Environmental Monitoring & Technology Series Noise monitoring & evaluation For Technicians Study module 3 Evaluating noise cffet.net/env Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Assessment details Purpose This unit of competency covers the ability to monitor noise using handheld sound level meters and fixed sound monitoring stations with either data logging or telemetry. It includes the ability to perform noise surveys, process data and report results in accordance with enterprise standards. Instructions ◗ Read the theory section to understand the topic. ◗ Complete the Student Declaration below prior to starting. ◗ Attempt to answer the questions and perform any associated tasks. ◗ Email, phone, book appointment or otherwise ask your teacher for help if required. ◗ When completed, submit task by email using rules found on last page. Student declaration I have read, agree to comply with and declare that; ◗ I know how to get assistance from my assessor if needed… ☐ ◗ I have read and understood the SAG for this subject/unit… ☐ ◗ I know the due date for this assessment task… ☐ ◗ I understand how to complete this assessment task… ☐ ◗ I understand how this assessment task is weighted… ☐ ◗ I declare that this work, when submitted, is my own… ☐ Details Student name Type your name here Assessor Marker’s use only Class code NME Assessment name SM3 Due Date Speak with your assessor Total Marks Available 38 Marks Gained Marker’s use only Final Mark (%) Marker’s use only Marker’s Initials Marker’s use only Date Marked Click here to enter a date. Weighting This is one of six formative assessments and contributes 10% of the overall mark for this unit Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 1 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Sound propagation This section explains the operational side of acoustic theory. It is here that we introduce the relationship between the absolute and relative measures of sound and the legal and operational aspects of noise measurements and evaluation. The ‘source-path-receiver’ model Consider the following image which shows the creation of sound, the travelling of the sound, the interactions of the sound, and finally the receiving of the sound. We need to understand the basics of all of these steps, from source, to path to receiver. Figure 3.1 – The basic ‘source-path-receiver’ concept. [source] In the example above, the source of the sounds is created by the train. You learnt earlier how sound pressure waves are produced, and that the exact source of the sound is due to the application of energy to physical media which results in the vibrations that produce a pressure wave which we perceive as sound or noise. These pressure waves travel outwards from the source in all directions (unless blocked by some object). We don’t measure the sounds everywhere though, we only measure where a receiver is located, such as where people work or live. The key point here is that there are three basic ‘stages’ in the source-path-receiver model, and each stage has unique properties associated with them. The source It takes energy to make physical objects vibrate. The subsequent emission of sounds (which may be perceived as noise by the listener), is referred to as sound power, which is measured in the unit of Watts or Decibel-Watts. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 2 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 The path The travelling of the sound is called sound immission and is measured as Pascals or Decibels. Any interactions with the environment the sounds undergo change the characteristics of the sound before it is received, is measured as sound intensity (again in the unit of decibels), and we need to know about how sound changes (such as adding and subtracting sounds and distance related calculations). The receiver Finally the sound is received, and as you receive sound in much the same way you receive medicine, it is measured as a exposure (or dose). Patterns of sound propagation There are basically two models of sound propagation termed point source and line source. Point source A point source is as simple as it sounds, the noise is coming from one single identifiable source. These sources could be anything, a siren, a television or machinery on a factory floor. They can also be very large, an entire mine site for example, and therefore, the point source is a relative scale when it comes to size and purpose of assessment. Noise emanating from a point source can travel in spherical fields as seen in the figure below; Figure 3.2 – Image depicting spherical noise field [source] Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 3 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Line source The line source is used to describe sources which are not point based and are usually associated with traffic on roads or train lines and the like. Roadway noise is the most common example of a linear noise source, since it comprises the majority of the environmental noise exposure worldwide. Figure 3.3 – Example of a line source. Understanding the source fields is very important in understanding the behaviour or effect that the noise should have. What we won’t study Note that in most noise theory textbooks, a great deal of consideration is given to the controlling of noise, and as such we would need to cover the concept of reflecting surfaces. We don’t cover that here (at all) because noise control is not part of this unit. Absolute measures of sound Source sound power All noise come from a source which is created through some (usually) mechanical action which involves energy being used and dissipated. An example of this is the ‘whine’ of a bearing in a motor which is getting old and creating noise from friction between two metal surfaces. The unit of energy is the Joule (J) and expresses an amount of work. Noise (that bothers us) cannot be a single event, and must therefore be created over a timeframe of some sort, typically from one second to continuous. When we express energy over time, we invent a new unit, power. Power is the amount of energy per unit time (typically one second). Formally, it is expressed with the derived unit of J.s-1, but is also expressed in the named unit of Watts (W). Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 4 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 1 J.s-1 = 1W At the source, we are not interested in the sound pressure as it has not been ‘created’ yet, and as such we must, and can only be interested in the energy that is used to create any future sound pressure. This is contradicted later when we calculate sound power from sound pressure, but remains conceptually accurate for our reasons. Although sound pressure level is the quantity most directly related to the response of people to airborne sound, and SPL is the quantity that is most often to be controlled. However, sound pressure level is not always the most convenient descriptor for a noise source, since it will depend upon distance from the source and the environment in which the sound and measurement position are located. This is why a better descriptor is usually the sound power level of the source, as sound always has a source, which could be anything. What concerns us here the amount of sound energy they produce. Sound waves, like other waves, transport energy, which means that the amplitude (in pressure) is proportional to the sound power. Noise emission Once the sound has been generated (with an amplitude determined by the sound power) it will form a wave through the process of emission with the characteristic frequency and wavelength as governed by the material from which it is emitted. Sound pressure Once the energy has been ‘spent’ on the vibration that creates the noise, a sound pressure wave is produced (see earlier chapters). The sound pressure is measured differently to the sound power. Pressure is measured in the unit of Pascal (Pa). The amount of Pascal’s involved in noise that we can hear ranges from 2E-5 Pascal’s at the threshold of hearing to 200 Pascal’s at a plane taking off at an airport. To put that into perspective, atmospheric pressure ranges from 87 000 to 108 500 Pascal’s, so noise does not produce that much pressure relative to the Earth’s atmosphere. Be careful of units… Due to the large (and small) numbers involved, we need to employ metric prefixes in the units, so we use the unit of micro Pascal (mPa) for noise pressure. Sound intensity Finally, once the energy from the source has produced a vibration, and that vibration has produced a sound pressure wave, we need to acknowledge that the pressure wave travels the atmosphere in a radiating fashion (see figure 3.2 & 3 above). Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 5 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 This means that the sound pressure at any distance from a source passes through a field surface that exhibits an area. When sound pressure passes through an area, the measurement is called sound intensity. The unit for sound intensity is I, and is reported as W.m-2 Figure 3.4 – Example of sound intensity [source] The intensity is a measure of flow really as it is a time averaged directional quantity (from the source) that measures the rate of energy that flows through the area in question. Sound intensity measures are somewhat irrelevant for environmental and workplace noise technicians and are usually specialised measures performed by directional intensity probes, as seen in the figure below; Figure 3.5 – Sound intensity probe [source] To understand intensity we need to visualise a source and two receiver points at two separate distances from the source. In the figure below, we can see that the source is emitting a sound, which means that it is emitting energy, but how does this energy dissipate? What is emitted is a fixed amount of energy (the sound power), so if the volume of space is increasing as we move away from the source, then the sound power needs to fill this space, Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 6 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Figure 3.6 – A source with two receiving points. Consider this as an aerial view (i.e. from above) and that the sound is propagating across the plane of the ground. which means that sound power must therefore decrease in a proportional amount per unit area as a function of distance. The specific proportionality that occurs is a special one, the inverse square law, which states that the sound intensity is approximately proportional to the reciprocal of the radius squared, or; 𝐼= 1 𝑟2 Where; I = Sound intensity (W/m2) r = radius (i.e. distance from source in m) Remember that the Inverse Square Law only describes the change in sound intensity from one point to another, to calculate an actual example we need to employ a slightly different equation; 𝑟12 𝐼2 = 𝐼1 × 𝑟22 Where; I1 = Sound intensity at 1st distance (W/m2) I2 = Sound intensity at second distance (W/m2) r1 = distance from source to first point (m) r2 = Distance from source to second point (m) More on this will be covered in later chapters when we explore distance calculations in more detail, but for now, hopefully you can see that the energy from the source dissipates as the volume the sound has to fill increases over distance away from the source, and does so following the Inverse Square Law. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 7 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Relative measures of sound You need to be reminded of what the term ‘relative’ actually means. One formal definition of relative is; “considered in relation or in proportion to something else” In terms of measurements, and especially when applied to sound ‘levels’, the term relative means that all measurements of an absolute value (whether that be power, pressure or intensity) are related to a ‘base’ value. The reason for this is simple, absolute values are not useful when we are trying to relate the noise to human hearing. As such, we need to ‘scale’ or relate the absolute pressure to the scale of human hearing. This is especially important when the scale you are relating to has a minima and maxima in the ‘middle’ of an absolute range. You learnt from earlier chapters that the range of human hearing is approximately from 5 to 140 decibels, and from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz, and our hearing does not start at zero decibels, nor at zero Hertz, we must make the scales ‘relative’ to the scales of our hearing. The concept of ‘Levels’ The relevance to ‘levels’ is that the absolute value that noise ‘levels’ are related to is the equivalent to the minimum value to human hearing. Every absolute noise value is relative to the minimum equivalent value at the threshold of human hearing. Therefore, the reference values that absolute measures are made relative to for noise studies are; ◗ Sound power = pico Watt (1E-12 W) ◗ Sound pressure = micro Pascal (1E-5 Pa) ◗ Sound intensity = pico Watt (1E-12 W) But how are these values used? Well, in logarithmic calculations. The logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number. For example, the logarithm of 1000 to base 10 is 3, because 10 to the power 3 is 1000 (i.e. 1000 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 103). If x = by, then y is the logarithm of x to base b, and is written y = log b(x), or y = logb(by), so log10(1000) = log10(103) = 3. The decibel To understand the following concepts we need to understand the main unit used in noise assessments – the decibel. The decibel is based on the unit of Bel, whose symbol is B, and the decibel is the decadic version of the Bel. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 8 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Many measurement scales in science involves numbers whose range is that of many orders of magnitude, like the pH scale which covers 15 orders of hydrogen concentration (1M to 10-14M, the logarithmic transformation of which covers pH 0 to pH 14 – much easier!). The unit of decibel was created was to avoid the use of large cumbersome numbers. The good news is that you won’t be assessed on the logarithmic calculations, but just so you know, all logarithmic calculations for determining relative levels (i.e. decibels) work on the same types of calculations; 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 = 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 Sound Power Level (LW) The acoustic energy emitted by a sound source can be measured in either relative or absolute terms. As mentioned, the absolute measure of emission sound power is performed in units of watts (or milliwatts, microwatts or similar), and the relative measure, as emission Sound Power Level, LW is measured in units of decibels which are made relative to a reference quantity of 1 picowatt (1E-12W), as per the equation below; 𝑊 𝐿𝑊 = 10 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝑊0 Where; LW = Sound Power Level (LW in dB) W0 = reference power (1 x 10-12 in Watts) W = Sound power (in Watts) Emission sound power level is used to indicate the noise emitted by items of industrial equipment. It is common for manufacturers to include noise emission details of their products in product specifications. You may have seen this legal requirement on lawnmowers or grass cutters or other noisy items you have purchased. Example 3.1 Calculate the sound power level (in decibels) of a lawnmower whose engine sound power was determined to be 9.50E-5 Watts. To do this we substitute the data into the equation above; dB = 10 x log10(9.50E-5 / 1E-12) = 10 x log10(9.50E7) = 10 x 7.98 = 79.8 dB Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 9 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Sound intensity Level (LI) The emitted sound wave travels through air (or other medium), and this travelling is referred to as immission, which is a rarely used term that describes the correlate of emission, that is to send in, put in, insert, inject or otherwise infuse one thing into another, in this case, sound waves into the atmosphere. We mention it here because it is mentioned in the relevant Australian Standards. Immission is measured in decibels and measured with a Sound Level Meter (SLM). When you hear of people performing noise measurements, or when you yourself undertake this task, you will in fact be measuring the noise immission. Immission could be described as the effect of the emission of sound power Sound immission is what is measured ‘per square meter’ when we measure the sound intensity. The sound intensity is measured in Watts, the Sound Intensity Level (LI) is calculated using the same reference values as found with sound power and is calculated using the following equation; 𝐼 𝐿𝐼 = 10 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝐼0 Where; LI = Sound Power Level (LI in dB) I0 = reference power (1 x 10-12 in Watts) I = Sound power (in Watts) Example 3.2 At one point 25 m away