C CRIME S SCENE P PROCESS SING ASSIGNME ENT – CHEM MICAL ANAL LYSIS Task nsic science is not all ab bout dead bodies, b DNA fingerprinting, muddy crime c scenes and funnyy Foren whitee coverall su uits. It also involves wo orking in a very v standard chemical laboratory, ccarrying outt analyyses on insttruments that might have been used u the previous hourr for testingg the same e comp ponents in co oal or food. A S S E S S M E N T T A S K The three t article es below, frrom the FBII journal Forensic Science Commun nications, deeal with the e appliccation of common laborratory procedures to forrensic applicaations. The links to each article are e on th he subject assignment weebpage. Read the articless and answer the following question ns IN YOUR OWN WORD DS. Simply copying c textt will be markeed wrong! from the articles is not appropriate and w Articlle 1 – The ba asis for comp positional bu ullet lead com mparisons 1. 2. 3. 4. Why is the chemical co omposition o of a bullet reecovered from a crime sccene an important piece e of forensic evidence? niques have been used to analyse bu ullet composition? What techn Why does tthe composition of lead in bullets change from batch to batch? What conclusion are drrawn from th his article? Articlle 2 – Distrib bution of refr fractive indexx (RI) valuess in sheet gla asses 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How is the measuremeent of the RI of a glass fraagment used d to link it to a crime scen ne? e the work off previous au uthors in thiss area as desscribed in thee Introductio on. Summarise What was tthe purpose of the studyy documenteed in this artiicle? Describe an nd compare the shapes o of the three RI distributio on graphs. What is thee most impo ortant conclu usion that caan be drawn from this sttudy about tthe use of RII measurements of glasss in forensic aapplications?? Articlle 3 – Metho ods of analyssis/drug iden ntification 10. What is thee difference between thee analytical ttechniques in n Categories A to C? ne to prove id dentification n if a Categorry A techniqu ue is used? 11. What else must be don A technique iss not used? 12. What mustt be done if aa Category A ou understan nd by the terrms “false‐po ositive” and “false‐negattive”? 13. What do yo he process fo or the definitte identificattion of cannaabis. 14. Describe th ur answers b by email as a Word docum ment named d as follows: yourname_ccsp_assign. Pleasse submit you