FrRST TRIAL, Iqll- ,llS;). AAI'D LtlJ1)A~'D ( ,0..,1.. UAV£S) . Pt.1:4J)IN~~/ 1976~ 197~ /9JJ (4~ Lcl/V~) IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION NOV - ti 1982 Jf\~EPH McELROY, JR., CLERK bY __. . _ Deputy 1'.1:: V. ROY JONES, et aI, and Intervenor, ROSE \-;ILSON Plaintiffs NO. CA 5 76-34 vs CLASS ACTION THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, et al. Defendants PLAINTIFFS' AND INTERVENOR'S A}mNDED COHPLAINT 1. Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervrnor, Mexican American and Black citizens of Lubbock, Texas, bring this action pursuant to 42 U. S. C. 1971, 1973, 1983 and 1988 to redress a denial, under color of state law, of rights privileges or immunities secured to Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor by the laws and Constitution of the United States. 2. Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor seek a declaratory judgment that the existing at large method of electing members of the City Council of Lubbock violates Plaintiff~ and Plaintiff-Intervenor's civil rights in that such method illegally and unconstitutionally I :1 I dilutes the voting strength of Black and Mexican American ·citizens; Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor seek a permanent injunction prohibiting the holding, supervising or certifying of any future City Council elections under the present at large system; ~nd Plaintiffs Plaintiff-Intervenor seek the formation of a City Council of sufficient size so as not to dil~te or cancel out the voting strength of Blacks and Hexican Americans; Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor seek the formation of a Council whose members, including th~ Mayor, are elected from single member districts; Plaintiffs and PlaintiffIntervenor seek costs and attorneys I ··fees. II. JURISDICTION 3. .lurisdiction i5 based on 28 U. S. C. 1343(3) and 1343(4). ~:l-'Cn causes of acticn arising under 42 L'. S. C. 1971, 1973, 1983, 1988, I "nd the 14th and 15th Amendments t.o the United States Constitution. Declal'iltOl'Y relief is authorized by 28 U. S. c. 2201, 2202, and Ru Ie':> 7, F. R. C. P. III. PLAINTIFFS AND Pl.AINTIFF-INTERVENOR 4. Planitiff REV. ROY JONES and PLAINTIFF-INTERVENOR are Black United States citizens, tax payers and citizens of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and qualified voters entitled to vote for members of the City Council of Lubbock, Texas. 5. Plaintiff GONZALO GARZA is a citizen of Mexican American descent, a tax payer and citizen of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and a qU31ified voter entitled to vote for members of the City Council of Lubbock, Texas. 6. Plaintiff JUAN ANTONIO REYES is a citizen of Mexican American descent, a tax payer and at the time this suit was filed a citizen of the City of Lubbock, Texas and a qualified voter entitled to vote for .. embers of the Cit}, Council of Lubbock, Texas. IV. CLASS ALLEGATIONS 7. This Court has previously certified the class to include all Black and ~!exican American citizens of the City of Lubbock, Texas. V. DEFENDANTS 8. Defendants BILL McALISTER, M. J. "BUD" ADDERTON, ALAN HENRY, JOAN BAKER, AND E. JACK BROlm are citizens of Lubbock, Texas, and the Mayor and members of the City Council respectively of Lubbock, Texas. The City of Lubbock is organized and exists under the laws and the Const.itution of the State of Texas. VI. CAUSES OF ACTION 9. The present at large system of electing City Council members, i:llentionally created and/or maintained with a racially discriminatory purpose, violates the civil rights of Plaintiffs and PlaintiffIntervenor by unconstitutionally diluting their votes. 10. The present at large system of electing City Council members, ~llh ul regard to intent in its creation or maintenance, results in -2- -- a denial or abridgement of the right to vote of Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor in that the political processes leading to nomination or election of City Council members of Lubbock, Texas, is not equally open to participation by Plaintiffs, PlaintiffIntervenor, and the class they represent, in that they have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice. VII. EQUITIES 11. Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor have no adequate remedy other than the judicial relief sought herein, and unless Defendants are enjoined from continuing the present at large system, Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor will be irreparably harmed by the continuing violation of their civil and legal rights. The illegal and unconstitutional conditions complained of preclude the adoption of remedial provisions by the electorate. The present electoral scheme is without any legitimate or compelling governmental interest and arbitrarily and capriciously cancels, dilutes and minimizes the force and effect of Plaintiffs' and Plaintiff-Intervenor's voting strenJth. VIII. ATTORNEYS' FEES 12. In accordance with 42 U. S. C. 1973-1(e) and 1988, Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenor are entitled to receive reasonable attorneys' fees as part of their costs. PRAYER 13. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiffs and PlaintiffIntervenor, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, pray that Defendants be cited to appear and answer herein; that this action continue to be maintained as a class aLtion; that a declaratory judgment be issued finding that the existing method of electing City Council members is unconstitutional and illegal; that Defendants be permanently enjoined from holding, supervising or certifying any further City Council elections under the present at large system; that this Court order the formation of a city council council of sufficient size so as not to dilute the vo ing streng h of Black and Mexican American citizens; that this Court order the -3- :'ncmber districts; adjudge all costs C\gainst Defendants, including reasonable attorneys' fees; rctain jurisdictions to render any and .""Ill further or'der~ ,,~ appropr~ate: this Court j,k1}' from limc to time deem and grant any and all further relief both at law and in equity to ~hich these Plaintiffs and the class they represent l":'.ay show themselves entitled. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM L. GARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 8300 Douglas, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75225 ~ 214/, 3~9::.~ B~:"::~wr;:~n~la"'m~ ..~"""J;;;"r"'r:-::eC::t'i:t~0T-,7"'00ni:0;""SOUTHWEST VOTER REGISTRATION EDUCATION PROJECT 201 N. St. Mary's St., Suite 501 San Antonio, TX 78205 512/ 222-0J24. By: DANIEL H. BENSON TOMAS GARZA ALBE RT PREE Z MARX HALL c/o MARX HALL Attorney at Law 1402 1exas Avenuv, ~ LUbbo¢k, TX 7940 IY ., . By: _ _--',-.:.,..:.l_·~-'-/--"---'-J!-'-=--At~orneys for Plaintiffs LANE ARTHUR Attorney at Law 1216 Ave. K Lubbock, TX 79401 /.~- By :_-;:._....:..'--'-.._'_/_---':_...:~::~::_:::-=--'-__ Attorney for Plaintiff-Intervenor -4- ~ ,/h-'j / / _ .. r - - " ' - .• ~ ,"' ' C1IUQIIU> uy mailing .1 copy of same lo their oJl101llt.'yS 01 record by U.S. mad, postage plt.:!'dld, lo the fullowing addresses: r·h. John Hoss. ell y Altorney !-Ir. James 13,"('\-,'::;1('(", Cit y Trial Attorney I. II h hod: ('lly 11,,1\ 916 Texas Ave. l.ubbock, Texas 79401 Mr. Tra\ois D. Shellon AllOl'ncy at 1801 Ave. 0 Lubbock. Texas 71J40J ~~=""-':-i="~/""'=£: BY' __ Attor'n .. ·y for P~fs /- IlY'_--=-~/ _ _-,-_=~""",';;,·:---:-,o..,.-=__ Allorm'Y for Plainliff-Inlervenor I.IIRRnCK .\ nIVISIO~ t,1 \1 l.,\ I ~ES. Plaint i ff, CIVIL ACTIO~ NO. CA-S-76-:l4 nil: r I j"Y OF U1RKOCK, ;\~n nn: MAYOR AND CIT\' COU~"'1. OF I.UBBOCK ( ROY BASS. 1.·IROI.Y' 11ORI),I'. BILL \lcALISTI'R. IlIRK \\1 'iT, ·\loA'l 1IJ::\Rn, IN THEIR f\I',\CI rY -\S r:OIl~C:11. m; 1.llRROCK, '1I"'tBI"RS ,)1" Tllf 1:ITY .\~,\\tEN I)F IlF.Ft:\ll.\\:l. CITY OF I.IIRRfK:K. TEXAS, I:T .\1. ___ ~~~ )..:~TElfVI~~R'.:~~~~(~O~~n:~IIF.ll (~!P~• ...nw .Iordan. BTla' rrll'mher~ CO'IES the ('ltv uf I.uhhun.. rl':<a~. a !lome Ihlll' ~lt1nit.."ipal tor· Lampbell, nir$.. "-cst. ·\Ian Ilenr)', all in th('ir C'apal.:lt\· ,IS nf thl"' Coun,," I 1 of l.11hho("k. ncff'ndantl" in the i\bove-!"ty·led anu numbcrC"c.l .. all~e. and make an'" fi 1(" this tht"ir A.nswer to Intervenor's SeC'ond ,\mended Complaint. filed herrin b,' !lose Wilson, Intervenor Plaintiff, and woult! show the Court: FI RST OFFENSE Oefendants special 1)' except to Intervenor's COIIplaint. Paraaraph 9. 1n that Intervenor does not adequately llefine the tel'1llinology "pa!l't official acts of discrimination" with suffident detail and clarity to allo,," Defendants to prepare fin adequate defense to ology. alle~ations incorporatin~ said ter-in- Specifically, Intervenor states that !>aid actions havl' required _"bers of thl' purpoTted class of Intervenor to live only in certain geographic areas and, in addition, have caused thell to suffer eco~ic deprivation. Intervenor wholl}' fails to define her t('I'1IlS and those specific acts whiC'h have created th("~f' .. huation .. , tlll~ l.