2010Cl i ma t eS t udyS ur v eyRes ul t s Offic ef orI ns t i t ut i ona l Di v er s i t y Mi c hi ga nT ec hnol ogi c a l Uni v er s i t y E mpl oy eeRes pons es F a c ul t yRes pons es Pr of es s i ona l S t a ffRes pons es S t udentRes pons es 2010Cl i ma t eS t udyS ur v eyRes ul t s Offic ef orI ns t i t ut i ona l Di v er s i t y Mi c hi ga nT ec hnol ogi c a l Uni v er s i t y E mpl oy eeRes pons es F a c ul t yRes pons es Pr of es s i ona l S t a ffRes pons es S t udentRes pons es 2010 Michigan Tech Employee Climate Survey 1. We need to request your email address in order to confirm that you are affiliated with Michigan Tech and fill out the appropriate survey. This identification will be linked to the confidential answers you provide. Response Count 178 answered question 178 skipped question 5 2. Please note: your email address WILL NOT BE connected to your individual responses. Your responses to the survey questions will remain confidential. Indicate below if you would like to be entered into the survey prize drawing. Response Response Percent Count I understand that my email address will be used to enter me into a drawing for a prize after I 100.0% 153 answered question 153 skipped question 30 have completed the entire survey. 1 of 25 3. In my work environment, my coworkers: Strongly Disagree Appreciate my work contributions. Encourage my career growth and development. Treat me with respect. Disagree 0.6% (1) 4.7% (8) 2.3% (4) 8.2% (14) 2.3% (4) 4.0% (7) Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 12.8% 52.3% 29.7% (22) (90) (51) 31.0% 40.4% 18.1% (53) (69) (31) 14.5% 48.6% 30.6% (25) (84) (53) 4.06 172 3.64 171 4.01 173 answered question 174 skipped question 9 4. My supervisor: Strongly Disagree Offers recognition / praise when I do a good job. Communicates the importance of valuing diversity. Encourages my career growth and development. Treats me with respect. workplace. Promotes a work environment where all people feel included. Makes it safe for me to express my concerns to him/her. 4.6% (8) 4.6% (8) Count 37.9% 31.6% (31) (66) (55) 27.2% 39.3% 23.7% (47) (68) (41) 10.3% 27.6% 31.6% 25.9% (18) (48) (55) (45) 10.3% 42.5% 36.8% (18) (74) (64) 12.1% 24.3% 36.4% 22.0% (21) (42) (63) (38) 12.6% 18.4% 38.5% 25.9% (22) (32) (67) (45) 14.5% 39.9% 31.8% (25) (69) (55) 8.7% (15) 5.2% (9) Response Average 17.8% 1.2% (2) 3.4% (6) Rating Agree Agree 9.8% (17) 4.6% (8) Strongly Neutral 2.9% (5) Adequately addresses inappropriate behavior that occurs in my Disagree 6.9% (12) 9.2% (16) 2 of 25 3.86 174 3.76 173 3.64 174 4.02 174 3.58 173 3.68 174 3.85 173 answered question 174 skipped question 9 5. Satisfaction and workload: Strongly Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 10.3% 30.9% 21.1% 33.7% (18) (54) (37) (59) 0.6% (1) 2.3% (4) 20.2% 47.4% 29.5% (35) (82) (51) 3.4% (6) 9.1% (16) 33.1% 45.7% (58) (80) Overall, I am satisfied with my job. 1.7% (3) 5.1% (9) 16.0% 58.9% 18.3% (28) (103) (32) I am concerned that my job at the 13.8% Disagree My pay is fair for the work I do. My workload at the University is increasing. I receive the training/professional development I need to succeed at my job. University is in jeopardy. I know what is expected of me at work. My workload is appropriate for my job. I have the materials/tools necessary to do my job well. advance. 2.90 175 4.03 173 3.47 175 3.87 175 2.44 174 4.03 174 3.47 172 3.85 172 3.03 175 answered question 175 skipped question 8 8.6% (15) 48.9% 20.7% 12.6% (24) (85) (36) (22) 0.6% (1) 4.6% (8) 10.3% 60.3% 24.1% (18) (105) (42) 14.0% 25.0% 44.8% 12.2% (24) (43) (77) (21) 14.0% 54.7% 20.9% (24) (94) (36) 24.0% 31.4% 25.1% 10.3% (42) (55) (44) (18) 4.1% (7) 0.6% (1) At Michigan Tech, there are sufficient opportunities for me to 4.0% (7) 9.1% (16) 9.9% (17) 3 of 25 4.0% (7) 6. Welcoming and supportive environment: Strongly Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 13.9% 37.6% 32.9% 13.3% (24) (65) (57) (23) 10.5% 45.9% 37.8% (18) (79) (65) 15.0% 64.2% 13.3% (26) (111) (23) 16.9% 62.8% 12.2% (29) (108) (21) The campus community needs to work harder together to create a supportive and welcoming campus 2.3% (4) climate for all students, faculty and 3.41 173 3.39 172 3.83 173 3.79 172 answered question 174 skipped question 9 staff. When I hear derogatory remarks made by my peers aimed at particular identity groups (e.g. 0.0% (0) racial, gender, etc.), I challenge 5.8% (10) them. I know the steps to take if a student or colleague comes to me with a problem with sexual 0.0% (0) 7.5% (13) 0.0% (0) 8.1% (14) harassment or gender bias. I know the steps to take if a student or colleague comes to me with a problem concerning racial/ethnic discrimination or bias. 4 of 25 7. Diversity: Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 21.8% 50.0% 19.0% (38) (87) (33) 24.1% 46.6% 17.2% (42) (81) (30) 40.5% 40.5% (70) (70) 37.8% 41.9% (65) (72) 30.0% 50.0% 12.4% (51) (85) (21) 15.2% 34.5% 39.2% (26) (59) (67) 12.9% 33.5% 42.4% (22) (57) (72) 43.6% 45.3% (75) (78) 10.2% 46.4% 27.1% 12.0% (17) (77) (45) (20) It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to actively recruit women as students, faculty, and 3.4% (6) 5.7% (10) 4.0% (7) 8.0% (14) 4.0% (7) 8.7% (15) 3.5% (6) 9.3% (16) 2.9% (5) 4.7% (8) 3.75 174 3.65 174 6.4% (11) 3.36 173 7.6% (13) 3.41 172 3.64 170 7.6% (13) 3.32 171 7.6% (13) 3.38 170 4.7% (8) 3.47 172 3.33 166 staff. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to actively recruit racial/ethnic minorities as students, faculty, and staff. I would like to enhance my diversity-related knowledge and skills. My peers or I would benefit from education regarding how diverse perspectives can often increase individuals’ and groups’ problemsolving skills and/or capacities to innovate. I am willing to participate in the University’s efforts to work toward diversity-related goals. My peers or I would benefit from training around issues of gender or 3.5% (6) sexual harrassment. My peers or I would benefit from training around issues of 3.5% (6) racial/ethnic discrimination. Students and faculty are receptive to diversity issues and express 1.7% (3) 4.7% (8) support. I have benefited from attending the Parade of Nations, Powwow, Diwali Night, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebrations or events during Hispanic Heritage 4.2% (7) Week, Black History Week, or Women’s History Week. 5 of 25 Institutional excellence in the 21st century requires Michigan Tech to enhance campus diversity and 3.0% (5) 7.1% (12) develop an inclusive climate for all 26.0% 50.9% 13.0% (44) (86) (22) 3.64 169 answered question 174 skipped question 9 Rating Response Average Count its members. 