The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Cl HO Me H The tetracycline family of antibiotics D. W. Lin NMe2 H H NMe2 NMe2 HO Me OH H H OH O HO OH O O OH H O HO OH O O Cl HO OH H H O HO OH O OH OH OH tetracycline (achromycin) 1953 O HO OH O O H OH O HO Me OH O HO OH OH O rolitetracycline (reverin) 1958 O N OH O HO O limecycline (tetralysal) 1961 NMe2 O H H O O NMe2 OH O NH2 O OH O HO OH O O minocycline (minocin) 1972 H NMe2 H OH O H N H N OH HO NH2 N H OH O HO OH O O t-butylglycylamidominocycline (tigilcycline) 1993 (Phase III clinical trials in progress) OH H N O OH NMe2 Semisynthetic derivatives on the market OH OH OH methacycline (rondomycin) 1965 O demethylchlortetracycline (declomycin) 1957 NMe2 HO Me OH H H OH NMe2 H Me Me NMe2 HO Me OH H H O NH2 doxycycline (vibramycin) 1967 NH2 O OH NH2 NMe2 NH2 OH HO Me oxytetracycline (terramycin) 1949 NMe2 O OH clomocycline (megaclor) 1963 NH2 chlortetracycline (aureomycin) 1948 HO Me H OH OH NH2 OH NMe2 H H N The natural products Cl HO Me H OH H OH Cl HO Me 8 HN 4 H2N CO2H 9 7 D 10 OH I. Chopra, M. Roberts. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2001, 65, 232. 6 OH 5a C 11 O 5 NMe2 4a 4 3 OH A 2 B 12 12a HO 1 O O NH2 Notation 1 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin NMe2 HO Me OH H H Discovery and The Dawn of Semisynthetic Antibiotics OH NH2 Cl HO Me H H OH NMe2 O HO OH O O terramycin OH NH2 OH O HO OH O O aureomycin Bayer Pharmaceuticals Benjamin Duggar University of Missouri The first tetracycline antibiotic discovered, aureomycin was isolated in 1948 from a Missouri soil sample by Lederle Laboratories. The Lederle team was led by Benjamin Duggar - a consultant who was a 73-year-old emeritus professor of botany who had recently retired from the University of Missouri! As Jie Jack Li cracks, "Your greatest discovery could happen in your retirement." The Nobel Prize Committee R. B. Woodward About the same time as the Lederle discovery of aureomycin, Pfizer was scouring the globe for new antibiotics. Soil samples were collected from jungles, deserts, mountaintops, and oceans. But ultimately terramycin was isolated in 1949... from a soil sample collected on the grounds of a factory in Terre Haute, Indiana, owned by Pfizer! From the beginning, terramycin was a molecule enveloped in controversy. It was the subject of the first mass-marketing campaign by a modern pharmaceutical company. Pfizer advertised the drug heavily in medical journals, eventually spending twice as much on marketing as it did to discover and develop terramycin. Still, it turned Pfizer - then a small company - into a pharmaceutical giant. About Lederle Labs: Lederle Labs was founded in 1902 in an old farmhouse on the Pearl River in New York. Aureomycin was one of many lifesaving products developed by Lederle, including vaccines for polio and smallpox. It is now a part of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Ebay Pfizer and R.B. Woodward collaborated to determine the structure of terramycin, succeeding for the most part in 1952 (JACS 1953, 75, 5455). The stereochemistry at C4a was revised after X-ray crystallography and NMR studies in the 1960's (JACS 1965, 87, 134; JACS 1963, 85, 851). Ad for aureomycin as additive in cattle feed J. J. Li. "A History of Drugs and Their Discoverers." Pfizer Intranet Magazine. March-April 2004. 