from a sound source, the intensity was measured at 0.0000065W. What was the intensity at a second point of 47 m, and calculate the dB levels for both points. Employing the technique above (including Inverse Square Laws) we substitute the data into the equations below; I2 dB = 0.0000065 * (25^2/47^2) = 0.0000065 * (625 / 2209) = 0.0000065 * 0.2829 = 1.84E-6 W = 10*log10(1.84E-6 / 1.2E-12) = 10 * log10(1533333) = 10* 6.19 = 61.9 dB Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 10 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Sound Pressure Level (SPL, LP) The decibel for SPL is created using the same process, except that we are converting sound pressure values (in Pascals) to the decadic form, which produces the Sound Pressure Level (LP). The equations used are slightly different (for reasons discussed later), and we can use one of two equations, from the old standard; 𝑃 𝐿𝑃 = 20 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝑃0 Where; LP = Sound Pressure Level (SPLdB) P = Sound Pressure (Pa) P0 = Reference sound pressure (Pa = 0.00002) And from the AS1269-2005 (current at the time of writing) which prefers internationally recognised form of the equation; 𝑃 2 𝐿𝑃 = 10 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 𝑃0 Example 3.3 Following the use of the AS1269-2005 method from above, calculate the SPL(dB) when the sound pressure is 0.3557 Pa. To answer this we simply substitute the given data into the formula; 0.3557 2 𝐿𝑃 = 10 × 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) 0.00002 LP = 10 x log10(17785)2 LP = 10 x log10(316306225) LP = 10 x 8.5 LP = 85 dB It should be noted that the above equations can be re-arranged to find the pressure from a given sound pressure level using either of the following equations; 𝐿𝑃 𝑃 = 𝑃0 × 10(20) or; 𝐿𝑃 𝑃 = 𝑃0 × √10(10) Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 11 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Example 3.4 Using the current method from AS1269-2005, calculate the sound pressure in Pascal’s from a sound pressure level of 106dB. Again we simply substitute the data into the equation; 106 𝑃 = 0.00002 × √10( 10 ) 𝑃 = 0.00002 × √10(10.6) 𝑃 = 𝑃0 × √39810717055 P = P0 x 199526 P = 4 Pa The relationship between Sound Pressure (P) & Sound Pressure Level (LP) As stated, the relationship is logarithmic which means that small changes if the dB (SPL) will yield large changes in the values of the sound pressure (P). This relationship is best displayed graphically as seen below. Figure 3.7 – Relationship between Sound Pressure (Pa) and the Sound Pressure Level - SPL(dB). From the Noise-spreadsheet. The concept of ‘levels’ is of fundamental importance to the study and practice of noise measurements. Being able to relate the absolute values of noise to the relative values based on the range of human hearing means that you understand the logarithmic nature of the calculations and this can be invaluable in understanding other related concepts introduced throughout the study. Consider the following diagram which relates the absolute pressures of noise to the relative decibel scale of sound pressure levels. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 12 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Figure 3.8 – The relative decibel scale [source]. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 13 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 The differences between sound pressure, sound power and sound intensity in terms of both their absolute and relative quantities are summarised in the tables below; Quantity Pressure Power Intensity Unit pascal watt Watt per square meter Abbreviation Pa W W.m-2 Decibel level Sound pressure level Sound power level Sound intensity level Symbol LP LW LI Alternate symbols SPL SWL, PWL SIL Measurements Sound level meter Special chamber Special probe Significance The basis of noise exposure measurements Used to compare noise sources Direction of sound important Table 3.1 – Comparison of sound pressure, power & intensity. The exposure to sound & its dose Referring to Figure 3.1 above, we are now at the point of the receiver and can start to relate the information discussed in earlier chapters. For environmental and workplace purposes, the interest in the receiver is associated with the following; ◗ How much energy is reaching the hair cells (and is there damage occurring) ◗ By how much has the background noise changed ◗ How annoying is the change that has occurred In this section we shall only discuss dose and exposure, and we shall leave the rest for later chapters. You would have heard of the term ‘dose’ in discussions of medicine where the dose refers to how much of the medicine in taken over time, which would have units of mg/day for example. Noise dose follows a similar path where we are interested in the energy per unit time that the hair cells are exposed to. This leads to the concept of noise exposure, which is simply the dose of noise the receiver was exposed to. In Australia (and pretty much worldwide), noise dose is referred to as noise exposure and has the units of Pa2/h. Noise exposure is given the symbol of E Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 14 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 ‘Legal’ noise units and measures So now you know the difference between the physical aspects of noise; power, pressure and intensity, we can focus on what the important legal factors of emission, immission and exposure. Table 3.2 – Key characteristics of sound measures. Taken from AS/NZS 1269.1:2005. Summary Hopefully by now, you can see the different ‘stages of noise from; ◗ the moment that energy is spent to create the noise at the sources, ◗ to the path the noise takes as a pressure wave, ◗ to the measurement of intensity per square meter within that path ◗ to the exposure to the noise pressure of the receiving ear or Sound level meter. These concepts are explored in more detail in the following chapters, so don’t forget them just yet. The figure below revisits Figure 1.1 with some new terms added to it. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 15 Noise monitoring & evaluation Emission Study Module 3 Immission Exposure Figure 3.9 – SPR model re-visited. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 16 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Assessment task After reading the theory above, answer the questions below. Note that; Marks are allocated to each question. Keep answers to short paragraphs only, no essays. Make sure you have access to the references (last page) If a question is not referenced, use the supplied notes for answers Answer the following questions 1. What is meant by the Source-Path-Receiver’ (SPR) model? In your answer, make sure you define each individual term. 6 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 2. Differentiate between the terms ‘point’ and ‘line’ source? 4 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 3. Provide a definition and the unit for ‘sound power’. 2 mk Type you answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 4. Provide a definition and the unit for ‘sound pressure’. 2 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 17 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 5. Provide a definition and the unit for ‘sound intensity’. 2 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 6. In your own words, explain the Inverse Square Law and the effect it has on the diminishing strength of sound as it moves away from a source. 5 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 7. With reference to sound, what I meant by the term ‘level’. How does a ‘level’ differ from an absolute measure of sound? 4 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 8. What are the two reference values used in noise levels? 2 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 9. Why do we use logarithms in noise calculations? Provide an example (just numbers, not calculations) of an absolute value and its logarithmic equivalent (hint, Figure 3.3). 4 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 18 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 10. What is meant by the term ‘exposure’ in relation to noise measurements? Be sure to include the term ‘dose’ in your answer. 3 mk Type your answer here Leave blank for assessor feedback 11. Explain the difference between the term ‘emission’ and ‘immission’. 4 mk Type your answer here Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 19 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Assessment & submission rules Answers ◗ Attempt all questions and tasks ◗ Write answers in the text-fields provided Submission ◗ Use the documents ‘Save As…’ function to save the document to your computer using the file name format of; name-classcode-assessmentname Note that class code and assessment code are on Page 1 of this document. ◗ email the document back to your teacher Penalties ◗ If this assessment task is received greater than seven (7) days after the due date (located on the cover page), it may not be considered for marking without justification. Results ◗ Your submitted work will be returned to you within 3 weeks of submission by email fully graded with feedback. ◗ You have the right to appeal your results within 3 weeks of receipt of the marked work. Problems? If you are having study related or technical problems with this document, make sure you contact your assessor at the earliest convenience to get the problem resolved. The name of your assessor is located on Page 1, and the contact details can be found at; www.cffet.net/env/contacts Resources & references References (NSW), E. P. (2000). NSW Industrial Noise Policy. Sydney: Environmental Protection Authority (NSW). (NSW), R. &. (2001). Environmental Noise Management Manual. Sydney: Roads & Traffic Authority (NSW). Australia, S. (1997). AS 1055.1-3. Homebush: Standards Australia. Australia, S. (2005). OCcupational Noise Management, Part 1: Measurement and Assessment of Noise Immission and Exposure. Homebush: Standards Australia. Australia, S. (2011). Methods for the sampling & analysis of ambient air: Part 14: Meteorological monitoring for ambient air quality monitoring applications. Homebush: Standards Australia. Bies, D. &. (2003). Engineering Noise Control, 3rd Ed. London: Spon Press. Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 20 Noise monitoring & evaluation Study Module 3 Kester, W. (2004). Analogue-Digital Conversion. United States: Analogue Devices. Maltby. (2005). Occupational Audiometry: Monitoring & protecting hearing at work. London: Elselvier. NOHSC. (2000). National Standard for Occupational Noise [NOHSC: 1007(2000), 2nd Ed. Canberra: Australian Government. Organisation, W. H. (1995). Occupational Exposure to noise: Evaluation, prevention & control. Geneva: WHO Publishing. Rossing, T. (2007). Handbook of Acoustics. New York: Springer. South, T. (2004). Managin Noise & Vibration at Work. London: Elselvier. Workcover, N. (2004). Code of Practice: Noise Management & Protection of Hearing at Work. Sydney: Workcover NSW. Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2011. (n.d.). Further reading and online aids Nil Hunter TAFE - Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Course Notes for delivery of MSS11 Sustainability Training Package Page | 21