8. Please rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on each scale below: Atmosphere Hostile 2 1.2% (2) 7.0% (12) 3 4 Friendly 11.0% 23.3% 57.6% (19) (40) (99) 4.29 172 answered question 172 skipped question 11 Rating Response Average Count 9. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Disrespectful Respect 2.9% (5) 2 3 4 8.7% 14.0% 25.0% (15) (24) (43) 6 of 25 Respectful 4.09 172 answered question 172 skipped question 11 49.4% (85) 10. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Open to Tradition- 2 bound 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 5.2% (9) 7.0% 20.3% 24.4% (12) (35) (42) 3.93 172 answered question 172 skipped question 11 Rating Response Average Count 43.0% (74) 11. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Uncooperative Cooperation 2.3% (4) 2 3 4 Cooperative 8.7% 17.4% 29.1% (15) (30) (50) 4.01 172 answered question 172 skipped question 11 42.4% (73) 12. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Racism Racist 2 3 0.6% (1) 0.6% (1) 9.5% (16) 7 of 25 4 Not Rating Response racist Average Count 21.9% 67.5% (37) (114) 4.55 169 answered question 169 skipped question 14 13. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Sexism Sexist 2 3 1.2% (2) 3.6% (6) 8.9% (15) 4 Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 18.9% 67.5% (32) (114) 4.48 169 answered question 169 skipped question 14 14. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Homophobic Homophobia 0.6% (1) 2 3 4 3.7% 15.5% 19.3% (6) (25) (31) Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 4.36 161 answered question 161 skipped question 22 60.9% (98) 15. Rate your IMMEDIATE WORK ENVIRONMENT on: Does not accommodate those Accommodates 2 3 4 w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 0.6% (1) those 3.0% 10.1% 18.3% (5) (17) (31) 8 of 25 Rating Response Average Count 4.50 169 answered question 169 skipped question 14 68.0% (115) 16. Climate for work: Strongly count. In my unit, promotions are made fairly. 18.0% (19) (36) (79) (31) 17.4% 45.3% 23.8% (30) (78) (41) 11.8% 48.8% 30.0% (20) (83) (51) 12.4% 26.0% 36.1% 20.1% (21) (44) (61) (34) 10.2% 17.4% 34.1% 25.7% 12.6% (17) (29) (57) (43) (21) 1.7% (3) 5.8% (10) 16.9% 49.4% 26.2% (29) (85) (45) 11.1% 32.2% 38.6% 14.0% (19) (55) (66) (24) 17.2% 24.9% 42.6% 13.0% (29) (42) (72) (22) 2.9% (5) 8.8% (15) 59.4% 28.8% (101) (49) 3.5% (6) 9.9% (17) 3.5% (6) 5.9% (10) 5.3% (9) I have been given opportunities to participate in education and/or training. Efforts are being made to improve the work environment in my unit. 4.1% (7) If my supervisor were to behave in a discriminatory manner, I would 2.4% (4) feel comfortable reporting him/her. I am aware of the University’s expectations about appropriate Count 45.9% supervisor. made fairly. Average 20.9% I would feel comfortable reporting In my unit, hiring decisions are Agree 11.0% 4.1% (7) heard by my supervisor. discriminatory behavior to my Response Agree If I make suggestions for change at work, I feel confident I will be Rating Neutral Disagree At work, my opinions seem to Strongly Disagree 0.0% (0) workplace behavior. 9 of 25 3.63 172 3.76 172 3.96 170 3.53 169 3.13 167 3.92 172 3.47 171 3.47 169 4.14 170 answered question 172 skipped question 11 17. Please rate the CAMPUS on each scale below: Atmosphere Hostile 2 0.0% (0) 1.2% (2) 3 4 Friendly 14.1% 34.7% 50.0% (24) (59) (85) Rating Response Average Count 4.34 170 answered question 170 skipped question 13 Rating Response Average Count 18. Rate the campus on: Disrespectful Respect 0.6% (1) 2 3 4 3.6% 19.6% 31.0% (6) (33) (52) Respectful 4.17 168 answered question 168 skipped question 15 45.2% (76) 19. Rate the campus on: Open to Traditionbound 2 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 4.8% (8) 6.0% 18.1% 30.1% (10) (30) (50) 10 of 25 3.96 166 answered question 166 skipped question 17 41.0% (68) 20. Rate the campus on: Uncooperative Cooperation 0.0% (0) 2 3 4 Cooperative 10.9% 18.8% 38.2% (18) (31) (63) 32.1% (53) Rating Response Average Count 3.92 165 answered question 165 skipped question 18 21. Rate the campus on: Racism Racist 2 0.0% (0) 2.4% (4) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 3 4 17.5% 28.3% 51.8% (29) (47) (86) 4.30 166 answered question 166 skipped question 17 22. Rate the campus on: Sexism Sexist 2 1.8% (3) 6.0% (10) Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 3 4 16.9% 30.7% 44.6% (28) (51) (74) 11 of 25 4.10 166 answered question 166 skipped question 17 23. Rate the campus on: Homophobic Homophobia 0.0% (0) 2 3 4 3.0% 24.4% 29.3% (5) (40) (48) Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 4.13 164 answered question 164 skipped question 19 43.3% (71) 24. Rate the campus on: Does not accommodate those Accommodates 2 3 4 w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 0.6% (1) those 2.4% 11.8% 33.7% (4) (20) (57) 12 of 25 Rating Response Average Count 4.33 169 answered question 169 skipped question 14 51.5% (87) 25. Climate for work/life balance: Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 11.2% 48.5% 33.7% (19) (82) (57) Most people in my area/department are supportive of colleagues who seek to balance family and career 2.4% (4) 4.1% (7) 4.07 169 13.2% 34.1% 25.7% 20.4% (22) (57) (43) (34) 6.6% (11) 2.73 167 27.8% 40.8% 18.3% (47) (69) (31) 4.7% (8) 2.21 169 20.0% 41.8% 25.5% (33) (69) (42) 7.9% (13) 3.12 165 41.0% 34.3% 14.5% (68) (57) (24) 3.52 166 5.4% (9) 2.51 168 4.2% (7) 2.16 166 2.64 166 answered question 169 skipped question 14 responsibilities. It is difficult for some people in my area/department to adjust their work schedules to care for children or other family members. People who have and care for children are considered less committed to their jobs. Michigan Tech needs to provide more child care support for faculty, 4.8% (8) students, and staff. 