FrRST TRIAL I \Qll-\QS;2. AND uJJDA~"D ( '01'2. UA"£S) OR.a=.RS" 1977·'9rr ((I I.J;I/VE.S) . rU2J1911l ~~ kEY. ROY JONES, ET At, THE CITY OF W81OCl, ET At. ORDER Of. THE coon ONTHIS,the~7~ebnu.ry'11I79,," . .eontObehend defendants' Notion (or btenllonofTi.. to file post-trial brief in this cause. The Court hav1n, ,"onlidenlli the.t10n findl anddete,..1neJ that Idd_tioRlhould in all thin,lbe,ranted. IT IS THEREfORE OROEIWl, ADJUDGED, AJ/D DECRfED that the ti_ (or fiUIl, de(endaAu' pon·triaJ brief 1h.&11 be c.h.a.n,ed fro- FebJ\l&ry 26, 11l7t,tOMardl7'J979.ANtIITISSOORO~ SIGHED AMD EHI'UfJ) tldl~ day o( Febnlary, 11179. ----::,!//~_~n /J IN THE UNITED STATES DISTIlICT·COURT FOR THE NORTHERN LUBBOCK F I LED DISTRICT OF TEXAS DIVISION DEC t s; 1978 ~~'W'~C1'# ).lltifrb'l.t.. p;.trirlt!..rt )t...................._ ~ 11..... , - . ROY JONES, lUI L _ ~ ~""""I Plaint.iff, July 5, 1918 CIVIL ACTION NO. CA.-S-16-34 TO ALL ATIORNEYS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED LIST: THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, et aI., In re: Defendanu. SEPTEKlIE~8, 1918 .nd OCTOBER 2, 1918. et .e ., CIVIL JURY AND NON-JURY SETTINGS -- LUBBl:R:K!MvISION Gentlemen: OR D E R It appearl to the court that tbe .vidence in the above case cannot be completed .nd lubmitted to tbe court during this week Ind th.t tbe attorn.yl .s well al the court COlllClitments Ind Ichedulel for tri.ll of otb.r c.lel between now .nd 15, 1919 .nd tbat tb. tri.l of tb• •boveentitled .nd n\,oollb.r.d ;:.ule should be recelled. It is .ccordingly ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the .bove-Ityled .nd numbered C.UI. 11 hereby RECESSED .nJ will b. reconven.d on Honday, January LS, 1919 .t 9:00 A.K. The court, upon agreement of .11 counlel and p.rtlel, h.1 let .side the weeki of Janu.ry 15. 22, and 29, 1919 for the cOlllpletion of th1l trial .nd .ll partle. and .ttorn.y. vill make .rrangementl to be pre.ent duri"& thil period.. The Clerk vill furn1lh • copy hereof to attorn.y. DATED AND ENTERED th1l 18tb day of Deceaabn A.D. 1918. ~ Atuched hereto 11 a Pre-Trial Notice .nd Order, together with a schedule for the trial of civil jury and non-jury on the Lubbock docket. i'978e~~~e:h:r:X~etti~~ ~fi~~edf~;~~ ~~:ev:h~~hb~=i~:~nfo~~~:er 2, weeks of SePtembe~18 and September 25. 1918. All attorneys, except thOle in case Number One, viII be required to be present in open court on Monday, October 2, 1918, at 9:00 A.H. for announcementl. The propos.d pr.-trial order. in .11, jury and non-jury. must be .ubllitted to the court on or before September 22, 1918. You .re .dvhed that the c •••• will not nece ..arily be tried in the ord.r lilt.d .nd that tbe jury c ••es and non-jury cases will be ~~t~~~~:~s:~ ~~;hf:~~ht~;~e~ : r.~~;d~iedI~l~:~;~~l~~;~~in:t~~~~ion ~~:~r42~~rl~~ ;~: ~~~id~;~~' ~~d~~~v:~~~~~~ ~~,~:~8c:~~. c.n be tried the first of the week of October 2, 1978 .nd the other c •••• will .11 be tried durins thil te~ of court. Especial .ttention h invited to the Pre·Tri.1 Notice and order .tuched b.reto .nd .ttorn.y ia r.quir.d to comply with this order. If you have .ny que.tion••• to when your cOlllpli.nce il due or the 1Il8nner of cotllpliance, pl•••• let _ know. Sp.cific.Uy. ita every C.I., 1) the proposed pre-trial orders are :: 1:.:.~0;:o:C~~d~~d~~i.l:~8f.~~d .~~ ~~~c:f~~l~~:d on or b.fore S.ptelllber 29, 1918. oiuliw i~;~~~~ionl A p.r.on.l b.tween the attorney. ia required, and I have found that t.l.phon. conferancel .re .1IO.t un••thfactory. and the :t:~:.t:r:.I:dt : ;~:;:~~: ;r~~~:~ilo~~;~rence bet.een them -- "'TaAJ.NOI'ICZAleODU COUNSEL FOA AU. PAInts WILL TAICE NOTICE: _ _ ( ( To Ateomeys on the FaU 1978 Docket - Lubbock Division July 5, 1978 hge '!'wo I wish to advise each of you that the court wiLL expect the attorneys to comply with the Local Rules of Practice for the Northern Dbtrict or Tex•• ; and Rule 9.1. concerning procedure on settlement, should be followed in good faith by the partie. and the attorneys. It may be that during this term of court 1 will be required to try criminal cases, but in any event, it 1, Illy intention to cOIllpIete the crisl of aU of these civil cases during the fdi tenll of thb court in Lu,;)bock, Texa •. Any party to any case on this docket not being represented by counsel is expected to comply with t.he above. I nectoM ..... .,.M1 ...............III .................. l d . - , .... -.a,. ....... _,.,. ,..,....: A. AlpaniM ................ IO_ple&e .. ........., ..........., ..... ...... ,.,.,io rwe ............ IO . . . . . . . r.1rio1 ~otdereoI. I. AI...-l.Kll;.;."'".,....,..,....,...triol ..... * .. . . I.Aa' ~ ., ............. 2.A ..,.oI ...--oIMdl,...,. J. Aa ;w.i0e4 IJoI 01 aU llipalotioelaH fII rllCll .Wcl 4. AoilO _ _ lJolfll . . . . .WOtM ,""- .. tid, iDdMioc .. "-. _ -U1lafl"_,liotftIo. J. Aa iMa lilloI~-...I .... oI .... 6. Aa "' .... 7.AIiII I. n.. 9. A plo<o .,.-W ...... r ner • MnDJ. I ..u ~ ~ ,.. to, .. opoQaI ~ portieo. if .., ... .... _. e.tI. IIIN IO ....... oI ., . . - , . . 10. AII-..,. ,....., .... ..aIico......... ~IO. . ".,....., ,.......,...triol.ner. . . - . . - .... - . .......................................................................... t-1*aa,.railoonI. ,a-io .... C. (-> ...,tlIelr .. D.!r&- ~ iMlIItIONlO EuI!ayiy , --... IIp ........ pt.,.W- . . ~ """u. an..,.··, _*_fiIioc_ ......,.. . . . . . . . , . _ o I . aM?s hi m. .. Qoft.e-t r. ... W 10 Triot All ~ "-r' _,...a-I ..".....~a1 ..". .. -'-'o:dIioioo "'"fDnittoeoI,. IO oIronoIl. triol II .... rwe(2)"''' w.e dlW_.ltrill. Solooo oIlUiWI ... W__ Uota. W_ IriIl, - - ' aW r...... 10 ...Mel, . . c..rt..... I.. C...rt • .,...lIololliaJliliill .... ~ .. copt~afl" iMe.-. AI (10) D. *;., n.- ..'"..,.. triol ........ - e I ..... ~ --..oIr- ... ~ o I ..,,.iq e-t ........... .--l. ""'_ aN ..,triolloridiolloot ..........' ...... , . - .. iMe-rt. HOW:rgw I.u,.,.. Attachlnents ,r.triol r.Il".,... .....1rW...,.• _ ..... G. n.. ........ ,...triol s..w -". e-t will wilI ... , . . . -,.d.-r, .. c..nal ............. ,..,..... • e-n.Cloftlt\leDDI ... (lot~.,.Hf_.... odoe<I.Ie<I~.lef• :--:u:-:;;-_..k-~~. ""'.... 1I -..,lioI __ ...., W .. -..,. IlAI.8DT O. WOOOW,dD "'-'lIanDMcriotolT_ _pkw , IleW ,..,.lriol jM..-oI -,- 11.. GENE GAINES, ! ;>1/8 ~~~c.!:~ :"._-';J I, Jrl., CLERK PC-t:';' ET. 1I.L., ---'---oe Plaintiffs v, CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-S-76-34 Til!': CITY OF LUBBOCK, ET AL. ,I Defendants ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTION Pursuant to the agreement of the Plaintiffs, A. Gene Gaines, Conzalo Garza, and Juan Antonio Reyes, and Defendants, it is ordered allowing the withdrawal of A. Gene Gaines as :J. named Plaintiff and the substitution as Plaintiff of Rev. Roy Jones as a representative Plaintiff. day of SIGNED AND ENTERED this /I:!' 'Q78 , 1978. Judge Halbert O. Woodard Approved: ,- _.(:.,.. ... /~"[ {' .~ 7 . / (', ,0', ,_ 11 -<, :(t (' '''-r:::- Denn;r. IC'J; r, ,il ( / / /;;L '''' 0 >u,- 7/5178 Mr, lle\l.Oon, ) younvtll note from"'the letter and the-n.r.t: .9"age of the docket certain change. have been ~r. ._on. lent you June 21, 1978. II IN 'I1l.E UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT fOR 'I1l.E NOR'I1l.ERN DISTRICT Of TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION I..UW\n 1978. v. HARVEST QUEEN HILL 6 ELEVATOR COMPA.lf'l Itt a1., uu.;. ana IU';MAKl.I FOR PlAINTIFFS: GENERAL TIRE &. RU8!ER COMPANY and WHITE HOTOR CORPORATION Po.t Office Box 496 LaSalle. Illinois 61301 Tl'E fIRST WEEK, SEPTEMBER 11. 1978. WILL BE FOR CRIMINAL I~ THE WEEKS Of SEPTDlSER11B and. SEPTEHBER 25, 1978 WILL !E DEVOTED TO THE TRIAL OF ONE CIVIL CASE, CA·5·75-1l.2. KOPPEL LoJ.f'lt.l>. v. KEVIN KELLY A TERM Of COURT WILL C(JoIK£NCE IN LUBBOa, TEXAS ON SEPTEK!ER 11, CASES. MV1'VII. KEPPLE ATTORNEYS: !ERNA.JUl P. EVANS KEY. CARR, EVANS Eo FOUTS Post Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Tua. 79408 INC. '. AS !ELOW NOTED. FOR DEFENDAHT GENERAL lIRE Eo RU8BER COHPANY: ALL onlER CASES WILL BE CALLED FOR TRIAL ON MONDAY, OCTO!El 2, 1978 AT 9:00 A.M. AND A JURY WILL 8£ PRESENT AT SUCH TIME. nUL C. RASSKA.N JOHN E. GUNTER PRE-TRIAL RASSHAN, Cl1NttR &. IlOLDRICX 400 Midland lover !uUding Hidland. Tua. 79701 ORDERS IN TlU:SF. CASES WILL BE DUE ON OR !EFORE SEPTEKBER 22. 1978. EACH ATTOR....' £Y IS HERE NOTIfIED TlL\T 'I1l.E CASES HAY, OR HAY NOT, BE TRIED IN 'I1l.E ORDER LISTED, BUT THE COURT WILL TRY TO FOLLOW FOR DEFEHDANT WHIT! HOTOR CORPORATION: THIS ORDER AS N£AlU.Y AS POSSIBLE AND IN ALL PROBABILITY TlI.£ NON· JURY WILLlAK R. HOSS CASES WILL BE INTERSPERSED WITH THE JURY CASES. CRENSHAW, DUPREE Eo MILAM Po.t Office 80x 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 THE COURT INTENDS TO CONTINUE TRYING CASES IN LUBBOCK, TEXAS UNTIL 'rHIS ENTIRE DOCKET IS TRIED DURING THE FALL TERM. 3. 