WORKING P A P E R Targeting Cash Transfer Programs for an Older Population EMMA AGUILA, ARIE KAPTEYN AND CAROLINE CAROLINE TASSOT WR-950 June 2012 This paper series made possible by the NIA funded RAND Center for the Study of Aging (P30AG012815) and the NICHD funded RAND Population Research Center (R24HD050906). This product is part of the RAND Labor and Population working paper series. RAND working papers are intended to share researchers’ latest findings and to solicit informal peer review. They have been approved for circulation by RAND Labor and Population but have not been formally edited or peer reviewed. Unless otherwise indicated, working papers can be quoted and cited without permission of the author, provided the source is clearly referred to as a working paper. RAND’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. is a registered trademark. Targeting Cash Transfer Programs for an Older Population Emma Aguila, Arie Kapteyn, Caroline Tassot • RAND Γ June 2012 Abstract Targeting based on individuals or households needs instead of applying universal programs helps distribute scarce resources to those who need it most, avoiding “leakage” of the poverty budget to non-poor households. In this paper, we explore the use of different household and individual characteristics for targeting needy households. We estimate a Heckman selection model to explain household income and use the estimated model to simulate the effects of different means testing schemes. Our analysis focuses on the evaluation of cash transfer programs for older populations. Using data from the Survey of Household Socioeconomic Characteristics in the State of Yucatan, Mexico, we evaluate the feasibility and target efficiency of different possible means-tested programs. Our analysis shows that a means-tested “flat rate” option would be more effective in alleviating poverty than the less costly option of a sliding scale. The tradeoff between raising welfare for the poor, thereby prioritizing low under coverage rates; and allocating limited resources, thus prioritizing low overall costs of a program, remains however a political challenge for all administrations designing poverty alleviation programs. JEL classification: I32, I38, J14 Keywords: Targeting, Cash Transfer Programs, Elderly • We acknowledge the support from the State of Yucatan, Mexico; the RAND Corporation; the National Institute on Aging (NIA) under grants R01AG035008, P01AG022481, and R21AG033312 and the RAND Center for the Study of Aging (with grant P30AG012815 from NIA). We would like to thank Norely Martinez for her excellent research assistance and Joanna Carroll, Sandy Chien, Uriel Ezequiel Palma, and José Eduardo del Torno for helping process and clean the data. We would like to thank Alejandra Michaels Obregon and Claudia Diaz for their advice. Γ RAND Corporation, 1776 Main Street, Santa Monica, California, 90407, US. Tel: +310 393 04 11. 1 1. Introduction Poverty alleviation programs generally face the challenge of targeting the population that is in most economic need. Raising the incomes of this segment of the population can have a positive effect on the overall welfare of society (Coady et al., 2004). However, there are tradeoffs in assisting the poor, since other segments of society must pay for this assistance as well as for program administration costs through taxes. Targeting groups based on their level of need instead of applying universal programs serves to distribute scarce resources to those who need it most, thereby avoiding “leakage” of the poverty budget to non-poor households. Targeting could help allocate resources better thereby increasing the level of benefits transferred by a program or lowering expenses for governments (Coady et al., 2004, Skoufias and Coady, 2007). In this paper we analyze different mechanisms for targeting a cash transfer program to an older population. Specifically, we explore alternatives of targeting mechanisms for the noncontributory social security program of the government of the State of Yucatan, Mexico. The non-contributory social security program is a monthly cash transfer for persons 70 years old or older of 550 pesos or US$78 in PPP. In many countries, particularly high-income ones, reported income is often used to identify those qualifying as poor; individuals or households under a certain income threshold are given forms of state-sponsored assistance to raise their consumption level and utility. This targeting method has a number of potential problems, including potentially high administrative costs, error in identifying beneficiaries, incentive effects, and fairness issues (Besley and Kanbur, 1990). A particularly challenging aspect of targeting is the potential for error in identifying beneficiaries. Material wealth such as income, savings, and assets is considered the first best option for targeting but the difficulty in observing and correctly measuring these indicators in developing countries can diminish their efficacy in targeting the poor (De Wachter and Galiani, 2006, Ravallion and Chao, 1989). Income is difficult to assess and track in countries that do not have well-developed tax registries, that have large informal labor markets, or where the definition of a household is an issue (Besley and Kanbur, 1990, De Wachter and Galiani, 2006). Moreover, income can be considered an imperfect indicator of welfare in developing countries, as it is unlikely to reflect the imputed value of self-produced goods and transfers as well as selfoccupied housing. Finally, volatility due to seasonality (particularly for agricultural workers) and informal work can highly distort measurements of income (Narayan, 2005). A second-best option in identifying the poor is to use more easily observable characteristics of a household. Akerlof (1978) was one of the first to introduce this idea of targeting using observable characteristics, referred to in his terminology as “tagging”. Observable characteristics, or proxies, are used as instruments correlated with welfare levels to predict household income and determine individual or household eligibility. The underlying principle behind this methodology is that household income might be easier to predict based on 2 household characteristics rather than through self-reports. Typical proxies include household demographics, housing conditions (e.g. material used to construct the roof or floor), and ownership of durable assets. Information about these proxies can be gathered by program staff during household surveys, thereby avoiding issues with misreporting income when determining eligibility (Narayan, 2005). There is a growing amount of evidence on the evaluation of targeting mechanisms throughout the world. Overall, the success of proxy means testing depends on the ability to pick observable variables that are highly correlated with household income and to reliably gather the necessary information (Coady et al., 2004). Studies focusing on proxy means testing in Cote d’Ivoire (Glewwe, 1989) and Sri Lanka (Narayan, 2005) show that regression predictions based on different combinations of observable variables can significantly improve targeting. Evidence presented by Grosh and Baker (1995) regarding Jamaica, Bolivia and Peru shows that household characteristics are reasonable predictors of income for assessing eligibility for social programs. Though the models evaluated suffered from significant errors of under-coverage, they reduced leakages by a magnitude large enough to yield on net a better impact on poverty with imperfect targeting than with none. A study led by Coady, Grosh and Hoddinott (2004) reviewed 122 antipoverty programs in 48 countries. Their analysis of efficiency in targeting the poor shows that wealthier countries, where governments are likely to be held accountable and have higher implementation capabilities, provide a better environment for targeting programs. Furthermore, the authors concluded that targeting works better in countries where inequality is more pronounced, that is, where different standards of living are presumably easier to distinguish. Another option to categorize the poor is geographic targeting. Low-income neighborhoods can be identified and used as an eligibility criterion for their population to universally benefit from a program in their area (Besley and Kanbur, 1990). In countries with substantial disparities in the living conditions between geographical areas, low-income areas are easier to identify than individual incomes. Furthermore, administrative costs may be lower, making geographic targeting a less costly option. If geographic divisions are sufficiently correlated with income, geographic targeting can be effective, particularly when applied in small areas, for example across neighborhoods (Bigman and Srinivasan, 