Global History and Culture Centre

Global History and Culture Centre
4pm in H303, Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Present: Anne Gerritsen (AG), Giorgio Riello (GR), Chris Nierstrasz (CN), Tim
Davies (TD), David Anderson (DA), Felicia Gottmann (FG), Howard Chiang (HC),
Hanna Hodacs (HH), Rosa Salzberg (RS), Bronwen Everill (BE), Anna Boneham
Apologies: Gurminder Bhambra, David Hardiman, Rebecca Earle, Maxine Berg,
Bishnu Gupta, Kristen Greer, Michael Harrigan, Ross Forman
1. Welcome. AG welcomed everyone to the meeting, and extended a warm
welcome especially to David Anderson, who joined the Department and the
Centre in January 2013.
2. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2012 were circulated and
accepted as an accurate record.
3. Matters arising. AG confessed that she had not been able to contact and
invite many new members to our Centre activities, but all agreed that this
continues to be an important aspect of extending our presence within the
University, and invited colleagues to help extend our network through
informal conversations and invitations to activities.
Action: Beyond meetings with individuals, we should consider a holding
reception that would allow us to invite interested new members from other
departments and faculties, possibly around the day of the AGM after David
Arnold’s lecture.
4. Plans for the summer term. A number of different events are planned, so
please look out for these over the coming weeks:
a. Dana Leibsohn’s IAS visiting fellowship from 26 May to 4 June (GR)
b. A workshop on ‘colonial violence’, date TBC (DB and DA)
c. A one-day workshop on ‘global health’, date TBC (HC and Sarah
d. There will also be two meetings of the new Leverhulme-funded
‘Luxury’ network at Warwick in March (week 10) to coincide with
Catherine Kovesi’s visit and at the V&A in early June (GR)
e. We intend to organise 2 or 3 ‘global readings’ meetings (AG and GR)
5. Next year’s seminar series.
a. We are beginning to plan the seminar series for the coming year. We
are considering different formats (2 speakers on 1 theme; precirculating short papers). We are thinking of a small number of highprofile events, to be announced widely, including on H-Net and other
international sites, interspersed with several smaller-scale events
more for internal consumption. A possible theme could be ‘imperial
networks’. If you have any suggestions, please pass them on.
b. Events carried over, and to be included in the 2013-14 planning:
i. Companies-related event, possibly featuring Gaastra (CN)
ii. Travel-literature event, with Deirdre Coleman as IAS fellow
(HH and BE)
iii. Empire loyalists-related conference (DB and DA)
6. GHCC Fund second round for 12-13
a. AG reminded colleagues of the upcoming deadline of 1 February 2013
7. Grants and Funding
a. AG and GR will work with Amy Evans to keep a log of all past, current
and future grant applications. We will contact all members of the
Centre for information on this, including failed applications. We aim
to create an overview of our application patterns. We will ask Liese
Perrin for advice on how to proceed, but please continue to keep us
posted on your past, present and future/planned applications.
b. DA generously offered to advise junior and middle-ranking colleagues
on grant application, and to join research teams or steering
c. AG reminded colleagues that for the future of the Centre, it is
extremely important that we secure external funding where possible.
8. AGM.
a. AG reminded colleagues of the lecture by David Arnold on 23 May
2013, to follow our AGM.
b. We will create an invitation for the event for colleagues to invite
interested parties, also beyond the University.
9. Longer term events. A number of conferences are coming up, where our
presence and participation is important. We discussed (and encouraged!)
possible participation in these:
a. Economic History Society. 2013 meeting in York in April; at the
University of Warwick 28-30 March 2014. Deadline in late August
b. ENIUGH (European Network in Universal and Global History), Paris,
11-14 September 2014. Call for panels will open soon, deadline 31
March 2013.
c. Social Science History congress, Vienna April 2014.
d. WEHC (World Economic History Congress). Theme: ‘Diversity in
Development’, 3-7 August, 2015, Kyoto.
e. International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Rotterdam 2015.
10. AOB
a. BE suggested we advertise our events more widely.
b. DA suggested we create a page for on the Centre that lists all the UG,
MA and PhD theses supervised by members of the Centre.