8.3% (14) Michigan Tech needs to provide support for faculty, students, and staff with elder care 1.2% (2) 9.0% (15) 20.2% 33.9% 25.6% 14.9% (34) (57) (43) (25) 35.5% 33.1% 15.1% 12.0% (59) (55) (25) (20) 22.3% 30.7% 18.7% 17.5% 10.8% (51) (31) (29) (18) responsibilities. I often have to forego some work opportunities because of personal responsibilities. In the last year, I have seriously considered leaving Michigan Tech in order to achieve better balance between work and personal life. I often (several days of each week) work beyond the number of hours officially required for my (37) job/position. 13 of 25 26. Tolerance in climate for work / life balance: Strongly Disagree I feel employees in my area/department put forward their 1.8% (3) best efforts. Disagree 15.4% respect the staff members. staff respect the other staff At Michigan Tech, the faculty respect the staff members. Women employees are treated fairly at Michigan Tech. Prejudice and/or acts of bigotry are not tolerated on this campus. (39) (98) (25) 22.2% 56.3% 15.0% (37) (94) (25) 11.4% 33.7% 38.6% 12.0% (19) (56) (64) (20) 12.7% 42.4% 30.3% (21) (70) (50) 28.7% 52.1% 12.6% (48) (87) (21) 17.9% 57.1% 22.0% (30) (96) (37) 25.0% 55.4% 17.9% (42) (93) (30) 25.4% 53.8% 11.2% (43) (91) (19) 19.0% 53.6% 18.5% (32) (90) (31) 1.8% (3) 4.8% (8) 0.6% (1) 2.4% (4) 0.0% (0) 1.8% (3) 1.2% (2) 8.3% (14) 2.4% (4) 6.5% (11) Michigan Tech. At Michigan Tech, employees from different job classifications get along. There is respect for religious differences here at Michigan Tech. Count 15.0% Upper-level administrators promote respect for cultural differences at Average 58.7% 6.0% (10) 4.8% (8) Agree 23.4% 0.6% (1) members. Response (37) 3.0% (5) 4.2% (7) Rating (90) (26) 0.0% (0) At Michigan Tech, the professional Strongly 21.9% 7.7% (13) diverse. At Michigan Tech, the students Agree 53.3% Overall, employees at Michigan Tech are socially and culturally Neutral 14 of 25 3.78 169 3.86 167 3.79 167 3.43 166 3.27 165 3.69 167 3.98 168 3.89 168 3.66 169 3.79 168 answered question 169 skipped question 14 9.7% (16) 27. Personal involvement in diversity-related principles and goals: Strongly speak, act, or dress in order to “fit in” at Michigan Tech. Agree Average Count 19.5% 50.0% 13.4% 13.4% (32) (82) (22) (22) 0.0% (0) 4.9% (8) 32.5% 48.5% 14.1% (53) (79) (23) 10.6% 49.7% 29.2% (17) (80) (47) 25.5% 51.6% 13.7% (41) (83) (22) 10.4% 35.6% 40.5% 12.3% (17) (58) (66) (20) 19.6% 62.0% 16.6% (32) (101) (27) 28.8% 52.5% 14.4% (46) (84) (23) backgrounds here on campus. I value the opportunity to examine social issues in small group Response Agree I make efforts to get to know individuals from diverse Rating Neutral Disagree I feel pressure to change the way I Strongly Disagree 1.2% (2) settings. 3.7% (6) 2.32 164 3.72 163 9.3% (15) 3.35 161 6.2% (10) 2.94 161 3.52 163 3.93 163 3.77 160 3.03 162 It is important for me to educate others about the identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) to which I 3.1% (5) belong. It is important for me to become educated about the identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) different 1.2% (2) from my own. I think hearing about personal experiences helps shed light on 0.6% (1) 1.2% (2) 0.0% (0) 4.4% (7) I attend at least 2 multicultural 10.5% 26.5% 24.7% 25.9% 12.3% events on campus every year. (17) (43) (40) (42) (20) I attend at least 4 multicultural 17.0% 41.5% 28.3% events on campus every year. (27) (66) (45) 5.7% (9) 7.5% (12) 2.45 159 4.3% (7) 6.8% (11) 7.4% (12) 3.35 162 1.2% (2) 4.9% (8) 3.73 162 social issues. I believe there are many sides to social issues and I try to explore as many as possible. I feel comfortable raising questions about diverse identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) with colleagues, 45.7% 35.8% (74) (58) 29.6% 48.1% 16.0% (48) (78) (26) students (when applicable), and/or supervisors. My work on campus has contributed to my understanding of diverse groups. 15 of 25 Age does not have an effect on how employees are treated at 6.7% (11) 15.3% 24.5% 44.2% (25) (40) (72) 24.2% 55.9% 16.8% (39) (90) (27) Michigan Tech. Employees of color are treated fairly at Michigan Tech. Employees make negative remarks about students at Michigan Tech. 0.6% (1) 2.5% (4) 20.1% 163 3.86 161 2.35 164 3.96 164 3.80 159 answered question 165 skipped question 18 40.9% 24.4% 12.8% (67) (40) (21) 0.6% (1) 1.8% (3) 17.7% 61.0% 18.9% (29) (100) (31) 0.6% (1) 2.5% (4) 28.9% 52.2% 15.7% (46) (83) (25) Michigan Tech. Lesbian, gay, and transgendered employees are treated with respect 3.34 (33) People from countries outside the US are treated with respect at 9.2% (15) at Michigan Tech. 1.8% (3) 28. Have you personally experienced or witnessed harassment or discrimination at Michigan Tech based on any of the following? (check all that apply) Have not Experienced myself Witnessed experienced or witnessed at Tech Response Count Religious preference 5.0% (8) 10.6% (17) 85.1% (137) 161 Sexual orientation 1.2% (2) 13.0% (21) 85.8% (139) 162 Language/national origin 0.6% (1) 11.7% (19) 87.7% (142) 162 Gender 4.3% (7) 9.3% (15) 88.3% (143) 162 Race/ethnicity 0.0% (0) 12.4% (20) 87.6% (141) 161 Physical/mental ability 3.1% (5) 8.1% (13) 90.0% (144) 160 7.4% (12) 13.0% (21) 81.5% (132) 162 Age 16 of 25 answered question 163 skipped question 20 29. Any other forms of harassment or discrimination you have experienced other than those above (please specify): Response Count 23 answered question 23 skipped question 160 30. Personal safety: Strongly Disagree There are times when I have felt physically unsafe on