2 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin Now, Back to Actual Science Big Pharma Behaving Badly: In 1955, Conover discovered that hydrogenolysis of aureomycin gives a deschloro product that is just as active as the original product. This proved for the first time that chemicallymodified antibiotics could have biological activity. Within a few years, a number of semisynthetic tetracyclines had entered the market, and now most antibiotic discoveries are of novel active derivatives of older compounds. Biosynthesis and Biological Activity: Tetracyclines are polyketide antibiotics, biosynthesized in a fashion similar to that of fatty acids, erythromycin and a host of other antibiotics. Tetracyclines are produced naturally by Streptomyces aureofaciens (T. Nakano, et al. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 2004, 68, 1345.). Tetracyclines bind to the bacterial ribosome, preventing the binding of aminoacyltRNA to the ribosomal A site. This prevents bacterial protein translation (I. Chopra, M. Roberts. Microbiol. Mol Biol. Rev. 2001, 65, 232.). Conover's discovery, however, provoked further controversy for tetracycline. Pfizer became embroiled in a patent dispute with American Cyanamid, which owned the rights to aureomycin (the starting material for Conover's procedure to make tetracycline). Pfizer and American Cyanamid eventually settled the dispute out of court when they realized that neither company held truly exclusive rights to the drug, and agreed to cooperate on selling the drug in order to drive off competitors trying to enter the tetracycline market. At one point, Pfizer employed a private decective to tap the phones of Bristol-Meyers, a competitor seeking to enter the tetracycline market! Bristol-Meyers agreed to overlook this brazen act in exchange for a share of the tetracycline market. Eventually five companies colluded in order to maintain artificially high prices for tetracycline. However, the Federal Trade Commission stepped in after several years, finding Pfizer and company guilty of patent fraud and anti-trust violations, and broke up the monopoly. The Challenge to Synthetic Chemists: Muxfeldt and colleagues outline the basic obstacles to achieving a total synthesis of any of the natural tetracyclines: Stereochemical Complexity. There are up to five contiguous asymmetric centers (terramycin) which must be established. Lloyd Conover Pfizer Chemical Sensitivity. For the 6-methyl-6-hydroxy tetracyclines, mild acid rapidly catalyzes dehydration, ketalization and a retro-aldol to produce the lactone below. Mildly basic conditions results in deprotonation of the C5 and C6 hydroxyls, initiating a cascade of events which leads to decomposition of the molecule. Finally, the C4 stereocenter is readily epimerized upon exposure to acetic acid or aqueous buffers. NMe2 HO Me OH H H Legal issues aside, for this discovery Lloyd Conover is now in the American Inventors' Hall of Fame, alongside Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers. OH O NMe2 H HO Me H OH O HO OH O O HO OH O OH O HO Conover, L.H. 1955. U.S. Patent No. 2,699,054. OH O OH O OH NH2 OH O O base NMe2 HO Me OH H H OH O OH O O OH NH2 MeOH/ dioxane NMe2 O NMe2 H2, Pd/C NH2 OH H acid acid M. Mintz. "Golden Ox of Antitrust." The Nation 14 April 1969, Vol. 208, Issue 15. pp. 467-468. H H NH2 U.S. Federal Trade Commission, "Anticipating the 21st Century: Competition Policy in the New High-Tech, Global Marketplace". Cl HO Me H Me OH NH2 OH O HO OH O COOH HO COOH Me O H. Muxfeldt, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1979, 101, 689. 