Document 12833184

College of Sciences and Arts Fall Faculty Mee6ng, September 16, 2015 AGENDA 1.  Welcome new faculty 2.  CSA in 2015-­‐16 Enrollment and other numbers 3.  CSA Priori6es, 2015 4.  High Points and Recogni6on 5. Ques6ons from the Floor Welcome New Faculty Biological Science Assistant Professor Stephen Techtman (environmental biology) Chemistry Assistant Professor Kathryn Perrine (physical chemistry) Mathema>cal Sciences Professor Kui Zhang (sta>s>cs): will be newest David House endowed chair! Humani>es Assistant Professor Sarah Bell (digital media) Asssistant Professor Alexandra Morrison (philosophy)
Welcome New Faculty Cogni>ve & Learning Sciences Assistant Professor Joshua Ellis (educa>on) Assistant Professor Emily Dare (educa>on) Assistant Professor Kevin M. Trewartha (joint with KIP) Computer Science Associate Professor Spiros Bakiras Assistant Professor Keith Vertanen Lecturer Kim Tracy Welcome New Faculty Kinesiology & Integra>ve Physiology Assistant Professor Kevin Trewartha Lecturer Christopher Schwartz (kinesiology) Social Sciences Assistant Professor Sarah Fayen ScarleS (Buildings/ Landcapes/Culture) Professor Lou Ann Wurst (anthropology) Air Force ROTC 1st Lt. Mark Holmstrom, DET 400 alum (2012) Arriving in mid-­‐November Welcome New Faculty Visual And Performing Arts Assistant Professor Michael Chris>ansen (music) Assistant Professor Kent Cyr (technical theater) Instructor and Costume Shop Supervisor Mary Cyr Technical staff: George Hommowun, Steven Jones, and Jeremy LiSlefield Also: Linda OS, Associate Dean for Special Ini>a>ves Recipient of “100 Inspiring Women in Stem” Award from Insight into Diversity Hugh Gorman, Chair, Social Sciences Steven Elmer, Interim Chair, KIP Enrollment, Fall 2014 (9/4/14) Total: UG Credit hrs:
CSA Female
7,238 (7,021/2014; 6,955/2013; 6,945/2012) 5,716 (5,611/2014; 5,610/2013; 5,623/2012) 93,256 (+2,195, +2.4%)
(91,061 (/2014) 1,492 (-­‐54) -­‐ 1,161 UG, 331 Grad (1,504 (-­‐75)/2014) 1,947 (26.7%) (1,906/26%; 1806/26%; 1790/25.8%)
365 first year New 1st yr. 1,277 (1,195/2014; 1,255/2013; 1,153/2012) Reten6on: 1st to 2nd year = 87% Transfer 184 (206/2014; 195/2013; 257/2012) GRAD 1,521 (1,441/2014; 1,345/2013; 1,322/2012) 1st Ume MS: 374 (+23%); 1st Ume PhD: 92 % OF UG ENROLLMENT BY SCHOOL & COLLEGE 8% 9% 19% 20% 2% No college designated School of Business College of Engineering School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences College of Sciences and Arts School of Technology 10% 8% 7% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 21% 23% 25% 24% 24% 24% 25% 24% 21% 20% 3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 61% 59% 57% 56% 55% 57% 57% 58% 60% 62% 64% 65% 8% 2% 8% 2% 8% 2% 8% 2% 7% 3% 7% 2% 7% 2% 7% 2% 6% 2% 6% 2% 5% 2% 6% 1% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CSA Budget for 2015-­‐16 BL CH CLS CS KIP HU ESL MATH PHY SS VPA ROZSA Dean ROTC Salary & Wages $1,742,464 $1,853,233 1,021,579 $1,917,482 $742,620 $2,746,101 $2,929,217 $2,037,963 $1,731,389 $941,550 $225,592 $523,901 $69,215 SS&E $40,767 $39,578 $42,324 $17,076 $18,733 $56,414 $45,310 $27,772 $21,111 $49,720 $40,770 $84,137 $6,575 TOTALS 2015-­‐16 $18,482,307 $490,287 TOTALS 2014-­‐15 TOTALS 2013-­‐14 TOTALS 2012-­‐13 TOTALS 2011-­‐12 $17,641,673 $16,975,392 $16,643,694 $16,246,740 $601,504 $601,504 $601,504 $736,466 GTAs (Grad School) $266,794 $706,219 $94,163 $416,093 $62,775 $753,300 $761,147 NOTE: $541,434 $423,732 AY15-­‐16 -­‐ $4,025,657 $3,844,744 $3,677,054 $3,600,769 $3,364,776 Rozsa Budget of $266,362 added to the College Base NOTE: AY15-­‐16 SS&E Reduced by $151,987 for Telcom/Network Realignment. BL CH CLS CS KIP HU MA PHY SS VPA CSA TOTAL 26 26 7 19 14 4 20 40 20 0 9 $196,587 27 4 $204,523 24 7 $354,887 9 10 $514,352 19 4 $166,500 18 1 $18,000 0 7 $365,060 13 22 $1,419,257 17 12 $1,081,064 17 0 $0 2 17 1 8 15 3 2 2 12 6 1 $3,357,541 $179,653 $494,220 $1,136,759 $212,754 $35,000 $236,349 $1,541,270 $1,438,337 $3,280 26 31 7 20 11 2 19 23 10 10 3 7 16 6 0 7 15 16 1 Funding: PIs 2014-­‐15 Funding: PI's 2013-­‐14 Proposals: PI's 14-­‐15 Awards: PI's 2014-­‐15 Proposals: PI's 13-­‐14 Awards: PI's 2013-­‐14 Funding: PI's 2012-­‐13 