1. CA·5·75-142 CA.·5-76-131 ALLENBERG COTrON COMPANY v. ~ ATTORNEYS: KOPPEL, INC. ARNOLD PATTOK FOR PlAINTIFF: v. ATTORNEYS: FOR PlAINTIFF: twlVEST QUEEN HILL 6 ELEVATOR COMPANY and TlIE HILLERS KUTUAL fIRE INSURANCE COKPA.lf'l OF TEXAS JAMES H. KIL4t( CIlENSHAW. DUPJlE£ Eo MIUM Post Office Boa 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 DON GRAF R. REX AYCOCK Hc.CLESKtY, HARRIGER, 8RAZILL &. CRAF Po.t OfHce Draver 6170 Lubbock, Tex.. 79413 FOR. D£FENOAHT: MY D. AMOELSOlf AKOEIl.SOIl &. "UDD 110 South Fifth Strut Brownfiald, Taxa. 79316 FOR DEFENIWn' HAIlVEST QUEEN HILL: TOH HAH1LTOH LaFONT, TUNNELL, FORHllY, LafONT &. HA.HlLTON ~t:i~~~~ ~~~~:in'9072 4. CA.-S·76·136 ALLEHBEIlC CO'. TON COKPANY ATTDRHETS, W. C. KNOX. JR. v. FOR DEFENDANT HILLERS HUTUAL: FOR PlAINTIFF: JAMES H. HILAH CREKSHAW, DUPREE &. HILAH Po.t Offic. loa 1499 Lubbock. Ta__ 79408 TOM S. HIu.K JOE H. NAGY CRENSHAW, DUPREE &. MIu.K Po.t OfHce Box 1499 Lubbock, Texa. 79408 FO.. DEFIUfDAIft': MY D. AMOERSCII AIIOERSOlf &. I.UDO 110 South Fifth Streit Jrownfidd, Ta_. 79316 -1- -------.------:,.- -... --.. ---------.. 1 1-- v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ATTORREYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: LOUIS M. RATLIFF Post Office BoJ; 888 Ut.t:lefield, Tn.. 79339 FOR PUINTlFF: lLWIS P. TERRELL 2221 34th Strut Lubbock, Tex.. 79411 BROADUS A. SPIVEY Post Office Box 2011 Austin, Texas 78768 FOR OEFEND.'.NT: FOR DEFENDANT: KENNETH J. MICHELL UNITED STATES ATTORNEY CHARLES B. JONES JONES, TROUT, FLYGARE, MOODY &: BROWN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock, Texas 79408 16G28 United States Courthouse 1100 Commerce Street o.11as. Texas 75242 WILLIAM F. JOHNSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY )10 United States Fort \lorth, Tex.. 76102 8. PLAINS HELICOPTER. INC. d/b/. SLATON CA-5-77-40 FLYING SERVICES 6. v. ATTORNEYS: WILLIAM W. GUILD, ATTORNEY-IN-CHARGE TAX DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE. 8837 1100 COlIIDuee Street AVCO CORPORATION HISS LOUISE G. PARXS. ATTORNEY 5827 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING FOR PLAINTIFF: HOD COIlIIIerc:e Street Dallas, Texas 75242 JOE H. NAGY CECIL KUHNE DAVID R. COBB CRENSHAW, DUPREE &: MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 CA-S-77-16 LUPE GARZA, Individually, etc .• et al. ATTORNEY~: ARCH UMB. et: a1. v. FOR DEFENDANT: FOR l'LAINTIFFS: DONALD M. KUKT lEY, CAJlR. EVANS &: FOUTS JOHNNY SPLAWN Po.c Office Box 2585 Lubbock. Texas 79408 SPLAWN LAW OFFICES, INC. POlt Office Box 1376 Lubbock. Telt.. 79408 9. FOR LUBBOCK COUNTY CA·5-77-42 CARRIE RUSSELL et vir BURA RUSSELL ATTORNEYS: PROCTOR AND GAMBLE v. OFFICIAL· DEFENDANTS: ALTON R. GRlFnN FOR PLAINTIFFS: LUBBOCK COUNTY CRIMINAL ATTORNEY 202 Lubbock Count.y Court House Lubbock, Tex.. JOE H. NAGY CRENSHAW, DUPREE &: MIlAM Pon Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Taxas 79408 79401 FOR DEFENDANTS RICHARD A. K£FFLER and PHYSICIANS PAntOLOCY SERVICE: FOR DEFENDANT: DON GRAF HcCLESKEY, HARRIGER, BRAZILL &: GRAF Post Office Dr.wer 6170 Lubbock, Tuas 79413 BEIlHARD P. EVANS KEY, CARR, EVANS &: FOUTS Po.c Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Tex.s 79408 ALSO FOR DEFENDANT PHYSICIANS PATHOLOGY SERVICE: BERNARD P. EVANS KEY, CARR, EVANS &: FOUTS Post Office 8oJ; 25B5 Lubbock, Tex.s 79408 10. CA-5-77-53 GARY REGINALD GLOVER v. AT'l'ORKEYS: D-B DRILLING COMPANY v. FOR PLAI.,.!FF: DAR SUUIVd -)- WlL-Mc OIL CORPORATION T.... 119 If.V. Avenue A 79714 Andr-.. -4- Oftice 2585-_.- P~;t -B~~Lubbock, Texas 79408 DAN SULLIVAN 119 N.W. Avenue A Andrews. Texas 79714 FOR lHIRD-PART'l DEFENDANT, FOR DEFENDANT WHITE MOTOR CORPORATION and FREIGHnINER CORPORATION, a Subsidiary of Consolidated Freightways, Inc .. DORA M. BROWN HEWETT, JOHNSON, SWANSON & BARBEE 4700 First International Building Dallas, Texas 75270 ELTON GILLILAND Post Office Box 1552 Odessa, Texas 79760 FOR INTERVENOR; EMPLOYERS NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and TEXAS EMPLOYERS' INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, FOR DEFENDANT GENERAL M:lTORS CORPORATION; PHILIP W. JOHNSON CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Texas 79408 JACK LITTI.E Post Office Box 589 Big Spring, Texas 79720 FOR EATON CORPORATION: 11. CA-5-77-59 BERNARD P. EVANS KEY, CARR. EVANS & FOUTS Post Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Texas 79408 MARTIN SHARRON v. ATTORNEYS, ELSIE CHEROMIAH JOHNSON v. FOR PLAINTIFF, TIlE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUB8ER COMPANY FOR INTERVENOR NORTHWESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY: TRAVIS D. SHELTON & ASSOCIATES 1507 Thirteenth Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 MAX E. RAMSEY Post Office Box 4803 Odessa, Texas 79760 FORREST S....W£RS 1401 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79401 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- FOR DEFENDANT, 14. JOHN A. FLYGARE JONES, TROUT. FLYGARE, MOODY & BROWN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock. Texas 79408 AUVANELL PARRISH v. ASSOCIATION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. INC. FOR PLAINTIFF: FORREST BOWERS BOWERS, COTTEN & HARLAND Post Office Box 327 Lubbock, Texas 79408 FOR THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANT, J. ORVILLE SMITH CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Texas 79408 12. CA-5-77-84 ATTORNEYS: FOR DEFENDANT: CA-5-77-68 VERNELL KEMP, JR. ATTORNEYS, BARRtTrELECTRONICS CORPORATION v. FOR PLAINTIFF: DALE H. JOHNSON McWHORTER, COBB & JOHNSON 1502 Avenue Q Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IS. LEOTA H. ALEXANDER 1107 Hain Street Lubbock. Texas 79401 CA-5-77-90 JAHOA ATHENA MOBERLY v. ATTORNEYS: RODEWAY INNS OF AMERICA, INC., DALlAS BAUGH et ux., et al. FOR PLAINTIFF; FOR DEFENOANT, TONY DIRXSHEYER 7700 Carpenter Freeway oal:as. Texas 75247 BOB HUFF TONY WRIGHT BOB HUFF & ASSOCIATES Post Offie. Box 506 Lubbock. Tex.. 79408 ·5· ... RICHARD STOVALL STOVALL &: STOVALL Poat Office Box 1058 Plainview, Texas 79072 FOR DEFENDANT: CHARLES B. JONES JONES, TROUT, fiYGARE, MOODY & BRC·WN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock, Texaa 79408 16. CA-5-77-95 Runt RENDON ATTORNEYS: v. GOLCONDA CORPORATION, RICO DIVISION 20. ATTORNEYS: RICHARD STOVAll STOVAll & STOVAll Post Office Box 1058 Plainview, Tex.a 79072 FOR PLAINTIFF: CHARLES B. JONES JONES, TROUT, FLYGARE, MOODY &: BROWN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock, Texas 79408 CA-5-77-99 JESSIE MAE RAY v. COHHERCIAL UNION INSURANCE COMPANY ATTORNEYS: FOR DEFENDANT: JAKES L. WHARTON JONES, TIlOUT, fiYCARE, MOODY &: BROWN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock, Texas 79408 21. SEARLE LABORATORIES, a Division of G. D. Searle and Company, e; a1. FOR PUINTIFF: FORREST BOWERS Post Office Box 327 Lubbock, Texas 79408 FOR DEFENDANT: FOR DEFENDANTS: FRANK E. KURCHtSON, tIl KEY, CARR, EVANS & FOUTS Post Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Texas 79408 ATTORNEYS: RENE t.AHINACK ATTORNEYS: JOHN HASON llichita Title Building 700 Scott Street llichita Falls, Texas 76301 CA-5-77-100 CA-5-77-125 v. FOR PLAINTIFF: 18. RAJAGOPAlAN RAVI v. ET & WC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY BOB HUFF BOB HUFF &: ASSOCIATES, INC. Poat Office Box 506 Lubbock, Texas 79408 FOR DEFENDANT: 17. CA-5-77-115 FOR PLAINTIFF: EUGENE W. BREES Do\VID S. KIDDER 2300 R.public National Bank Building Dall•• , Teu. 75201 BRAD CRAWFORD, JI.. CRENSHAW, DUPREE &: MIt.AH Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Teus 79408 JIM E. MIDDLETON v. ROBBIE KEY, RONALD COLEMAN, et .1. FOR PLAINTIFF: JOHN E. REDRIa LAW OFFICE OF H. J. BLANCHARD 1910 American Bank Tower 221 West Sixth Street Austin, Texas 78701 FOil DEFENDANTS: MAX C. ADDISON JOE H. NAGY CJ::":IL KUHNE CRENSHAW, DUPREE &: Mlt.AH Poat Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Texas 79408 7.". 22. CA-5-77-126 W. A. BROWN v. ROYAL COACH OF TEXAS. INC. AT'I'ORHEYS: FOR PUINTIFF: PAUL NEW Poat Office Box 670 Denver City, Texas 79323 -8- NON-JURY CASES: BERNARD P. EVANS KEY, CARR. EVANS &. FOUTS Post Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Texas 79408 1. CA.