2002). Moreover, in order to design an effective targeting mechanism, one must consider the feasibility of the different methods and the costs involved in applying them. The literature identifies three types of costs as possible barriers to a successful targeting procedure. These are monitoring costs, participation costs for potential beneficiaries, and political costs. First, administrative costs may be high, as frequent monitoring of households and administrative training of auditors are required to ensure a successful means testing process (Besley and Kanbur, 1990). Grosh and Baker (1995) show that collecting information during household visits can be expensive, although this provides the advantage of verifying individuals’ reports. It may be more efficient to allow social workers to determine eligibility and enroll individuals in a program during an interview at a central office. The required information for means testing often 3 involves frequent updating. If criteria for the means test are not updated frequently, ideally, on an annual basis, targeting is likely to fail to take into account households who recently slid into or came out of poverty (Glewwe, 1992). Consequently, the costs of collecting information should be weighed against the likelihood of misreporting when deciding what data collection method to use or how to combine data from both office and household interviews. Second, due to imperfect information, certain individuals might refuse to participate in extensive interviews and detailed assessment of their assets because of the cost involved in obtaining the benefit. These individual costs can be non-monetary, such as the time spent filing the necessary documents or obtaining required certifications (such as identity cards or proof of residency). Moreover, these individual costs could include social stigma attached to participating in a poverty alleviation program (Besley and Kanbur, 1990, Coady et al., 2004). Social stigma tied to participation in programs specifically aimed at the poor can lead to a low take-up, thus negating the purpose of the program (Besley and Kanbur, 1990). Finally, the political cost of targeting poverty alleviation programs implies that excluding the middle and higher income brackets from transfer programs may undermine broad-based support and make targeting programs vulnerable if voter support determines budget allocation. However, if a targeting program proves to be efficient and thus minimizes tax outlays, political support might increase, as even non-beneficiaries may support it based on their indirect benefit from reduced poverty, including a feeling of social justice and increased political stability (Coady et al., 2004). In this study, we exploit a comprehensive survey called ENCAHEY (Encuesta de Características Socioeconómicas del Hogar en el Estado de Yucatán- Survey of Household Socioeconomic Characteristics in the State of Yucatan) broadly similar to the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). This survey includes detailed information on income, wealth, pensions, assets, and individual and household characteristics. We use different demographic, socioeconomic, and household characteristics to predict income, and thereafter compare the predicted with the self-reported income. We simulate different means testing mechanisms, their impact on poverty alleviation, and costs. We describe the sample design in detail in section three. The paper is organized as follows. Section two describes a simple targeting model. Section three describes the sample we used in the analysis. Section four presents the empirical model to predict income as well as a comparison of predicted and self-reported income distributions. Section five presents simulations of different means testing schemes and discusses their implications for poverty alleviation and costs. Finally, Section six presents brief final remarks. 2. A Simple Targeting Model In 2005, 58 percent of the labor force in Mexico was in the informal sector (Perry, 2007). Moreover, informal mechanisms such as family transfers or work at advanced ages provide most 4 of the income of older people in Mexico (Aguila et al., 2011). Therefore, reported income may not the most reliable source of information for targeting. Tagging and geographic targeting could be suitable in this case. In this study we explore the tagging approach to predict income (Akerlof, 1978). 1 Consider the following simple model: 𝑦 = 𝑥′𝛽 + 𝜖 (1) where y is some measure of economic well-being (which we will take to be household income) and x is a vector of observables. Let there be some cut-off point y0 such that a household is only eligible if y ≤ y0 . As noted earlier, it may be easier to observe the vector x than income y . So we would not observe y , but only some estimate x ' β (where x is observed in our data and β is estimated). In addition to the fact that x is easier to observe than income, we may also choose x such that it is less amenable to incentive effects. 2 This would mitigate the labor supply disincentives that tend to be present in targeted poverty alleviation programs. 3 The estimation of a model like (1) also yields an estimate of the variance of ε . We can then calculate the probability that y ≤ y0 for each household for which we observe x . Under the assumption that y is not observable for all members of the population, or at least too costly to make it an eligibility criterion for the administrators of the program, the rule y ≤ y0 cannot be applied. An obvious alternative is a rule that defines a household as eligible when x ' β ≤ z0 . We can then calculate Pr[ y ≤ y0 | x ' β ≤ z0 ] . This then also gives us the probability that a potentially eligible household does not get the pension and vice versa. In other words, we can control the size of type I and type II errors. Clearly, a more sophisticated scheme uses a sliding scale where the level of the pension is a function of x ' β and z0 . An example of such a scheme would be the following. Let’s normalize x ' β so that a higher value means more resources. In that case one could determine a pension P as follows: z − x'β P = max{min{550,550 0 }, 0} . Recall that the flat rate current pension benefit is $550. If z0 we take z0 = 550 then the formula for the pension simplifies to P max{min{z0 , z0 − x ' β }, 0} . = The approach suggested in this study is similar to Glewwe’s solution of the targeting problem (1992); a similar approach was taken by De Wachter and Galiani (2006). Glewwe (1992) considers an explicit welfare maximization (poverty minimization) problem based on a 1 We also tested geographic targeting and the results of that analysis will be presented in another research paper. Observability of x mitigates but will probably not eliminate misreporting issues. Using data from Oportunidades, Martinelli and Parker (2009) find that underreporting of goods and desirable home characteristics is widespread, while overreporting is common for goods linked to social status. Validation and verification should therefore be part of the design of a means testing program. 3 One may ask how important labor supply effects are in this age group and even argue that a major purpose of the non-contributory pension is to reduce the need to keep working in old age. 2 5 parameterization of the poverty index. In estimating the parameter vector β , he chooses the value of β that minimizes the poverty index. Rather than following that approach we will consider somewhat simpler approaches as sketched above and investigate sensitivities to functional specification and estimates of type I and type II errors. 