·xlsten~'(' of which llefendant!" den)', nt" whll'h "'pecial eUf'flt ion lJefcn,l:Int~ fl~a)' Jud~m('nt of this Court. ~ri1ph II that the City Counci I or other Oefcndants arc rcsponsihll' for tht' rt'"l,h.'nt''' tht'rt'ln prt'v(·nt:-. ",aid n'SllJpnts frail Ih telldallf~ "',H.'l..'i:lllr llcm' :11.1' \'Iarltv to Inter\'l~nor JUl'S thl' :lllC'g3tion~ adC~u3t("lr from said arca:" in Intf'n'cnor'!=, I'ar:.- define the I imitat Ion of ,Ill,}..: Pt"'cndant to prep,lre ,in adcquatC' dt'f"nsc "'1'('\'1 fi..::all)'. Bl:IC~~ not 1IO\'in~ ":tll\.'gatlons In'('1"\ l'nnr \'nmplains that Ila"t di"'t'riminat lOil have fNl'lired them to live onl\" In ('crtain "~co~rarhl\.· :lIo::Iln~t ar<";I .... 1,oIt 1\- out dcflnlnJ,: the houndarics Ill' sau! ''):cographic areas", of "hit'h "'p<"cial eXt'cpt ion IIcf('ndant~ rra~ judgalCllt of thi s Court. FOlJRTIl OF.HSSE Oefendant!' specially l"xcept to Intervenor's raraRraph 1~ because Intervenor doe.. not adequately define the teminology "unre!'ponsivc" with ~\Ifficient detai I and clarity to allow f)efendants to defensr to alle~ations incorporaTin~ prepare an adequate said tC'rllinology. Spedfi..:allr, Inter- venor cOllplains that the City Cound I h,IS h"en unrespon!'ive to tht.' needs of BI ..cks without defining what necds, if .. ny, hav" not been met by the City Counci 1 and how they hAve heen unresponsive. of which ~pecial exception Defendant" pray ,Judaaent of thi .. Court, I' JFTII OEFFSSJ' ------ I.,·fcnIol3nts spcdally tlen)' th,' ~ra(lh II 1n That Interv"nor illfll ics that allcltation~ ~h,' ~as in Inh'rvenor':; Par'· not rf.'Cl'l\·cd prC1rH"r s:o\",'rn- !Drnt r'''!}fl'''cntat Ion for th" rt -Ison t hat no IIC11hcr of thl' Ci t y r.llIn .. i I Ii \ ("'" In ner flrip,hhorhood, "ithoUT "pcclfrill~ i)cfC'ndantc: special lr • ..::crt,111: "'ITt'a .. " ~..:C'rt :tnd rlet:liling the fOl' h..-r tn Inh'T\"I'nnr':-. Cnmplaint, r:lr;t· I'cft'rred t,l tl1\.'r(';1\ "Ith suffi.'il'nT ·1· r"a~un:o' lI,'fall anll .. Ia,'ity t('l ,,110_ tit) nnt ,·,..... 1.1..• an the.... ···Ir'·:a .. •• "'Ithollt dcfininy" tht' hountl.lri«... ,S of ~aiJ ·"arl'a~" • .,f "'ll h 'I,p,'jal ,'XCl'pt ion p,·tt',"lants pray .Jud~ml'nt of this Court. SI:\'1:~TII nEFrNSJ: -------- JI,·f,."t1t1ant:-o ':1'",,'1;,11)' p.'!'" I: t',.,t ~ t r~:llg t J.("n~' th{' all."p,ations in lntl·r\l·nor' ... Para· n::l~es "H' at -Iarl:'- S\·,t,·r., .Ii Illtl'S and incff"ctil'l' thl.' \'otin~ 'j .!t'f'· ,IllY .. Ollst Itut InnaII:: protl·ct,·tt riJ.:ht. ttl I I(;J t. nil IIJ:Ff''lSi: f"'. "IN'm nl'l'l'ssl: nefendants specially exccpt to Intervenor's Complaint, !'.aragraph Il, in that Interv~nor does not adequatelY define the terminology "pattl'rns "f racial discriminat ion" referred to therein with sufficient detail an,1 clarIty to allow "efl'ndants to prepare an adequate defense to alleg.1t Ions lnClHporatlllg said t"'rnl1nolo~)'. Specifically, Intervenor ('omplains th"t the prescnt at -Iargl' system is a reflection of 10nj!-standinR "patternsvf racial discriminatIon", of which special exception Defendants pray .Iudgment of t his Court. TENTH nF.FI'SSE "efendants spectally dcny the alleRat,ions in Intervenor's !':lraj!rar.t' 12 that certain provis,on' 0' the rhart"r of the r.itr of I.ubhoc~ and Con"'. 1 I fut Ion. -1'1.1'\'1''''1'11 -- ..I1HF;"SF _--Ioefend,,"" speda1ly ex,'cpt to Int"n'enor's ParaRraph I~ for the ,,·"".... tnat th(' ohJ",'t ion, in thaI p.,rar.ral'h arc' pre<!i.:atc<! upon til,' vio!:lt ion ·f f!H' "t:l)nst itllf inu". :&1".1 lf1tl'rVl'nnf' .'holly t'ai 1:-: to spc,,'ify which t.lfi'l' .. ~'l· I II I " Illti. ... "l'I"lll~ 111'011. ":,'I! Lllllu't: 'h·prl\·c· ... PC'f(Olhlant:-o u( t:on~t i- the o(lpor· ._- ·_---- TIl:" 11'1 '{Ill llt:I'E:\SI' ... -.- I." ;lral'h that Inte'rve'llor .I, Sp<', I f h'a II .. , IlIlervenor it is unllke'ly that Cit~' ~t doe'~ a fl'" Coun,'11 lIot :Hle'luat"')' definl' til(' I h;o I "n'cent ('\'ents" havl' mt'mber~ tcrmlnolol:," d"moa" I rat "d and \oters of I.uhhock "III to..."rd amendment on th" City r.harter to provid,' for an ell'ct iOIl h" I wor~ ~ystem 011,,'1' than an at-large method of election, of whl<:h special excrption Ilefendants pray ,Ju<J~ml'nt of this Court, FOURTI't::-", IJEFI:SSF. Uefendant~ sp"l'I:lIly CX('''pt to Int"rvenor's Complaint, Para- graph 13. wherein it is stated, "Ilefendants will be ,",ound ther"by and wi II not br free to exercise any discretion to eliminate the unconstitutional dilution of voting rillhts", for the reason that said pleadilllls arc va~ue and indefinite, and additionally are inconsistent with the Intervenor's oth"r statements concerning alternate solutions to the prohlems, to- .. it: Intervenor's statem,'nt that thl' systl'm may he' change'd h)' an at- large ('Iectioll. of which special exception Ilefcndallt~ pray .)udllmenl of th,s Court. r I FTI: I: '\"11 I "e'fend:'"t~ he'reln ;l<'II"I'"II~' 111,1'1'''-;1' deny the' alle;lat lon~ ,'onl.llned III ,11 areaS' of Intervenor's pl,'adinp.s fur the r"ason that they ('('nta;1I me're' which allej(at iOlls ar" wholl)' In"ffl'"t ie'l' to out nefrnd"nt,~ on not i,'l' as !o II", ('Iaims of Interv('nor. lIefendanls furthe',' <pedally dc'ny all alh'j(alh,ns LIt' t',d and an,1 demand ~ t I' i ct pronf t h"rt'nf, -4 - • I' . ~' '" t.: ~ I I.: .. I • • . ', . ....... , .r: ,.: n·d I • • ....·ut, ~. ! t • . 't ·"ru. : I'. l;. llux : .. <1:, I 11'. I t uhh,,,.',,. h',a~ -~11:;- 111.\\'''' I'. _III i.rm.. ~. 1:,,)" ; ~. h "t r.~t.'t 11I""u,,~. T"~a" 1\\': \ ,...... ~!14111 \~. ~~~..:....... ~: _\~_~ \l tor:wy" '''.r Hefen"ant I'l.'nn I ~ Thb. is t.l "pr!ify Ih.• ! II trlll' IL'~" Il~'n :~I1I\, .. rsi·y. .............. 'IJlt '." 1;'" Luht.· .,. I, '~I I.\TI'.S "".I ". "k('~j II ,orrp.:t copy nf th,' "ho\l' :11,,1 -'MIl!', :IIlJ ~Ir. I;",,· \rlll,,!'. 'klr.> h ,II· t:OI'o;SI:1. _ UIII'ID . . . IUftl[Cf COR! NCIl1'IaIf DlS1IIICT ,. . . . WBIOC& IJIYII[. I I A. 0IIlK G&IJID. IT AL•• Plailltiff •• _ I CITY elf' WIIClC&. AID PI CITY aMlfCIL _ lat. , . UIIIDCI (1Dr _ , I caau I JoaaJI, IIIU. 1D.LtS1D, II.~, I.-r), D (UICITY U _ , . _ CITY ODWCIL ,. I.-al. ~ ... Del_dante I I l.i. . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ D t I. TIll. ia 8ft action .MId. a _cluatl. t_t tM .,.eon of at-1u'Ie IIf tile City eo-d.1 of "tile Cit~ of IMIIec* ia electi... for _lta_1, ud ....... f , . lajIIactl. reatnlldll& tile el~ WlOllIt- .meld. of tile City of -'.a.. tIIo•• ,.,mal•• of tit. City Cllu'ter of tile Cit~ of ........ ,...mti.. for at-1u'I. eloctl. of ........ fI6 tM City ee-cll. II. hrlMictl. ia CllIftfo""" .. till. • UOl, . . . .2 .-: • 1913, -.rc .., » E • • lJU(J), UU(.) OIl. tile 1«11 ... Utll h ,. to tile adt" m. P1ai.tiff-lllt......r ..... VilMa, a Ilac* ......, ia a elU. ., c.. ..,.r, • • elector of tile Wt" Itat••, tile kat. of tau, .... tile Cit,. of ......., Tau, ..., a. a qIIallfi. . .Gter 1. tile City of lubbeclt, t . . ., ia of U. City e-ci1 ., tIM . u t i.. to , . . tor t.... Ci~ of lubllodt, 1m •• 1at flaoe, ........, 'f. . . . 1laUt1ff red IY. ftallltlff-illt• ..".... brillp t ..... action IIalt ., all Ila_ Co ~. IIIM1f of boraelf and on .-uti.. oloeten of tM City of ~ , fa... U, F-...u We. of Ghil........... _ ...__ eMC jtUlIer of all ., law or"'a. _ OIl to all n la • ~ JllU'RUt cla.. layobed ia .. ~ctlcabl.. ftlore are ..e.tiou of tile c1ua• • clai-. of tile plai.... the .-&lers 01· tDe c.La.Il. IId·. .Clant. Mye act. ., aM ..11 act, _ ........ lenerally applicable to all -.ber. of the claN, ~M""" aIelfti aJll'Ofl'late dec1aft~o.., ...u.f fi_l injllftctin relief and corre.poa4iq the ca•• as a whole. Plaintiff-inten.or ........ ~1Iat ~o witla ree,.et tM e.ft 4ft , under the applicable proviaiona of Rule 2.1. Federal lllIlea of Cbtl Procoda that thi. action is appropriately aintainabl. . . a cla.. aeti., that it be .ntained a. a c:la.. acti. in .ClCOI'dIBce tiona of plaintiff.intenBlor'. wi~1a , order alle&a- tile c:cIIIP1atat. Y. Defendants are all eid••• 01 tile Unt~ed It&t••, '~te of Taaa, lad City of Lubboc:k. and reside witilln aaid c:l.t,.. VI. Alan Defendant •• Roy Bass, Carol", Jordan. Bill lIcIUiater, Din VeR, .... Hen.., are tile city counc:l." of the Cit,. of .~~. , ud Mn their offlc:ea at 9li ' _ . , Lablloc:k, , of , , . m. Thi. action ill bI'oqht apta.t ~ ......... . - . cl~ -ct~ (ta~ ...., .ucceraon) in their e:ataclQ. tile _ the clef City of ~Ilel.r t. relate. to their C&I'I"JiIII ...u., eut of Q. ___ elecd.. bIfa of tile bboc:k with re.pect to the electi. of ci~ C_d'-'l calliftl for the boldiftl of eleeti. . . ~Wr 8fHlfi~, ClU'cUlcad.. of tile . . . .t. of the electi••• tMir preparati. of a.llClt., ... tWr taIIl.. of all _er atep. neQO."'" for tile boldiftl of .eIl el.cti••• VIII. leeti• • 1-9 01 Article U of the Qalter of tile ft" lor tile .leeti. of ClDUftc:l.l-.. Gl~ of .pecificalq, . . . . . . 5 _ tier till• •, tllat counc:l.l-. aIIa1l be el.cted at ~. '" tile ween of tM Cit,. of Lubbock. • .,.....t •• CIIIIllieci Def.....t. haye Jft_bl,. will c:onti_e to ftIe.. Cllaltor .