@ {,loyernmgrt of llimnrhnl Prndesh Ileparturent of 'l'ecft nieal Etluca(ion Daterl [il$nrla-I710{12, . the No. IltlN{'t'E}I}(2)4120 I s t{$ Octrrber. 20I5. lSir NOI'tlrtc'ATl0l) 'fhe (iovemor, Ilimai:hal Pracleslr is pl*ased to *rder the transf'er of lih. Dhanvir $iugh .lanrrval. Ilrincipal frorn Il'I .lalog, District Shimla h II] Manali st I'atlikuhl. District K.ullu agai.nst vacant post rvithout TT',i\,,.f!l, u,ifh imrnediate elfect in ;:ubtic intcrest. 'I'he nhove ol'ficel is dir:ectcd to report lrrr cluty at his nerv place of posting on .ioining of lris substitute and submit joining repori to this Deparhuent as well as to {he [)ircrr{or, 'i et:lutical Educatiolr. BY 0RDI:llt l'rincipal Secretary(Teclr. lklu.] to the Government of Ilinrach*l Ilradeslr. No. IlIll\(TE)Il(2)4/20 Ct4 t, ftrrlvarded I5 liir infunrratir:rr Ilaled $lhirula-I7I0{}2, llro and ncc.essar'\, ilction t* _$O.tot cr, 2{lI5. :- l. 'l he Pr. Accountant Ceneral (Auilit), [:1..F., Shimla-171003. 2.'['he Accountant (ierrr:ral(A&[), ]1.P.. lllrirnla- I 7 1001. 3. '['hc l)ireclor, I"ccltnical liclucaliott, I [.['.. $unqlernagar, Distlict lVlancli, 4. All tire concemerl Irinrripals. Indiviclua] concenred. I'erst'rnal {ile oi'thc ct:ucelrred olTiccr ]-1"1,. 5. 6. 7. fiuard I;ile. I.,^ ,J,'Wk*r-- IJntler Sccrdtrrfl,fl"E) to the Gorernment af flirrtrchaI Pradmlt. I'h. : 0177-2628486, 2t11t0860. t,