campus. Disagree 34.1% 42.1% (56) (69) Neutral 8.5% (14) 17 of 25 Agree 14.6% (24) Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count 0.6% (1) 2.05 164 answered question 164 skipped question 19 31. I am: Response Response Percent Count In food services 4.9% 8 In physical plant 4.9% 8 Secretarial / clerical 58.9% 96 A ten-year or longer employee 37.4% 61 Technical 6.1% 10 Skilled Crafts 3.1% 5 Student Affairs 11.0% 18 Academic support 9.2% 15 Administrative support 25.2% 41 Business office 6.1% 10 Housing 3.7% 6 Transportation 0.6% 1 Service / Maintenance 12.9% 21 Athletics 3.1% 5 6.7% 11 answered question 163 skipped question 20 Other (please specify) 18 of 25 32. My age is: Response Response Percent Count 24 or under 1.2% 2 25 to 34 9.3% 15 35 to 44 22.8% 37 45 to 54 39.5% 64 55 to 64 25.3% 41 65 or older 1.9% 3 answered question 162 skipped question 21 Response Response Percent Count 33. Gender: Male 22.8% 37 Female 77.2% 125 Transgender 0.0% 0 answered question 162 skipped question 21 19 of 25 34. Living situation: Response Response Percent Count Child care/elder care responsibilities 14.7% 24 Committed relationship 8.6% 14 Single 15.3% 25 Married 73.6% 120 Long-distance relationship 0.6% 1 Parent 23.9% 39 answered question 163 skipped question 20 Response Response Percent Count 35. I have: No disability 89.7% 139 Physical disability 5.2% 8 Learning disability 0.6% 1 7.7% 12 answered question 155 skipped question 28 Had temporary disability at Michigan Tech(injury, illness, etc.) 20 of 25 36. I am from: The Upper Peninsula of Response Response Percent Count 80.9% 131 Michigan 11.7% 19 Out of state 11.1% 18 Outside the U.S. 0.0% 0 A suburb 3.1% 5 An urban area 3.1% 5 A rural area 4.9% 8 answered question 162 skipped question 21 Michigan 21 of 25 37. I am: Response Response Percent Count African American or Black 0.0% 0 Latino/a, Chicano/a or Hispanic 0.0% 0 Asian or Pacific Islander 0.0% 0 White, Caucasian, or European 96.9% 158 Multi-racial 0.0% 0 Native American 1.2% 2 Of Middle Eastern or Arabic origin 0.0% 0 Of South Asian background 0.6% 1 1.2% 2 answered question 163 skipped question 20 Response Response Percent Count Other (please specify) 38. Sexual orientation: Openly gay, lesbian or bisexual 0.0% 0 Privately gay, lesbian or bisexual 2.1% 3 Heterosexual 97.9% 143 answered question 146 skipped question 37 22 of 25 39. Religious affiliation: Response Response Percent Count Islamic 0.0% 0 Catholic 37.8% 59 Jewish 0.0% 0 Christian/Protestant 22.4% 35 Christian/Evangelical 9.0% 14 Hindu 0.0% 0 Buddhist 1.3% 2 Spiritual seeker 5.1% 8 Native spirituality 0.6% 1 None 13.5% 21 11.5% 18 answered question 156 skipped question 27 Other (please specify) 23 of 25 40. Political orientation: Response Response Percent Count Very Liberal 5.8% 9 Liberal 10.3% 16 Middle of the road 30.1% 47 Conservative 26.9% 42 Very Conservative 2.6% 4 Independent 10.9% 17 None 14.7% 23 answered question 156 skipped question 27 24 of 25 41. Personal experiences (while at Michigan Tech): Family crisis (death, divorce, Response Response Percent Count 67.1% 96 Treatment for depression or anxiety 14.0% 20 Volunteer or community service 51.0% 73 Eating disorders 0.7% 1 31.5% 45 4.9% 7 0.7% 1 38.5% 55 45.5% 65 answered question 143 skipped question 40 etc) Received recognition, honor, or awards Received complaints from others about my behavior or comments Engaged in problem drinking or drug use Served in several jobs, departments, or capacities Have family members also working at Michigan Tech 42. Additional comments: Response Count 44 25 of 25 answered question 44 skipped question 139 2010Cl i ma t eS t udyS ur v eyRes ul t s Offic ef orI ns t i t ut i ona l Di v er s i t y Mi c hi ga nT ec hnol ogi c a l Uni v er s i t y E mpl oy eeRes pons es F a c ul t yRes pons es Pr of es s i ona l S t a ffRes pons es S t udentRes pons es 2010 Michigan Tech Faculty Climate Survey 1. We need to request your email address in order to confirm that you are affiliated with Michigan Tech and fill out the appropriate survey. This identification will not be linked to the confidential answers you provide. Response Count 250 answered question 250 skipped question 2 2. Please note: your email address WILL NOT BE connected to your individual responses. Your responses to the survey questions will remain confidential. Indicate below if you would like to be entered into the survey prize drawing. Response Response Percent Count I understand that my email address will be used to enter me into a drawing for a prize after I 100.0% 205 answered question 205 skipped question 47 have completed the entire survey. 1 of 28 3. Questions related to the mission, purpose, and diversity-related goals of the institution: Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 10.6% 41.7% 43.4% (25) (98) (102) 33.6% 60.9% (80) (145) 12.2% 36.7% 43.0% (29) (87) (102) 12.7% 34.7% 44.5% (30) (82) (105) 21.3% 28.5% 43.8% (50) (67) (103) 23.9% 26.9% 42.3% (56) (63) (99) 17.0% 36.2% 38.7% (40) (85) (91) 18.6% 32.9% 38.0% (44) (78) (90) Employers expect all Michigan Tech graduates to have the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary 0.4% (1) 3.8% (9) 0.4% (1) 0.0% (0) 3.0% (7) 5.1% (12) 2.1% (5) 5.9% (14) 1.3% (3) 5.1% (12) 2.1% (5) 4.7% (11) 4.3% (10) 3.8% (9) 5.5% (13) 5.1% (12) for functioning well in a diverse 4.24 235 4.55 238 4.12 237 4.14 236 4.09 235 4.03 234 4.01 235 3.93 237 answered question 238 workplace. The campus community needs to work together to create a supportive and welcoming campus 5.0% (12) climate for all students, faculty, and staff. Faculty at Michigan Tech benefit from gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences that support diversityrelated goals. Cultivating my personal crosscultural skills enhances my professional knowledge and capacities. Michigan Tech would benefit academically from having more women students and women faculty on campus. Michigan Tech would benefit academically from having more racial/ethnic minority students, and racial/ethnic minority faculty on campus. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to actively recruit women and racial/ethnic minorities. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to provide personal and programmatic support for women and racial/ethnic minorities on campus. 2 of 28 skipped question 14 4. Perceptions of diversity-related issues on campus: Strongly Disagree seriously on campus. 25.4% (40) (110) (60) 11.9% 19.5% 45.3% 20.3% (28) (46) (107) (48) 20.4% 47.7% 17.9% (48) (112) (42) 21.3% 43.8% 26.0% (50) (103) (61) 19.6% 21.7% 31.1% 19.1% (46) (51) (73) (45) 15.5% 24.1% 25.4% 22.0% 12.9% (36) (56) (59) (51) (30) 3.0% (7) 8.7% (20) 39.0% 29.4% 19.9% (90) (68) (46) 3.4% (8) 4.3% (10) 31.9% 34.5% 25.9% (74) (80) (60) 11.1% 26.1% 29.5% 18.4% 15.0% (26) (61) (69) (43) (35) 11.1% 28.6% 21.8% 27.8% 10.7% (26) (67) (51) (65) (25) 15.7% 33.1% 32.6% 13.1% (37) (78) (77) (31) 15.7% 42.8% 27.5% (37) (101) (65) 3.0% (7) 4.3% (10) 9.8% (23) 2.6% (6) 6.4% (15) campus. Issues related to race, racism, and racial discrimination and/or bias are taken seriously on campus. There are too few racial minorities in my department. There are too few women in my department. 8.5% (20) My department is actively recruiting racial/ethnic minority faculty. My department is actively recruiting women faculty. My department has too few women in leadership positions. There is a lot of diversity among the people at Michigan Tech. Count 46.6% 8.9% (21) The recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities is taken seriously on Response Average 16.9% 2.1% (5) seriously on campus. The recruitment of women is taken Rating Agree Agree Issues related to gender bias and/or sexual harassment are taken Strongly Neutral Disagree 3.84 236 3.68 236 3.65 235 3.84 235 3.33 235 2.93 232 3.55 231 3.75 232 3.00 234 2.98 234 3.32 236 3.16 236 The university does a good job of informing students, staff, and faculty of its diversity-related 5.5% (13) goals. Students at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. 5.9% (14) 3 of 28 8.1% (19) Faculty at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and 3.8% (9) 8.1% (19) 3.4% (8) 9.3% (22) 3.0% (7) 4.2% (10) express support. Staff at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. 31.9% 46.8% (75) (110) 44.3% 36.3% (105) (86) 16.9% 40.5% 35.4% (40) (96) (84) 9.4% (22) 3.50 235 6.8% (16) 3.34 237 4.01 237 answered question 237 skipped question 15 Institutional excellence in the 21st century requires Michigan Tech to enhance campus diversity and develop an inclusive climate for all its members. 4 of 28 5. Satisfaction and workload: Strongly Disagree I am satisfied with my overall experience here at Michigan Tech I feel supported by the institution in pursuing my professional goals. 3.4% (8) 5.2% (12) I am/was satisfied with the evaluation, tenure, and promotion 4.9% (11) process here at Michigan Tech. Criteria for tenure and promotion are/were clear to me. 5.2% (12) I often do work that is not formally recognized by my department 3.9% (9) and/or annual review process. I feel supported by my department in pursuing my academic interests 2.2% (5) and goals here at Michigan Tech . Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 12.1% 53.9% 21.6% (28) (125) (50) 17.2% 13.4% 42.2% 22.0% (40) (31) (98) (51) 17.3% 25.2% 38.5% 14.2% (39) (57) (87) (32) 14.8% 24.8% 39.6% 15.7% (34) (57) (91) (36) 12.7% 20.5% 37.6% 25.3% (29) (47) (86) (58) 11.6% 17.7% 44.4% 24.1% (27) (41) (103) (56) 9.1% (21) 3.81 232 3.59 232 3.40 226 3.46 230 3.68 229 3.77 232 2.61 232 3.74 231 3.08 231 6.9% (16) 2.32 231 3.5% (8) 7.4% (17) 2.10 230 15.1% 51.7% 27.2% (35) (120) (63) 3.99 232 12.8% 24.8% 38.5% 14.6% (29) (56) (87) (33) 3.36 226 I have seriously considered leaving Michigan Tech because of the 27.2% 24.6% 19.4% 18.1% 10.8% climate and/or lack of support/ (63) (57) (45) (42) (25) I feel like I "fit" in my department. 4.3% (10) 8.7% (20) 22.5% 38.1% 26.4% (52) (88) (61) I am satisfied with the mentoring I 10.4% 19.5% 33.8% 24.7% 11.7% have received at Michigan Tech . (24) (45) (78) (57) (27) 26.8% 38.5% 16.9% 10.8% (62) (89) (39) (25) 35.7% 37.4% 16.1% (82) (86) (37) 0.9% (2) 5.2% (12) acknowledgement for my work. I feel isolated on campus. I have seriously considered leaving Michigan Tech because of the climate and/or lack of diversity. I enjoy working on team projects, serving on committees, and doing research with others. My research area(s) is valued at Michigan Tech. 9.3% (21) 5 of 28 answered question 232 skipped question 20 Rating Response Average Count 6. Please rate your DEPARTMENT on each scale below: Hostile Atmosphere 1.7% (4) 2 3 4 Friendly 10.0% 13.9% 30.4% 43.9% (23) (32) (70) (101) 4.05 230 answered question 230 skipped question 22 Rating Response Average Count 7. Rate your department on: Disrespectful Respect 2.2% (5) 2 3 4 Respectful 10.4% 15.2% 27.4% 44.8% (24) (35) (63) (103) 4.02 230 answered question 230 skipped question 22 8. Rate your department on: Open to Traditionbound 2 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 10.9% 12.2% 26.2% 23.1% (25) (28) (60) (53) 6 of 28 3.44 229 answered question 229 skipped question 23 27.5% (63) 9. Rate your department on: Uncooperative Cooperation 3.0% (7) 2 3 4 Cooperative 12.6% 20.9% 35.7% (29) (48) (82) 27.8% (64) Rating Response Average Count 3.73 230 answered question 230 skipped question 22 10. Rate your department on: Racism Racist 2 0.9% (2) 3.1% (7) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 3 4 11.9% 21.6% 62.6% (27) (49) (142) 4.42 227 answered question 227 skipped question 25 11. Rate your department on: Sexism Sexist 2 4.4% (10) 7.5% (17) 7 of 28 Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 3 4 12.7% 22.4% 53.1% (29) (51) (121) 4.12 228 answered question 228 skipped question 24 12. Rate your department on: Homophobic Homophobia 1.3% (3) 2 3 4 1.8% 25.0% 19.6% (4) (56) (44) Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 4.20 224 answered question 224 skipped question 28 52.2% (117) 13. Rate your department on: Does