~h ~ , _ .-uti.. Jl'"ial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . til. . Jl'"ial. . ta tile JUt . . ceIIIP1,. wit" t ' " lata . . . Jl'"ial. . . . . . . eland ilJft1id .., . . . . . . . U1t1lori~. u. Put official act. of di.e:r1IIlMti. . . . . . . . . . . ta ....... IIaft .... -.1. now find it bpoulble to .we out of the _ . to ..... da til.,. .... lIl.torically reatricted. I. Hhtorically the City Cound.l of Lubbock. , . . . . .... beea ......, r .... t. the a.ed. of Black•• II. The preatnt . .bera of the City e-cll. . . . . of .... U ia eM to wtIlcb Blacka were hi.torically re.t" cted. c:eMt.o t. be . to the need. of Black•• m. Tile pnaent 81at. of at-larae elem• . , d.ty to dilute the yoti... atrelllth of IIlBOl'lt7 .1_. _en- ......t •• of ~ ,.ple Unal in tile City of Lubbock. lacludl... .,.d.flc:a1l7 Ilacb. IIiaority el_u in the City of Lubbock are actul17 &ad IIff.ethel7 JI'K1,udecl f.....r el.cti ....... i are abe ...... of tile a-rity etIIB1c: III)' ...,.... .tatiY ......-c at-la.... apt_ flcall7 alacb. hod. iftc:llldl a.ction of lonI-ataBdlaI ,.tten. of raclal la a . . .a1 to _.rityaeocla. eoueqll.c17. ti_ &ad ...... altIIMP tile . . . alat. for lIl.ritl•• ia tile Cit, of 1.IIIIIIoclk. T tile offoeth. . . . of tile • •ftty ••• i t 1Iftcoutituti..u, dililtod Il)o til CIIart.r prwrial• • ClIIIIp1aifted of ripe t • t i . of tile _reb. 11I1. ftallltiff . . . . . . . . .te ,...., otIIer tIIaa til. nUlif aCIlIIbt llenia. h t l l . ' 1-9 .f Uticl. U of the CMfter of tile Cit, of LUbock .... declared illft1ld. dot...... wU1 be ...... tlaenll)o'" wU1 Mt be f .... .u.u.t. til. _ - . d a t i - . l di1Bi. . of ..-i. . t. our. . . .., ••c:nti. to d'-• ..u..... Il)o J1&1Iltlff-iat~ .................. IIf till c1an. Clal, jIIdlclal nUef eM ......, till. alttlatl_ f.r tile feU"a.........: (a) ftle ......-c Cllarter JIWft..... I'e4ldd.. at-1&JW. elect!. . can only lie .....~ ... a _jerlty Wit. of till .-utlod elect.... of tile Cit, .f 1.Ilbboc:k' Witi. . _ (9..,..) (1"6-77 (b) t. tlte . . . - _ of .s-.c. Ta..... a.-t ). ftWlt ...-..~ ct•• 8tat. AIm. art. 1170 it la ZNt Wl1l1rel, taat "'''UO\a, aCAA.J ........... "V. . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ .... _. - _.J _ . . _ . . _,._.__ ... for an election sy.t. . other t .... an at-larae MtIIod fII elaetl•• uv. In aC<:ONance with tbe .pplicable ,....till. . of tit. 1aft of tits lIdt" .U_'. tla1JItllf. S~te. of _rica, incllOCIinc 42 U.s.C. 1973 1(.) ... 1_. t ..... are ... titlecl to .......ble t ... •, . ...-uuc i. tid.. II,., present.thea of the cla.... de.cribed • • • Pft1 tltst _. tiM! "-ft.. hereof this court order tbat this IIdt be Uti. . . . . . claaa aati ... r tbat to the ex1:ent the City Cbarter ot. tbe Cit, ot .... qodre. tho ••e of oaalti-'>er dbtricta tor tbe ol.cU. of of tbe ..u . . Cit, CoIIncil tbat ..ell election prarilll...... _ _ait..iaol• ..oid; decree • conltitlltionall, _tici.t CoIIncil -.ber. of the City of conel••i ... of law .... J1.u tor tbe o1oeei. of CitY a........; ... 1lIIa&_ rtece. . .ry to tbe tlMlJlp of _ u p _ t i . of tld.a flat _ r ..........t illj_cti_'lliJd. . tbe 4ot""'-t•• tWr ill ~ _ ..l C _ . - t and all tbair _ _ 10 otti.. ~ci t ... _ e t i " , My t"rtber -.icipel ol.cU........ tbe or S- I. _~tlltiaol .l.ctoral . . . . . ..-plaillecl ot berailll djll4le all _ . apiaa tbe 4ot_ 4Iftt. inelll4lll& re. . . .bIe .uo.,..,,'. tft.1 rotoia oay and -11 f"rther order••• tl1la ....... _, _sA tra t t . pri.t.; .nd _ t ...,. and all t.rtber raU.t. at law pI.btUt..... the cL.aae. they repra_ ~ eel. to ........ ~ to t t . or l • •tF, . . tIt_ be OItitlM. ....-cetll1l, . " t t " , a-UQuo _ro uu.r_UdIIr T _ - Idto UOi 1DI~ ....... r 4t.....,. tor t .._ ". 1aOI. =----- 1r"l"-r=:-rLt=... Till. 18 to certify that. the_cia, of . .tt a true ud correct CO" of the abon Ift.t.,..t , 1977, ""ic. ef .,.. eacIa paft1 ... ia tile Ullited kat•• IIdl attol'ft81 of record bere1ft by clepodtbl the _ 1ft,.. properl, aclclre.aed _th -.fficl..t ftnt clau ...... auu..t, addre••ed a. Coll_as l Fred O. a..te.., CitT.tteIM1 J. . . . . . . . . .ter, CitJ trial.tteIUJ Ioubllock Cit1 Wl 9161 .... Lubbock, I 71401 Tran. D. DeM1. V. Tran. D. Aelt. JldJill Ael~ 1/ •• 1507 13th Street Lubbock, T_. 7t4Ol aroa-, ViW. T. Ta1lor 2»6 Lubbock, T_. 7940l Ubert ...... laOl IIaia Itreet, Nt. Lu'*-dr, I 7t4Ol ~ Dul.1H . . . . O. 4030 'Lubbock, 0 lexI .... 79409 r_. T. . . Oana 1006 13t1l Stnet Lubbock, 79401 lobe" P. Jandow SCbool.f . . . T 1.d11 Wnraity lou , r... 7MOt Iya, _ Ll~BOCK DIVISION I A. GENE GAINES, Plaintiff CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-5-76-34 I v. THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, AND THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF LUBBOCK (ROY BASS, CAROLYN JORDAN, BILL K:ALISTER, DIRK WEST, ALAN HENRY), IN lllEIR CAPACITY AS .lE.IBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LUBBO<X. Defendants I INTERVENER •S AMEN~D COMPLAINT JURISDICTIOII 1. This is an action seekins a declaration that the syste. of at-Iarae electiona for members of the City Council of the City of Lubbock is unconstitutional, and an injunction restrainina the city official. of the City of LUbbock fro. enforcina those provisions of the City Charter of the City of LUbbock providina for at-larae election of members of the City Council. 2. Jurisdiction is conferred on this court by 28 USC" 1343(3), 1343(4)' 2201, and 42 USC f 1983, and the 14th and 15th RD,JE W, LS,IJ 3. amend~nts PARTIES A IttA c I< PEIU.AJ~ to the United States Constitution. '? A"U? • Plaintiff-intervene~~i. a citizen, taxpayer. and elector of the United State•• the State of Texas. and the City of Lubbock. Texas. and, a. a qualified voter in the City of Lubbock. Texas, is entitled to vote for members of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Tex... Plaintiff resides at 1827 E. 1st Place. Lubbock. Tex... 4. Plaintiff-intervener brinss this action on behalf of herself and on behalf of " ••Ion•• ! aU Black ..II S,allial••61"...... qualified electors of the City of Lubbock. Tex... pursuant to Rule 23. Federal Rule. of Civil Procedure. The cl..s involved is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable. There are questions of lav or fact common to all members of the class. The clai~ of the plaintiff- intervener are typical of the clai.. of the cl... and ita aembera. Plaintiff- intervener viII adequately and fairly protect the interests of the members of the class. Defendants have acted. and viII act, on srounds aenerally applicable to all members of the clas•• thereby lIlakina appropriate final injunctive relief .... corr..pondins declaratory relief with respect to the class a. a whole. ~ques~s Plaintiff-intervener that the court determine. under the applicable provisioaa of lule 2'. Federal Rule. of Civil Procedure. that thia actlon 1. approprla~e~y "1nC.1naD~. .. a clas. action. and order that it be aaintained .. a cl... action in accordanc. with the above allegation. of plaintiff-intervener'. coaplaint. 5. Defendanta are all citizen. of the United States. State of Texaa, and City of Lubbock. and redde within aaid city. 6. Defendant•• Iloy ..... Carolyn Jordan, 8i11 "cAUater, Dirk Vest. and Alan Henry are the city council_n of the City of Lubbock. State of Tex.., and have their office. at 916 Tex... Lubbock. Texas. 1. Thi. action ia brought again.t the above-n...d city council..n (includin. any auccessora) in their official capacity. The com-on r.elief aouaht against the defen- dant. relate. to their carryin. out of tbe election lava of tbe City of Lubbock with reapect to the election of city council_n: specifically. their callin. for the boldin. of election., their certification of tbe reaulta of the elections, their preparatiun of ballot., and their takin. of all other .tep. neceasary for the holding of .uch election•• CAUSE OF ACTICII I. Section. 1-9 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Lubbock provide for the electioa of council..a. Specifically. aection 5 provides. aman. other thinga, that council_n ahall b. el.cted at lar•• bJ the qualified votera of the City of Lubbock. Thea. Charter proviai_ are biOllia. oa the defendanta. Defendant. have coapUed with th..e provia1_ ia the p..t and pre.wubly will continue to cOllply with thea until the.. provi.iona are declared invalid by a competent authority. t. Pat offielal acta of di.crlunation a.ainst .lacb and Spanish auma_d people i. Lubboek ha.. requir.d tb. . to 11"•.only in certalD geographic areaa of the city and ha.. caused the. to auff.r auch econoaic deprivatioD that these minority individ- ..ta _ fiM it i8pOSaible to . . . oat of the ar.a. to which tbey were historically re.trlcted. 10. 