-5-76-34 ~: ,GENE GAINES ATTORNEYS: THE CITY OF LU88OCK. et d. FOR PLAINTIFF: 23. CA-5-77-129 KATTIE F. BARTLETT ATTORNEYS: ~ ALBERT PEREZ 1001 Main Street. Suite 634 Lubbock. Texss 79401 DEPARnlENT OF THE AIR FORCE, et d. FOR PLAINTIFF: TOHAS GARZA 1006 Thirteenth Street Lubbock, Tex.. 79401 THOMAS J. PURDOM 1801 ....venue J Lubbock, Texas 79401 DANIEL H. BENSON Post Office Box 4030 Lubbock. Texas 79409 FOR OEFENDANTS: ROGER L. McROBERTS, ASSISTANT UNITED ST.... TES ....TTORNEY C-201 United States Courchouae 1205 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79401 HARK C. HALL 801 Court Place Building 1001 Main Street Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 FOR INTERVENOR ROSE WILSON: R08ERT P. DAVIDOW School of Law Texas Tech University Lubbock. Tex.. 79409 LANE ARTHUR NANCY FIREBAUGH ARTIlUR AR11IUR &. ARTHUR Hetro Tower, Suite 1506 1220 Broadway Lubbock. Teus 79401 FOR DEFENDANTS: FRED O. SENTER, JR. CITY ATI'ORNEY JAKES P. BREWSTER, nIAL A'ITORNEY lZaN BEAN. ATTORNEY DONALD G. VANDIVER. A'ITORNEY City of Lubbock. Tex.. Post Office Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 nAVIS D. SHELTON DENNIS V. HeGIU. nAVIS D. SHELTON & ASSOCIATES IS07 Thirteenth Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 2. CA·5·76-90 LEATHERBY iNSURANCE COMPANY A'ITORNEYS: J. A. FINLEY d/b/a Jim Finley and FOR PLAINTIFF: v. A.sociate. WILLIS T. TAYLOR 2206 Broadwa,. Lubbock. Taxa. 79401 FOR DEFEJrnWn': H. J. BUHCHAIlD BLUfCHARD &. REDUct :~:t~~~e:~~ldm01708Colorado Street -10- 2206 Broadway Lubbock, Tex.. FOR PUINTIFF, ROBERT B. WILSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY 79401 C-201 United Statu Courthouse 1205 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79401 FOR OEFEtmANT JOHN E. GUNTER 400 Midlalld Tower Building Midland, Texas 79701 4. RtmtEIlFORD. d/bl aIded Hobile HOlllu NANCY LEE FOR PUINTIFF, WILLIS T. TAYLOR CA-S-76-135 ALLENBERG COTTON COMPANY ATTORNEYS, v. J11'ViY SARGENT RuntERFOttD: No Counsel of Record Docket Setting sent Cert.ified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 4506 62nd Street Lubbock. Tex.. 79414. FOR DEFENDANT KENNE11I E. FOR FOR PUINTIFF, DEFEtmANT NANCY LEE RUTHERFORD, RAY FARGASON 1601 Broadway Lubbock, Texas JAKES H. I1IUM CRENSHAW, DUPREE 61 MIUM 79401 Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79401 8. FOR DEFENDANT, CA-5-77-23 ATTORNEYS, BETH GROSSMAN v. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, et a1. FOR PlAINTIFF: s. CA-;-76-142 EDWARD B. CLOUTKAN, III MULLINAX. WELLS, MAUZY & BAAB, tNC. 8204 El.brook Drive, Suite 200 Poat Office Box 47972 Dallas, Texas 75247 JOHN L. DESPRES v. FOR FOR DEFENDANT TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, THE CITY OF LITTLEFIELD, TEXAS, et d . ATTORNEYS, ROBERT GIDDINGS, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY CEHERAL OF TEXAS PU.INTIFF, Poat Office Box 12548. Capitol Station Au.tin. Texaa 78711 MARK SI1I11I SHI11I &: SMI11I 1220 Broadway, Suite 1820 Lubbock. Texu 79401 FOR INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS: JAMES H. MILAM FOR DEFEtmANTS, CRENSHAW. DUPREE &: MIUM Pan Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Texas 79408 TED L. SANSOM KIRBY. RATLIFF, SANSOM &: HANNING Pon Office Box 888 Littlefield, Texas 79339 9. 6. CA-5-77-1 ATTORNEYS, CLAUDE CRA YENS v n:UZR UDDERS, INC. and BELKNAP, INC. FOR PLAINTIFF: BOB HUFF & ASSOCIATES Poat Office Box 506 Lubbock. Texaa 7940. FOR PUINTIFF, HAROLD H. PICC BROCK, WATERS &: PICC Post Office lox 10305 Lubbock. Texas 79408 FOR. DEFENDANT DUEll LADDERS, INC., PURCELL &: WARDROPE 30 Marth LaSan. Street Chicaso. Itllnoia 60602 FtlR DEFENDANT, JAMES H. MtUM CRENSHAW. DUPREE &: MIUM AUBREY JAN FOUTS Post Office Box 1499 __ ::b~O~k: ~.~.: _7~4~8_.~ CA-5-77-2' ATTORNEYS: DUNAVANT ENTERPRISES, INC. v. FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT LUBBOCK. TEXAS -I ICEY. CARR, EVANS & FOUTS Post Office Box 2S8S Lubbock, Texaa 79408 ............................... CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Texal 79408 FOR PLAINTIFF: R08ERT 8. WILSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY C-201 United States Courthouse 1205 Texas Avenue Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 ----------~ 10. CA-5-77-30 AnoRflEYS: ALLENBERG COTTON COMPANY v. DEWAYNE DIXON FOR DEFENDANTS WILLIAM DUAINE o;.y, JR. AND EVYLIN R. DAY: FOR PLAINTIFF: PETE HAIU.AND Post Office Box 3Z7 Lubbock. Tex.. 79408 JAKES H. MILAM CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Texal 79408 FOR DEFENDANT JEARL RAY HALE: FOR DEFENDANT: CLmDIE F. EDWARDS Suite 731, Court Place 1001 Hain Street Lubbock. Texas 79401 WILLIAM A. DYESS \NOERSON & RUDD 110 South Fifth Street Brownfield. Texas 79316 11. FOR DEFENDANT MICHAEL LOUIS ZAHN: CA-S-77-76 ;~ARD F. HAVINS. et ATIORNEYS: HAPCO, INC. JACK McCLENDON 1306 8-rOadwa)l:'::. Lubbock, Texal 79401 at. FOR DEFENDANTS DONALD P. BRENT. ROSALIE BRENT. LEE ROY RAnIFF and EUU J. RAnIFF: FOR PLAINTIFFS: R08ERT E. KENNEDY SANTIESTE!AN, KENNEDY &. MARTIN 7400 Viscount, Suite 221 E1 P. .o. Texas 79925 PAUL H. DIONNE Post Office Dr.wer 190 Fort StClckton. Tex.. 79735 FOR DEFENDANT: FOR DEFENDANT FRANK 8. HJJR.PHY: BRAD CRAWFORD ROBERT S. PINE 11th Floor. aa.. att Tower E1 PalO, Texal 79901 CRENSHAW. DUPREE & MILAM Pose Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Tex.s 79408 12. CA-5-77-81 ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFFS: CURTIS W. STAFFORD and DON STAFFORD v. HAPCO. INC. and JONES &. lAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATION 8ILL DAVIS 111Z Texas Avenue Lubbock. Texas 79401 FOR DEFENDANT HAlCO, INC.: BRAD CRAWFORD CRENSHAW. DUPREE &. MILAM Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Texas 79408 FOR DEFENDANT JONES &. lAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATION: JACK LITILE Post Office Box 569 Bil S.. ring. Tex.. 797Z0 WK. S. HALL CREEN. FEDLHAR &. KALL Suite 816. Enterprise Building Tuba, OklahOlll& 74103 - - - - - _. - _. - - - -.,,: -. - .. - - ... -. - -. - ....1 14. CA-5-77-109 ATroIUfEYS: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. GEORGE C. CARTER, JR. and ROY E. THOMPSON FOR PLAINTIFF: ROBERT B. WlLSOtf. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY C-Z01 United States Courthouu 1205 Tex•• Avenue Lubbock. Tex.s 79401 FOR DEFENDANT ROY E. THOMPSON JAMES A. WALTERS PATRICK. BROWER WALTERS &. ASSOCIATES 160Z Avenue N Lubbock. Tou 79401 FOR DEFEHDAIIT GEORGE C. CARTER, JR: No Counle1 of Record Docket Settins lent Certified Md1. Return Receipt Requested Where Service Obt.1ned on wife, Doris Carter: 7911 B Albany. Lubbock, Tex... -14- FOP. PLAINTIFF: JAMES K. WALKER 109 West W. .hington Morton, Tex.. 79346 FOR DEFENDANT SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: ROGER L.HcROBERTS,ASSISTAHT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY C-201 United St.te. Courthouse 1205 Tex•• Avenue Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 FOR DEFENDANT DONALD RH~ CKESSHIR: No Counsel of Record Docket Setting sent Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to Mr. Cheuir, 601 South Second, F10yd.d., Tex.. 79325 --- ....... ---,....,...,.... J(oIiW--. ~ Ttl: p.... JNI1 July 5, 1978 TO ALL AT'I'ORHEYS LISTED ON I In .... un 'fHE ATrACHED LIST: ~~~~~1:~:_~:y~J~~~,_:9l~B~!MvisION Gentlmfln: Attached 18 a Pre-Trial Rotice and Order. together with. schedule for the trial of civil jury and non-jury cues on the Lubbock docket. 16. CA-5-77-77 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. W. F. CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: caM. .ed r.·tr...l ordara in all tt to court on or or. anelDOD- 1'ba FOR DEFENDANT: =r42~~~~ :~i~;~~' :d':ha~v::~~~ ~~.~~~8c::~. can t .el that tbe eas•• will not nec. . . uil be tried in the an c.... non· ca.e • a. n p.rt c:u ar, your attention • c 0 tact t t _.e::. uled etaewhere e::OIIIIlfI.ncing with _.It be triad the fir.t of tbe of oeto~..r 2, 1978 and the other ca••• rill ~ll be tried 4uriD& thi. t.~ of court. 79401 1-~11 17. CA-5-77-136" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ~H ATTORNEYS ~i.KER RAY THOMPSON d/b/a Thomp.on'. 1J;"/1 v'1 / . / Sewing Machine and HARlE ALFORD THOMPSON e,.,4/1,-1 F9'\ PU"NT,IT ./ ,j ~ ROBERT B. WILSON, ASSISTANT /".;7-J- 7 vt gJ . ro ROBERT B. WILSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY C-201 United St.te. Courthouse 1205 Tex.s Avenue Lubbock, Tex.. 79401 BILL D. TUCKER 1703 Avenu. I: Lubbock. Tex.. a"../J ~ r;;:. ~::.dt:r:'~::t= :~~~.dfi~ ~:.":~hb~:i:~nfo~~~~er 2, _aka of SeptBbflr 18 and 25, 1978. All .ttomey., except tho•• in ca•• ~ r On., will be r.quired to be pr.. ent in op_ court OQ Monday, OCtober 2, 1978, at 9:00 A.H. for announc_nt•. ~i~D~i~~S S~~~urthouse ~~~~~~a;e:::nu~9401 FOR DEFENDANTS: No counsel of record. Copy of docket setting _ned Certified Kd1, Return Receipt Requested where served: 2408 47th Street, Lubboc:k. T.xa. .... ***** -15- Eapae::1al att.ntion b imrit.d to the Pre-Trial Notic. and Ord.r att.ched ad. .ach attoney 1a raqulreel to cCBply with this order. If you have any qua.tion••• to when your ca-plianc. i. due or the IIlUIner of COlllpUaDc., pI.... lat . . know. ~ .0 Pi:rijd t£~·-~~"'~erdara ~:truc ioo. fie conCUJI.O _ara UtI COUNSEL rOil AlL,.una _ _ iIefebr~,. .. _ply ww. TAU NOTICE: .,. ... r.IMl .......teUII ... lIlooIic.lOIII. Eadl • .,."