3 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Woodward's First Total Synthesis of a Biologically-Active Tetracycline, 6Demethyl-6-deoxytetracycline. L.H. Conover, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1962, 84, 3222. (Initial communication) R.B. Woodward. Pure Appl. Chem. 1963, 6, 561. (A personal account) J.J. Korst, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1968, 90, 439. (Full article) (i) O O OMe NaH DMF CO2Me (ii) NaH DMF 55% O CO2Me OMe OMe CO2Me OMe OMe (i) H2, 200 psi Pd/C AcOH, 30 oC O OMe Cl Triton-B dioxane-MeOH 50-70 oC 88% CO2Me MeO OMe O H2SO4 MeOH/CHCl3 reflux 66% OMe O Chlorination blocks the para position, forcing condensation onto the more hindered ortho position. OMe O OMe O MeOH is essential to suppressing the kinetically favorable intramolecular condensation and permitting the intermolecular condensation with the oxalate prior to formation of the desired tricycle. In the absence of MeOH, Woodward observed formation of the intramolecular product first, followed by condensation onto the oxalate to form the five-membered ring shown: OH Cl CO2Me OH O OMe OH O Cl AcOH/HCl H2 O 90 oC 73% OH OMe O CO2Me OH intermolecular condensation outcompetes intramolecular! OH O OMe O (i) NHMe2, -10 oC; (ii) NaBH4, -70 oC O OMe O OH CO2nBu H CO2nBu Cl Cl CO2H CO2Me then NaH (4 eq.), then MeOH (1 eq.), rt --> 80 oC 45% CO2Me (ii) I2, AcOH; then Cl2 in AcOH (iii) HF, neat 63% over 3 steps OMe (2 eq.) CO2Me OMe (i) NaOH H2 O 100 oC O Cl Cl Cl CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me O OMe O (i) AcOH/ H2SO4 (ii) H2SO4 MeOH/CHCl3 44% CO2Me (ii) H2SO4 MeOH/CHCl3 93% O OMe O Cl OMe O D. W. Lin OH Cl H Mg(OMe)2 toluene reflux 52% H NMe2 CO2nBu 69% OH OMe O OH The thermodynamically more favorable diastereomer is formed exclusively in this step, with the carboxyamino substituent assuming an equatorial position and thus establishing the cis relationship of the bridgehead hydrogens. Ketone reduction is also stereoselective. 4 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Cl H H NMe2 Cl CO2nBu Cl H H H NMe2 (i) (ii) OH O Mg(OEt) H DMF/MeOH 120 oC 15 min OMe OH H H OMe O NMe2 OH EtO2C OH NH t Bu No acylation of the enols by the chloroformate was observed. NMe2 O O OMe O H H OH NMe2 OH EtO O O NtBu Observe the classic Woodward master stroke. Despite the presence of four O enolates, we observe only one of two plausible intramolecular condensation CONHtBu events. The other event is impossible since the enolate double bond cannot rotate to bring the amide into position for cyclization. NMe2 O 48% HBr CONH2 OH OH OH OH OH OH 15% bsm from A; 30% of A recovered H O2 CeCl3 O O NHtBu A OMe OH H EtO NaH OH DMF-MeOH glycine-NaOH buffer, pH = 10 15 min Cl H 20 min H2, Pd/C Et3N 91% O O O CONHtBu OH CO2H OMe O OMe O CO2H OMe O H O NMe2 H H H NMe2 O toluene reflux 90% OH Zn dust formic acid 1 min 81% H TsOH OH OMe O H NMe2 D. W. Lin OH O H OH OH NMe2 OH CONH2 O Mixture of epimers at C4 This was a difficult step to optimize - Woodward himself noted dryly that "the case at hand was by no means the smoothest we had encountered." Competitive hydroxylation at C11a was also observed, as well as rapid decomposition of the product under prolonged reaction conditions, forcing Woodward and colleagues to halt the reaction prematurely. CaCl2 BuOH-H2O, pH = 8.5 ethanolamine buffer reflux, 10 min 6% over 2 steps, 10% recovered SM Thermodynamic equilibration to the desired epimer. 6 H OH O H OH OH NMe2 OH CONH2 O 6-desmethyl-6-deoxytetracycline This was the first total synthesis of a tetracycline with all the requisite functionality for full antibiotic activity. Note, however, that this is not the total synthesis of a tetracycline natural product. Substituents at the C6 position are missing. 5 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin Shemyakin: The First Total Synthesis of a Tetracycline Natural Product OH OH LiAl(OtBu)3H 86% 64% OH OAc O OH Me BnBr OH O OBn MeMgBr 6 eq BnO OH H H OBn KOH/MeOH OH H OH BnO OH OAc BnO OH Me OBn OH O (i) 0.1 N KOH, THF-H2O O (ii) O N O Me OEt H NPhth N OEt CO2Et (ii) MeI, Ag2O H H NH2 H CO2Et O (i) OH Zn CO2Et dust AcOH O OBn 85% H O NO2 O OAc Me CO2Et OH EtOH OAc H NO2 H OEt HCl 74% K2CO3 54% OAc H O O H H H BF3.OEt2 O OBn Me O + O 2N HO Me H Et3NH+ THF Note that the Lieb. Ann. reference cites a number of obscure Russian journals. The JOC reference, however, illustrates Shemyakin's approach to the tricyclic precursor produced below. O O HO Me H A.I. Gurevich, et al. Tet. Lett. 1967, 8, 132. M.N. Kolosov, S.A. Popravko, M.M. Shemyakin. Lieb. Ann. 1963, 668, 86. B.