not Accommodates accommodate 2 those 3 4 those w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 1.3% (3) 2.2% 23.3% 25.6% (5) (53) (58) Rating Response Average Count 4.16 227 answered question 227 skipped question 25 Rating Response Average Count 47.6% (108) 14. Please rate the CAMPUS on each scale below: Atmosphere Hostile 2 0.9% (2) 4.8% (11) 8 of 28 3 4 Friendly 18.8% 41.9% 33.6% (43) (96) (77) 4.03 229 answered question 229 skipped question 23 15. Rate the campus on: Disrespectful Respect 1.3% (3) 2 3 4 7.0% 21.6% 42.3% (16) (49) (96) Respectful 27.8% (63) Rating Response Average Count 3.88 227 answered question 227 skipped question 25 16. Rate the campus on: Open to Tradition- 2 bound 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 12.7% 15.8% 31.6% 24.6% (29) (36) (72) (56) 15.4% (35) 3.14 228 answered question 228 skipped question 24 Rating Response Average Count 17. Rate the campus on: Uncooperative Cooperation 4.4% (10) 2 3 4 12.7% 34.5% 30.6% (29) (79) (70) 9 of 28 Cooperative 17.9% (41) 3.45 229 answered question 229 skipped question 23 18. Rate the campus on: Racist Racism 0.0% (0) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 2 3 4 10.8% 22.0% 33.2% 34.1% (24) (49) (74) (76) 3.91 223 answered question 223 skipped question 29 19. Rate the campus on: Sexist Sexism 4.4% (10) Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 2 3 4 13.7% 21.2% 30.1% 30.5% (31) (48) (68) (69) 3.69 226 answered question 226 skipped question 26 20. Rate the campus on: Homophobic Homophobia 4.1% (9) 2 3 4 14.9% 27.5% 24.8% (33) (61) (55) 10 of 28 Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 3.59 222 answered question 222 skipped question 30 28.8% (64) 21. Rate the campus on: Does not accommodate those Accommodates 2 3 4 w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 2.7% (6) those 8.0% 24.8% 32.3% (18) (56) (73) 11 of 28 Rating Response Average Count 3.84 226 answered question 226 skipped question 26 32.3% (73) 22. Climate for work/life balance: Strongly Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 12.7% 21.8% 41.5% 22.3% (29) (50) (95) (51) 11.1% 27.4% 31.9% 25.2% (25) (62) (72) (57) 15.5% 35.4% 27.9% 14.2% (35) (80) (63) (32) 12.9% 39.6% 26.7% 15.6% (29) (89) (60) (35) 42.9% 33.5% 12.1% (96) (75) (27) Disagree Most faculty in my department are supportive of colleagues who seek to balance family and career 1.7% (4) 3.70 229 4.4% (10) 2.85 226 7.1% (16) 2.62 226 3.34 225 3.43 224 8.0% (18) 2.78 224 9.2% (21) 2.37 228 4.4% (10) 2.79 226 answered question 229 skipped question 23 responsibilities. It is difficult for some faculty in my department to adjust their work schedules to care for children or other family members. Faculty who have and care for children are considered less committed to their careers. Michigan Tech needs to provide more child care support for faculty, 5.3% (12) students, and staff. Michigan Tech needs to provide support for faculty, students, and 3.1% (7) 8.5% (19) 14.3% 29.9% 27.2% 20.5% (32) (67) (61) (46) 32.5% 27.6% 19.7% 11.0% (74) (63) (45) (25) Dual career issues are being 16.4% 19.5% 37.2% 22.6% addressed by the University. (37) (44) (84) (51) staff with elder care responsibilities. I often have to forego professional activities (e.g. sabbaticals, conferences, meetings) because of personal responsibilities. In the last year, I have seriously considered leaving Michigan Tech in order to achieve better balance between work and personal life. 12 of 28 23. Personal relation to diversity-related principles and goals: Strongly Disagree Disagree I personally have much to offer Michigan Tech in its efforts to 1.8% (4) 8.5% (19) Michigan Tech in its efforts to 0.9% (2) 4.0% (9) diversity-related knowledge and 2.2% (5) 6.7% (15) Response Agree Average Count 33.2% 39.5% 17.0% (74) (88) (38) 22.9% 51.6% 20.6% (51) (115) (46) 18.4% 51.6% 21.1% (41) (115) (47) 38.9% 33.0% 14.5% (86) (73) (32) 20.2% 46.6% 20.6% (45) (104) (46) enhance the campus climate for all. I am willing to enhance my Rating Agree reach diversity-related goals. I personally have much to offer to Strongly Neutral skills. 3.61 223 3.87 223 3.83 223 3.45 221 3.70 223 3.21 224 3.24 223 3.31 223 3.38 223 3.47 221 I can identify specific ways that I can participate in the University's efforts to work toward its diversity- 3.2% (7) 10.4% (23) related goals. I am willing to participate in the University's efforts to work toward 4.9% (11) 7.6% (17) 10.7% 14.7% 29.5% 33.5% 11.6% (24) (33) (66) (75) (26) 10.3% 14.3% 28.7% 34.1% 12.6% (23) (32) (64) (76) (28) 13.9% 27.8% 35.4% 13.9% (31) (62) (79) (31) 12.6% 25.1% 38.1% 15.2% (28) (56) (85) (34) 11.3% 29.0% 36.2% 17.2% (25) (64) (80) (38) diversity-related goals. My peers or I would benefit from education/training around issues of sexual harassment or gender bias. My peers or I would benefit from education/training around issues of racial/ethnic discrimination. My peers or I would benefit from education/training concerning the link between diversity-related skills 9.0% (20) and our own professional development. My peers or I would benefit from education/training concerning the link between diversity-related skills 9.0% (20) and the professional development of Michigan Tech students. My peers or I would benefit from education regarding how diverse perspectives can often increase individuals' and groups' problem- 6.3% (14) 13 of 28 solving skills and/or capacities to innovate. answered question 224 skipped question 28 24. Diversity-related knowledge and skills: Strongly Disagree Neutral 0.0% (0) 1.8% (4) 9.0% (20) 1.4% (3) 7.7% (17) 0.0% (0) 2.3% (5) 0.9% (2) 4.0% (9) 0.4% (1) 5.8% (13) Disagree I am good at collaborating with others and sorting out tasks and Agree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count 58.8% 30.3% (130) (67) 24.3% 42.8% 23.9% (54) (95) (53) 15.3% 55.0% 27.5% (34) (122) (61) 21.5% 54.7% 18.8% (48) (122) (42) 15.7% 51.6% 26.5% (35) (115) (59) 12.6% 21.6% 36.9% 19.8% (28) (48) (82) (44) 23.1% 39.4% 21.7% (51) (87) (48) 10.8% 27.9% 36.5% 16.2% (24) (62) (81) (36) responsibilities in groups. 