Dr. Dean L. Johnson Education

Dr. Dean L. Johnson
Michigan Technological University
School of Business & Economics
(906) 487-1878
Email: dean@mtu.edu
Ph D, University of Wisconsin, 1997.
Major: Finance
BBA, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, 1989.
Major: Finance, Economics
Professional Positions
Current Academic Rank
Professor - School of Business & Economics.
Administrative Assignments
Assistant Dean, School of Business and Economics, (August 15, 2014 - Present).
Professional Memberships
Academy of Economics and Finance. (April 15, 2011 - Present).
Academy of Finance. (March 1, 2008 - Present).
American Finance Association. (March 2008 - Present).
Beta Gamma Sigma. (May 2005 - Present).
Financial Management Association. (May 2005 - Present).
Midwest Finance Association. (May 2005 - Present).
Omnicron Delta Epsilon. (May 2005 - Present).
Sigma Xi. (May 2005 - Present).
Awards and Honors
Quinnipiac G.A.M.E. Forum Investment Competition, Quinnipiac University. (March 2014).
RISE Global Investment Competition, University of Dayton - RISE Conference. (March 2014).
Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year, Presidents' Council State Universities of Michigan.
(March 2012).
James and Dolores Trethewey APMP Endowed Professorship, James and Dolores Trethewey.
(October 19, 2011).
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Published Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Journal Articles
Pickens, J. B., Johnson, D. L., Orr, B. D., Reed, D. D., Webster, C. E., Schmierer, J. M.
"Expected rates of value growth for individual sugar maple crop trees in the great lakes
region: A reply to John E. Wagner’s comment," Northern Journal of Applied Forestry (vol. 26,
# 4, pp. 145-147) . Bethesda, MD:.
Johnson, D. L., Qi, H. (2015). "Explaining Bond Spreads via Default Risk, Taxes and Rating
Transition," (vol. 27, # 1,) . Financial Decisions.
Johnson, D. L., Sundaram, S., Yoder, T. (2013). "Overreaction to the CALPERS Focus List?,"
Journal of Applied Business and Economics.
Qi, H., Liu, S., Johnson, D. L. (2012). "A Model for Risky Cash Flows and Tax Shields," (vol. 36,
pp. 868-881) . Journal of Economics and Finance.
Johnson, D. L., Joyce, B. P. (2012). Johnson, D. L. (Ed.), "Bubbles and Crashes Revisited," ( pp.
26-42) . Review of Economics and Fiance.
Conference Proceedings
Min, J., Segal, M. N., Johnson, D. L. (2014). "The Effect of Bank Marketing Strategy on the
Students' Saving Decisions," MBAA.
EMOTIONAL ACCOUNTING RULES," National Business And Economics Society.
Merritt, K., Johnson, D. L., Sundaram, S. (2013). "Are There Riches in Reputation?," Academy of
Gale, J. R., Johnson, D. L. (2011). "Top Income Tax Rates and Economic Growth," Academy of
Johnson, D. L. (2010). "Equilibrium under Short Selling Restrictions," Academy of Finance.
Presentations Given
Min, J. (Presenter & Author), Johnson, D. L. (Author Only), Segal, M. N. (Author Only), Midwest
Business Administration Association, "THE EFFECT OF BANK MARKETING STRATEGY
Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Min, J. (Author Only), National Business and Economics
Society 16th Annual Conference, "Individual Savings Decisions Under Mental and Emotional
Accounting Rules," National Business and Economics Society, Hawaii. (March 14, 2014).
Johnson, D. L., Joyce, B. P., Croatian Economic Research Institute, "Bubbles and Crashes
Revisited," Zagreb, Croatia. (March 2013).
Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Academy of Finance, "Are There Riches in Reputation?,"
Chicago. (March 1, 2013).
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Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Academy of Finnce, "Over-Reaction to the CALPERS Focus
List?," Chicago. (March 28, 2012 - March 29, 2012).
Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Academy of Finance, "Top Income Tax Rates and
Economic Growth," MBAA, Chicago. (March 27, 2011).
Johnson, D. L. (Presenter & Author), Academy of Finance, "Equilibrium under Short Selling
Restrictions," MBAA International, Chicago, Il. (March 24, 2010 - March 27, 2010).
Awarded Unrestricted Sponsored Programs
Johnson, Dean L (Supporting), "SBE Leadership Scholarship," $25,000.00, Donor: Bob Tripp, Jim
Trethewey, John Calder, and others. (Date Submitted: April 2012).
Reviewer, Conference Paper, Academy of Finance. (March 2013).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Economics and Finance. (September 9, 2011 - August 14,
Reviewer, Conference Paper, MBAA Conference. (March 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Economics and Finance. (March 1, 2011 - May 1, 2011).
Reviewer, Conference Paper, Academy of Finance. (March 1, 2011 - March 28, 2011).
Reviewer, Conference Paper, Academy of Finance. (March 1, 2010 - March 27, 2010).
Reviewer, Conference Paper, Academy of Finance. (February 1, 2010 - March 24, 2010).
For Profit Organization, LSGI Advisors, Dallas, TX. (January 1, 2008 - Present).
Academic, Michigan Tech Fund, Houghton. (January 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011).
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