..,.M4,...,.. : rta<Mol,. f A. AUpuUaateloaw.,Mft4 .. _pkM.u....".',....,..lta.I_ .............. u- ... f.1riIol ,~. ~ .... a&Mrwioe..... ~c..".. _ ..... wiI_teia ... r.......: •. AlI-..d.UljMlty".,.,..,...,...I;".. l~l~t~~~;}: on the rau 1978 Docket - Lubbock Divbion Page Two I. Aa, l. A ,.........~ ...-, fII ... dto.. litIfII .. .u,.J. __ 1. Aa •. Aa ..... tffMIt ____ ~ lWt-. ,.ny. fllftcl.WWu _ _ fII.,....... fllr-. S.A. litIfII .... _ . . . . . . fII .... 6.A. fllclwlnct'fIIlrid. 1.AliMfII...wou...l . ._ I tollh to adviu each of you that the court wiU eIpe:ct the attorney. to cOCIOply with the Local Rule. of Pr.cUce for the Northern District of Texas; and Rule 9.1. concerning procedure on .etrlement • •hould be followed in good faith by the parUe. and the attorney•. •. no. ..... llipttwefl . . ,.....,. 10. A I - , . , ,....... e:-t. ......,.. Any party to any c••• on t.his doclta:t not be1.n& r.pre.ented by coun.el is expect.d to cOIIply with the abov•• c. (.) o-w..tUw "-- -z!EIlT O. IiOOIlWAlID Chi.f .1udz. Northam Dbtrict of T..... HOW:rgv Attaclaent. ~ . . . ww(.J) il" ... y... ~ ~ ..,. ldOloiM ... r •• r.- .. a.n .. e-n triaL ,. fII .,.,..,...",. e-n .. .uy.r M fII ...... ~ .....~ ..,.... ,.....aW .................... _fIIclw"....... wiII_ _ .. , .,clw_ ~ ...e-. AI putiet. --- .... fII . . _ . MdI.-,. '.ApItot It _ , be that: during thi. terw. of court I will be required to try criminal c••••• but in any evant, it: b .,. iDtention to cc.plete the trial of aU of then civil case. duri.n& the fall terw. of thb court. in Lubbock, T&XII •• Your. v.ry truly, , _ .. _filiwa-. ...... aneney.··, Tritt AI aoopI ~ _(J).,.Mf_ .."., at ""' ~ 1II _'-"-1 -'.l k~ _al .. trid. -.I.~==:~~~:::..-=.:..w::.~-:.~~-;.~ ai&I . D. ' " " - ...,. ... t-J..,..... .... .. , . - .. dIae-. r. u.,.. .... C -., _ Cwnwill wiII .. fiW 5IioNW .. .-..,.fall .. ." .............. rall .. _,lywldlclw :-~~~::- c..n .,ftcl .... - - - . . , LAI ,..cNJ -.- ,..,.... u4 ..yai&l -..d. "",lIab u ......y . .....,..d.-ifydlae-n.' .. u-fllfiIiac . . ".,.ed . c..n.a.nac pn-Irial IIIII (IOl ..,.W_llooadlM... d•• cror .., ,.... i1._plde , ~pl'e·triaI djold••CI.. ol M~~. IlALIUT O. WOODWARD CWafJu,Norl.... DlolrictfllT. . . IN THE UNITED STATES DISnICT COURT FOR THE NORnlERN DISTR.ICT or TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION A TERM OF COURT WILL CCfflEHCE IN LUBBOCIC. TEXAS ON SUTEKBEIl THE FIRST WEEI:, SEPTEKBER 1978. CASES. THE WI.El(S n, n. OF SEPTEKBER 18 and SEPTEHIER 25, 1978 WILL BE v. HARVEST QUEER MILL & ELEVATOR COMPANY urru:. v. FOR PLAINTIFFS: GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER CClfPANY and WHITE }l)T()R CORPOUnON KEVIM DLLY Poat Office Box 496 LaSane, Illinois 61301 1978. WILL BE FOR CRIKlKAL DEVOTED TO THE nUL OF ONl: CIVIL CASE. CA-5-75-142. I:OPPEL ATTOIUfEYS: BEJUWU) P. EVANS I:EY, CA1lR, EVANS & FOUTS Poat Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Texaa 79408 INC. et d •• AS BELOW NOTED. FOR DEFEKIWn' GENERAL ALL oniER CASES WILL BE CAUZD FOR nUL OM MONDAY, OCTOBEIl 2, 1978 AT 9:00 A.M. AND A .JURY WILL BE PR.ESEMT AT SUCH TlHE. nRE & lWBBER C<lG'AlN: PRE-TUAL EKIL C. IlASSKAJI JOHN E. GURT!R ORDERS IN 'I1lESE CASES WILL BE DUE OR OR OFORE SEPTEMBER 22, 1978. IlASSKAN. GUNTER. & BOLDR.lCK 400 Midland Tower Buildina Midland. Texaa 79701 U,CH ATTOIUfEY IS HER! NOTIFIED THAT THE CASES MAY. OR MAY NOT, BE nIED IN THE OJU>ER LISTED. BUT TKE COURT WILL ny TO FOLLOW FOR D!FDIWIT WHITE }l)T()1. CORPOMnON: THIS ORDER AS NEAIlLY AS POSSIBLE AND IN ALL PIlOBABILITY THE RON-JURY WILLIAM I.. MOSS CltUSHAW. DUPREE & MtLAH Poat Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Tu.a 79408 CASES WILL BE INTERSPERSED WITH THE JURY CASES. THE COURT INTENDS TO CONTINUE nYlNG CASES 1M WBBOCK, TEXAS UNTIL THIS ENTIRE DOClCET IS nlED DUllING 11IE FALL TERM. 3. 1. I:OPPEL, lBC. ATTORNEYS: HARVEST QUEDI KILL & ELEVATOR CXIIPANY and THE HlLlZlS HUTUAL FIU lBSURANCE C(J(PART OF TEXAS v. FOR PIAllttIFF: CA-S-76-131 AIJ.ZRBEtlG COTTOM COHPANY v. At'TOlBEYS: CA-5-7S-142 AlNOLD PA'I'TOtf POI. Pu.urrtFF: JAHIS B. MlLAK CIDSJIAV, DUPJ.!E & KILAK Poat Offiee Ioz 1499 DOlle... Lubboc:k, Te:xu R. lEX ATCOCI: KcClZSUT, IWUlIC!R. BlAZILL & GllAF Poat Office Drawer 6170 Lubbock. Tu.a 79413 79408 POI. DI7IIIDAft: IATD.~ """"&1llDD 110 South ruch Street FOR DEFEMIWIt HAIlYEST QUEEJrI MILL: Brownfield. Te:xu 79316 TOM HAMILTClf LaFONT, TUlCNtLL, FOIlHIT. LaFONT & HAMILTON ~t:~~~~ ;~~;:in'9072 4. CA-5-76-136 ALLElfBERC COTTON COMPANY ATTOIUllTS: W. C. KlIOX. JR. v. FOR DEFENDANT HILLERS ltUTUAL, lOR PLAIIITI",: TOM S. MILAM JAMU H. KtLAK JOE H. NAGY ClWfSHAW. DUPJl!E & HlLAH Poat Offie. Box 1499 Lubbock, To... 79408 CUlCSRAW. DUPItD & HlLAH Poat Office lox 1499 Lubboek. T.... rot. 79408 DI:PIImAlft': lAY D. MDDSOI """"&IUIJD 110 Bouch 71fth_StrMt _ Ir<:Mlflel4, 1'e:xu 79316 -1- -2- WU1S K. RATLIFF Poat Office lox 888 Littlefield. Texa. 79339 LEWIS P. TEIUtELL 2227 34th Street Lubbock, Tex.. 79411 BROADUS A. SPIVEY Po.t Office Box 2011 Auatin. Taxaa 78768 FOil DEFENDANT: KEMNEnt J. MICHELL UNITED STATES ATrORHEY 16G28 United State. Courthou.e 1100 Coumerce Street Dalla., Texa. 15242 VILLlAH F. JOHNSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATrORHEY 310 United Statu Courthou.e Fort Worth, texa. 76102 FOR DEFENDANT: QWU.ES B. JONES JONES. TJt.OUT. FLYGARE, HOODY & BIlCMf Poat Office Box 2426 Lubbock. Tua. 79408 8. 6. CA~5·77·16 LOPE GARZA. Individually, etc •• et a1. v. ATrORNEYS: ARQl lAKB, et aI. CA-5-77-40 PlAINS HELICOPTER, INC. d/b/a SLATON FLYING SERVICES WILLlAH V. GUILD. ATTOlHEY-IN-CHARGE tAX DIVISION, DEPAl.1'HENT OF JUSTICE, 8837 1100 eo.-rce Street MISS LOUISE G. PABS, ATrOllNEY 5B27 FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING 1100 Coaaerce Street Dalla.. Texas 75242 v. A'n'01lHEYS: AVeo COItPORAtiOH FOR PlAINTIFF: JOE H. RACY CECIL JJJHlIE DAVID I.. COBB CJt.EMSHAV. DUPREE " MILAM Po.t Office Box 1499 Lubbock. 79408 t.... t.... POR DEFElIDAlfT: FOil PLAINTIFFS: DOHALD K. HURT lEY, CARR, EVANS & FOUTS JOHNNY SPlAWN SPlAWN LA. OFFlct.S. INC. Post Office lox 1376 Lubbock, Texa. 79408 Poat Office Box 258.5 Lubbock, 79408 FOil WBIOCK. COUNTY OFFICIAL-DEFENDANTS : 9. CAIlJ.1E RUSSELL et vir BURA RUSSELL CA·5-77·42 v. AtTOUIYS, noctOR AlfD GAHBLE ALTON ll. GRIFFIN LUBBOCK COUNTY CRIMINAL AT'l'OIUfE1' ~~b~~~;:~un~;4~t FOIl PLAllltlPPS: House FOR DEFE.ND.\NTS IUCIIARD A. DFFLEIl and PHYSICIANS PAnOLOGY SERVICE: JOE H. lIAGY CUIfSIWI, DOPUE &: KILAK Poat Office lox 1499 Lubbock, 79408 DOll GRAF FOR DEl'EMDAlr1': T.... Mc.CLESUY. HARRIGER, BRAZILL & GJt.AF Post Office Drawer 6170 Lubbock, Tex.. 79413 IEIMAID P. £VAltS DT, CAB, EVAlfS &: FOUTS Po.t Office Box 2.58.5 Lubbock. 79408 t.... ALSO FOR DEFENDANT PHYSICIANS PAl1IOLOGY SERVICE: IUlWlD P. EVAliS Irl, CARR. EVAleS " FOUtS Post Office lox 2.585 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 10. CA·.5·77·.53 GAllY IEGlHALD GLOVER v. A'n'OalI!TS: POI. PU.Ur1PP: DAII -3- t.... VlL-Kc OIL CORPORAtION suu.nAII----~- 119 •• W. AD~.... , A~ . D-B DIULLING C(loIPANl' v. A .?9714 -4- BERNARD P. EVAKS KEY, CARR, EVAKS & FOUTS Post Office Box 2585 Lubbock, Taxas 79408 FOil PLAINTIFF: DAM SULLIVAK 119 M.V. Avenue A 79714 FOR THIRD-PARTY Andrew•• Texas DEFENDANT: FOIl DEFElID.AHT WHITE J«m)R CORPORATION and FREICHTLIHER COU'OUnON. a Subsidiary of ConaoUdated Fre1shtways. Inc.: DORA M. BROWN HEWE'l'T, JOHNSON. SWANSON & BARBEE 4700 Fint Intemational Building Dallas. Texas 75270 ELTON GILLILAND Post Office Box 1552 FOR INTERVENOIB EMPLOYERS NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and TEXAS EMPLOYERS' INSURANCE ASSOCIATION: Od..... Taxaa 79760 FOil DEFEHDAHT GENERAL MJTORS CORPORATION: PHILIP W. JOHNSON CRENSHAW. DUPREE & KlLAH Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Taxas 79408 JACK. LITTLE Post Office Box 589 11& SpriD.s. Texa. 79720 FOR EATOlI CORPORATION: 11. P. EVAKS DY. CAJUl. EVANS & rours Po.t Office Box 2585 Lubbock. 79408 IEIJWU) CA-5-77-S9 KAltnR SIL\IlR.ON v. ATTORNEYS: ELSIt: CHEROKlAH JOHNSON T..... v. tHE GOODtEAIl ne & RUBBER COMPANY FOR PlAINTIFF: POI. IlITEIlYEllOR MOR'l'HWESTUlI IIISUIAICE CQMPAIIY: TRAVIS D. SHELTON & ASSOCIATES 1507 Thirteenth Street Lubbock. Tens 79401 MAX I. IWtSEY Po.t Office Box 4803 Od••••• Teu. FORREST BOWERS 1401 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79401 FOR DEFEHDAHT: U-S-77-84 AUVAHELL PAlUlISH JOHN A. FLYGAU JONES. TROUT. FLYCARE. MOODY & IItOWN Post Office Box 2426 Lubbock. Taxas 7Q408 A'l'TOJUCIYS: MSOCIAnOH LIFE INSURANCE CCtfPANY, INC. . FOR THUD-PARTY DEFENIWn': IOWDS. COTT!1I & HARLAKD Pon Office lox 327 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 14. lOJ. PLUftIFF: rouzST IOIIDS J. ORVlLIZ SKlTH CRENSHAW, DUPREE & KlIAH Post Office Box 1499 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 12. 