4 3. Data from an Experimental Non-contributory Pension Program The social security program being implemented in the State of Yucatan is called Reconocer Urbano, a non-contributory, universal pension program for individuals 70 and older. Reconocer Urbano is being implemented in 11 municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. The roll-out of the pension program is done in stages. The first phase began in 2008 in the eastern region of the state, where the cities of Valladolid (a town with 45,868 inhabitants according to the 2005 Census) and Motul (population 21,508 according to the 2005 Census) were selected after identifying eligible cities with similar characteristics. Valladolid was randomly chosen as treatment and Motul as control group. To be able to evaluate the effect of the introduction of a non-contributory pension program, baseline data were collected in Valladolid between August and September 2008. Moreover, the same data were also collected (between October and November 2008) among individuals 70 and over in the town of Motul, which serves as a control town. First follow up interviews in both treatment and control towns were conducted approximately six months after the treatment group received the intervention (the first pension payment). Although the current pension is universal (a fixed amount of $550 pesos per month for every eligible individual, about US$78 in PPP), the long-term viability of the pension program may require a concentration of the benefits on the most needy households. In the empirical work below we use the data from the baseline surveys in Valladolid and Motul to investigate the feasibility of a targeting scheme. The non-contributory pension program was announced a month after the baseline survey was collected to avoid announcement effects of the program in the data. Both baseline and follow up surveys collect self-reported data on health, depression, chronic conditions, activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), physical functioning, anthropometric measurements, a number of biomarkers, individual and household characteristics, as well as income and wealth measures. The survey instrument largely overlaps with the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) and the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Where appropriate, respondents are asked for continuous 4 A Type I error refers to a “false negative”, or error of exclusion, occurring when a person whose “true” welfare level is below the threshold but whose predicted welfare is above the threshold will be incorrectly categorized as ineligible for a poverty alleviation program. It thus represents “under-coverage” of the program. A Type II error refers to a “false positive”, or error of inclusion, occurring when an individual’s “true” welfare level is above the threshold but whose predicted welfare is below this threshold will be incorrectly identified as eligible for enrollment, thus representing a “leakage” of the program (Grosh and Baker, 1995). 6 answers (e.g., when asked for monetary quantities). If the respondent is unable to answer, unfolding brackets are used to reduce the number of missing responses. This mimics the current practice in the HRS. To build the sampling frame for the study, a complete listing of all households in the two towns was done to identify households with at least one age-eligible individual. Next, all households with an age-eligible household member were recruited into the sample. The baseline survey in Valladolid comprised 1,403 interviews representing an 88.9 percent response rate and a refusal rate of 1.9 percent. The remainder consisted of deceased or non-contact. In Motul the baseline survey comprised 1,204 interviews representing a 86.6 percent response rate and a 3.5 percent refusal rate. The remainder consisted of deceased or non-contacts. Table 1 shows descriptive statistics of the sample. The first column describes the characteristics of the total sample and the second and third columns show frequencies for households that report income and those that do not report any income. The fourth column shows the difference between households that report income and those that do not report income in order to understand the differences between these samples. Income is defined as the sum of all wages, income from businesses or farms, rental income, capital assets income, as well as all transfers -monetary and in-kind -, from relatives and friends, and from governmental institutions. In our analysis, we model income exclusive of government monetary transfers. Transfers resulting from the program Oportunidades, Programa de Atención a los Adultos Mayores, Programa 70 y más, and Procampo are not considered when predicting income. 7 Table 1: Descriptive Characteristics of the Sample Total Sample (a) Households reporting positive income (b) Households reporting no income (c) Difference (c)-(b) Demographics Male (%) 54.6 59.1 44.4 -14.7 *** Married (%) 39.9 44.1 30.5 -13.6 *** No schooling (%) 31.9 30.4 35.4 5.0 ** Incomplete primary (%) 55.4 55.4 55.3 -0.1 Primary or more (%) 12.7 14.2 9.3 -4.9 *** Age 70-79 (%) 63.3 66.5 56.3 -10.2 *** Age 80-89 (%) 30.1 28.2 34.5 6.4 *** Age 90-99 (%) 6.2 4.9 9.2 4.2 *** Age 100-110 (%) 0.3 0.5 0.0 -0.5 2nd respondent 70-79 (%) 21.4 23.7 16.2 -7.5 *** 2nd respondent is 80 or more (%) 19.1 17.4 23.0 5.5 *** Can read and write Spanish (%) 64.6 65.9 61.5 -4.4 * Number members in the household 2.4 2.3 2.6 0.2 ** Household with 1 member (%) 59.5 58.9 60.8 1.9 Household with 2 members (%) 37.2 38.0 35.6 -2.4 Household with 3 members (%) 3.2 3.1 3.5 0.4 Household with 4 members (%) 0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.1 Household with 5 members (%) 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 Receives pension (%) 23.6 31.6 5.7 -25.9 *** No health insurance (%) 29.0 24.2 39.7 15.5 *** Works for pay (%) 19.7 27.1 3.1 -24.0 *** Assets (%) Owns home 83.4 83.1 83.9 0.8 Own other real estate than home 2.5 3.3 0.7 0.8 Owns business or farm 3.1 3.3 2.8 -0.5 Owns animals 32.6 34.6 28.2 -6.5 *** Owns vehicle 29.3 35.2 15.9 -19.3 *** Receive money transfers 25.2 35.5 2.1 -33.4 *** Receive in-kind transfers 13.6 18.0 3.8 -14.2 *** Give money transfers 2.7 3.4 1.2 -2.1 *** Give in-kind transfers 1.6 2.1 0.4 -1.7 *** Amount money received ($) 180.1 260.1 0.0 -260.1 *** In-kind value received ($) 45.7 66.0 0.0 -66.0 *** Amount money given ($) 50.4 69.2 8.0 -61.1 In-kind value given ($) 3.8 5.4 0.2 -5.2 Receive food from government 3.0 2.8 3.5 0.6 Receive food from private org. 1.5 1.9 0.5 -1.4 ** Receive food from neighbor 22.5 22.4 22.8 0.4 Receive food for free 12.2 12.7 10.9 -1.9 Receive food transfers 32.9 33.2 32.5 -0.7 Monthly Income in pesos Including government transfers 1221.4 1764.1 0.0 -1764.1 *** Without government transfers 1105.1 1596.2 0.0 -1596.2 *** Dwelling characteristics No toilet (%) 23.5 25.1 19.9 -5.2 ** No sewage (%) 20.8 22.1 18.0 -4.1 ** No water in dwelling (%) 47.3 48.3 45.1 -3.2 Dirt floor (%) 5.1 5.4 4.5 -0.9 Sleep in kitchen (%) 15.4 15.3 15.5 0.2 Number of rooms 263.8 261.3 269.3 7.9 Number of observations 1,882 1,303 579 Notes: The classification of households with positive income and zero income is based on total income including government transfers. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Source: ENCAHEY Baseline Valladolid and Motul, 2008. 8 In our sample, which includes individuals 70 years old or older, 30 percent of the older persons report zero total income. MHAS, which surveys persons 50 years old and older at the national level, found that in 2003, 13.8 percent of the respondents reported no individual income (Wong and Espinosa, 2004). There are two potential reasons for individuals not to report income in MHAS. First, a respondent may live with other family members and does not have any income. Second, a respondent may refuse or does not know their income. In table 1, we observe that women, less-educated and non-married individuals are disproportionately represented in the group of households reporting no income. The very old, for instance between ages 80 to 99, are also overrepresented in this group. Moreover, a smaller proportion of persons with zero income report having access to health care insurance or owning a business or a farm compared with those individuals that report a positive income. Finally, we also observe that households not reporting any income tend to be larger, with on average 2.6 household members, which could indicate potential misreporting or confusion for respondents when reporting income. It is worth mentioning that a higher proportion of persons with income report owning animals or a vehicle than those with zero income. Furthermore, a lower proportion of persons with no income report no toilet or sewage. The latter may indicate that some elderly in Mexico move to live with their relatives due to a lack of other sources of income. A small proportion, 5.7 percent of households with no income report receiving pensions in comparison to 31.6 percent of households reporting some income. Similarly, about 3 percent of individuals not reporting any income declare to be currently active in the labor force and earning a pay, compared to about a third of those individuals who do report an income. This might indicate the presence of measurement error in income variables due to individuals’ misreporting, refusal or lack of knowledge. We have not yet analyzed the unfolding bracket income responses of the survey, which represent 3.5 percent of the sample of respondents. We will incorporate unfolding bracket income responses in subsequent versions of the paper. 4. Predicted Income as an Indicator for Targeting In practice, targeting in the context of poverty alleviation is based on predictions of the household’s living standard obtained from ordinary least squares regressions on the observed characteristics (Skoufias and Coady, 2007). The observable characteristics need to be chosen carefully, since they should correlate highly with income so that the targeted program will reach the intended group of beneficiaries. While earlier studies limited the choice of variables to two or three (Ravallion and Chao, 1989), a large number of household characteristics have since been used in poverty alleviation programs such as Ficha CAS in Chile. While Ficha CAS started with initially 14 indicator variables related to housing characteristics and location, education and labor activity in 1980, it evolved to a more complex algorithm including questions on income, wealth, and health in 1987 (Grosh, 1995). In general, the variables should be few enough to allow the 9 application of the proxy means test to a large population, while they should be relatively difficult for the household to manipulate for example, through hiding of appliances during household visits (Coady et al., 2004). Once the variables have been chosen, weights associated with each variable in the regression analysis may take into account possible misreporting (Martinelli and Parker, 2009). In this study, we consider a simple model in which we regress the log of household income excluding government transfers on a set of background variables such as education level, marital status, age, and characteristics of the dwelling. Household income encompasses various components, such as wages, business or farm income, asset income, rental income, pensions, as well as transfers of money and in-kind from children, relatives, neighbors and friends. As noted, in the definition of income we do not include monetary transfers from programs such as Oportunidades, the “70 and more” (70 y mas) program or Procampo, or institutional in-kind transfers. Institutions providing in-kind transfers include charitable or social welfare groups supplying food or clothing for example. Though our sample comprises 1,882 respondents, only 1,303 observations (69 percent) have non-zero or non-missing values for household income. Assuming that all households must have positive consumption, one possible interpretation is that these households receive transfers in kind. We can consider the zero-value data on income as de facto missing values (of in-kind income) - one third of the sample’s income values are therefore missing values. The predicted income resulting from a simple regression on a number of observable covariates would be useful if the missing income data for one third of the sample were missing at random. We can however reasonably question this assumption, implying that there is self-selection into the reporting of zero income, thus violating the assumption missing information is random. In order to deal with the missing information, we use a Heckman selection model (Heckman, 1979). We assume that income is a function of a set of respondent and housing characteristics, whereas the likelihood of not having zero or missing values, i.e. the selection into the observed observations, is generated by a second equation. Formally, I∗ = X′ β + ϵ Pr[I = 1|X] = Pr[𝐼 ∗ > 0|𝑋] (2) (3) Where ε is a standard normally distributed error term and I is a dummy, indicating positive income ( I = 1 ) or zero or missing income ( I = 0 ). The latent income process is 𝑦 ∗ = 𝑍𝛾 + 𝑢 10 (4) For the errors we assume 1 𝜖 0 � � ~𝑁 �� � , � 𝑢 𝜎𝜖𝑢 0 𝜎𝜖𝑢 �� 𝜎𝑢2 (5) The conditional expectation of income, given that it is observed is: 𝐸(𝑦|𝑋, 𝐼 = 1) = 𝑍 ′ 𝛾 + 𝐸(𝑢|𝑋, 𝐼 = 1) = 𝑍 ′ 𝛾 + 𝜌𝜎𝑢 𝜆(𝑋 ′ 𝛽) (6) Here ρ is the correlation between the error terms u and ε and λ is the Mills ratio. ρσ u is the coefficient of the Mills ratio. Once the model has been estimated, it can be used to simulate income distributions. An unconditional prediction of income is: 𝐸(𝑦|𝑋, 𝑍) = 𝑍 ′ 𝛾 (7) The simplest procedure to simulate incomes is to draw from the joint distribution of the error terms. If I=0 this generates a zero income. If I=1 we calculate y* which is then the simulated observed income. We simulate five values per observation in order to obtain a stable distribution of predictions, using the following definitions of the errors terms: 𝜖 = 𝑒1 𝜎𝜖𝑢 𝜎𝑢 𝑢 = 𝑒1 𝜎𝑢 + 𝑒2 �1 − 2 𝜎𝜖𝑢 𝜎𝑢2 (8) (9) Where 𝑒1 and 𝑒2 are two random variables drawn independently from standard normal distributions. We are aiming at a parsimonious model. If the analyses of the data might suggest that targeting is both feasible and worthwhile from a viewpoint of target efficiency, we will need to keep the number of variables used to predict income and therefore also eligibility, to a minimum. These restrictions should allow us to limit complexity of an income maintenance scheme while maintaining reasonable measurements of income levels. We initially tested the model by including numerous explanatory variables, and thereafter excluding variables based on their contribution to the explanatory power of the model. We further reviewed the literature on existing algorithms for proxy targeting to decide on the final set of explanatory variables. Based on this pretesting, we include the following variables as predictors of household income: marital status, levels of education (the maximum value for each household), age indicators, a literacy indicator, household size, ownership of real estate (respondent’s home, business or farm), ownership of a vehicle (whether bike or car), household characteristics (no 11 toilet, no sewage, no running water, dirt floor, number of rooms, breed animals, respondent sleeping in the kitchen), work status, and finally an indicator of the household’s geographic location, i.e. a dummy which is equal to 1 for the treatment town and 0 for control town. Since income typically has a skewed distribution, the equation for income takes the log of income as a dependent variable. The likelihood of not reporting any income may be related to the informal work status of the respondents. Respondents who do not have health insurance (typically the self-employed or in general, informal workers) would be more likely to have missing values for income. The selection equation thus differs from the income equation by adding an indicator showing whether the respondent has health insurance. 12 Table 2: Income and Selection Equation Results Demographics Marital status (Dummy married=1) Incomplete primary education Complete primary education or more Respondent aged 80-89 Respondent aged 90-99 Respondent aged 100-109 Second adult aged 80+ Can read and write message in Spanish Number of members in household Respondent receives pension Respondent works for pay Respondent without health insurance Asset ownership Home ownership Ownership of real estate other than home Ownership of business/farm Ownership of at least one vehicle Household has some breed animals Dwelling characteristics No toilet in dwelling No available sewage in dwelling No running water inside dwelling Dwelling with dirt floor Log number of rooms Respondent sleep in kitchen Dummy (treatment=1) Income Selection 0.177** (0.0819) 0.236** (0.103) 0.648*** (0.137) -0.0627 (0.105) 0.165 (0.187) -1.340*** (0.510) -0.0660 (0.127) -0.00311 (0.101) -0.0223 (0.0181) 1.215*** (0.165) 0.218 (0.167) 0.103 (0.0798) -0.0116 (0.0954) 0.159 (0.141) 0.0206 (0.0946) -0.115 (0.149) 6.839 (0) -0.121 (0.112) 0.0578 (0.0942) -0.0390** (0.0166) 1.413*** (0.102) 1.611*** (0.120) -0.228*** (0.0750) 0.0599 (0.0941) 0.0328 (0.215) 0.437** (0.201) 0.218*** (0.0837) -0.0250 (0.0757) -0.121 (0.0915) 0.587** (0.261) 0.212 (0.203) 0.188** (0.0881) 0.138* (0.0742) -0.0650 (0.133) -0.356*** (0.134) 0.127 (0.0803) 0.0119 (0.172) 0.221*** (0.0853) -0.133 (0.0997) 0.0586 (0.0765) 0.0848 (0.119) -0.00865 (0.119) -0.0867 (0.0763) -0.140 (0.162) 0.115 (0.0824) 0.0901 (0.0936) 0.130* (0.0724) lambda Mills ratio -0.511** (0.249) Constant 5.852*** (0.279) -0.264* (0.150) Observations 1,879 1,879 1,879 Notes: The dependent variable in the income equation is the log of household income without government transfers; the dependent variable for the selection equation is an income dummy variable indicating whether the respondent reported any income excluding government transfers. Reference category for education is no schooling, for age is age category 70 to 79 years old. Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Source: ENCAHEY Baseline Valladolid and Motul, 2008. 