Household Wealth Data and Public Policy Some thoughts from Macroeconomics José-Vı́ctor Rı́os Rull UCL, UMN, Mpls Fed, CAERP November 2, 2015 Macroeconomics I Macro models want to determine Consumption, Investment and Hours worked. I The standard model is a representative agent model that uses aggregate capital/wealth as the main state variable that affects decisions. I This is fine if behavior is linear or almost. I Indeed, the first generation of models of models satisfied almost aggregation. I Distribution does not matter. Macro did not care about distribution. But ..... I The crisis came. With a huge drop of consumption and housing prices. I There is an enormous suspicious that this has to do with household access to credit to buy houses. I But with wealth to income ratios of 5-7 in representative agent models credit to households cannot matter. I So the distribution of wealth is into macro again. I How else can we think of financial stability? Where does the distribution matters for the whole economy? I Retirement, and in general willingness to work. I Leverage in home ownership make households very vulnerable to price changes and hence wealth effects are more important. I Interaction of wealth holdings and their portfolio and the financial system. I This goes both ways not only from the financial system to household behavior but also the other way around. Is it enough just to know what is owned by whom? I Not really. We want to know more about the details of the contracts that people engage in: I The nature of the mortgage contracts (liquidation costs, guarantees, future payment obligations, extent of securitization). Wealthy people also have a lot of debt. I The nature of insurance arrangements and family properties. I We also want to know how private transfers work. There is a big industry in macroeconomics worrying about insurance motives for savings. We need to know the extent of income insurance arrangements. Aggregation to National Accounts I We need to have different but reliable sources of data on asset holdings. I Consistency does not mean equal amounts. I Many countries have had large trade deficits/surplus continually. I They have to show up in differences between assets in a country and assets held by its citizens or residents. I We want a double check on Flow of Funds type data to get accurate measurements of the wealth held by locals. Conclusions I Wealth dispersion is a Macroeconomic concern at least since the Great Recession. I External imbalances make the effort to have a data source independent of the Flow of Funds type data more crucial. I We need better data that includes the right tail of wealth.