4.18 221 3.80 222 4.08 222 3.87 223 3.98 223 3.46 222 3.58 221 3.41 222 I feel comfortable asking people of other races/ethnicities about issues involving race and/or cultural differences. I am willing to have others challenge my perspective or feelings on issues that matter to me. I am able to respectfully challenge others' opinions when I feel they are misinformed. I feel comfortable talking about my socio-economic background with those who come from different socio-economic backgrounds. I feel comfortable discussing my religious or spiritual beliefs with others and responding to their 9.0% (20) questions. I feel comfortable listening to others express their religious or spiritual beliefs and engaging them 8.6% (19) 7.2% (16) in discussion. I feel comfortable sharing my political views with those who disagree with me. 8.6% (19) 14 of 28 I am willing to respectfully listen to and consider political views other 13.0% 60.5% 22.4% (29) (135) (50) 11.2% 38.1% 49.3% (25) (85) (110) 34.1% 36.8% 18.4% (76) (82) (41) 27.7% 44.5% 17.7% (61) (98) (39) 31.2% 43.0% 19.5% (69) (95) (43) 24.9% 48.9% 21.7% (55) (108) (48) 14.5% 57.0% 28.5% (32) (126) (63) 11.4% 49.1% 36.4% (25) (108) (80) 13.2% 21.5% 47.0% 15.1% (29) (47) (103) (33) 14.0% 22.5% 45.5% 14.9% (31) (50) (101) (33) 1.3% (3) 2.7% (6) 0.0% (0) 1.3% (3) 1.3% (3) 9.4% (21) 1.4% (3) 8.6% (19) 1.4% (3) 5.0% (11) 0.5% (1) 4.1% (9) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.5% (1) 2.7% (6) than my own. 4.00 223 4.35 223 3.61 223 3.69 220 3.74 221 3.87 221 4.14 221 4.18 220 3.58 219 3.55 222 I am comfortable having a conversation with someone who speaks English with an accent that is unfamiliar to me or difficult for me to understand. I pay attention to the group interactions and point out problematic dynamics (i.e. the same group of people dominating the conversation) to colleagues. When I hear derogatory remarks made by my peers aimed at particular identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.), I challenge them. I make efforts to get to know individuals from diverse backgrounds here on campus. I notice when people are being left out of activities and make efforts to include them. I can recognize when others or I make derogatory comments, assumptions, and/or jokes about specific identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.). I am willing to apologize for participating in or encouraging derogatory comments and/or jokes toward specific identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.). I know the steps to take if a student, colleague, or staff member comes to me with a 3.2% (7) problem with sexual harassment or gender bias. I know the steps to take if a student, colleague, or staff member comes to me with a 3.2% (7) 15 of 28 problem concerning racial/ethnic discrimination or bias. I feel comfortable discussing gay/lesbian/transgender issues with people of different sexual 4.6% (10) 8.7% (19) 29.7% 40.2% 16.9% (65) (88) (37) 3.56 219 answered question 223 skipped question 29 orientations. 25. Orientation toward participating in diverse interactions: Strongly Disagree I value the opportunity to examine social issues in small group 2.3% (5) settings. Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 10.2% 28.4% 46.5% 12.6% (22) (61) (100) (27) 21.7% 42.9% 19.8% (47) (93) (43) 10.7% 21.4% 49.8% 14.0% (23) (46) (107) (30) 18.7% 57.9% 17.8% (40) (124) (38) 23.4% 50.5% 22.0% (51) (110) (48) 16.1% 51.8% 28.9% (35) (113) (63) 16.5% 53.7% 25.2% (36) (117) (55) 3.57 215 3.02 217 3.59 215 3.87 214 3.89 218 4.06 218 3.98 218 It is important for me to educate others about the identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) to which I 6.9% (15) 8.8% (19) belong. It is important for me to become educated about identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) different 4.2% (9) from my own. I think hearing about personal experiences helps shed light on 0.9% (2) 4.7% (10) 1.4% (3) 2.8% (6) 0.5% (1) 2.8% (6) 1.4% (3) 3.2% (7) social issues. I believe there are many sides to social issues and I try to explore as many as possible. I understand specifically how my background (e.g. my race, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, education, physical abilities, experiences, and so on) have shaped my thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. I enjoy learning about the reasons and/or experiences that have shaped the perspectives and 16 of 28 behaviors of others. I am uncomfortable with nonphysical expressions of conflict and/or strong disagreement when 8.8% (19) 25.1% 32.1% 25.6% (54) (69) (55) 23.8% 54.7% 16.8% (51) (117) (36) 12.4% 56.9% 27.5% (27) (124) (60) 15.3% 47.0% 32.6% (33) (101) (70) 7.4% (16) 8.4% (18) 3.00 215 3.83 214 4.07 218 4.05 215 0.9% (2) 2.05 215 3.3% (7) 2.67 215 3.71 213 answered question 219 skipped question 33 discussing social issues. I believe that respectfully exploring sources of tension and strong disagreement with others enriches 0.9% (2) 3.7% (8) 1.4% (3) 1.8% (4) 2.3% (5) 2.8% (6) 30.2% 43.7% 17.7% (65) (94) (38) 14.4% 33.0% 27.4% 21.9% (31) (71) (59) (47) 1.9% (4) 4.7% (10) 30.5% 46.0% 16.9% (65) (98) (36) the learning process. Thoughtful and respectful consideration of diverse perspectives and viewpoints is essential for people to work together effectively. Diverse perspectives often enhance both individuals' and work teams' capacities for solving difficult problems and generating innovative solutions. I do not enjoy working on group projects and/or teams. I believe even respectful conflict between individuals and/or groups makes it difficult for people to communicate with each other. I understand the connection between current and historical social inequalities in the US and how these relate to current diversity-related efforts throughout industry and higher education. 