-M.G. Gaveby, J.C. Huffmann, P. Magus. J. Org. Chem. 1982, 47, 3779. O OMe O PCl5 in DMF, then OH Me H CO2H HO Me H O NPhth EtO O Me NH2 H NPhth Mg(OEt) Jones reagent EtO2C OBn 60% OBn O OH OMe O OH OBn CONH2 OMe O Notice Shemyakin adopting the Woodward approach to ring A. 6 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin HO2C Me H NPhth Na+ S CONH2 EtO2C OBn O OH Me H HN OH DMSO OMe O CONH2 OBn Me H OH (ii) MeI in THF OH O OH This intercepts a degradation product which had previously been elaborated into tetracycline. Me OH O2 over Pt CONH2 OH H O OH OH NMe2 (i) HBr-AcOH OH OMe O Et3N THF rt, 8 hr A.I. Gurevich, M.G. Karapetyan, M.N. Kolosov. Khim. Prirodn. Soedin., Akad. Nauk Uz.SSR 1966, 141. (i) O2, hν 3,4-benzopyrene (cat.) benzene NMe2 OH (ii) H2, Pd/C CONH2 Mechanism? Answer on Slide 16. O M. Schach von Wittenau. J. Org. Chem. 1964, 29, 2746. HO Me H OH O H OH OH NMe2 OH CONH2 O tetracycline 7 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin Ph Muxfeldt's Total Synthesis of 6-Desmethyl-6-deoxytetracycline Cl N Ph Cl O H. Muxfeldt, W. Rogalski. J.Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87, 933. (Communication) H. Muxfeldt, E. Jacobs, K. Uhlig. Chem. Ber. 1962, 95, 2901. (Prep of precursors) HCl O Cl Cl Br CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me NaOMe MeOH MeO2C CO2Me CO2Me OMe OMe Cl Cl CO2H CO2H OMe MeO 85% over three steps OMe O O Cl CO2Me MeO O O LiAlH4 benzene-Et2O 0 oC 94% OH MeO O CHO C6H5 CN Li(EtO) AlH 3 N MeO O O benzene-Et2O 0 oC O MeO 64% O O O taut. O CONHtBu O Ph Cl O N O O O CONHtBu MeO2C MeO O O CONHtBu MeO2C MeO O O O N O Ph O N H N MeO2C MeO O Cl Cl Ph Cl Cl Ph NaH (2 eq.) THF-Et2O 35 oC, 24 hr (ii) NaCN NaI (cat.) DMF-H2O 92% O O O NHtBu (i) MsCl pyridine 97% CO2H Pb(OAc)4 (cat.) Ac2O O Cl HN O Ph O taut. CONHtBu MeO2C MeO O O MeO MeO2C Cl Cl THF O O (i) H2SO4 MeOH CO2H 95% (ii) ethylene glycol TsOH, benzene 91% H3PO4 80 oC quant. (i) NaOH (ii) pyrolysis, 160 oC N CONHtBu MeO2C MeO O O Now the stage is set for the second cyclization in this magnificent transformation. Only one equivalent of NaH used so far! 8 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin O Cl HN Ph Cl O MeO O MeO O Cl MeO NaH CONHtBu MeO2C MeO O O O O H. Muxfeldt, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1968, 90, 6534. H. Muxfeldt, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1979, 101, 689. CONHtBu Terramycin is a much more difficult target than the prototypical tetracyclines discussed previously - Woodward and Muxfeldt avoided many of the problems outlined earlier with by targeting a structure without the troublesome C5 and C6 substituents, while Shemyakin targeted a tetracycline which did not have the C6 hydroxyl. Here Muxfeldt and colleagues (including a young Edwin Vedejs!) tackle those problems head-on! Sadly, this is reported in a posthumous communication from the Muxfeldt laboratories. O Cl NHBz O Muxfeldt's Last Hurrah: Total Synthesis of Terramycin NHBz NHBz O OH CONHtBu CONHtBu MeO O O OH O 82% from the starting aldehyde isolated as mixture of epimers at C4 Muxfeldt thus effects the construction of the A and B rings in a single step! The only problem, unfortunately, is the failure to control C4 stereochemistry. Cl NH2 OH (i) Me3OBF4 (ii) HBr/AcOH, 100 oC CONH2 OH O OH OH H2, Pd/C, H2CO Me Et3N, MeOH O OH OH O HO NMe2 NMe2 O H OH O (i) deprotects the benzoyl amide; (ii) deprotects the remaining functional groups. OH (i) Ac2O, H2SO4 0 oC 83% (ii) 1-acetoxybutadiene benzene, reflux 60% O OH OH CONH2 CONH2 OH O OH OH O H Me Me O (i) acetone, CuSO4 84% (ii) Ac2O, NaOAc 95% AcO Here they intercept an intermediate from the Woodward synthesis. They also report hydroxylation with O2 over platinum (Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. Eng. 1962, 1, 157). O AcO O H (ii) NaOH 84% H Me Me H O Me H KClO3 OsO4 (cat.) 50 oC O 89% AcO O H Me O H (i) MeMgI, -65 oC 82% OAc Me OH O 6-Demethyl-6-deoxytetracycline O Pb(OAc)4 40 oC Me O OH AcO O Me H H O O O Mixture of cis-diols 9 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Me Me AcO O Me O O xylenes reflux 52% over two steps O H Me DBU-AcOH, piperidine (cat.) O H O Me Me Me H O CHO H O AcO O Me O O H (i) O3 -50 oC (i) Me H MeO H N Me O O silica gel, deactivated N Me O MOMO O S Ph Me N O Me H Ph O S O MOMO O B C NH2 O H Ph O N S O O O MeO Me H O MOMO NH2 Me O S Me H O H HN MOMO O Me Ph OH O H O THF, reflux 2h O Me O OH O S Me H O H HN CONH2 MeO2C MOMO O Ph OH + CONH2 27% N Pb2(OH)(OAc)3 77% O BuLi (1.0 eq), -78 oC, then Me Me The thermodynamically more favorable epimer is obtained exclusively. Me O Me Me O NH2 MeO Coupling of B and C: CHO 70-80% MOMO O MeO O 91% Me O NH2 (ii) NaH, then MOMCl 90% Me H O MeOH 33% OMe conc. HCl Mixture of C5 epimers Me NH3 O O 85% HO O CHCl3 60% CHO O O (ii) H2O 68% CHO H O Preparation of C: Me Me 2:1 CH2Cl2 : 0.5 N NaCO3 in H2O CHO AcO Me D. W. Lin O Mixture of diastereomers at C4, C4a Once again, Muxfeldt employs his beautiful method for forming the A and B rings in a single step. And once again, there is little stereocontrol - all four possible epimers at C4 and C4a are formed in solution. Fortunately, the desired diastereomer readily crystallizes. The reason for employing the thiazolanone rather than the oxazolanone employed before will become clear shortly... 10 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Me Me MOMO O O S Me H H O H HN Me 9:1 AcOH : H2 O Ph OH reflux, 6 min 90% CONH2 OH Me O HO O O S Me H H O H HN S Ph OH O No epimerization at C4 observed! S Me (i) P(OEt)3, NaH, O2 DMF-THF-H2O 15 min HO OH OH HN H H O OH OH Ph OH CONH2 O 12% desired C12a hydroxylated product + (ii) 0.01 N HCl in MeOH rt, 1.5 h Me Me HO O O S Me H OH O H HN OH H OH HN H HO O OH OH (i) MeI in THF (ii) 0.17 N HCl OH in THF-H2O, 1.5 h Ph Me OH H OH CONH2 O HO O OH H OH NH3 Cl OH CONH2 O While the oxazolone substrate could also be carried to this step, the resulting benzoyl amide could not be deprotected at this stage, nor could any other amide devised, without decomposition. By contrast, deprotection conditions for the thioamide proved to be sufficiently gentle. Me Me2SO4 (i-Pr)2NEt 23% from thioamide HO OH O H OH OH NMe2 H OH OH CONH2 O terramycin Ph OH CONH2 OH Me CONH2 OH D. W. Lin 47% C11a hydroxylated byproduct O This concludes an elegant synthesis which assembles the A and B rings in a single step. Unfortunately, Muxfeldt and colleagues never satisfactorily address the issues of controlling the C4 and C4a stereocenters, nor do they improve upon Woodward's solution to the C12a hydroxylation problem. + 14% recovered SM (i) hydroxylates the molecule; (ii) cleaves the acetonide. Unfortunately, hydroxylation occurs principally at C11a. In a fortunate accident, however, it turned out that the acetonide could not be cleaved unless the C12a hydroxyl was present. Thus separation of the desired deprotected product from the undesired major product was quite facile by polyamide chromatography. 11 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Stork: Controlling the C4, C4a Stereocenters O G. Stork, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 5304. Here Gilbert Stork and colleagues take a completely different approach in order to achieve stereocontrol at the C4 and C4a centers. O O O OH Me OH O O OH n-Bu3SnH, AIBN Me Me SH BF3.OEt2 0 oC, 15 min 88% OH O Me O O OAllyl S S OH O OH S O N , then O Me NaHMDS, then the above tricycle O O O HO S OH Me2N O , then O the dithiane 92% Stork postulates a ketene intermediate formed from the mixed anhydride. O Me O Transketalization, followed by hydrolysis to aldehyde. OH O Me 4a O 5a H MeO2C O NMe2 H O Pd(PPh3)4 N 95% from the tricycle OBn O NMe2 Me Bu3SnOCH3 O H H OH NMe2 O O MeO2C MeO C 2 OTMS OTMS H 5a 60 oC 97% Mild reagent for OBn lactone cleavage TMSCN KCN 18-crown-6 OH N Me OAllyl CHO (ii) 5% aq. HCl quant. 5a 4a O OH O O Here Stork exploits the stereochemistry of the tricycle to direct conjugate addition to the more accessible face. Observe that the C5a and C4a stereocenters are now set. TFA anhydride, then (i) PhI(OTFA)2, MeOH 92% O OAllyl MeO2C OH O HS OH O OBn MeO2C ∆ 90% O O Me mol. sieves benzene 0 oC --> rt 2.5 h 97% O O OEt Br N,N-dimethylaniline, ∆ 98% OAllyl OAllyl 45% overall yield from start of the synthetic sequence! OEt OEt Br piperidine (11 eq) AcOH (40 eq) CHO OH This sets the C6 stereocenter. Now watch Stork use this stereocenter to bootstrap his way through the molecule... Br O O (ii) ∆ 100% 100% OH O O OH Me (i) MeMgBr 78% Me D. W. Lin N OBn O H NMe2 4a MeO2C MeO C 2 O N OBn This protects the C6 and C10 hydroxyls, and sets the stage for the remaining cyclization steps. 12 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Me H H KH (25 eq) NMe2 O O N MeO2C MeO C 2 OTMS OTMS Me O H BnO H Me H H NMe2 O -78 --> 0 oC, 3 h, then 0 --> 50 oC, 30 min O N MeO2C OTMS OTMS NMe2 Me OH H O H BnO NMe2 N N MeO O O O A Note on C12a Hydroxylation: This intercepts an intermediate which has been hydroxylated at the C12a position according to literature reports, completing in principle the formal synthesis of tetracycline. However, Stork and colleagues were unable to successfully apply any of the C12a hydroxylation methods previously reported. The presence of the C4 dimethylamino substituent seems to interfere with the hydroxylation. Clearly a satisfactory solution to the C12a hydroxylation problem is still needed... O O O D. W. Lin BnO OH O OH OH BnO 59% The protecting group scheme permits formation of the A ring first, followed by in situ deprotection and cyclization of the B ring to complete the basic tetracycline framework. Previous studies had indicated that failure to protect the C11 ketone resulted in formation of a BCD tricycle for which conditions to complete A ring cyclization could not be found. H2 Pd black Me OH H H NMe2 OH 94% CONH2 OH O OH OH 12a-deoxytetracycline 13 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin Tatsuta: Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Natural (-)-Tetracycline OBn K. Tatsuta, et al. Chem. Lett. 2000, 647. Here Tatsuta and colleagues not only produce an asymmetric total synthesis, but they also take a very different approach to the synthetic problem, constructing the A and B rings first and exploiting the carbohydrate chiral pool for starting materials. And as a bonus, they solve the C12a hydroxylation problem as well! (i) DMSO DCC, Py-TFA 97% OTBS O HO BnO CbzHN OMe (ii) Ph3PCH3Br BuLi/THF, -78 oC --> rt 91% O CbzHN H 2C Se O BnO CbzHN CH2 O BnO CbzHN OMe (ii) HgCl2 THF-H2O 67% (i) MsCl, Et3N 0 oC, 15 min 82% O OH CbzHN NHCbz t Bu Bu CHO BnO CbzHN OH (ii) DBU, -30 oC quant. In addition to eliminating to the enone, (ii) also epimerizes to the thermodynamic diastereomer. OH H O OBn 170 oC 72% Me Me H SeCN (i) BnBr BaO/Ba(OH)2 84% HO BnO BnO t O NHCbz OMe O Me OH H OBn OH OBn Me H NHCbz OBn OMe OH O OH TMSCHN2 i-Pr2NEt H NHCbz OBn O LDA, -40 oC, 15 min 80% OMe BnO CH2 OH BnO NO2 OMe OBn OTMS PBu3 (cat.) 90% NO2 BH3.THF, 0 --> 45 oC; then H2O2, NaOH/THF 69% (ii) BnO CrO3, H2SO4 0 oC, 10 min 85% NHCbz H (i) HCl-MeOH 93% OTBS H 2C O OMe OH O (i) BBr3 -78 oC 15 min OH OBn Me (ii) H2, Pd/C Boc2O, Et3N 92% over OBn two steps H OMe OH Me H O SOCl2 Et3N -30 oC 10 min 90% NHBoc OH OH OH NHBoc OH 72% OMe OH O OMe OH Attempts to directly oxidize this 1,3-diol to the 1,3-dicarbonyl failed, requiring the following detour of sequential alcohol oxidations. 14 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Me OMe OH NHBoc H OH Me Br2 (Bu3Sn)2O O NHBoc H OH O OH Br mol. sieves -78 oC, 15 min OMe OH 85% OMe OH D. W. Lin O N N N N O O OMe N H H Me H Dess-Martin periodinane Zn, AcOH 2 min O Me Br 15 min 91% Me H O H NHBoc O OMe OH Me Dess-Martin periodindane 15 min 62% over two steps H OMe OH NHBoc O O TsN Ph OH OH O CN O O OMe OH O OMe Me H NHBoc Ph Et3N -78 oC, 30 min 60% O OMe OH O OH O Here Tatsuta et al. employ DMDO to achieve the desired hydroxylation. They also achieve enantioselectivity by exploiting the chiral boron catalyst which Corey developed for enantioselective aldols and Diels-Alder reactions. Note the fantastic yield! (ii) H 0 --> rt 88% (i) H2NOH.HCl Et3N, 30 min OH Me OOH H Me (ii) H2CO, HCOOH 80 oC, 1 h 80% BBr3 OH NTs (i) H3PO4 100 oC,45 min 68% Me OH Cl B NH2 H O O OMe OMe OH OMe OH NHBoc OH O OH OMe OH H O OH NMe2 OH CONH2 O NMe2 OH CONH2 O O2, hν ν meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (cat.) 10 min 75% NMe2 OH O N N N N 80%over 2 steps Mechanism? OH O O OH CONH2 O Here Tatstuta et al apply a protocol developed by Wassermann, Lu and Scott for hydroxylating anhydrotetracyclines. Provide a mechanism for this reaction, and rationalize the stereospecific nature of this reaction. H. Wassermann, T.-J. Lu, A.I. Scott. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 4237. 15 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab O H O O H H H O H O H Myers' Rapid Asymmetric Access to Analogs of Tetracycline H H H NMe2 O H OH O O O O H O H H OH OOH O H O OH NMe2 OH H2/Pt Me OH H H O N H NMe2 OH H A. eutrophus B9 12a CO2H 75%, >95% ee This bacterial-catalyzed reaction can be run on a 90 g scale! OH O OH OH OH O CO2Me OH O TBSO O 73% OBn N BnO TBSO OH O NMe2 H O B TBSO OBn OTBS O Me N N O O Li Me OH NMe2 N O 2. TFA, CH2Cl2 60% CO2H NMe2 OTBS 1. LiOTf, toluene, 60 oC O 83% Notice how Myers begins with installation of the troublesome C12a hydroxyl group, and then proceeds to build the molecule around it! (-)-tetracycline There are many elegant features to this synthesis. Tatsuta and colleagues mimic Stork's Diels-Alder approach to establishing stereochemistry, but employ it to define the troublesome C4a stereocenter immediately. They construct the central tetracycline scaffolding in just three steps from simple precursors. And they solve the C12a hydroxylation problem with a very mild oxidant in the presence of a chiral catalyst, and introduce the C6 hydroxyl stereospecifically at a very late stage of the synthesis. mCPBA EtOAc THF, -78 oC 70% CONH2 CO2H OH 1. TMSCHN2 2. TBSOTf, Et3N TBSO CONH2 62% O In an extraordinary report, Myers and colleagues present a highly efficient and enantioselective method for accessing the tetracyclines. NMe2 O H OH O N H M.G. Charest, C.D. Lerner, J.D. Brubaker, D.R. Siegel, A.G. Myers. Science 2005, 308, 395. H Wassermann, Lu and Scott invoke a formal ene reaction. The orbital alignment requirements dictate that only the axial hydrogen can participate in the reaction, inducing hydroperoxidation on the upper