13 Our results, reported in Table 2, indicate a number of expected patterns in the income equation. Being married is related to higher income as are a higher education level and pension receipt. Home ownership or ownership of other real estate or a business does not appear significantly related to the level of income reported. Working for pay is also insignificant, which for this age group may be plausible. The nature of work is often very irregular and leads to little formal income. The dwelling characteristics are mostly not significant either, with the exception of the number of rooms and the presence of sewage. The likelihood of reporting any income is negatively related to the lack of health insurance, as expected. Working for pay, owning real estate other than home, receiving a pension, having breed animals, as well as owning a vehicle increase the likelihood of reporting income. The coefficient of the hazard rate λ suggests indeed that incomes are not missing at random. Figure 1, shows the actual income distribution at the household level, both including and excluding government transfers. As mentioned above, a large fraction of the sample reported no income. These are shown as zeroes in the income distribution. Figure 2 shows the predicted (simulated) distribution. Reported income including government transfers shows a lower proportion of the sample reporting zero or low income than reported income excluding government transfers. However, the distribution of reported income including government transfers is similar to reported income without government transfers for households with an adjusted income above 1,000 pesos. Comparing Figures 1 and 2, one sees that predicted income follows a similar but smoother distribution than reported income. Figure 1: Reported Income Distribution with and without Government Transfers 14 >2000 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-125 Percentage of sample Figure 2: Actual and Predicted Income Distribution Income Categories Reported income excluding gov. transfers Predicted income excluding gov. transfers Notes: Predicted income excludes monetary transfers from government programs and is equivalized by household size using OECD scales. The OECD equivalence scale assigns a value of 1 to the first household member, of 0.7 to each additional adult and of 0.5 to each child. Incomes higher than 2,500 pesos were grouped in the bar on the right. 5. Simulation of Means Testing Mechanisms In this paper, we compare five policy options incorporating varying degrees of targeting. We use OECD equivalence scales throughout our analysis, thereby assigning a value of 1 to the first household member and of 0.7 for each additional adult member of the household (OECD). 5 The first policy option pays out a flat rate that would provide m0 , corresponding to a noncontributory pension of 550 pesos, if the predicted income (see equation (7)) — adjusted for household size — falls below an eligibility cutoff or poverty line, z0 , equal to 550 pesos. The second option represents a sliding scale, whereby the benefit makes up for the shortfall of the predicted income compared to the cut-off point or poverty line, adjusting for household size, with the same eligibility criteria as the first option. We refer to the third option as a demogrant approach or universal coverage, whereby no targeting scheme is applied and all individuals in the sample would receive a cash transfer of 550 5 For more information about the OECD equivalence scale or Oxford scale see 15 pesos. Next, we analyze the option adjusting the demogrant policy option with equivalence scales to account for household size (equivalized demogrant). Finally, we also consider the “best case” scenario in which income is observed, the fifth option is therefore perfect targeting, where transfers are made to provide a pension equal to the shortfall of predicted income – excluding government transfers - compared to the poverty line. The poverty line is set at 550 pesos. In all simulations we use predicted income for targeting and determining eligibility but we show the results of the various post transfer programs using reported income. For observed income we set all missing incomes to zero before adding the income transfer and include government monetary transfers. All targeted programs may have unintended incentive effects on labor supply and on reporting of income or other targeted characteristics because of imperfect information (Besley and Kanbur, 1990). Individuals can have a behavioral response to receiving benefits. For example, people may modify their standards of living in order to become or remain eligible for enrollment in a social program. A common criticism of threshold programs is therefore that they inadvertently create a poverty trap; individuals cannot increase their income or possessions without losing eligibility, which incentivizes them to remain in poverty in order to receive the benefit. Thus, a beneficiary may choose not to work, or may lower the number of hours worked, in order to qualify for a program, thereby creating a labor market distortion (Besley and Kanbur, 1990, Kanbur et al., 1994). There is also evidence that poverty programs can discourage savings, particularly in countries that include savings in their assets test for benefits, such as the United States (Powers, 1998). These distortions can reduce the increase in income following an individual’s enrollment in a poverty alleviation program compared to the case where behavior would not have been affected by eligibility status. However, Glewwe (1992) argues that this phenomenon does not necessarily decrease welfare when welfare is measured in terms of utility rather than income levels. A method that may help to avoid the poverty trap and may seem fairer is that of a sliding scale of eligibility; rather than a strict cutoff threshold, benefits decrease as poverty decreases. The incentive to stay in poverty to receive benefits is lessened and the problem of behavioral response to misaligned incentives for individuals who are close to the cutoff threshold can be mitigated. Though the issue of labor disincentive effects are a problem for developed countries, they might be less important in developing countries, where transfers are low, leading beneficiaries to have more incentives to choose additional earnings over additional leisure when possible. Coady et al. (2004) notice that sliding scale transfers are rare in developing countries. This study analyzes a non-contributory pension program for individuals 70 and older, so that labor supply effects are probably less of a concern and one might even argue that a benefit that allows people to reduce work effort at that age is actually beneficial. Nevertheless, we simulate the effect of both sliding scales and strict cut-off points. 16 Figure 3 shows the simulated income distributions after receiving the non-contributory pension in the five types of targeting policy options. Those income distributions are calculated by adding the transfer under each policy option to the total reported income, including government transfers. To appreciate the effect of the various policies, these distributions should be compared to Figure 1 and Figure 2. Panel (a) of Figure 3 shows the income distribution with the flat rate, sliding scale and perfect targeting programs. The eligibility criterion for the flat rate and the sliding scale is the same, as the simulated incomes are used to determine whether a household falls below the poverty threshold of 550 pesos. The amount however varies gradually for the sliding scale, depending on the poverty gap identified through the simulated income, whereas it is fixed at 550 pesos for the flat rate. The perfect targeting alternative is here shown to offer the counterfactual of eligibility based on respondents’ reports of income, with transfers equal to the poverty gap if the households were below the 550 pesos threshold. We observe that with the flat rate and sliding scale options, about 10 and 24 percent of the households still fell below the poverty line. This is due to errors in our predicted income simulations. Figure 3: Income Distributions after Receiving the Non-contributory Pension 35 25 20 15 10 5 Income Categories Flat Rate Sliding Scale (a) 17 Perfect Targeting >2500 2375-2499 2250-2374 2125-2249 2000-2125 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 0 0-125 Percentage of sample 30 35 Percentage of sample 30 25 20 15 10 5 Demogrant >2500 2375-2499 2250-2374 2125-2249 2000-2125 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 0-125 0 Income Categories Equivalized Demogrant Perfect Targeting (b) Notes: Post-transfer incomes represent the sum of reported income including government transfers and the transfer for each scheme. They are equivalized by household size using OECD scales. Incomes higher than 2,500 pesos are grouped in the right hand bar. Type I (under coverage) and Type II (leakage) errors are calculated by looking at the difference between eligibility based on predicted income and eligibility based on reported income. The undercoverage rate is calculated by dividing the number of Type I errors (i.e., households classified as living above the poverty line but whose true income, excluding government transfers, falls below the poverty line) by the total number of “true” poor household. This measure thus represents the percentage of those whom the program is meant to cover but are not covered using the predicted income measure (Grosh, 1995). For the flat rate and sliding scale schemes, 11.1 percent of households have been incorrectly classified as non-poor based on our model, and thus are not covered by those transfers. About 16.2 percent of transfers are received by households who should not be eligible based on their “true” level of income in the flat rate and sliding scale options, thus representing Type II errors. This rate is calculated by dividing the number of households considered being Type II errors of inclusions divided by the total number of households receiving transfers. 