8iatoricallJ tbe Cit)' C_cll of Lubbock. Texaa, ba. been unresponsive to the aeede of Ilacb .... S,ala" 11. paraoaa. the ,r••ant .lIbera of th Clt)' CoUDell, _De of whoa Uvea in the areas to vhic:la Ilacb ... S,ania" be _rea 12. .ura~ aura~ par._ vere hiatoricallJ reatricted, continue to i .. to tbe ..... of Ilacb . . S,aniah .uma..d persona. The ,r to dilute the t aJat•• of at-larae .lectloa of citJ council_D operates invidiously ~ti. . .traa.tb of at-rltJ .l••ata of the people liVing in the City of Lubbock. including specifically .Blacks and Spanish surnamed persons. Minority elements in the City of Lubbock are actually and effectively precluded fro. ever electing any representatives who are also members of the -tnority etbnic groups involved. including specifically Blacks and Spanisb surnamed persons. The present at-large system is a reflection of long-standing patterns of racial discrimination and unresponsiveness to minority needs. Consequently. although the bare right to vote exists for minorities in the City of Lubbock. Tex... the effectiveness of the minority vote is unconstitutionally diluted by the operation of the Charter provisions complained of herein. 13. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy other tbao the judicial relief sought herein. Until II 1-9 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Lubbock are declared iovalid. defendants viii be bound tbereby and viiI not be free to exercise 80y discretion to eliminate the unconstitutional dilution of voting rights suffered by plaintiffintervener and otber members of the clas.. Only judicial relief can remedy this situation for the followina reasons: (a) The present Charter provisions requiring at-larae election can only be changed by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the City of Lubbock voting on the question of amendment. (b) Tell. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 1170 (Vemon)(1976.:n Supp.). Recent evenc. have demonstrated that it is aost unlikely that ..-bers of the City Council and the majority of tbe voters of the City of Lubbock. Texu. will work towards amendment on the City Charter to provide for an election systea other than an at-large method of election. !lELIEr 14. For the re..ons stated above. plaintiff-intervener respectfully requests that this court: (a) Declare that the present systea of at-large election of members of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Tex... is violative of the 14th and 15th _ndments to the United States Constitution; (b) Cr~t a permanent injunction forbiddiog the holdi. of any future elections for members of the City Council io accordance vith the provision for at-large election oow contained io • S. Article IX. of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock. Texa; (c) Require the defendants to propose a aethod of .lection of .....r. of the City Council of the City of Lubbock. Tex... under vhicla aedMtr. of the CoUDcil will represent individual vards or districts vithio the city; aad (d) Cunt such otber relief .. tb1e court dee. jut and proper. Respectfull1 subaitted. Robert P. Davidow Attc;me1 for Intervener School of Law Texas Tech University Lubbock. TX 79409 cnnnCATE OF SERVICE I bereb1 certify that a cOP1 of the foreaoioa amended complaint was delivered b1 had to the office of J - . Brewster. Civil Tr1e1 Attorney for tbe Cit1 of Lubbock. City Han, 916 Texas, Lubbock, Texas, on tbis _ _ da1 of Ma1, 1977. Robert P. Davidow LUBBOCK DIVISIOM A. GENE GAINES. Plaintiff I v. I THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. AND THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF LUBBOCK (ROY BASS. CAROLYN JORDAN. BRlCE CAMPBELL. DIRK WEST. ALAN HENRY). IN THEIR CAPACITY AS tlEHBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LUBB()Q{. Defendant. CIVIL ACTIOM NO. CA-S-76-34 I INTERVENER'S COMPLAINT JUJUSDICTIOM 1. This is an action seekins a declaration that the .y.te. of at-lars. el.ctiona for members of the City Council of the Cicy of Lubbock i. IIDconatitutional. anel an injunction restrainins the city official. of the City of Lubbock fro. enforcinl those provisions of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock providinl for at-lar.. election of members of the City Council. 2. Jurisdiction is conferred on thl8 court by 28 USC .. 1343(3). 1343(4)' 2201. and 42 USC f 1983. and the 14th and lSth amcndments to the United Stat.. ConatituUon. P.UlTIES 3. Plaintiff-intervener i. a citizen. taxpay.r. anel elector of the United Stat••• the State of Texa•• and the City of Lubbock. Texaa. and. a. a qualifi.d vot.r in the City of Lubbock. Tex... i. entitled to vote for _ • •r. of the City Council of the City of Lubbock. Texu. 4. Plaintiff reaid•• at 1827 I. lat Plac•• Lubbock. T..... Plaintiff-intervener brinl. this action on behalf of b.r_lf and on behalf of all Ilack and Spani.b .urnamed qualified elector. of the City of Lubbock. Texaa. pursuant to Rule 23. Federel ltul•• of Civil Proc.dur.. 1a .0 nuaeroua tbat joinder of all _mbers 18 iapracticable. of 1_ or fact C-.l to aU of the du.. Th. d ... lnvolWid There are que.tions The clai_ of the plaintUf- intervener are typical of the clai_ of the d ... and its ......r.. 'laintlff- interven.r viii adequately and fairly prot.ct th. int.r_t. of th.......n of UIe d.... Defendant. have acted. and will act. on IroUDde . . .rall, .,pU_l. to all _lIber. of th. el.... thereby . .iDl appropriate final iDjUilctiYe reU.f pondinl declaratory relief with re.pect to th. d . . . . . a vbole. re~·MIat. aB' c:orr..- 'laiDtlff-lDt.rveoer that the court deteraine. UDder th. a"llc8bl. provi.ions of lul. 21. Federal Rule. of Civil Procedure. that thl. action 1. appropr1a~e~y "1n~~0&D~• .. a cl... action. and order that it be aaintained .. a cl... action in accordance with the above allesation. of plaintiff-intervener·. co.plaint. S. Defendants are all citizena of the United State•• State of Texu. and City of Lubbock. and naide within .aid city. 6. Defenduts. Roy B.... Carolyn Jordan. Bryce ea.pbell. Dirk Weat. and Alan Henry are the city councU. .n of the City of Lubbock. State of Texu. and have their office. at 916 Tex... Lubbock. Tex... 7. Thia action 1& broupt asaiD.t the above-n_d city counciI..n (includins any .uccessor.) in their official capacity. The C~ dant. relatea to their carryins out of the election respect to the election of city council-.n: relief soupt asainst the defenl~ of the City of Lubbock with .pecifically. their callins for the holdins of elections. their certification of the reault. of the elections. their preparation of ballot., and their taklns of all other .tep. nece.sary for the holdins of .uch elections. CAllSI 8. or ACTIe- Sections 1-9 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Lubbock provide for the elecUon of COUDCUMil. Specifically ••ection S providea • .-ons other thins•• that couacil-.u shall be elected et larse by the qualified voter. of the City of Lubbock. The.e atarter proviai_ are biDCIiq on tha defend_t.. Defendants have cOllplied with the.e provi.lons in the past aDd pres-'»ly will continue to comply with thea UDtll tbase provisions are declared Invalid by a cc.petent authority. t. 'est official acts of dl.cria1naUon asainat Blacks and Spanish surnamed people in L_boc:It b _ required th_ to live ,only in certain seosraphic areas of tbe city and ba. . caused thea to .uffer .uch econoaic deprivation that these minority individuals nOlI find It 1.,os.lIIle to .a.. out of tha areas to which they vere historically re.trlcted. 10. Historicall)' the City needs of Ileeb 11. 1IIIe ,reset . .lell Ilac" C~l ,_1811 n of Lubbock. Texas. bas been unresponsive to the aun~ per_. of the City eo_cU. DODe of who. lives iD the areas to ~ sura~ penona were historically restricted. con.inue to be _rear-I. . to the ..... of Ilacks _d Spaniah suma. .d person•• 12. 1IIe ,reset 8)'8t- of at-larse alection of cit)' councUmen operatea inVidiously to d11.e die _U. . stND.tII of ainorlty aleMilt. of the people liviDg io the City of Lubbock, including specifically Blacks and Spanisb surns-ed persODS. Minority elements in the City of Lubbock are actually and effectively precluded fro. ever electing any representatives who are also -esbers of the adnority ethnic group. involved, including specifically Blacks and Spanish .urna..d persons. The preaent at-large system is a reflection of long-standing patterna of racial discriadnation and unresponsiveness to minority needs. Consequently, althoulh the bare rilht to vote exists for minorities in the City of Lubb~ck, Texas, the effectiveness of the minority vote is unconstitutionally diluted by the operation of the Charter provisions complained of herein. lJ. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy other than the judicial relief souaht herein. Until II 1-9 of Article IX of t.he Charter of the City of Lubbock are declared invalid. defendant. will be bound thereby and will not be free to exerci.e any discretion to eliminate the unconstitutional dilution of votina riaht••uffered by plaintiffintervener and other meailers of the cl.... Only judiciel reUef can re_dy this situation for the following re..ons: (a) The present Charter provisions requirina at-larae election can only be changed by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the City of Lubbock on the question of amendment. (b) votina Tex. Rav. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 1110 (Vemon)(l976-77 Supp.). Recent events have de_nstrated that it is _ t unlikely tbat "'er. of the City Council and the majority of the voters of the City of Lubbock, TeXM, will work towards amend-ent on the City Charter to provide for aD electioa .yst. . other than an at-large method of election. IELlE' 14. For the reasons .tated above, plaintiff-intervener re.pectfully reque.ts that thi. court: (.) Dec:lare tbat the present .y.t. . of at-larae election of . . . .r. of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, TeXM, i. violatiw of the l4tb and 15th _ d ..nt. to the ODited State. Constitution; (b) Crant a perMJlent injunction forbiddina the holdi. of 8DJ future electi~ for "'er. of tbe City Council in accordance with the provi.ion for at-larae eleetion now containad in I S, Artic:le II, of the City Charter of the City of Lubbock, Texas; (c) hquire the def.daDU to propo.e a ..thod of election of .....r. of tM City CoIO;.dl ~f the City of Lubbock, TeXM, _der which • __ n of the Co_cil will repre. .t individual warda or di.trict. within the city; aIld (d) Graot .uch otber relief aa tbia court dee. jut and proper. Respectfully .Ubsdtted. Robert P. Davidow Attorney for Intervener Schoo] of Law Texas Tech Univer.ity Lubbock. TX 79409 CERTInCATE or SERVICE I bereby certify that a copy of the foreaoina ~tiOD and coaplaint waa delivered by hand to the offic. of J .... Brev.ter. Civil Trial Attorney for the City of Lubbock. City Han. 916 T.xas. Lubbock. T..... OD Robert P. Davidow tbili __ day of Hay. 1977. UhITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION I A. GENE GAINES, I Plaintiff, VS. I TIiE CITY OF LUBBOCK, AND THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI L OF SAID CITY, ROY BASS, CAROLYN JORDAN, BRICE CAMPBELL, DIRK WEST, ALAN HENRY, ALL IN TIiEIR CAPACITY AS MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LUBBOCK, I Defendants. CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-S-76-34 I I I ORIGINAL ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, ET AL TO PLAINTIFF'S FIRST AMENDED CCJGlLAINf TO THE HONORABLE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT: NOW COMES the City of Lubbock, Texas, a Ime Rule tlanicipal Corpor.tion, and the Mayor and City Council of City, Roy Jass, Carolyn Jordan, arice Campbell, Dirk West, Alan Henry, .11 in their c.pacity .s ..-bers of the City Council of Lubbock, Defendants in tile above-styled and nuaberecl cause and uke and file this their Orilinal Answer to Pl.intiff's First ~ecI filed herein by A. Gene Gaines, Pl.intiff, and for sucb Orl.lnal Answer would sbow the Court: FIRST DEFENSE Defendants except to Pl.intiff's First ~ed in Para.rapb VI wherein Pl.intiff .tte.pts to ca.bine the popul.tion and the Mexican popul.tion into tlfO cl.sses. He ~lcaa has, in tbe next sentence above, pl_ that each is • distinct, which is identifi.ble, and then without any explanatory p1eadin" .tte.pts to ca.bine tbese tlfO .roups into. third cl.... Def.-daat i. wholly unable to understand or reply to Pl.intiff's pleadi.. and reque.t. that thi• • rea of Pl.intiff's pleadi.. be stricken. SECOND DEFENSE Defeaclants speci.lly except to Pl.intiff'. Plr.t ....... CcIlIplalat. Para.rapb VI, wherein Pl.intiff state. that the black popul.tiOil . . Mlaic:aa ~ican popul.tion .11.... clas.e. "suffer frOll c~ &dYer...... dl.tlllCt that Plaintiff wholly fails to advise Defendant of specifics with reference to the actual co.plaints. Without such inforaation, Defendants cannot understand nor respond to Plaintiff's pleading and thus request that this area of Plaintiff~s pleading be stricken. ntIRD DEFENSE Defendants specially except to Plaintiff's First ~ed ea.plaint Paragraph VI wherein Plaintiff states that the black population and Mexican ~erican population alleged classes have "historically suffered fro. and continue to suffer frOll the results and effects of invidious discri.ination and treauent in the fields of education, ~lor-ent, health, politics, econoaic~, and other si.ilar govern-ental functions, duties, and responsibilities" for the reason that Plaintiff aerely sets forth a general description of an alleged state of affairs without pleadings to substantiate the general accusation. These pleadings present Defendants with a situation which is untenable and Defendants cannot reply to such because of the vague, unclear representations of Plaintiff. Defendants request that these allegations be stricken. FOURnt DEFENSE Defendants specially except to Plaintiff's First ~nded Ca-plaint, Paragraph VI. in that it fails to state a cause of action for which relief can be granted in that Plaintiff's class is not entitled as a utter of law to have a .inority City Council ..-ber. Even if ..-bers of Plaintiff's class were evenly distributed throughout the City. they would be unable as a group to elect a City Council .-ber because they do not cCl8prise _re than half of the voters of the City. tile City Council . . . .rs would be the _ . and there could be no aU.ptiOll tbat the anority ..-bers were not fairly represented because none of the eo..c:il Of _ieh Special BaceptiOll. Def rs r.d.... in a particUlar leoaraphical area. ts pray J~~t of this Court. PlP1H DEFENSE Def.....ts specially deay the allegations in Plaintiff's First ~ended ColIplalat. PuqnpIa VIla that Plaintiff is not denied the rilht of due process or .....1 protec:tlOll of tile 1. . . . . guaraateed by the 14th AMndaent of the U.S. CoutltutlOll by .., actl. . of Defeadants cCl8plained of herein. -2- Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First Amended Co~plaint. Paragraph VI that certain provisions of the Charter of the City of Lubbock and statutes implementing the aforesaid Charter provisions are violative of the U. S. Constitution. SEVEN11I DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint. Paragraph VI that the City COllOCil or other Defendants are responsible for the existence of any segregat~l of the residents of such areas. geographical areas or the econoaic situations Furtheraore, it is specially denied that the existence of any such segregated geographical areas or the econaaic situation of the residents therein prevents said residents from movina fraa such areas. Furtheraore, Defen- dants deny that elected aembers of the City Council do not represent the interest of members of the aforementioned areas since lIone of thea live in saiel area. Further- more. Defendants deny that the "at large" system established by the Charter is arbitrary or capricious, illogical, unreasonable, or in violation of the'l4th Aaendaent of the U.S. Constitution. EIGH11I DEFENSE Defendant~ specially except to Plaintiff's ParaJraph VII i~ that Plaintiff does not adequately define the liaitations of certain geo,raphical areas referred to therein with sufficient eletail and clarity to allow Def.ndants to prepare an adequate defense to allegations incorporating saiel ter-dnololY. Specifically, Plaintiff cOlplains that City Council ...bers do not resiele in "said areas", without elefining the boundaries of "saiel areas". Of which Special Exception, Defendants pray Judpent of this Court. NIN11I DEFENSE Defendants specially eleny the allegations in Plaintiff's Pirst ~ CoIplaint, Paralraph VII, in that Plaintiff is not denied the rilht of due process or equal protection of the laws as auarantHcl by the 14th ~t of tM U.S. ConstitutiOn by any actions of Defendants cOIplained of herein. TEJmt IlEPENSE Defendants specially deny the allelations in Plaintiff's Pirst ~ CoIplaint, Paragraph VII, that certain prcwisiou of the Charter of the City of Lubbock and statutes i ...l .....ting the aforesaiel Charter prcwisi. . are violatift of the U.S. Constitution. -3- ----..------ -r------, Complaint. Paragraph VII that the City Councilor other Defendants are responsible for the existence of any segregated geographical areas or the econoaic situation Furthe~re. of the residents of such areas. it is specially denied that the existence of any such segregated geographical areas or the eco~ic situation of the residents therein prevents said residents froa 80ving froa such areas. Furthe~re. Defendants deny that elected ae.bers of the City Council do not represent the interest of ae.bers of the aforeaentioned areas since none of thea live in said area. Furthe~re. Defendants deny that the "at large" syste. established by the Charter is arbitrary or capricious. illogical. unreasonable or in violation of the l~th Aaendaent of the U.S. Constitution. 'nfELF11I DEFENSE Defendants specially except to Plaintiff's First Allended eo.plaint. Paragraph Vllt. where. Plaintiff pleads utilizing the foUowing language. "longstanding patterns of racial eliscriaination and unresponsiveness to ainority needs" for the reason that Plaintiff' wholly fail. to uke Defendants aware of what is . .ant or what is referred to by this language in that no pattern or ele.cription whatsoever is .et forth in the pleacling.. of any nature For this reason. Defendant. are wholly unable to uncler.tand or re.pond to Plaintiff's pleadings ancl would a.1t that this arM be .triclten. 11I1RTEENIH DEFENSE Defendant. specially deny the alle..tions in Plaintiff's First Mended ColIplaint. ParqrapIl VIII. that certain provisions of the Charter of the City of Lubboclt ancl .tatute. bpl_ting the afore.aiel Charter provisions are violative of the U.S. CoutitutiOll. FOlIlTDJI'IH DEFENSE Def.....t. specially d.., the alle. .tion. in Plaintiff's First Mended ColIplaiat, PuqnpIl VIII, that Def......ts will DOt. without juclicial order. aaencI certaia ChUter prewisi. . . . . 1... •• h ~ereuDCler at 10M future tiM when such lit - - . . He. ....., to protect tM right. of the voting puhlic. F1F1U11'111 DEPIINSE Def~. specially dear the alleaation. in Plaintiff's First AIlendea ColIplaillt, PuqnpIl'YIII t _ tM't 1 tM wtiltllt~ of .., IIiIIorUy poap -4- " . , . t . dilutes and _Ites ineffective the 14th AIlenclaent of the U.S. constitutionally protected rights. SIXTEENTH DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First ~nded Complaint. Paragraph VIII that the City Councilor other Defendants are responsible for the existence of any segregated geographical areas or the econoaic situations of the residents of such areas. Furthe~re, it is specially denied that the exis- tence of any such segregated geoaraphical areas or the econoaic situation of the residents therein prevents said residents froa -aving fraa such areas. Further- more. Defendants deny that elected .eabers of the City Council do not represent the interest of members of the aforOllentioned areas since none of th. live in said area. Furthermore. Defendants deny that the "at large" syst. established by the Charter is arbitrary or capricious. illogical, unreasonable, or in violation of the 14th ~en~nt of the u.s. Constitution. SEVErmlEN1H DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First ~ed Cc.plaint. Paraaraph VIII in that it is not apparent that Plaintiff has not received representative governaent by the elected City COUncil. EIGHl'EEN1H DEFENSE Defendants specially except to Plaintiff's First Paraaraph IX, wherein Pl_intiff states that he .~ ~ed Ca.plaint, no adequate r..edy other thaa judicial relief souaht herein", when in truth and in fact, Plaintiffs have the re.edy of a City Charter revision election to effect Plaintiffs' d.sired chan•• in the charter for the City and its electoral syst•• NIrmlEN1H DEFENSE Defendants specially except to Plaintiff's First ~ed eo.plaint, Par.aph IX in that Plaintiff has a.itted facts contrary to the buis of his jurisdiction in that he states "A judicial deer.. is the only ~y availabl.. • ." followed tHereaft.r by a.itti", that the City Charter . y be redrafted for adoption upon 2/3 vote of the Council .-bel'S or upon petition by tea percent of tIM voters of said City. 'nfENTIE1H DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaiatiff's 'irst ...... cc.plaiat. 'araaraph IX that Defendants will not, without judicial order, ..... -5- TWENTY-FIRST DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, Paragraph IX that the "at large" syste. dilutes and ukes ineffective the voting strength of any minority group under the 14th Constitution. ~endlDent of the U. S. Furthel'llOre, the "at large" syst_ was not designed to discriminate against certain geographic areas or classes vf persons or to deny th_ any constitutionally protected rights. TWENTY-SECOND DEFENSE Defendants specially deny the allegations in Plaintiff's First ~ended Co.plaint, Paragraph IX that the City Councilor other Defendants are responsible for the existence of any segregated geographical areas or the econoaic situations of the residents of such areas. Furthermore, it is specially denied that the existence of any such selregated geographical areas or the econoaic situation of the residents therein prevents said residents frca .evin, frca such areas •. Furthermore, Defendants deny that elected ...bers of the City Council do not represent the interest of ..-ben of the afor_ntioned areas since none of th_ live in said areas. Furthermore, Defendants deny that the "at larl." syst_ established by the Charter is arbitrary or capricious, illo,ical, unreasonable, or in violation of the 14th ~t of the u.s. COnstitution. 'IWEJm'- 'I1IIRD DEFENSE Def.....ts ,enerally deny the allelations contained in Plaintiff's First AMndeci Coaplaillt and the aUelations of fact and conclusions of law contained throuPOut First AMndecI CoIIplaint and prayer for relief and d..-nd strict proof thereof. "spectfUlly subaittecl, FlED O. SEJmilt, JR. City Attorney P. O. loa 2000 Lubbock .. T..., 7t457 Denais •• McGill DAVIS D. . . . .1'011 , ASSOCIATES 1507 lStia Stnet Lubbock, T.... 7t401 -6- This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Original Answer of Defendant, City of Lubbock, Texas, Et AI, to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, was this -ll-~y of~~~77, served upon Plaintiffs herein by mailing same to their attorneys, Willis T. Taylor, 2206 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas, Albert Perez, Court Place, Lubbock, Texas, Daniel H. Benson, P. O. Box 4030, Lubbock, Texas, and Toaas Garza, 1006 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, and was served upon Intervenor herein by mailing S&De to her attorney of record, Robert P. Davidow, School or Law, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. OF COUNSEL -7- FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS LUBBOCK DIVISION I I I I I I I I I I I I A. GENE GAINES, GONZALO GARZA, and JUAN ANTONIO REYBS Plaintiffs vs. THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK MAYOR, ROY BASS, AND LUBBOCK CITY COUNCIL HEMBERS, CIVIL ACTION NO. CA-5-76-34 I CAROLYN JORDAN, DIRK WEST, BILL McALISTER, and ALAN HENRY I I I I I Defendant. rIRST AMBHDBD COMPLAINT I Plaintiff. bring tbi. action pur.uant to 42 U.S.C. Sectien. 1'71, 1'73, 1"3, aDd 1'" to redre•• a denial under color of 1. . of rigbt., privilege. and t..uDitie• •ecured to the plain- tiff. aDd gArateed to thea by the rourteenth, rifteenth, lIifteteenth, ad '1'Wenty-Sixth of the United State.. ~ndMnt. to the Con.titution Plaintiff• •eek a declaratory jud~nt that tho. . provi.ion. of the Charter of the City of Lubbock, 'feu. pertainiDCJ to the election of City Council .-bers, a. iJlpl_tH and followed by the defendants in municipal electioa. ax. in violatioa of the UnitH State. Con.titution. aetioa also seeka a pe~t Thi. injunction probibiting the ap- plicatloa, iJlpl..-ntatlon aDd enforee.ent of tho.e provisions of the Cbarter of the City of Lubbock, 'feu. pertaining to the election of City council ..-ber. in so far a. such provisions OODatltute a clea1al to plaintiff. of those and ~ltl_ ·.ta~ 88CNrecl to of a.erlca. ~ righ~., 'privileges by the COn.titution of th. United the provision. of 28 U.S.C. Section. 1343(3), 1343(4): 28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202: and the provi.ion. of 42 U.S.C. Section. 1971, 1973, 1983, and 1988. The Constitution of the United States of America confer. juri.diction upon this court through the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-Sixth Admendments to that Constitution. III Plaintiff A. GENE GAINES is a black citizen, tax payer and elector of the United State., the Stat. of Texa., and the City of Lubbock, Texa., and a. a qualified voter in the City of Lubbock, Texa. i. entitled to vote for member of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texa.. Plaintiff., GONIALO GARZA and JUAN ANTONIO REYES, are citizen. of Mexican-American descent, tax payer. and .lector. of the United States, the State of Tex•• , and the City of Lubbock, T.xa., and a. qualified in the City of Lubbock, T.xa. are .ntitled to vote for members of the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Tea•• IV The defendant., ROY BASS, CAROLYN JORDAH, DIRK WBST, ALMI HENRY, and BILL McALISTER, are the Mayor and other -a-r. of the Lubbock City Council. Th. City of Lubbock i. a .unicipality organized and exi.ting under law of the State of T.xa. and operati~g in accordanc. witb the Chart.r of th. City of Lubbock. V Plaintiff. bring thi. action on behalf of•• and on behalf of all oth.r person• •imilarly situated a. qualified .lector. of tb. City of Lubbock, T.xa., pur.uant to Rul. 23 of th. Fed.ral Rul•• of Civil Procedur.. 80 'l'be cla•• involved is numerous that joinder of all -a-r. i. impractical. are qu••tion. of law and/or fact cl.... ~ft There to all -..ber. of the 'l'be clat-a of the pl.intiff. are typical of the cla~ the cla... Def.ndant. have act.d, and will act on ground. g.n.rally applicabl. to all member. of the cla.. thereby making appropriate final injunctiv. and corr••ponding d.claratory with re.pect to the cla•• a. a whole. qu••t the Court to d.t.