO2