JOB B DESCRIPTION ‐ POSITION OF RESSPONSIB BILITY JOB TTITLE Sportt and Activitties Logisticcs Director ORTS TO REPO ng Directtor of Learnin To overseee all the Sporrt and Activities Support ffunctions. nate high levvel calendar planning witth each school and To co‐ordin outside orrganisations,, taking into o account facilities f and d staff availabilityy. To be the project man nager and evvent co‐ordin nator for all major d by Tanglin. sporting evvents hosted To work w with the Leadership Team ms of the threee schools an nd the Managemeent Team to o ensure thatt the best use is made of the School’s faacilities and outside facilities availab ble to us, so o that students aacross the Scchool have aaccess to a w wide range o of high quality activities. PURPOSE JOB P Tanglin Trust Scchool is co ommitted to o the protection and safety of its studentts. The date will be e expected to embrace th his commitm ment and will be responssible for succeessful candid safeguarding and promoting tthe welfare o of children. RESPONSIBILITIES KEY R Activities Sup pport Team – logistics, ccommunicatiion and liaiso on Leadeership of thee Sports and A 1. A Assist the Maanagement Team and tthe school’s leadership teams in strategic planning by providing analysis of curreent activities,, costs and participation rrates. Oversee the sports eventts calendar planning pro ocess and liaise with th he Heads of PE and 2. O scchool leadership teams tto ensure that weekend events and overseas trip ps are appro opriately sttaffed. 3. O Oversee the Sports and Activities paages of the TTS Portal and all emaail correspondence, ensuring thatt all communication and informattion provideed to the Tanglin T Com mmunity o date. reegarding actiivities, fixturees and sportiing events is accurate, cleear and up to 4. Periodically rreview the aadministrativve processess supportingg CCAs, com mpetitive sport and ports overseeas trips, to ensure e they are efficientt and clear. This includees working w with the sp A Applications tteam to revieew the use off technology. 5. D Directly line m manage the Sports and Activities A Maanager and tthe Sports and Activitiess Liaison Exxecutives; p providing guidance and structure to enable th hem to carrry out theirr duties efffectively. 6. W Work closely with the Heeads of PE in n each schoo ol to gain a thorough un nderstandingg of the needs of sport in each school. 7. O Oversee the aallocation off shared facilities and reso ources to thee various acttivities and to o the PE cu urriculum teaams to ensurre the maxim mum benefit for the schoo ol. 8. Ensure that h health and ssafety requirrements are taken heed d of in the use of the School’s S ulum time byy TTS staff and external providers. faacilities outsiide of curricu 9. D Develop closee relationship ps with our SSRC partnerss (outside prroviders), mo onitoring thee quality off provision and service th hat they provvide to the ccommunity, ssupported byy the SRC & C Coaches Admin Executtive. ues and partticularly our commitmen nt to ‘CAS’(crreativity, acttion and 10. Promote the School’s valu seervice) to the Tanglin Community, through a welll planned Acttivities progrramme. 11. O On an annual basis, co omplete thee Review and Development exerccise and un ndertake id dentified devvelopment op pportunities.. 12. M Maintain an accurate and up to date reecord of all P Professional Developmen nt opportunitties on with Otheer Schools – a and the Hostting of Eventts Liaiso 1. Act as a high level point of contact ffor other sch hools, regard ding logisticaal arrangemeents for ompetitive fiixtures and tournaments. co 2. Be the ‘Event Co‐Ordinato or’ for major sporting eveents hosted b by Tanglin. TThis includess project m management in the run up u to the event and atteendance at the event itself to ensuree that it ru uns smoothlyy. 3. W Work with thee PE faculty tteam to prep pare and man nage a budgeet for hosted tournamentts. 4. Liiaise with otther support teams in th he school ( food, opeerations, tran nsport and teechnical su upport) to en nsure the sm mooth runningg of events. 5. En nsure that evvent and trip p planning iss documenteed to ensure that areas fo or improvem ment are id dentified and d addressed, and to ensurre continuityy. 6. Act to foster and develo op strong reelationships with internaal and exterrnal stakeholders in porting events. sp 7. Attend the A AGM and plaanning meettings of ACSSIS, FOBISIA and SEASAC C – along w with the ppropriate reepresentativve from the P PE faculty ap ONAL ATTRIB BUTES PERSO 1. Have a positivve attitude to owards the sttudents, teacchers and the Tanglin Community. 2. Have a disciplined approacch to timekeeping & atteendance. Maintain a staandard of personal presentation in keeeping with tthe role. 3. M 4. Exxcellent orgaanisational skkills with a hiigh level of attention to d detail. 5. Sttrong comm munication skkills both intternally with hin the Tangglin Community (staff, parents, p sttudents), and d externally w with other scchools and seervice / venu ue providers. 6. Analytical and d able to id dentify, break down and d solve prob blems effectively and in a time ner. effficient mann position with h excellent interperson nal skills, co oordination, organization nal and 7. Pleasant disp ommunicatio on skills. co 8. Po ossess high d degree of disscretion, diplomacy and tact in dischaarging duties.. 9. Able to work iindependenttly as well as a good team m player with h good initiative