~in. Plaintiff. re- und.r the applicabl. provi.ion. of Rul. 23 of the Ped.ral Rul•• of Civil Procedure that this action i. appropriate for being maintain.d a. a cla.. action and to order that it be . .intained a. a cla•• action in accordanc. with the above allegation. of plaintiff.' complaint. VI Th. total population of the City of Lubbock, Texa. i. 149,101. Plaintiff. all.g. that the black pop- ulation of the City of Lubbock, T.xa. i. compo••d of 10,912 ..-ber. of the total population of the city. ican-~rican The Mex- and/or Spani.h-.urna.ed population of the City of Lubbock, T.xa. i. c~.ed of approximately 23,883 member. of the total population of the city. the Mexican-A8erican and/or Th. black population and Spani.b-.ur~ population of the City of Lubbock, "exa. is each a di.tinct cla•• or group which i. culturally identifiable by virtu. of languag., cu.toaa, bi.tory, pby.ical characteri.tic., and other identifiable attribute•• The COIIbinatiOD of the.. two cl....., the black population and the llexican-A8edcan altl4/or Spanisb-.urn-.d population, con.titute. a larver, DOD-wbite or non-Anglo cla•• , and this larger aon-wbite or noa-Anglo cl••• i. a . .jor, r.cially and culturally identifiable vrouP or cla•• within the g.n.ral or total population, a....11 .. vltb1n the voting population of the City of Lullboak,....... B610h of the.e two .ub-cla•••• , a. well as the larver COIIblae4 01... up of the two .ub-cla.s•• , f~ ~, .uffe~. ""'ru, and distinct probl... and disadvantl'g•• , 1ft the fie148 of edaoatlon, .-plor-ent, healtb, politics, eco- social, legal, economlc, political, educational and other wid.spread and prevalent re.triction., , tradition., bia••• and prejudice. exi.ting in the City of Lubbock, the cl••••• of citizens described above have historically .uffered fraand continue to .uff.r fro. the re.ult. and .ff.ct. of invidious de.crimination and treatment in the field. of education, e~loy­ ment, health, politic., .conomics, and oth.r similar governmental function., dutie., and re.pon.ibilitie.. A. one r ••ult these minority population group. in the City of Lubbock, Texa. generally reside in area. of the the city characterized by high relative d.n.ity of population, • high proportion of .ub.tandard housing, a high proportion of un.-plo~nt, generally characteri.tic low f..tly income. and a Becau.e of the situation pre.ently .xi.ting in the City of Lubbock, which h•• been fostered by the gover~nt.l tr.dition. and hi.tory of the City of Lubbock, and bec.u•• of the g.neral qu.lity of life experienced both by the popul.tion and the MexicanAllertcan pof\ulation of the city of Lubbock th... group. or cla••e. have intere.t. in ~n in .ub.tantiv. legi.l.tion to re.olve the many probl... be••tting th••• popul.tion group•• Th••• ainority group. have the right to .x.rci•• their true full force and effect on the ~nation and .lection of -..bel'. of the City Council of Lubbock, Tex•• and they • ri9ht, uncleI' the Con.titution of the United State. of AMdca, not to have ••id force and effect cancelled, diluted, or ainiaiaed bf an .lection 8C~ th.t oper.te. in an uncon.titution.lly in- vidiou. and di.criainatory -.nn.r. '1'he election provi.ion. of the Charter of the CUy of Lubbock, '1'exa. viol.te the Pourteenth AdMndIIeftt of the COnstitution of the United St.te. because the .t-large .y.t_ .anctioned dilute. and lUke. ineffective the voter .trength of the ainodty c1..... purpo.eful in it. original concept and wa. de.igned to diacriminate, and in the alternative doe. di.criminate, again.t certain geographic area. and cla.... of per.on. who re.ide in tho•• area. and,, denies to tho.e people the equal protection of the law. guaranteed to all re.ident. and citi.en. of the City of Lubbock, Texa. by the United State. Con.titution. VII The -at-large- .y.tem of electing Council Member., and the de facto .egregated geographical area., demon.trate pre.ent effect. of pa.t di.criminatory practic•• by the City Council of the City of Lubbock and it. predece••ors. Pa.t practice., both de jure and de facto, requiring ainoritie. to live in certain geographic area. bave placed the.e minority group. in an econoaic .ituation which make. it impractical for them to 8Ove. The re.ulting repre.entation by City Council ..-ber. i. not constitutionally adequate a. to the.e ainoritie. nor ha. it ever been con.titutionally adequate. Thia i. due, in part, to the fact that none of the City Council .-bar. live in the are.. deacribed. The -at-large- election syatem eatabli.bed by the Charter of the City of Lubbock i. arbitrary and capricioua and is not baaed upon any logical or reaSOftable foraula nor i. it based upon legitimate governmental intensta. VIII Reflection upon the _tbocI of eleet:in9 aemben of the Lubbock City Council at-large, showa plainly that the end result is to inYidioualy uniahe, dilute, and cancel the true wot1n9 atreDgth of a1Dority eleaenta of the people living in the City of. Lubbock, includiDg specifically blacks and Mex- ieaa-Aaericaaa aad/or lpaDiab-aarn.-.d citi.ens. e~ta Minority ill the City of Lubbock are tbua actually and effect- i . .1y precluded fna electiav any representative. who are al.o ...e.en of the aiDorU:y etbDic groupa involved. Thet'e h a patterns of racial discrimination and unre.pon.iven... to minority needs. con.equently, although the bar. right to vote exi.ts for minorities in the City of Lubbock, T.xa., the effectiveness of the minority vote is unconstitutionally diminished or diluted by the operation of the Charter provisions complained of herein. IX Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy other than the judicial relief sought herein. The uncon.titutional condition. CQG- plained of preclude the adoption of remedial charter provi.ion. by the electorate and both pre.ent and future member. of the City Council of Lubbock, Texa.. Thu., the pre.ent .cheme of election of member. of the Lubbock City Council i. uncon.titutional a. it fail. to e.tabli.h re.idential requir...nt. for Council Member. .0 a. to di.tribut. repr•••ntation equally throughout the re.pectiv. area. of the City of Lubbock. Accordingly, the purpo•• and the eff.ct of the el.ctoral .ch... i. without any legitimate or compelling gov.rnmental intere.t and arbitrarily and cancel., dilut•• , and ainimiz.. the force and effect of the voting .tr.ngth of plaintiff. and the cla•••• which th.y••ent. Thi• •lection .cb... , th.refor., violat•• the right guaranteed to the.e plaintiff., the cla••• ~ th.y•••nt, and all citi••n. to the equal prot.ction of the la.. and their right to vote pur.uant to the Fourteenth, Pifteenth, Nineteenth, and TWenty-Sixth Adaendaent. to the Con.titution of the United State. of Aaerica. X In accordance with the applicabl. provi.ion. of the lava of the United Stat•• of Aaerica, including 42 U.S.C. 19731(e) and 1988, the.. plaintiff. are entitled to reasonable attorney'. fee. upon prevailing in this cau... litigat.d a. a cla.s action, declare that to the ext.nt the City Charter of th. City of Lubbock, T.xa. requir•• th. u•• of multi-...ber di.trict. for the election of member. of th. City Council that .uch election provi.ion. are unconstitutional, null and void' decree a con.titutionally .uffici.nt plan for th• •lection of City Council aeaber. of the City of Lubbock, aak. what.ver finding. of fact and conclu.ion. of law ar. nec•••ary to the implementation of thi. plan, ent.r a peraan.nt injunction the defendant., their agent. and .-ploye.. in Municipal Government and all their .ucce••or. in office or employment, frca conducting any further municipal election. und.r the uncon.titutional el.ctoral .che. . ~lained of, adjudge all co.t. again.t the defendant. including r.a.onable attorney'. f ... , retain jurisdiction to r.nd.r any and all furth.r ord.r. a. thi. court aay from time to t~ d... appropriate, and grant any and all further relief, at law or in equity, a. th••• plaintiff. and th. cla•••• th.y aay be .ntitled. Re.pectfully .ubaitted, WILLIS T. TAYLOR 2206 Broadway Lubbock, Texa. 79401 ALURT PEREZ Court Place Lubbock, T.xa. 79401 DAIIIEL B. BENSON P.O. Box 4030 Lubbock, T.xa. 79409 '1'OHAS GARZA 1006 3th Street Texa. 79401 ~~~k, WBB<X:~ DIVIBIQf I A. GENE GAINES Plaintiff I VS. CIVIL JlCTIQf 1I0·C'-$-74-I' F':·I.. J '!HE CITY OF WBIlX%, AND THE MAY~ AND CITY COUNCIL OF SA.ID CITY, ROY BASS, CAROLYN JORDAN. BRICE CAMPBELL, DIRX WEst, ALAN HENR'l, ALL III '.DiEIR CAPJlCI'l'Y' AS .JEERS OF THE CrlY COUNCIL OF WB8<X:~ Defendants I 41-'-7' CCllPLAINT TO 'DIE HafCRABLE JUDGE OF SA.ID COORT: This is an action wherein Plaintiff seeks relief consisting of interlocutory or perJlllnent injunctions restraininq the enforcement, operation, or execution of the Charter and the Code of City Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas, ~ restraining the actions of city officials in the enforc...nt or execution of such Charter and Code of City Ordinance.. 