79760 FOI DEP!IIDANT: DALE B. JOHHSQII McWHORTU.. COli & JOHlfSOH 1502 Avenue Q CA-5-77-68 VERNELL KEKP. JR. ATTORNEYS: IAlUlE1TELECTRONICS CORPORATION Lubbock, Texa. v. FOil PLAINTIFF: IS. LEOTA H. AIZZA1mEll 1107 MaiD. Street Lubbock. Taxa. 79401 FOR DD'ENDAIfT: TOllY ['l~USME'rEI._. _ _ ~~e~t:"~:r ~;47·y r--- -5- _ ---- -- 79401 U-S-77-90 JNIlo\ A'nlENA KlI!RLY ATT'OaIIrlS : J.ODE\lAY IlmS OF AMERICA, INC. DALLAS lAUGH et ux .• at aI. v. J'OI. PLAJJrrU'F: 101 IIlIFr J TOI'l VlIGIIT 101 HUn' • ASSOCIATES ro.t Offlee lox: sO' t Lub_boc_k T.... 79408 -6. UCILUD STOVALL STOVALL &: STOVALL Poat Office Bo:lt 1058 Plainview. Texa. 79072 FOil DEFENDANT: CIWlLES B. JONES .lOKES, TROUT. FLYGARE. MOODY &: BROWIf Poat Office Boz. 2426 Lubbock. Tex.. 79408 16. RUTH RENDON CA·5·77-95 v. GOLCONDA COJPORATIOIf. RlGO DIVISION ATTORNEYS: 20. RICHARD STOVALL STOVALL &: STOVALL Post Office Bos. 1058 Plainview. TelI.II. 79072 RAJAGOPAlAlf lAVI v. ET &: WNC Tll.ANSPOltTAnON COMPANY FOR PLAINTIFF: BOB HUFF BOB HUFF &: ASSOCIATES, INC. Poat Ollie_ Box. 506 Lubbock. Tea.. 79408 FOil DEFElCDANT: FOR DEFENIWfT: CHARLES B. JONES JONES. TROUT. FLYGARE. MOODY , BROWN Post Offica Bo:lt 2426 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 17. CA·5-77-U5 ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: JAMES L. WHARTON JOIIES. nour, FLYGAU. HOODY &: BROWIf Polt Office Box 2426 Lubbock. Texaa 79408 JESSIE MAE RAY CA-5-77-99 v. COMM£IlCIAL UNION IlIStIIlARCE C<MPANY CA-5·77-125 ..... LAMlIIACI: FOR PLAINTIFF: At'TORXrfS : JOHN MASON Wichita Title Buildina: 700 Scott Street FOJ. PLAINTIFF: SEARLE LA.BOIlATOI.1ES. a Division of C. D. Searle and CGlpanr. et at. ATTORNEYS: Wichita FaUI. Taxal 21. v. POIREST BOWEI.S Poat Office Box 327 tubboclt. Tea_ 79408 76301 FOil OEFEHDART: 18. FOl DEPUDAftS: FIAHl. E. KlTIlCHlSotI. III KEY. CAllR. EVANS &: FOUTS POlt Offica Bo:lt 2585 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 EUGERE W. BIlDS DAVID S. CIDDER CA-5-77-100 JIK E. HlDDLE"l"OtI ATTORNEYS: 1l0BBIE ICEY. RONALD COLEMAlf, _t a1. BRAD CL\WFOID. J'l. CIlDSIWI. DUPREE &: MlLAH Poat Office lox 1499 ~~.::;:~: "7;~Oil v. Lubbock, Tn.. Bank BUilding 79408 FOR. PLAINTIFF: ..... - . - - . - ... - .. - - - . - - - - - - . - - - . - - - JOHlf E. HEDRICI. 22. LAW OFFICE OF H. J. BLANCHAJU) 1910 ADerican Bank Tower 221 West Sixth Street Au.tin. Taxal 78701 FOR DEFENIWITS: MAX C. ADDlSOII JOE 8. RAGT-CECIL mHRE CltEHSHAW, DUPREE , KIUM Post Offie. BoJt 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 -7- CA-S· 77· 126 V. A. BROWN v. ROYAL COACH OF TEXAS. INC. AT'I'OIDTS : FOl PLAlITIPP: PAUL _ Poat Offlee Boa 670 Deaftr Citr. Teu._ 79323 -B- Dt.tu'U\1UI r. t.WAn;:' kEY, CARR, EVANS 6 FOUTS Po.t Off1ce Box 2585 Lubbock, Texas 79408 1. CA-5-76-34 A. GENE GAINES v .. THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, et a1. ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: 23. CA-5-77-129 HATTIE F. BARTLETT v. ALBEltT PEREZ ATTORNEYS: THE DEPAR111ENT OF THE AIR FORCE, et a1. 1001 Main Street, Suite 634 Lubbock, Texa. 79401 FOR PLAINTIFF: TOHAS GARZA 1006 Thirteenth Street Lubbock, Texa. 79401 nlOHAS J. PUJlDOH 1801 Avenue J Lubbock, Texa. 79401 DANIEL H. BENSON Po.t Office Box 4030 Lubbock, Texa. 79409 FOR DEFENDANTS: ROGER L. Kc.ROBERTS, ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTOIUfEY HAIK C. HALL C-201 United Statu Courthouu 1205 Teu. Avenue Lubbock, Teu. 79401 801 Court Place Buildlog 1001 Malo Street Lubbock, Texa. 79401 FOa IlITD.V!1IOa ROSE VILSOR: ItDIEltT P. DAVIDOW School of Law Teu. Tech Unherdty Lubbock, Tn.a. 79409 WOE llTIIUI. IWICY PIIEIAUGH Al.11lUR ARTIIUI. & AI:TIMl Metro Tower, Suite 1506 1220 Iroadw.y Lubbock, Taa. 79401 FOa DEFDDAICTS: FRED O. SUTla, .11.. CITT ATTOlUIEY JAMES P. IUWST!R, TUAL ATI'OIUtEY IZOlI IEAII, ATTOun DOIIAIJ) G. VARDIVll, ATt'ORREY City of Lubbock, Tn.•• Po.t Office loa. 2000 Lubbock, Taa. 79457 TRAVIS D. SBEL'I'OM DElMtS V. KcGJlJ. TRAVIS D. SRELTOH & ASSOCIATES 1507 Thirteenth Street Lubbock, Texa. 79401 2. CA-5·76-90 LEATHERBY INSURANCE COMPANY ATTOID'fS: J. A. FINLEY d/b/a Jim Finley and As.ociat•• v. rot PLAlftU'I': VlLLJS T. 'tATLOI. . 2206 Broadway Lubboclt. Taa. "-9- POI. DIPIIIDAIft': - B. J. 79401 - JLAKIIAII) 1~&BlDUcz. ~tt.~~1d~ch708Colorado Street -10- NANCY LEE RtmlEllfORD, dlbla ldeaL FOR PLAINTIFF; Koblle Hc..e. FOR PLAIlITIFF: WILLIS T. 'tAYLOR 2206 Broadway Lubbock, Te.a. IDBEl.T B. WILSOli, ASSISTANT UIIITEIJ STATES ATTORNEY 79401 JOHN E. GUHTER C-201 United States Courthouse 1205 Texa. Avenue Lubbock, texa. 79401 400 Midland tower Building Midland, To:.. 79701 FOR DEPENDANT QNHE11l E. RUTHERFORD: FOR DEFENDANT Coun.el of Record Docke~5~:t~~:~ ;:~;e~rtif1ed Mall, Return Receipt Reque.ted No 4. CA-5-76-1H Lubbock, tex.s AUENBERG COTTON COHPAUY v. JDI<Y SARCEJIT A'l'TORNEYS: 79414. FOR DEFENDANT KANeY LEE IWTHElFORD: FOR PLAINTIFF: RAY FAltGASON 1601 Broadway Lubbock, T__• JAMES H. KILAM CRENSHAW. DUPJU:E & MILAM Post Office 110. 1499 Lubbock, texas 79401 79401 8. FOR DEFENDAHT; CA-5-77-23 BEm GROSSKAN ATTORH!YS: TEXAS TEOi UHlVEllSlTY, et a1. v. FOR PLAINTIFF: 5. EDWARD B. CLOUTMAlI, III MULLIIlAX, WELLS, MAUZY &: IA.D, INC. 8204 IlJIbrook Drive, Suite 200 Po.t Offic. lox 47972 CA-5-76-142 JOIDI L. DESPUS Dallaa, Texaa A'n'ORNETS: tHE CITY OF LImzFIELD, TEXAS. et a1. FDa DI7DfIWIT TEXAS TEat. tJlIIlVUSITY: v. FOR PLAINTIFF: JOlIlT GIDDIJtGS, ASSISTANT ATl'OUEY GERDAL OF TEXAS Po.t Office lox 12548, Capitol Station Auatin, Texa. 78711 HAItI. SMl1ll SMITH &: SMITH 1220 Broadway, Suite 1820 Lubbock, Texas 79401 rot. INDIVIDUAL TED L. SANSOM XIUY. RAUIFF, SANSOH &: HANNING Fost Office 110:1. 888 Uttlefield, Texas 79339 Lubbock, 9. CA-5-77-1 DUNAVANT ENTERPRISES, INC. ATTORNEYS: v. FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT LUBBOCK, TEXAS t...... 79408 CA-5-77-28 CLAUDE CRAVENS v. 1CE1J.t.1. LADDERS, INC. and BELKNAP, INC. A'1"'I'ORMEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: FOR PLAINTIFF: BOB JI1Jl'F &: ASSOCIATES Poat Office IIo:E S06 Lubbock, Tau. 79408 HAIlOLD K. PIOO BIOCX,WATERS &: PIOO Post Office Box 10305 Lubbock, Texas DEFEHDAln'S: JAKES H. MILAM ClEllSIWI, DUPUE &: KILAM Poat Office lox 1499 FOR DEFENDANTS: 6. 75247 101. 79408 J,'.-s K. MILAM CROSHAW, DUPREE &: MlLAK Po.t Office lox 1499 ___ ~~:k: ~.:.~ _7~4~8:1; ~ uu.a. LADDDS, IHC.: PUI.CIlL &: VAlDaOR 30 IIortb LaSalle Street CbiealO, '"IlliDoiAI 60602· FOR. DEFEHDAIIT: AUUn' JAIl POUTS . . . _.- __ . _~ I. DY, CARI., IVAIIS &: POUTS Poat Olfice IIo:E 2585 Lubbock, T..... 79408 -12- PHILIP W. JOfI}fSOH CIlEHSHAW. DUPREE & Kll.AH Po.t Office lox 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 10. FOR. PLAUTIn': CA-5-77-30 AUENBElG COTTON COHPANY ATtORNEYS: DEWAYNE DUOH ROBElT I. WILSON. ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY C-201 united States Courthouse 1205 Teu. Avenue Lubboek. TexAS 79401 v. FOR. DEFEHIWITS WIllIAM DUAINE DAY. JR.. AND EVYLIN 11.. DAY: FOR PLAINTIFf': JAMES H. MILAM CRENSHAW, DUPREE & KILAH Post Offic. Box 1499 Lubbock, Texa. 79408 PETE HARLAND Post Offiu lox 327 Lubbock. Teus 79408 FOR. DEP:ENDAKT JEARL llAY HALE: FOR DEFEHDAHT: CLEDDIE r. EDWARDS Suite 731, Court Pbc. 1001 Main Strut Lubbock, Texa. 79401 WIllIAM A. DYESS ANDERSON & R.UDD 110 South Fifth Street Brownfield, Tna. 79316 11. CA-5-77-76 ATtORNEYS: FOR. DEPEtIDAKT KlCIIAZL LOUIS ZAHN: JACk McCLENDON 1306 kOllduJ>;;. EDWARD r. HAVINS, et al. v. KAPCO, INC. Lubboek, Texa. 79401 FOR DEFDIDAlft'S DOIWJ) P. BIENT, IlOSALU IUIIT, tz:E ROY IATLIFF aad EULA J. UTLIFF: FOR. PLAINTIFFS: PAUL H. DIOHn Po.t Office Drawer :a.90 Fort Stockton. Texa. 79735 ROIERT E. I:IlIDDY SAJrTIESTEBAM, UHNEDY & MAIlTI" 7400 Viseotmt. Suite 221 El Pa.o, tue. 79925 FOR DEFENDANT: J'OI. D!7IIIDABT lRAD CRAWFORD CRENSHAW, DUPREE & KlLAH Po.t Office Box 1499 Lubbock, Texa. 79408 12. CA-5-77-81 CURTIS W. STAFFORD and DOH STAF'FORD ATtORHEYS: KAPCO, INC. and JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATION FOR. PLAINTIFFS: run B. MlIRPH1': RaIDT S. PIIII 11th rloor. Ba•• ett Tover II P. .o, Texas 79901 v. BILL DAVIS 1112 Texa. Avenue Lubbock, Tex.. 79401 FOR. DEFENDANT KAPCO. INC.: BRAD CRAWFORD CRENSHAW, DUPREE & KlUtH 14. UHITED STATES GEORGE C. CARTER, JR. and ROY E. THOMPSON v. FOR PLAIHTIn': FOR DIl'ElIIWfr ROY I. TlKliPSOM J~ A. WALTDS PATUCK. IIOWD WALTUS • ASSOCIATES FOR. DEFENDAKT JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORPORATIOH: 1602 Avenue • LWlbock. Texas WK. S. HALL CUEK, nDUWI & HALL Suite 816, Enterpri•• lundinl tUba, Oltlahou 74103 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13: - - - • - - - - - - - - - • - - - - • - AHEIt.ICA ROIU.T I. WILSmI, ASSIStANT WITED STATES ATTOINET C-201 United State. Courthouse 1205 teus Avenue Lubbock, teu. 79401 Po.t Office Box. 1499 Lubboek, Texa. 79408 JACK. LITTLE Post ~liee Box 569 IiI Sprift&. Taus 79720 or CA·5a77-109 AT'I"OIUfIYS: 79401 FOIl DBPEKIWn' GIOItGE C. CAaTER, JR.: 110 Couruel of a.c:ord Docltet Setttna .ent Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requeued Wbere Service Obtained on vife, Doris carter: 7911 • Alban,.. Lu!Jboek, Texa•• -14- FOR PLAINTIFF: }---- JAMES K. WALXER ~~t::~t T:::=in'~i46 ,........ ............ FOR DEFE.HDAHT SMALL BUSINESS AlIU.NISnATION: ROGER L.Hc:ROBEIlTS,ASSISTANT UNITED STATES AT1'ORNEY C-201 United Statu Courthouu 1205 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texa. 79401 ) )l1llSd~""""'LUS""1M­ ~11,""'1'Nll1 December 12, 1977 FOR DEFENDANT DONALD RHEA CHESSHIR: No Coun.el of Record Docket Setting sent Certified HaU, Return Receipt Reque.ted to Hr. Cbe. .ir. 601 South Second, noy~~. Tex. . 79325 TO ALL ATfORHEYS AND PARTIES Mar REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL LISTED ON 111£ ATTACHED LIST: In re: APRIL 10.1978, .!!.!U" LUBBOCK DIVISION CIVIL NON-JUIlY TlUAL SETTINGS - Gentlemen: 16. Att.ched hereto i • • pre-tri.l notice .nd order, tog.ther with • •chedule f;or the trial of civU non-Jury c.... on the Lubbock docket. CA·5·77-77 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT1'ORNEYS: W. F. CAMPULL v. 'lb•• e c •••••re .et for trial cOllllDancina at 1:30 P.M.•• Honday. April 10, 1978, in Lubbock, Texa.. All attomey. and p.rtie. not repre.ented by cOUMal will be pre.ant .t .uch tt.. for announcement.. Each of the ca.e. U.ted will ba triad durina the tara of court indic.ted, but not nece.uriio. the order U.ted, th.refore. all parU• • •bould be ready for trial with vito•••e • •nd .ttorney• •nd parti•• not repre.ented b, counsel pre.ent 00 the fint ~t. of the t.r. a. above .et forth. FOR PlAINTIFF: 1, ROBERT B. WILSON. ASSISTART UNITED STAtES ATTOIUIE'l C-201 Unite.. Stau. Courthoufll. 1205 Texa. Av.nue Lubbock, Texa. 79401 , All perti•• will have an attorne, or other per.on pre.ent at the trial with .utbority to .pprove or diupprove ••ttl_nt negoti.tion. without re.ort to contacting out-of-town repre.ent.Uve. of the p.rty. FOR DEFENDAKT: BILL D. TUCUR 1703 Avenue K Lubbock, Tu.. 79401 Your .pecial ettentioo is invited to the pre~tr1.1 notice and order and attorney aad party aot r.pre.ented by coun.el i. required to cOlDply If you have .n, que.UOM •• to when your compUance is due or the . .naar of COIIPliance, pl•••• let _ hear frOlII 'OU. Otherwi.e, I vill expect the pre-trial orders in .11 the c.... to be in the po•••••ion of the court: 00 or bafore Mlircb 27, 1978, that the reque.ta for jury inatrucUona and iuue. or propo.ed finding. of fact and conclualooa of 1." be fumi.ahed. and di.covery be cOCllPleted aa caned for. 11\e propollecl pre-tri.l ordar. -...t be .ubaitted on the above ~te, and .fter • penoaal conf.rence betw.o. the .ttorney•• and p.rtiea .2!:2 !!.. vi tb tM. order. 17. CA-5-77-130 ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. RAT nlOKPSOM d/b/a 'ftlcap.on'. Sewing Kachin. and MAIllE ALFORD nlOMPSON ELHEIl ROBERT B. WILSON, ASSISTANT UNITED STATES AT1'ORNEY C·201 United States Courthou•• 1205 Texa. Avenue Lubbock, Texa. 79401 If a pre-trial conference is d.alr.d, pl......e let me know and it ""ill be .chaclulad. Tbia DOtice 11 heina liv.o you .averel weeks in .dv.nce .0 that everyone Cadi be raacly for triel without the neceuity of .ny continuance •. FOR DEFEHDANTS: No cOlm.el of r.cord. Copy of docket •• . .Ued Certified NaU, Receipt Requested where serv.d: 2408 47th Stre.t, Lubbock, 'texas "turn .... ***** -15- The civil cases listed on the attached pages are set for trial on the date and time indicated. Each attorney and party is hereby ordered to comply with the following: A. All parties are here ordered to complete all discovery procedures at least two weeks prior to the time set for trial unless otherwise ordered. ( B. Counsel for plaintiff shall prepare a proposed pre· trial order for the Court to enter, which will contain the following: Page 2. ;WstfL-h.J I WOOrN~"""'--'-"" HALBERT O. Chief Judae Northern Obtrict of Tex. . HOW:mmj Attachments 1. Any questions. jurisdictional or otherwise. raised by pending II1Otions. 2. A concise SUlllm8ry of the claims. and .defenses of each_party.• 3. An itemized list of all stipulations and admissions of fact which have been agreed upon by the parties. 4. An itemized list of the contested ultimate issues of fact, including an itemized statement of special damages, if any. as well as offsets thereto. S. An itemized list of each contested bsue of law. 6. A list of all exhibits. witnesses, and designated portions of depositions and interrogatories to be used as evidence by each party. Failure to list a witness. exhibit or deposition will be grounds for exclusion of such omission frOm evidence, unless the Court finds, in the interest of justice, sallie should be admitted. 1. All attorneys are ordered to confer with each other prior to the date of submission of the proposed pre-trial order, and a certificate shall be attached to the proposed order, signed by the attorneys. stating that such a conference has been held, the stipulations are agreed upon, and that the proposed pre-trial order is submitted to the Court for entry. Failure to agree upon the wording or terms of the proposed order will not be an excuse for not filing same, but the attorneys may place in such order their respective versions of the matters to be included. 8. Place for date and signature of the Court. 9. Any additional matters to aid in the disposition of this action. together with an estimate of the probable length of trial. C. Three days before the case is scheduled for trial, each party. through its attorney. will submit to the Court requests for jury instructions and issues or proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. O. All parties shall be ready for trial on the date indicated. E. If a pre-trial conference is deemed necessary, the attorneys will notify the Court at the time of filing the propo!led pre-trial order, or sooner, and the Court will schedule such a conference. F. The proposed pre-trial order will be filed with the Court or Clerk at least one week prior to the date set for trial. Should an attorney fail to appear at a scheduled pre-trial conference or to ti... ly submit a complete and correct pre-trial order as required or fail to cocnpl)' with the other directions set out herein, an ex parte hearing _ , ba held and juds-ent of dbmissal. default, or other appropriate judgment will be entered. Date: DECEHBEI. 12. 1911 t~~ United States District Judge NOll-JURY SETTINGS THE FOLLOWING CIVIL NON-JURY CASES ARE SET FOR TRIAL COMMENCING AT 1:30 P M. LUBBOCK MONDAY EDWARD W. ROTHE FREEMAN, ROTHE, FREEMAN & SALZMAN Suite 3200, One IBH Plaza Chic.go, Illinois 60611 APRIL 10. 1978. IN TEXAS. ALL ATTORNEYS WILL BE PRESENT AT SUCH TIME FOR 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS CA-5-76-26. DtJRING THE TERM OF COURT INDICATED IN THE ORDER LISTED THEREFORE BUT NOT NECESSARILY ALL PARTIES SHOULD BE ATTORNEYS: DClli LEOfWU) CATTLE COMPANY FOR PLAINTIFF: WALKER t£TCAU" P. O. Box 2783 Lubbock, Tex. . 79408 FOR DEFENDANT: TOM RICHARDS READY FOR TRIAL WITH WITNESSES AND ATTORNEYS PRESENT ON THE FIRST DATE OF THE TERM AS ABOIIE SET FORTH. Mc;:CLEKDQN, RICHARDS & CAMPBELL 1208 13th Street Lubbock, Texa. 79401 PROPOSED PRE-TRIAL OilDERS IN ALL CASES ARE TO BE IN THE POSSESSION OF THE COURT ON OR BEFORE KARCH 27 1978 AND MUST BE SUBMITTED 3. ON SUCH DATE AFTER A PERSONAL CClfFERENCE BEl\IEEN NOH-JURY DOCKET CA-5-76-8' ATTORNEYS: FOR PlAINTIFF: CA-5-76-34· GENE A. GAINES v. THE ATTORNEYS. 1. ANDERSC'N-SkACCS FEEDING CORPORATION v. DON LEONARD, Individually .nd d!b/. EACH OF THE CASES LISTED WILL BE TRIED ATTORNEYS: THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, ET AL. FOR PLAINTIFF: WILLIS T. TAYLOR 2206 Bro.dw.y Lubbock, Texa. 79401 BRUHLEY ESTATE, ET AL. v. IOWA BEEF PROCESSORS, INC. ALBERT PEREZ 1001 Klin Street, Suite 634 Lubbock. Texa. 79401 DON eAKPBELL HIKE McKOOL. JR. H£WETT, JOHNSON, SWANSON & BARBEE 4700 Firat Intern.tional BuUdina Oallu, Tex. . 75270 TOMAS GARZA 1006 - 13th Street Lubbock, Tex. . 79401 DANIEL H. BENSON P. o. Box 4030 Lubbock, Tex. . 79409 TOft HAMILTON LlIFONT, TUNNELL. FORMBY, 1.IFOHT & HAMILTOH Skaggs BuUdina Phinvlew, Tex. . 