18 Finally, we also observe a spike of about 16 percent of the sample at the cut-off point of 550 pesos with the flat rate and the sliding scale transfers, which corresponds to households having zero income in Figure 2, and correctly predicted to receive a cash transfer. Panel (b) in Figure 3 shows the income distribution following the demogrant, equivalized demogrant, and the perfect targeting policy options. The demogrant option implies universal coverage, therefore no household falls below the cut-off point. Since the equivalized demogrant pays less if there is more than one eligible adult in a household, the post cash transfer income distribution is located somewhat more to the left than with the pure demogrant or universal coverage. For the demogrant and equivalized demogrant approaches, given the universal aspect of those transfers, there is no Type I error, but 39.2 percent of households under the demogrant, and 37.3 percent of households under the equivalized demogrant, are receiving transfers without being poor. 5.1 Costs of Targeting and Poverty Rates In the following section, we analyze the impact of the five targeting mechanisms on population poverty rates and costs of each policy option. Table 3 shows the relative costs and savings obtained through the targeting programs in comparison with the demogrant approach, the most costly policy options. The total cost of perfect targeting, i.e. the poverty gap according to reported income, would be 3,656,168 pesos 6. This is 3,796,332 pesos less than the cost of the demogrant. The least expensive policy option when basing eligibility on predicted income is the sliding scale, but this comes at the cost of leaving many households below the cut-off point as illustrated by Figure 3, due to errors both when determining eligibility and when estimating the gap to the poverty line for each household. The sliding scale is therefore more sensitive to the predicted income measure. Table 3: Costs of Targeting Mechanisms Compared to Demogrant or Universal Coverage of the Cash Transfer Savings compared to Demogrant Costs relative to Demogrant (%) Without transfers Flat rate Sliding Scale Equivalized demogrant Perfect targeting 0 62.4 51.1 90.8 49.1 7,452,500 2,806,705 3,644,157 683,100 3,796,332 6 The cost of each program can be derived from table 3 by subtracting the savings of each program from the savings without transfers 19 5.2 Impact of Targeting on Poverty The poverty gap is the mean, over all households, of the distance (or the gap) between households’ income and the poverty line. In this case, the poverty line is 550 pesos for one individual, and is further increased for each additional individual in the household. It is in other words equal to the total amount of money that would be needed to raise the income of all poor households exactly to the poverty line, divided by the total number of households in society. In our analysis of the impact of each poverty alleviation program, we will focus on the poverty gap index – expressing the poverty gap as a percentage of the poverty line – as well as the squared poverty gap index. Consider the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measure: 𝑞 1 𝑦0 − 𝑦𝑖 𝛼 𝑃𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑦𝛼 = � � � 𝑁 𝑦𝑜 𝑖=1 where N represents the total number of households, yo is the poverty line, and q is the number of poor households. The parameter α is a measure of the sensitivity of the index to poverty, so that α = 0 calculates the poverty headcount index (the number of poor as a proportion of total population size), α = 1 measures the poverty gap index, and α = 2 measures the squared poverty gap index (Foster et al., 1984). The latter, although more difficult to interpret, places the highest weight on the largest poverty gap, thereby allowing comparisons of inequalities in the poverty distribution – for instance showing a difference depending on whether a person close to the poverty line receives a transfer or if the recipient is located far from the line. In Table 4, we show the three poverty measures for each of the five policy options as well as when maintaining the status quo. In the latter case - not implementing any transfers - the poverty headcount is about 60 percent of the sample. The sliding scale is the second worst option in terms of poverty measurements, as about one fourth of the sample would still be living below the poverty threshold, while the poverty gap index would be reduced by about three quarters compared to the status quo. The flat rate scheme allows for a reduction of the poverty headcount to about 11 percent, while also significantly lowering the poverty gap index. As explained earlier, with an unlimited budget, no household is left below the poverty line with universal transfers – i.e. the demogrant approaches – or with the perfectly targeted transfers. 20 Table 4: Impact on Poverty with Selected Targeting Options, unlimited budget Without transfers Flat rate Sliding scale Demogrant Equivalized demogrant Perfect targeting Poverty headcount Poverty gap index 59.5 10.6 24.1 0 0 0 47.0 8.0 12.7 0 0 0 Squared Poverty Gap index 42.0 7.0 9.5 0 0 0 In Table 5, the average income levels for the sample and for the remaining poor households after the transfers, as well as the average poverty gap are reported. We observe here that while the average poverty gap is lowest with the sliding scale, and the mean post transfer income among the poor remains virtually identical for the status quo and the flat rate policy options, one needs to keep in mind the rate of remaining households living in poverty. Table 5: Average Income Before and After Targeting, unlimited budget Mean Mean post-transfer Mean income income among poor poverty gap Without transfers Flat rate Sliding scale Demogrant Equivalized demogrant Perfect targeting 1221.4 1715.1 1626.1 2013.4 1940.8 1609.9 151.3 166.3 344.6 NA NA NA 21 575.2 521.7 366.5 NA NA NA 5.3 Budget constraints In order to further analyze the relation between poverty reduction and budgetary costs, we specify different budget levels and determine the effect of these budgets on the various poverty measures. We will consider fixed budgets between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 pesos in increments of 1,000,000 pesos. When dealing with fixed budgets, we set the pension level for the flat-rate scheme at the level of the total budget divided by the total number of eligible households, adjusting for household size, thereby allowing a pension of 118.4, 591.9, and 1,183.8 pesos for a one person household in 1,000,000, 5,000,000, and 10,000,000 pesos budgets respectively. The sliding scale and perfect targeting schemes are simulated by multiplying the necessary pension that would fill the poverty gap by the fraction of the total poverty gap allowed by the budget. Finally, the demogrant schemes use a similar approach to the flat rate, with the total budget being divided by the total number of households for the equivalized demogrant, and the total number of respondents for the demogrant scheme. The results for the different indexes are presented in Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6. Figure 4: Poverty Indicator- Headcounts 70 50 40 30 20 10 Budget categories Without transfers Demogrant Flat Rate Equivalized Demogrant 22 Sliding scale Perfect targeting 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 0 1,000,000 Percentage of sample 60 First consider the poverty head count in Figure 4 and the poverty gap index in Figure 5. Given that the total poverty gap, i.e. the amount needed to allow perfect targeting, amounts to 3,656,168 pesos, it is not surprising that a successful poverty alleviation policy can be found only at the 4,000,000 pesos budget with perfect targeting. Changes in the budget have modest effects on the results produced by the demogrant approaches until the budget is so high (at 8,000,000) that everyone receives a benefit equal to the poverty line, given the high “leakage” rates of about 40 percent. Although the poverty headcounts under flat rate and sliding scale policies decrease more sharply