Journal of the t Academy of M Marketing g Science e Call forr Papers for f a Spe ecial Issue on Se ervice Ma arketing S Strategy Edite ed by Micha ael Brady, Todd T Arnold d, and Robe ert Palmatie er Both marrketing practtice and rese earch have changed c dra amatically ovver the past few decade es. The large e shift of GD DP from prod ducts to serv vice offeringss in many ecconomies offfers significa ant challenge es and oppo ortunities for marketing strategists. s W With this spe ecial issue off the Journal of the Acad demy of Mark keting Scien nce, we aim to link the pa ast to the futture by both looking bacck to what has s been done and looking g forward to what w will be done in serv rvice marketiing research h and practice. Specifically, we encourage submiss sions of statte-of-the art research artticles providing clear insiights into ho ow changing environmen nts have and d will be impa acting marke eting firms’ service marketing m po olicies and sttrategies. We W leave the domain of sservice markketing broad to include organizationa o al frontline management m t in service, sales or reta ailing, whole esale, franch hise, distributio on, supply chain, busine ess-to-consu umer, and bu usiness-to-business con ntexts. Areass of investiga ation may inc clude (but arre not limited d to): Whatt is and will be b the impac ct of customer relationsh hips on the e effectivenesss of service marketing policie es? Whatt is and will be b the impac ct of online channels c on service marrketing? Whatt is and will be b the impac ct of new tec chnologies o on service m marketing? Whatt is and will be b the impac ct of globaliz zation on serrvice marketting policies? ? Whatt is and will be b the impac ct of new competitive strructures on sservice markketing? How does service e marketing fit in the ma arketing mix decisions off entreprene eurial and sta artup firrms? Whatt is the role of o brands forr service ma arketing strattegies? Whatt is the impact of social media m on se ervice marke eting? How does multi-c channel usag ge impact re elationship sservice strate egies and ou utcomes? n the “emerg ging” multichannel How do customers make serrvice buying decisions in enviro onment? How does disinte ermediation impact service marketin ng? With this special issu ue, we aim to o attract pap pers by leadiing research hers from Eu urope, USA, and Australas sia working on o service marketing m strrategies and d policies. W We will publish research u using any applicable metho odologies, in ncluding emp pirical analyssis, behavio oral theory de evelopment and testing, meta-analysi m is, or concep ptual papers s that provide e insight into o the topic area. In additio on to the JAM MS special issue, there also will be a small confference on the same top pic in e limited size of the venue, June 201 16, in Paris, France, hos sted by HEC (dates TBD D). Due to the the confe erence is by invitation on nly, and interested resea archers shou uld submit proposals or abstracts s to the JAMS Editorial Office O (jamse ) no later tha an March 1, 2016 (propo osals will be ac ccepted on an a ongoing basis). b Atten nding the con nference and d/or submitting a manusscript to JAMS for publicatiion considerration are ind dependent a activities; autthors are we elcome to engage in one or botth of these activities. a Papers ta argeting the special issu ue should be e submitted tthrough the JAMS subm mission syste em ( ms) and will undergo the e same rigorrous review process as rregularly submitted d papers. Su ubmissions for f the special issue beg gin Februaryy 1, 2016, wiith the final deadline for submiss sions being July J 1, 2016. Questions pertaining to o the specia al issue shou uld be submitted d to the JAM MS Editorial Office. ditorial Office JAMS Ed Robert Palmatier, P Ed ditor Anne Hoekman, Man naging Edito or Email: jamsed@uw.e edu