79072 FOR DEFENDANTS: THOMAS L. BURDETT ntOHAS AND BURDETT P. O. Box 1917 116 South 25 HUe Avenue Hereford, Tex•• 79045 FRED O. SENTER, JR. CITY ATTORNEY P. O. Box 2000 Lubbock, Tex. . 79457 JAKES P. BREWSTER, TRIAL ATTORNEY DENNIS W. McGILL TRAVIS D. SHELTON & ASSOCIATES 1507 13th Street Lubbock. Tex•• 79401 STEPHEN H. SUTTLE McMAHON. SHAJlT, vn.5(1f. SUROVIIt & StIITLE P. O. Box 1440 Abilene. 79604 r.... POR IIITEIY!lUl ROSE WILSOII: ROBERT P. DAVlCOl School of Law Te:u. Tech University Lubbock. Tex. . 79409 -1- _ o.• J -2- 4. CA-5-16-16- ATTORNEYS: FOR PUINTIFF: FOR DEFENDANTS: YMfUl. I!. ftURCHISON In KEY. CARl.. EVANS &. FOl1l'S P. O. Box 2585 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 MARY JANE GARCIA. and CLARA D. RAnIFF, ET AL. v. CI8S0N'S DISCOUNT CENTER OF PUINVIEW, ET AL. HENRY H. ROSENRLUH 4635 Southwelt Freeway Suite 320 West Houst:on, Texal 77027 ------------------------------------- --------------------------------8. CA-5-16-96' AttoRNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: LEO C. MICHAUD 1266 E. Ledbetter 1hI11.I, Tex.. 75216 FOR DEFENDANTS: 5. CA-S-16-87' ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: CA-5-76-1ogATTORNEYS: J. ORVILLE SHIm CRENSHAW, DUPREE &. MILAM P. O. Box 1499 Lubbock, Tex.. 79408 CA- 5-16-90- J. A. FINLEY, dba JIH FINLEY AND ASSOCIATES 10. CA-5-76-111' ATTORNEYS: FOR PLAINTIFF: FOR DEFENDANT: 7. CA-5-76-94' WILLIS T. TAYLOR 2206 Broadway Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 H. J. BLANCHARD 1910 American Bank Tower Austin, Texa. TIWAR. INC. v. PSS HARJ(ETING CCMPAHY and PRICE. STEDI &. SLOAR PUBLISHERS. INC. -3- AURREY J. FOl1l'S SECRETARY (F STATE AUSnN. T'£l[AS (FOR SERVICE) ------------------------------------- -------------------------------_. LEATRERBY INSURANCE COMPANY v. ATTORNEYS: CHAIU.ES THERWHANcER v. BILL DALE KEY, CARR, EVANS &. FOUTS P. O. Box 2585 Lubbock. Texa. 79408 FOR DEFENDANT: 6. JOHN E. CUNTER --------------------------- --------------------------------9. FOR PLAINTIFF: FOR DEFENDANT: WILLIS. T. TnLQR 2206 Broadway Lubbock, Texa. RASSMAN, CUNTER. &. BOLDRlCX 400 Midland Tower Building Midland. Texa. 79701 TOMMY RRASHEARS v. AMERADA HESS CORPORATION JIM D. RUDD ANDERSON &. RUDD 1I0 South 5th Str••t Rrownfield, Texal 79316 LLOYD L. WHETzEL v. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEHlCALS, INC. FOR PLAINTIFF: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. AUTRY CENE CAINES ROBERt B. Wltsa. ASSISTANT U. S. ATTORNEY C-20l - 1205 Tex.. Avenue Lubbock. Tex.. 79401 FOR DEFElfDANT: CENE CAINES 1I04 Avenue J Luhboc", Tu.. 79401 --------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR PLAINTlFF: ut.lft 11.. IUU,", CLIFFORD. SIHS &: KlDD 1607 Bro.dway Lubbock. Te. . . 79401 FOR DEFENDANTS: U. CA-5-76-115· U. S. DEPARtHENT OF .JUSTICE Anti-Truac Oiviaion b. Be6 - uoo eo-rce Street DeUa., Te. . . ;5242 JACK HAZLEWOOD Box UllZ A.lUrillo, Tex•• 79101 GEORGE H. McFADDEN &: BRO., A Dividon of VALHAC INDUSTRIES. INC. FOR DEFENDANT LUBBOCK COUNTY BEVERAGE ASSN.: HIkE WORLEY NELSON. McCLESKEY, HARRIGER &: BRAZILL P. O. Drawer 6170 Lubbock. Teu. 79413 FOR DEFEHDo\H1' CECIL'S, INC. : AUBREY J. FOUTS KEY. UU, EVANS &: FOUts P. O. Box Z585 Lubbock. Te... 79408 FOR OEFENDo\H1' THE AU STAR CO., INC.: CUDDlE T. EDWARDS Suit. 731 Cuurt Place IDOl Hlin Lubbock, Tex•• 79401 v. 13. ATTORNEYS: FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT LUBBOCK FOR PLAINTIFF: 0tAJU.ES E. GALEY BROCK, WATERS &: CAlLY 715 Lubbock "acional knk Ud,. Lubbock, T. . . . 79408 FOR DEFENDANT: JAMES H. HIUM CRENSHAW, DUPREE &: MILAM P. O. Box 1499 Lubbock. Te... 79408 CA-5-76-115. ------------._------------------------------------------------------_. IS. EARL FOX CA-S-76-1Z7. C-B nlJCJ( LINES, INC . • •nd ONC FREIGHT SYSTEMS, lIfC. FOR PLAINTIFF: JOHN C. SIMS CLIFFORD, SIMS &: KIDO P. O. Box Z976 Lubbock, Teu. 79408 FOR. D£FENI:WfTS C-B ntJCl: LINES, INC., and ONe FREICHT SYSTEMS. WALKEi. HE:TCALF P. O. Box 2783 Lubbock. Tex.. 79408 v. ATTORNEYS: FOR PlAINTIFF: FOR DEFENDANTS; R. W. alASE .nd CHI CHASE, Individu.lly and d/b/. SOlTl'HWEST PEU.ETIZII«::. A Partner.hip ROBERT E. GARNER GAJlNER, VICKERS &: PUllDOH 1801 Avenue Q Lubbock, Texa. 79401 ------------------_.-_._--_._----_._--------------------------------14. CA-5-76-126' INC. : FOR DEF£NIwfr JtOCK ISlAND !'OTOR TRANSIT. INC., 3rd PAltrY: BILL H. BRISTER. GRIFFInt &: BRlSTEIl. 6F Lubbock Nacional Bank Building Lubbock. Texa. 79401 UNITED STATES 0' AKEJlICA v. ATTOIUiEYS: waBOCK COUNTr BEVERAGE ASSOClATIctI, ET AI. FOR PLAINTIFF: ROBERT B. WILSON ASSISTANT U. S. AT'I'ORH!Y b. C-201. 1205 Tex.. Av.nue Lubbock, Tex.. 79401 JOE E. GRACY SHANNctI. GRACY, RATLIFF &: HIl.L.£R 27DO Continental N.tional Bank Building Fort Worth. Tex. . 7610Z BERNARD P. EVANS KEY, CARR, EVANS &: FOUTS 9th Floor Lubbock National B.nk 81dg. Lubbock, Te. . . 79401 'I n."CE C. SPITZER ROCI: ISI..AHD HOTOR TRANSIT CO. 139 W. V.n Buren Street Chic·so, Ill1noia 60605 11.. A. WILSON -- ... -5- ~STEI. TANK &: EQUIPMENT CO. OF TExAs ATTOJUrfEYS: lIKDEIWOOD, VlLSON, StTI'TON, BERRY. STEIN &: J(HrfSOtt .....rlc.ft R.tion.l Bank Bulld~ ng .....rlllo. Taza. 79105 -._~--- .. _-._-- .. __ ._-_.-.._------------------------------._---- CRENSHAW. DUPREE & HILAM P. O. Box. 1499 Lubbock. Teu. 19408 FOR DEFENDANT: ,, FOR THE NORTHERN WBBOCK. - ---- DISTRICT OF TEXAS FEB 1 0 DIVISION A. CElCE CAINES, et a1., 197'8 ~ JOi t;o ~l:ElROY. , I PlaintUh, CIVIL ACTICIf NO. CA-S-76-34 nt! CITY OF LUBBOCK, et a1., 17. cA-5-16-136· ALLEIiBERC COTTON COMPANY v. ATTORNEYS: W. C. KNOX. JR. FOR PlAINTIFF: JAKES H. HILNt CRENSHAW. DUPREE & Mlu.M P. O. Box. 1499 Lubbock. Teu. 19408 FOR DEFENDANt: RAY D. ANDERSON ANDERSctf & lWDD Defendantl. OR D E R The court hal received a IIOtion for continuance of the above· entitled and n1Dbered cause, joined in by counlel for all parti.. , and alao Joined in by plaintiff. A. Gen. Caines. 110 South 5th Street Brownfield. Tex... 19316 Accordinaly, it ia her. ORDERED that the letting of the above-entitled and nUlllbered cau.. on the April 10, 1978 18. CA-5-16-140· JOHN E. CORDON. and Wife MARY E. GORDON ten of thi. court ia VACATED and the .etion for continuance v. 1& aranted. ATTORNEY!=': UNITED STATES OY AKEIlICA FOR PlAINTIFF: BOB HUFF & ASSOCIATES P. O. Box. 506 Lubbock. Teu. 19408 The erial of thia cauae of action will be at a later FOR DEFENDANT: ten of court and the partie. vill be tilllely notified of luch later lettina. ROBERT B. WILSON ASSISTANT U. S. ATTORNEY RtD. C-201 - 1205 Teu. Avanue Lubbock. Tex... 79401 11Ia Clerk will furnish a copy hereof to each attorney. am:un thto lOth"7~ Chief Judie IIorthern Diatrict of Texa. ,i -7- ------- IN TilE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT' ~'OR TilE NORTHERN JA!~2""~ ~ LUBlWCK OCT201ll17 DIVISIOU DISTRICT OF TEXAS A. GEUE GAINES, DIVISION Pl&lucHt, A, GENE GAINES, CIVIL ACTION 00. CA-5-76·]4 Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION No. CA-S-76-J4 nu:: CITY OF LUBBOCK, .t aI., THE CITY OF WBBOCK, et ai, OR. PER Defendants. ~ (lQ The Court havinq received the Motion for Withdrawal and thia data a COId.rene. vas bald in the court's b.~ Sul:stit.ution of Counsel filed by willis T. Taylor askinq that he chambera ritb all partin be allowed t.o withdraw and that Mark C. Hall be substituted in rupecti_ attorn.,... his place and the Court after c"lnsiderinq the s&llle and notinq attention ".. c.lled to the r.cent action of on. Ju.tic. t.he approval of Gene ~ines to the Motion is of the opinion IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that. willis T. Taylor is qrantee leave to withdraw as one of the attorneys for Plaintiff ~"rk C. Hall is hereby qranted leave to appear in this cause on behalf of the Plaintiff alonq with Mr. Daniel H. Benson, Mr. T~. . cam a.d ENTERED Hr. Alb",. thi~_ of the Sypr- Court iDdlCAtiag tbe po.. lbilicy that the Supre.a Court of tb& Uaited SUUs v1l1 p-ct carclorari the sallie should be granted. and raprasenud by thalr At aucb conf.rence tb. court's 1911). tbe court qrea. wim the sua:_Uona by all attonaay. that tber8 _y ltoe aw.ataDti. . principIa. of law 1n the Wl. . CQ& that will be applicable to t.hl. eu•• cui chat lt "I'OUld ....cuo. ba baat to await the SupT_ Court' a decision batora perU9 day of ill the ca.. of VlH •• UpaCOlllb. _ _ F.ld _ _ (5th Cir. '1" . . . ., ' 1978. Iba oourc. 1& of the op1nion that, by trying the ca.e ·-.~!:l5:"'T 0, WOODWARD Halbert O. WOOdward United States District Judge ~ -ur1o& Jucta-lt before CM Supr. . . Court'. decldon in Vi.. , a MCODCl erial of thia c&H _y be raqu.1nd. 'tbtnfor. tbIi .. tt1a& of tbb ca.. for Hanmber 7, 1977 1& VACADD .acl. t~ cu. vUI N Ht for erial at a later date. 'Iba CIadl. yUI fundah a copy hanof to e.acb attorna,.. aDDD thU 20th M1 of OCtoNz' A.D. 1977. JU.LlllRT o. WOOmu..