with increasing budgets, they also suffer from a 16.2 percent leakage rate, and perhaps more importantly, about 11 percent under-coverage of the poor. We note therefore that even with unlimited budget, poverty rates do not fall to zero for the sliding scale and flat rate schemes (see Tables 4 and 5). Figure 5: Poverty Gap Index 70 50 40 30 20 10 Budget categories Without transfers Demogrant Flat Rate Equivalized Demogrant 23 Sliding scale Perfect targeting 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 0 1,000,000 Percentage of sample 60 The flat rate scheme requires a maximum budget of 3,645,795 pesos to cover the households predicted as poor with a transfer of 550 pesos per person, equivalized by the household size. At that level the poverty headcount stagnates at 10 percent, corresponding to the percentage of household incorrectly classified as non-poor, at budgets of 5,000,000 pesos or higher. Turning to the demogrant approaches, both require more than eight million pesos in order to be successful, and will only gradually decrease the number of poor households as the budget increases. Finally, using reported income as the basis of eligibility, perfect targeting would require a budget of 4,000,000 pesos to succeed, but would not decrease poverty headcounts until reaching this budget, though decreasing the poverty gaps. The patterns in Figure 6 are qualitatively similar to Figure 5, but show a steeper slope at lower budget levels, reflecting its higher sensitivity of this index to inequality among the poor. Figure 6: Poverty Gap Index Squared 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Budget categories Without transfers Demogrant Flat Rate Equivalized Demogrant 5.3 Sensitivity of Outcomes to the Poverty Line 24 Sliding scale Perfect targeting 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 0 1,000,000 Percentage of Poverty Line Squared 45 In order to evaluate the sensitivity of our results to the choice of the poverty line, we conduct the initial policy simulations under an “unlimited” budget with the official, national poverty line. This poverty line is calculated by CONEVAL (Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social) based on a basic food basket. In 2008, this basic food basket in rural areas had an estimated value of 706.69 pesos. We however maintain the level of transfers to a maximum of 550 pesos, corresponding to the current experimental non-contributory pension program. Given that more households will be categorized as eligible under this setting, the costs of each program are higher compared to the previous lower poverty line of 550 pesos, as shown in Table 6. Table 6: Costs of Targeting Options Costs relative to demogrant (%) Saving compared to Demogrant Without transfers Flat rate Sliding Scale Equivalized demogrant 0 66.0 54.1 90.8 7,452,500 2,536,600 3,423,377 683,100 Perfect targeting 51.2 3,634,415 Because the non-contributory pension does not match the level of the CONEVAL poverty line, the poverty headcounts, even under demogrant policy options, remain high as shown in Table 7. The reductions in the poverty gap index and squared poverty gap index show however that the severity of poverty is substantially alleviated. The poverty headcount under perfect targeting remains identical to the poverty headcount without any type of transfer due to the fact all households will be identified as poor at the 706.69 pesos line, but will only receive a pension equivalent to max{min �550, 550 ∗ pesos. 706.69−𝑥 ′ 𝛽 706.69 25 � , 0} , which is never more than $550 Table 7: Impact on Poverty with Selected Targeting Options, unlimited budget, CONEVAL poverty line Poverty headcount index 64.3 Poverty gap index 50.2 Squared Poverty Gap index 44.6 Flat rate 45.5 13.9 7.6 Sliding scale 49.6 18.5 10.9 Demogrant 37.2 5.7 1.1 Equivalized Demogrant 41.3 7.9 1.7 Perfect Targeting 55.5 10.0 2.0 Without transfers In Table 8, we observe that both the rate of undercoverage and leakage are lower when using the CONEVAL poverty line than when using the previous poverty line set at 550 pesos. This result is intuitive as the households with an adjusted predicted income between 550 and 706.69 pesos will now qualify as eligible to receive transfers, while previously they were not. Table 8: Targeting Errors and Average Income after Targeting, unlimited budget, CONEVAL poverty line Undercoverage Leakage Mean post transfer rate rate income across poor Without transfers NA NA 10.2 15.4 Demogrant 0 Equivalized demogrant Perfect targeting Flat rate Sliding scale Mean poverty gap 198.4 729.9 656.3 277.7 593.1 340.0 36.1 780.6 121.5 0 33.5 763.1 176.9 0 0 761.5 167.4 Note: NA is not applicable. The simulations of outcomes with a different poverty line allow us to estimate the sensitivity of our results to the eligibility threshold when keeping maximum transfer amounts constant. The undercoverage and leakage rates are not very sensitive to the poverty line chosen, but as may be expected, the poverty headcounts are extremely sensitive to the threshold. For instance, even the universal approaches show high rates of remaining poverty after implementing the transfers. This is primarily due to the high proportion of the sample with zero income, 26 thereby remaining below the poverty line even after receiving the “full” transfers, as those are not covering an amount equal to at least the poverty line. 5.4 Assessing Targeting Performance: Net Cost Even with perfect targeting, it is not a priori clear that this is superior to an equivalized demogrant, despite the prevalence of type II errors, i.e. households with incomes above the poverty line receiving benefits, in the latter policy option. One has to take into account the administrative cost of targeting. By comparing the budgetary cost of a demogrant or universal coverage and the budgetary cost of perfect targeting, one can easily calculate what level of administrative costs would be allowable to make targeting superior to a demogrant, if the sole purpose is to make sure that no households fall below the poverty line. We have seen in Table 3 that the total cost of perfect targeting would be equal to 3,656,168 pesos, while the equivalized demogrant would cost 6,769,400 pesos. Thus total administrative costs equal to 3,113,232 pesos per year, or 259,436 pesos per month would make perfect targeting equally expensive as an equivalized demogrant. In other words only when administrative costs of targeting are roughly equal to the costs of the benefits, will an equivalized demogrant be more efficient than perfect targeting. We can apply the same logic to transfers based on predicted income. We show in Table 3 that a sliding scale would be the least costly option in terms of transfers, but would also be the least effective policy in terms of poverty alleviation. Figures 4 and 5 show that the Poverty Gap Index and Poverty Gap Index Squared for the sliding scale transfers would be higher at any budget than with the flat rate transfers. Both types of transfer schemes show targeting errors in their coverage, with an undercoverage rate of 11.1 percent and a leakage rate at about 16.2 percent. Comparing the sliding scale to the equivalized demogrant approach, we conclude that administrative costs of targeting of up to 246,754.8 7 pesos per month would make the sliding scale more cost-effective than the universal equivalized transfers. 6. Panel data analysis Finally, in this section, we analyze the income distributions following the intervention described above, namely, the distribution of a universal pension of $550 pesos per month for every individual aged 70 and older in the city of Valladolid. Figure 7 shows the distribution of household income including government transfers in Valladolid (a) and Motul (b) as reported in the baseline and follow-up surveys. The follow-up survey was conducted six months after the implementation of the non-contributory pension program in Valladolid. 7 Corresponding to the difference between the cost of the equivalized demogrant (6,769,400) and the cost of the sliding scale (3,808,343), divided by 12. 