face of the molecule and thus ensuring the proper stereochemistry at C6. Me D. W. Lin HO TBSO A OH O N OBn 21% over 7 steps Here Myers closes the ring and sets the C4 amine stereochemistry. Myers compares this key ring-closing step to a Sommelet-Hauser rearrangement, where the amine initially undergoes an intramolecular SN-prime epoxide ring opening, followed by ylide formation and finally a [2,3] sigmatropic rearrangement. TFA selectively deprotects the allylic alcohol. Notice the remarkable yield so far! 16 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Now Myers takes his key intermediate A and converts it into two fragments: B, which will go on to form C6-deoxy analogs of tetracycline, and C, which will go on to form analogs with the normal C6-oxygenation. N OH TBSO NMe2 O then O2 S OBn O A O NH2 TBSO OH H OBn O 74% NO2 1. HCl, MeOH 2. IBX, DMSO 3. TBSOTf, 2,6-lutidine O N N H O OTBS OBn With these fragments in hand, Myers now can install the C and D rings, and he proceeds to do so in a fashion that allows for analogs of tetracycline with deepseated structural modifications to the D ring. O Me NMe2 O N 66% O C NMe2 H PPh3, DEAD; O HO H N NMe2 H BnO2CO D. W. Lin B CO2Ph OBn O BocO Me LDA, TMEDA, THF, -78 oC; H H O N HO TBSO OH OH N PhS TBSO OH O OBn A Me Me 1. N Cl OH H NMe2 O S O O2 2. P(OMe)3, MeOH 70 oC 76% N TBSO OH O OBn 1. BnO2CCl, DMAP 2. TBAF, HOAc 3. IBX, DMSO 4. TBSOTf, Et3N OH H 1. HF, MeCN 2. H2, Pd, THF/MeOH OH OBn O OTBS H NMe2 OH NH2 90% OH Cl O Me O 87% OBn O O NMe2 H 1. CBr4, PPh3 2. PhSH, Et3N H OBn NMe2 N then C, -78 oC -> 0 oC 79% OTBS NMe2 O O OH OH O O (-)-doxycycline 18 steps, 8.3% 85% 17 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab D. W. Lin With this strategy, Myers and colleagues are able to synthesize a number of remarkable analogs of tetracycline: Me Me H H B NMe2 OH NH2 CO2Ph OBoc OH O OH OH O O (-)-6-deoxytetracycline Me Me N B B N O OH H H O OH O O NMe2 OH OH O O NMe2 H H B OH NH2 CO2Ph O CH2Br OH NH2 CO2Ph CH2Br OH NH2 O Me NMe2 HN CO2Ph OBn N H H OH OH O H H B O NMe2 OH NH2 CO2Ph OMe OMe O OH OH O O 18 The Tetracyclines Baran Lab Addendum: Tetracycline Tidbits D.H.R. Barton spent over a decade tinkering with tetracycline, but never completed a total synthesis of the molecule. Over the course of this work, however, he discovered some interesting chemistry (naturally). Barton and colleagues (including a young Steven Ley!) also discovered the utility of phenylseleninic anhydride for the deprotection of dithianes. This led to their applying this reagent in a variety of transformations: O Photocyclizations of acetals onto enones: Me hν ν H O H ArCO2H O AcO H O O O Ph Ph PhSe R' O O O R O SePh Me R Me R' H O Ph O O O H AcO H D.H.R. Barton, D.J. Lester, S.V. Ley. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1980, 2209. In his book Reason and Imagination, Barton concludes his chapter on the tetracyclines with the following perspective on the role of academic research in synthetic chemistry today: OH O O Me O O O D. W. Lin O Ph "Just as the studies on the bitter principles [a class of natural products] convinced me that X-ray crystallography was a superior procedure for structure determination, the major effort on tetracycline synthesis convinced me that this sort of work should be left to Industrial friends who have the money and the resources to finish any multi-step synthesis, if it is economically justified. So it is the originality in the reactions and the reagents and any new principles that finally justify academic effort in synthesis. We are far away from the Woodwardian dogma of completely planned synthesis." D.H.R. Barton, et al. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1976, 503. 19