Proposals: PI's 12-­‐13 Awards: PI's 2012-­‐13 External Funding/Expenditures: $ in thousands $882,223 $562,080 $436,053 $1,099,420 $925,625 $0 $303,885 $1,399,583 $2,471,115 $32,760 176 77 $4,355,230 146 68 $8,665,163 150 82 $8,137,744 CSA Faculty were PI on 158 proposals and co-­‐PI on 74 proposals. External Awards/Expenditures Three-­‐year average ($ in 1000s) New External Res. Proposals Awards Funding Expend BL CH CLS CS KIP HU Math PHY SS VPA 26 27 8 19 14 2 17 27 16 1 12 3 7 14 4 1 5 16 11 1 $1,479 $316 $428 $917 $435 $18 $302 $1,433 $1,663 $32 TOTAL 157 75 $7,053 $4,682 Proposals submiied: 2012 = 148; 2013 = 176; 2014 = 146 $623 $516 $237 $576 $76 $49 $162 $1,824 $621 $0 F&A Recovery $144 $129 $57 $115 $9 $17 $54 $428 $96 $0 $1,051 NOTE -­‐ 2 year averages CSA
SS int
SS ext
PH int
PH ext
MA int
MA ext
KIP int
KIP ext
Hu int
HU ext
CS int
CS ext
CLS ext
CH int
CH ext
Bio Int
Bio ext
CSA GRAD STUDENT EXPENDITURES Internal and External sources ($ in thousands) 11- $293
$292 $42 $681 $103 $75 $105 $531 $4 $792 $14 $72 $5 $815 $291 $530 $148 $300 $1005 $4090
1213 $239 $263 $86 $625 $85 $148 $183 $398 $16 $684 $1 $92 $3 $725 $338 $597 $218 $335 $1169 $3868
1314 $256 $271 $34 $759 $127 $113 $206 $463 $0 $897 $0 $76 $40 $865 $381 $624 $205 $409 $1250 $4477
3- $263 $275 $54 $688 $105 $112 $165 $464 $7 $791 $5 $80 $16 $802 $337 $584 $190 $348 $1141 $4145
Reminder: PIs should include graduate student support (tui6on & s6pend) in research proposals; I will review when signing transmiial forms. The To-Do List, 2015-16
!  Insuring the success and retention of CSA faculty
!  Continue to explore expansion of MS and Ph.D.
enrollment: i.e., course-work & accelerated (4+1) MS
!  Diversity and Spousal Opportunity Hires: Training
required for ALL members of Search committees and
PT&R committees - Check
!  Assessment Ac6vi6es: Complete InformaUon Global Literacy this fall (10/9/15); move on to Global Literacy; review curriculum maps !  CSA Searches – start-­‐up issues To-Do List, 2015-16
!  Merit Salary Increase Process !  Expand UG recruitment programs !  Strategic Plan update – college & department discussions !  Space and Safety: Chemistry !  2nd Advance Proposal CSA Department Accomplishments! •  Air Force ROTC –  16 officers commissioned; ranked 13 of 145 programs in GPA •  Army ROTC –  Enrollment increased to 70 cadets (56%) in two years; will commission 14 officers in 2015-­‐16 •  Biological Sciences –  Charles Kerfoot won IAGLR lifeUme achievement; Nancy Auer won IAGLR American Fisheries award; Jeff Lewin earned “Serving Others” Award from Staff Council •  Chemistry –  Lynn Mazzoleni won NSF MRI grant: Orbitrap Mass Spec; Tarun Dam received teaching award; Cary Chabalowski effort helping build connecUons to Army Research laboratories CSA Department Accomplishments! •  Cogni6ve & Learning Sciences –  Research and InnovaUon in STEM EducaUon (RISE) InsUtute soon to be approved in collaboraUon with Honors College and others; Bill Kennedy awarded University Teaching Award •  Computer Science –  New MS in Cybersecurity coming; InsUtute for CompuUng and Cybersystems in place; Min Song receives next David House chair •  Humani6es –  Awards: Bob Johnson -­‐ best book in Tech. Comm. from NaUonal Council of Teachers of English; Paiy So6rin -­‐ Feminist Teacher Mentor Award from OrganizaUon for Language, Gender and Culture; ESL program accredited – congratulaUons Beatrice Smith! •  Kinesiology & Integra6ve Physiology –  2 NIH R15 Awards and more coming! CSA Department Accomplishments! •  Mathema6cal Sciences –  1st Kliekhandler Conference held August 30 on Algebraic Combinatorics and ApplicaUons; inaugural Kliekhandler Lectures on October 8 & 9 -­‐ George Andrews (Penn State). •  Physics –  Cloud Chamber operaUonal (Pi Chamber) and arUcle in Science – congratulaUons Ray Shaw, Will Cantrell, Claudio & Lynn Mazzoleni! •  Social Sciences –  1st Environmental and Energy Policy Ph.D. -­‐ Mizanur Rahman, “Shipbreaking in Bangladesh; Kathy Halvorsen’s PIRE award has involved 100 int’l parUcipants •  Visual and Performing Arts –  “World Without Ice” hosted September 24; –  Cirque du Soleil recognizing quality of VPA interns QUESTIONS? 