'Dlerefore, Plaintiff is requesting herein the conyening of a thr. . judge. district court to qrant such relief aa prodded under 28 U~ Secs. 2281 et seq. I. The jurisdiction of this Court and Plaintiffa r1qht to brinq this action are found under the Ciyil Rights Act, 42 U~ Secs. 1983, 1988. jurisdiction under 28 U~ 'Dlla Court has additional Sec. 1343. Relief hereunder i. further souqht pursuant to the Federal. Declaratory Judgaent Act, 28 U~ Secs. 2201, 2202. II. Plaintiff 1a a citieen, taxpa,.r, and elector of the United State., the State of Tea., and the City of Lullbock, T. . ., and a. a .-litied yoter in the Cit)" of babboct, 18 entitled to Yote for Council of whbock. ~r. . of the Cit)" Plaintiff reside. at 2829 . . .t Auburn, I-ullbock, Texa•• Plaintiff brings this action on his own behalf and on behalf of all other persons, citizens, taxpayers, and Yoters in the City of Lubbock who are st.ilarly situated. IV. Defendants are all citizens of the United states, State of Texas, City of Lubbock and reside within said city. V. Defendants, Roy eass, Carolyn Jordan, Brice Campbell, Dirk West, and Alan Henry are the duly elected, and acting City Councilmen of the City of Lubbock, state of Texas, with their offices at 916 Texas, Lubbock, Texas, and are charged to set up election precincts, prOYide election judges, C4J\yass the Yote, certify cendidat~s for the general election, certify candidates elected at the general election and perfora official functions in .connection with any city election for city councilMn. VI. This action is brought against the above-named city councilMn in their representatiYe capacities, including any successor. to such officel positions. ~ ~n relief sought against all of the defendant. relate. to jurisdiction in carring out the election law. of the City of Lubbock with respect to the election of city ccuncilMn, calling for the holding of elections ther.for, the certifying the results of the elections, the .t _tt ring. of ballot. th.refor and the taking of all aece.SU'Y for holdiD9 all .lections, a d all r.lating to the .l.ction of such councilmen. Plaintiff is denied the right of due process and equal protection of the laws as 9\laranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United Sta~es. He brings this action on hie own behalf and on behalf of all citizens, taxpayers, and qualified voters of the City of Lubbock, for a declaration of his rights and a declaration of the inTalidity of those sections of the Charter of the city and the .tatute. implementing those section. which apportion the election of city councilmen. VIII. Plaintiff seeks such declaratory and injuncthe relief as may be proper to assure hi. and all others similarly situated due proce•• and equal protection of the laws which are now and haTe been for any year. denied him by defendants and their predec...or. in office who haTe complied with certain prOTi.ion. of the Charter of the City of Lubbock and .tatute. lapl. .enting the aforesald charter prOTieion. vhich are dolatiTe of the Constitution of the United stat. ., all of which are being particularly set forth hereinafter. IX. The Charter of the City of Lubbock proTide. for the election of councilaen under Article II, Section. 1 thru 9. ~ifically Section 5 prOTide., _ong other thing., that the councilaen shall be elected by the qualified Toters of the City at large. 1he charter and lava are binding of defendants herein in connection with the perfonance by th. . of their offical clDtie. Def.....te relating to election procedur. . in the city. baTe in the put cc.plied, and it .aI.t be pre.-cl tat U... •• they vill continue to ee-ply, vith the charter JlI'od.ion. and law. thereoncler until such I the JlI'owbiona shall be declared by a ccapetent authority to be in_lid• • _.- r - - .. - - - - - . - -- -_.- ---- --- -- --- ---" -. - , Article IX. Section. 1 thru 9 thereof• •iolate the Fourteenth Amendment of the Con.titution of the United State. becau.e the at large .y.tea contained therein dilute. and makes block' ineffect~ve the voter .trength of or Any other minority confined to a particular segment of tho city. The plan is purposeful and systematic and de.igned to discriminat. again.t certain g.ographic area. and cia.... of per.on. and to d.ny the. the eciual protection of the law. guaranteed to all people of the City by the Federal Con.titution. XI. The-at larg.-.yst. . of electing councilmen and tho d. facto segregated geographical a,r... d.aonstrate pr.sent .ffeet. of pa.t discriminatory practice. by the city council. This is .0 because past practice. requiring black. to Ii. . in certain g.ographic ar..s ha•• placed black. in such a dire econoaic'.itutation that it i. t.pos.ible and impracticable for th•• to The result i. that the elected -.bel'. of the "JI city council doJr.pre....t the interest of member. of mO". the afor...ntioned ar... since none of them 11ve in aid ar.... The -at large- e.tablished by the charter i. arbitrary and capricious and without reference to any 100ical or r ...onable foraula and is in dolatiOll of the AaendMnt. XII. !be practice ,f the city council r.quiring plaintiff to ~e OIl an .... tabl. 18 a denial of the right to dae proce•• and br tile -.-1 protection of the laws as guaranteed 1Ia1 V.tted state. and ~e rlPt to . . .oret ballot. t to the Constitution of tha ctfically a denial of his It is apparent froa the foregoing that pla1nt111 and others similarly situated in the City of Lubbock are governed by a council which is not representative of the people of the city and that such representation by succeeding -at large- councilmen conflicts with the concept of government by consent of the governed and is contrary to the prevailing philosophy of government embodied in the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States whereby the legislature, in this case the city council, has the power to _ke law. only because it has the duty and the power to represent all the people. XIV. Plaintiff has no adequate re. .dy other than the judicial relief sought Until such time a. Article IX, Section. lthru 9 of the Chart.r of the Ci ty of Lubbock haa been d.clared in whole or in peart to be in...alid, d.fendants will be bound th.reby and are not free to exerci•• any discr.tion to .liainat. the deprivation suffered by plaintiff.. Only judici.l relief can J!eJlledy this condition for the following reasons: U) A judicial d.cre. is the only reMdy again.t the chart.r pro...ision. in that .n ordinance for the sulaission of the que.tion, -. .11 • c~ission be chosen to fr aust be pas.ed by two-third new chart.r,ot. of the council _lIbera or upon petition of t.n percent of the qu.lified ...ot.ra of Mid city. Art. l1&S, V.rnon. Annot.ted Texas St.tut••• (2) nt. city council is controlled .nd doaiMted by per.ons .l.cted ciUs•••• h.rein aboft noted who _y be duly .xpect.d to the .t.tu. quo which perpetuat•• doaiMUon• .. (1) That this Court take jurisdiction of this .att.rl tl..t: a ."8'al tiw.. jaelge t Joe cell.ct eftl t. I..... epel 3381 at .av.r and declar.: a. That Articl. IX, Sections 1 thru 9 of the Charter of the City of Lubbock has deprived and continue. to deprive plaintiff of liberty and property without due proceas of law and deprive. plaintiff of equal protection of the laws-in violation of the Fourteenth Amendaent of the Constitution of the United Stat••• b. That there has been a lonq-e.tabliahed purposeful and aysteaatic plan embodied in the Charter of the City of Lubbock, Articl. IX, Section. 1 thru 9 whereby actiye and progr.saiye have be.n taken which discriminate aoainst c.rtain o.ooraphic areas and claaaes of persona, depriyinq plaintiff and all those .iailarly situated of liberty and property without due proc••s of law and the equal prot.ction of the law. in violation of the Fourte.nth Aaendaent of the Constitution of the Unit.d statea. (2) '!'bat thb Court grant furth.r relief in accordance with 28 USC Section 2202 a. follows: a. To noUfy the city council that this Court shall r.tain juri8diction of this cau.. until a new ayatea of .l.cting city counciL.en and the pr.servation of the _cr.t ballot he. been dnhed to ...t the requirements of the Fourteenth Aaendaent of the ConsUtution of the Uni ted Stat••, and for furth.r d.t.~tion ~ear1ngs h.rein as to of the validity of any new .lection law •• _y be ....cted bJ the city coucU. b. 1'0 re.traia .fe"ate i~iately without fraa holding a 98neral election the PDrp0a8 of electing city -at larve- ayat_. Oft notice April 3, 1916, for cOQftci~n utilizinq the a. Bbould reta1n Jurlealc~lon or tnls cause un~l~ BUcn ti.. as the city council of Lubbock, freed froa the fetters i.posed by charter provisions invalidated by this court, provides; by enact.ent, such a plan of electin; councilmen that as viII insure black voters and others si.ilarly situated, the rights guaranteed thea by the Constituticn of the United states. b. Slould grant such other and further relief as to this Court My see. just and proper. x. GERE GADES Plaintiff