27 >2000 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-125 Percentage of sample Figure 7: Reported household income, equivalized by household size in baseline and followup Income categories Baseline Follow-up (a) Valladolid Percentage of sample 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2000-2125 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 0-125 0 Income categories Baseline Follow-up (b) Motul We observe a major shift in the distribution of income in Valladolid: while about 43 percent of household reported zero income in the baseline survey, only 5 percent did so in the follow-up. The distribution has shifted instead to the poverty threshold at 550 pesos. This indicates high 28 quality of the data, as they reflect the transfers implemented during the intervention in the treatment group in Valladolid. We also observe a decrease on the order of 10 percentage points in Motul for the percentage of the sample reporting zero income, while the rest of the distribution remains quite stable. We confirm this analysis by looking at the distribution of income excluding government transfers in both cities as reported in the baseline and follow-up surveys. Given the nature of the intervention - the pension being a government program - the newly distributed pensions are not reflected in the distribution of income excluding government transfers in Valladolid. Figure 8 shows in fact an increase in the proportion of the sample reporting zero income in Valladolid in the follow-up survey. One possible explanation for this increase would be a crowding out of sources of income other than government transfers, such as family transfers or earnings, following the distribution of the universal pensions in Valladolid. Figure 8: Reported household income excluding government transfers, equivalized by household size in baseline and follow-up 70 50 40 30 20 10 (a) Valladolid 29 >2000 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 Income categories Baseline Follow-up 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 0 0-125 Percentage of sample 60 45 Percentage of sample 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 >2000 1875-1999 1750-1874 1625-1749 1500-1624 1375-1499 Income categories Baseline Follow-up 1250-1374 1125-1249 1000-1125 875-999 750-874 625-749 500-624 375-499 250-374 125-249 0-125 0 (b) Motul Table 9 provides an overview of the changes of all poverty indicators used in previous parts of our analysis. The drop in poverty headcounts in Valladolid can be seen in the first column, with headcounts dropping from 66.6 percent of the population in Valladolid to 13.6 percent in the follow-up. As expected, the poverty gap index and poverty gap index squared also drop significantly in Valladolid. The poverty indicators should be zero in the follow-up survey with a 100 percent take-up rate of the program given that it was available for all individuals age 70 or older in Valladolid. However, not all the persons age 70 or older requested the cash transfer. The positive poverty rates estimates in the follow-up could be due to measurement error or a take-up rate below 100 percent. These estimates may indicate that some low-income individuals did not claim the non-contributory pension in Valladolid. Table 9: Poverty indicators in baseline and follow-up by city Poverty headcount Poverty Gap Index Poverty Gap Index Squared Reported income Reported income excluding government transfers Valladolid Motul Valladolid Motul Valladolid Baseline 66.6 50.3 52.9 39.3 47.6 Follow-up 13.6 41.7 8.2 29.2 6.4 Motul 34.9 25.9 Baseline 69.1 54.5 58.3 47.4 53.9 44.1 Follow-up 70.2 52.8 61.7 45.4 58.2 42.6 30 In Motul, we also observe a decline in the poverty indicators but much less than in Valladolid. The decline in Motul could be explained by the introduction of a cash transfer program from the federal government around the time of the follow-up survey. Thirty percent of individuals age 70 or older in Motul report in the follow-up survey receiving the federal government cash transfer program. In subsequent versions of the paper we will obtain the administrative records of the non-contributory pension program in Valladolid and the cash transfer program of the federal government in Motul to analyze the changes in poverty rates in Motul and the characteristics of the individuals that did not claim the non-contributory pension in Valladolid. 7. Conclusions and Policy Recommendations In this paper we present an analysis of the cost and impact on poverty alleviation of various cash-transfer policies. We estimate a Heckman selection model to predict income, using demographic characteristics, asset ownership and dwelling characteristics as explanatory variables. Comparing the household eligibility for these programs based on observed versus predicted income enables us to evaluate the targeting accuracy of our model. The use of observable characteristics in targeting is not without its own set of challenges. One issue tied to observable characteristics is the likelihood of false reporting when eligibility is determined through an individual’s report of possessions; depending on the item in question and the individual, there may be incentives to underreport or over-report. On the one hand, underreporting causes those who would be above the eligibility threshold to wrongly qualify for benefits; usually referred to as a Type II error. This phenomenon can occur if underreporting is not made costly by program requirements and if individuals can increase their probability of obtaining benefits by understating their material possessions and quality of housing or misreporting their location of residence. This type of behavior could be somewhat reduced by keeping information regarding eligibility criteria secret (Glewwe, 1992). On the other hand, over-reporting may cause the truly poor to be classified as above the threshold, a Type I error. This can be the consequence of individuals’ responses to stigma, leading to a bias towards over-reporting due to embarrassment or fear of being considered poor by neighbors and family members. Under- and over-reporting behaviors have been found to be strongly linked to the type of material good. Goods with “status value” that cause embarrassment or social stigma for the individuals who do not own them are likely to be over-reported by individuals. For most assets however, underreporting is more likely. The eligibility index for Oportunidades, for instance, placed different weights on typically underreported goods (such as washing machines or cars) and on over-reported goods (e.g. toilets or running water) to attempt 31 correcting for the bias from under- and over-reporting (Martinelli and Parker, 2009). 8 In this case as mentioned previously the data was collected one month before the non-contributory pension program was announced. We believe therefore that anticipatory effects of the program were negligible, but the issue of misreporting should be considered when the government would implement a means testing policy based on tagging, requiring regular updates of the information and list of beneficiaries. We find an undercoverage rate of about 11.1 percent, and leakage rates varying between 16 percent for the flat rate and sliding scale, and about 40 percent for the demogrant approaches, our model is more accurate than other simulations in the literature in determining household eligibility to receive transfers. See for instance Grosh and Baker (1995) for an analysis of proxymeans testing program simulations in Jamaica, Peru and Bolivia, as well as Narayan and Yoshida (2005) for an analysis in Sri Lanka. We have also evaluated the sensitivity of our model, using a different threshold –the CONEVAL poverty line - and using fixed budgets. Our analysis shows that at a cost similar to that of perfect targeting, the flat rate option would be more effective in alleviating poverty than the sliding scale. The sliding scale however remains the least costly policy option. Overall, comparing leakage and undercoverage of each policy option remains a difficult task. The tradeoff between raising welfare for the poor, thereby prioritizing low undercoverage rates; and saving limited resources, thus prioritizing low overall costs of a program, remains a political challenge for all administrations designing poverty alleviation programs. Finally we analyzed the actual distribution of income following the distribution of a universal pension to all individuals aged 70 and older in the city of Valladolid. We found that the poverty headcount rate was 66.6 percent according to data from the baseline survey before the implementation of non-contributory pension program, while the poverty rate declined to 13.6 percent according to data from the follow-up survey, conducted 6 months after the implementation of the program. We still observe positive poverty rates after the universal introduction of the program in Valladolid, which could be due to measurement error or a take-up rate below a 100 percent. This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing an analysis of the impact and costs of various means-tested and universal cash transfers on poverty alleviation of the elderly population. The well-being of increasingly aging populations represents an important challenge for policy-makers, in particular in developing countries. Future research is needed to determine 8 Oportunidades is a conditional cash transfer program launched in Mexico in 2002. 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