<D WDif b. QOOfXlIJlb CIdaf J ...... Nortbera. Diattlct of Tn... Dl , . Ilf ns FOIl. tM1D ~ su:ns DIS11lICf COOIlf .. SEP!419T/ m,. ..,. JUIIICr . . .. ___ na~_1lIlCt IOORnmuf DtsmCT til TEUS 1.-:1 Jmll[" WlSOOClIi DlVISlC* ". CE\"£ G.US1:S. ET "L•• -. Plaintiff' "CI".~."'~. THE CITY or Ul&IIOCI. Sf A.t... Defeo4antl The Co!U"t h&TlJl& t1rs~ QIlClllcle.re4 t1le Iaterrmor t , Hoti_ t." 1_,.. to a=t1I4 hI' __ cled he:rebJ'. . u tlI. liberal btupreu.ti_ of tbe Fe4eral Rules of C:l. Yi1 I'r'oc:edur.. cnnU 1_.... to ~M Int.... , . to - n.. e..rt _'I'bc tlrlt _111.~ till ~ t . MId. , . t . - q . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . "'--'1ll~.11Mn1~. ........... Ol_...... fIl till ~ fIlct:d.l .......... cn-u ta.. 'Ce .I~ ~. fii/.17 1m. iI&I:t .......... "'''- ~.ltI'lotfll"", to rca ... _ DlIDlCT,. ..... ~FT CE" [) JUL 2 9 f1f1 ......... DDIII.. JO$EPI, i.I~ELr.O'r. JR., ClERJ( 8V_·_ _ '-Dr"',tv A. Q!lG. GADSS. at al •• .... _ oloo_"'-_' 110_"''''_ _ _ - __ .. _ . . .. ..w ___ 1'Ile cOlKt: ..... ~1'" ta. ~ , c:oau-e Itt thIi trial . , tile at Ieee. tn. 1M .c dIIl ... te.t " ..,. .... -_--------_. Tbe ..u. . . sa CIIMnD. , ce In. • a-t _ . . , . . . . ft1eA wl.-.u ftII ___, _ ~ u.. ...... -..-_ .... -.._-ool-.,"'..... --. . . . . . . . . . . . .U . . ., _--...---J . ... J lie MftW _ _ a - I _ _ " ' _• ....,... .. _ _ . .u. .... ..-,.. _",_of_ oa!tla m.: . , . . . . . 1m 8& 11 -- ..--.. .-c • IM_. ......... .Jj.. of aJr ..D. un. war. ~ ...... '11M ca-ll .111 - - . . • ..., ......, em .-cl b.u abo ~, -J-""'-"--'---" _ 1M , '!D CDr or I.IIUCJCS. , . TIl! MAYea AID CCIII:1Io at' SAID C11'1'. lOr a&I8. CMQLD JCaIWI. IlU. NItAIolftD. DDI: A&.uI U8:f. ALI. D 1IIID CAlICD'f M MDeDI or DE ct'II COIEIL at lalOCl.. . . . . . . . . . tadlcaee. ... .a.a-~ ......... __ .......... . ... JULi4U rca Td.can1U III1UCf. 'raY UlalGCl. In_ _ I'" ~~ti JOSEPIl ......[lROV. JR.• CLERIt 8Y _._ --~IY A. CIllECAIM£S PhlnttH CIYlL ACTICll' MO. CA-S-16-1' ntE Cln or LllIlBOeX. AND THE ,""YOIt AND Cin COlJfCIL OF r~ladlf. LllIlBOCK (ItOY lASS. CAItOLYN JORDAH, BRYCE CAXPIELL DUX WEST ALAN HENRY), 1M ntEtIt CAPACITY • ~ ~:=.OF ntE CITY COUNCIL 1"-. Defend&nu CIT1 til U111OCl. ee .1•• This C&lI&e c_tne on to b. ,",.rd OD the _UOD of los. !UI.oa for l ...v. to int.rve..... p.rlOypl.IIlUrr. _d the courlOh.vtneconsidered •• ld_UOfI.nd the co~hlnt tender.d there.,ith. -.ld ilO .ppeartne to the court th.t the ••id lo.e Wihon .hould be pe.... Ut.d to •• reque.ted • •nd the court beine duly acIvls.dia t'"'pre_•••• IT IS 01DD.Ell tbat los. Wihon haa to int.rven. la this c&lI&e, and Is fine ....... _ _ u tbII • ....-1C the Cwk .s.U .....b • ..., UIDD Cn'" 1JIu ..,. -- f U'" et ~.17 eu...,. 1'11. • hereby • p.rty to Utla c ....... and to that .nd _y fU. Insunter • c~Ia1nt h. this U111&. 1_ lObe _ _ aanner and .,1th lilut .. H.ct •• i f n._d .n orielna! p.rty 100 thla call&e. ...... ... - AAldSERt O. WOOD"AR" "'..-u.n ti~ "-caMC .1 . . . UnllO'" St.t•• District Jude• .....~."" \. FOR THE ~ORTIIER." DISTRICT OF TEXAS .... -- LUBBOCI DIVISION . ._ . . . . . . . ~ GE~E CAINES, et 11., ) ) Plaintiffs Plaintift l ) CIVIL ACTION NO. CA·5·76-34 I TilE CITY OF LUBBOCK, et II., Defendlnts :1:ai:;r I I : CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-S-16-H ~ OF WB8OCIC, Defendants I I ORDER The Court ha. received t.he Plaintiff'. IllOtion for In response to the aotion of the Plaintiffs filed NlY 6, 1977, cont.inuance. filed on April 21, 1911, and aft.r considering and the stipulations of the parties fUed s\lbsequently, the Court the .... has det.enlined that the r.-que.ted continUAnce has determined that the above caSf! is to be aaint.ined as a class .hould be granteel in order t.o allow n_ couns.l for the Iction uncer the provisions of Rule 23(b)(2). Federal Rules of Plaintiff adequate ti_ in which to prepare the ca.e for trial. Ci"il ?rocedure. Th pri .. ry cluse, consist of the black population of the City of Lubt:ock, Texas, and the Mexican Aaerican or Spanish Surna.ed populltion of the City of Lubbock, Tens. Toaether, these aroups constitute a laraer, secondary class as to "bich specific orders Ire not dee_d necessary by the Court at this ti_. but which aay be entered later i f necessary under the provisions of Rule 23(4). Federal Rules of Civi::' Procedure. It is the opinion of the Court th.t no notice to any aeabers of the classes involved is necessary at this tiae. since this is an action for injunctive and declaratory relief only under the provisions of Rule 23(b) (2), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and thus the notice requirelDtnts of Rule 23(c)(2) do not apply. and since the existence of this case is ,enera11y and widely knowo tbrouabout the City of Lubbock. TeJtu, due to aedb covera,e of the case, and any additional notice "ould be superfluous. The Clerk will ENTERED this f~Sh a copy hereof to .acb attonley. ...l.::::... day of June. 1977. . l7Cfl ~I I GENE " GAINES, A. . . . . .04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , . . LtlBBOCIt'"DIVISIOH Accordinqly, it. b. ORDERED that thia ca.e be and it ia hereby cont.inued Auqu.t 22, 1917, at. which tt.- it will be t.ried. orbe Clerk vill provide a copy of thia order t.o aU coun.el. Erlt.ered \hie III 2J.:.. day of -"\1"'=-- _ • FOR THE NORTHERN IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF TEXAS FOR THE NORTHERN LUBBOCK DIVISIOlI DISTRICT OF TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION r,ENE A GAINES, Plaintiff vs. TilE CITY OF LUBBOCK, et a1., Defendants I I I I I I I I I I CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-S-76-34 GENE GAINES. Plaintiff v. CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-S-76-34 CITY OF LUBBOCK, et a~ •• Defendants ORDER The court has received the Plaintiff's motion for continuance, filed on April 27, 1977, and after considering the same has determined that the requested continuance The Court has received the Plaintiff'. notice of his should be granted in order to allow new counsel for the desire to withdraw as counael Plaintiff adequate time in which to prepare t~e case for other capacity. in the above captioned and numbered cause. trial. and baving been advised by the Plaintiff that his decision Accordingly, it is, ORJERED that this case be and it is hereby continued until August 2~, 1977, at which time it will be tried. The Clerk will provide a copy of this order to all and a. counsel in any to withdraw as counsel is wholly voluntary and is believed by Plaintiff to be in his best interest. and having been further advised by Plaintiff that he has secured other counsel to repreaent hia. and has authorized Mr. Willi. T. Taylor. counsel. Entered this ~~. ;2;7 day of --,-&J'~--,--' ' 1977. Mr. Albert Perea. Mr. Toaas Garza. and Mr. Daniel H. Benson. to enter their app.arance as counsel for the Plaintiff and to /5/ HALBERT O. liOODWARD United States District Judge repre.ent hia in this cauae. it i . hereby. ORDERED that Mr. Cene Gaines. Plaintiff. be allowed to withdraw aa counl.1 in this cause. and his withdrawal a. counael ia hereby .pproved by the Court. and that upon the Plaintiff'. authoriaation. the ether above-naaed attorney. are allowed to file appearance on the Plaintiff's behalf 1n thia cau.e and to repr •• ent hi. herein. The Clerk will provide a copy of this order to all coun•• l. Entered tbb United States D~ IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION GENE GAINES, Plaintiff v. CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-5-76-34 CITY OF LUBBOCK, et al., Defendants ORDER The Court has received the Plaintiff's notice of his desire to withdraw as counsel £!£ ~, and as counsel in any other capacity, in the above captioned and numbered cause, and having been advised by the Plaintiff that his decision to withdraw as counsel is wholly voluntary and is believed by Plaintiff to be in his best interest, and having been further advised by Plaintiff that he has secured other counsel to represent him, and has authorized Hr. Willis T. Taylor, Mr. Albert Perez, Hr. Tomas Garza, and Hr. Daniel H. Benson, to enter their appearance as counsel for the Plaintiff and to represent him in this cause, it is hereby, ORDERED that Hr. Gene Gaines, Plaintiff, be allowed to withdraw as counsel in this cause, and his withdrawal as counsel is hereby approved by the Court, and that upon the Plaintiff's authorization, the other above-named attorneys are allowed to file their appearance on the Plaintiff's behalf in this cause and to represent him herein. The Clerk will provide a copy of this order to all counsel. Entered this ~ day of ~ , 1977. HALBERT O. WOODWARD United States District Judge