17 of 28 26. Classroom and campus experiences: Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 32.4% 47.7% 13.9% (70) (103) (30) 18.9% 52.5% 22.6% (41) (114) (49) 17.1% 17.1% 47.5% 15.2% (37) (37) (103) (33) 18.7% 36.9% 28.0% 11.2% (40) (79) (60) (24) 10.1% 54.4% 34.6% (22) (118) (75) 27.0% 41.4% 21.9% (58) (89) (47) 25.8% 42.4% 20.7% (56) (92) (45) 12.0% 37.3% 38.2% (26) (81) (83) In class, I pay attention to the group interactions and point out problematic dynamics to the 0.5% (1) 5.6% (12) 1.8% (4) 4.1% (9) 3.69 216 3.90 217 3.54 217 3.21 214 4.22 217 3.72 215 3.69 217 3.35 217 answered question 218 skipped question 34 students. I am conscious of the possible need for specifically mentoring women and under-represented minority students and colleagues at Michigan Tech. I believe faculty have equal academic expectations of students 3.2% (7) from all social groups. I have made changes to my teaching or course content over the years in order to incorporate more 5.1% (11) diverse or multicultural materials. I make an effort to create an inclusive classroom/lab/work group 0.5% (1) 0.5% (1) 3.7% (8) 6.0% (13) 3.7% (8) 7.4% (16) climate. My academic/research group experiences have expanded my understanding of diversity. I would like to engage my students more in learning situations that increase their cross-cultural competencies. Students at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. 4.1% (9) 18 of 28 8.3% (18) 27. Diversity-related experiences on campus: Strongly Disagree I learn the most about social issues in discussions with faculty and 8.0% (17) staff members. I learn the most about social issues in discussions with students. I attend at least 2 multicultural events on campus every year. 6.1% (13) 9.0% (19) Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 22.1% 43.2% 23.9% (47) (92) (51) 17.0% 43.9% 28.3% (36) (93) (60) 17.5% 17.5% 41.0% 15.1% (37) (37) (87) (32) 2.8% (6) 2.92 213 4.7% (10) 3.08 212 3.36 212 2.70 210 3.11 213 3.54 215 3.35 213 4.05 212 3.56 214 4.50 215 3.61 212 I attend at least 4 multicultural 14.3% 37.1% 22.9% 15.7% 10.0% events on campus every year. (30) (78) (48) (33) (21) 23.0% 32.9% 27.7% (49) (70) (59) 32.1% 45.1% 11.6% (69) (97) (25) 14.6% 29.6% 43.2% (31) (63) (92) 12.3% 54.2% 28.8% (26) (115) (61) 11.2% 25.2% 41.1% 17.8% (24) (54) (88) (38) 0.9% (2) 0.9% (2) 4.2% (9) 34.9% 59.1% (75) (127) 4.2% (9) 5.2% (11) 28.3% 50.0% 12.3% (60) (106) (26) I feel comfortable raising questions about diverse identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) with students in 6.6% (14) 9.9% (21) class. I believe faculty and staff at Michigan Tech treat students from all identity groups (e.g. racial, 3.3% (7) 7.9% (17) gender, etc.) fairly. My campus experience has contributed to my understanding of 4.7% (10) diverse groups. 8.0% (17) My professional experiences beyond campus have contributed to my understanding of diverse 1.9% (4) 2.8% (6) groups. I feel comfortable participating in the diversity initiatives here at 4.7% (10) Michigan Tech. Mentoring students is an important part of being a faculty member. My experiences with colleagues have expanded my understanding of diversity. I have been exposed to information and activities devoted to 19 of 28 understanding diverse groups in faculty meetings, inter-disciplinary 26.9% 50.0% 11.8% (57) (106) (25) 21.6% 54.8% 19.7% (45) (114) (41) 11.4% 28.6% 33.8% 19.5% (24) (60) (71) (41) 3.3% (7) 8.0% (17) 1.0% (2) 2.9% (6) 3.59 212 3.89 208 3.48 210 answered question 216 skipped question 36 activities, and professional development initiatives. I have been exposed to information and activities devoted to understanding diverse groups in informal interactions and conversations with friends. I have benefited from attending the Parade of Nations, Powwow, Diwali Nite, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebrations, or events 6.7% (14) during Hispanic Heritage Week, Black History Week, or Women’s History Week. 28. Have you personally experienced or witnessed harassment or discrimination at Michigan Tech based on any of the following? (check all that apply) Have not Experienced myself Witnessed experienced or witnessed at Tech Religious preference Response Count 8.4% (18) 15.3% (33) 78.6% (169) 215 Sexual orientation 0.9% (2) 28.3% (60) 70.8% (150) 212 Language/national origin 4.2% (9) 38.9% (84) 57.9% (125) 216 13.6% (29) 28.5% (61) 62.1% (133) 214 Race/ethnicity 3.7% (8) 29.4% (63) 69.2% (148) 214 Physical/mental ability 1.9% (4) 15.5% (33) 83.1% (177) 213 7.0% (15) 16.4% (35) 78.9% (168) 213 Gender Age 20 of 28 answered question 216 skipped question 36 29. Any other forms of harassment or discrimination you have experienced other than those above (please specify): Response Count 27 answered question 27 skipped question 225 30. Personal safety: Strongly Disagree There are times when I have felt physically unsafe on campus. Disagree 59.2% 26.1% (129) (57) Neutral Agree 5.0% (11) 6.9% (15) 21 of 28 Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count 2.8% (6) 1.68 218 answered question 218 skipped question 34 31. I am: Response Response Percent Count A tenured professor 49.1% 105 A department chair 4.7% 10 On tenure-track 28.0% 60 An instructor 18.2% 39 An adjunct 2.8% 6 An administrator 5.1% 11 A department committee member 16.4% 35 A university committee member 14.0% 30 answered question 214 skipped question 38 Response Response Percent Count 32. Academic program: Engineering 39.0% 82 Business & Economics 9.5% 20 Technology 4.8% 10 Sciences and Arts 41.4% 87 5.7% 12 answered question 210 skipped question 42 Forest Resources & Environmental Science 22 of 28 33. Gender: Response Response Percent Count Male 68.7% 145 Female 31.3% 66 Transgender 0.0% 0 answered question 211 skipped question 41 Response Response Percent Count 34. Living situation: Child care/elder care responsibilities 15.3% 33 Committed relationship 7.4% 16 Single 11.6% 25 Married 79.5% 171 Long-distance relationship 2.8% 6 Parent 28.4% 61 Dual Career at Michigan Tech 17.2% 37 answered question 215 skipped question 37 23 of 28 35. I have: Response Response Percent Count No disability 90.4% 188 Physical disability 3.4% 7 Learning disability 1.0% 2 6.3% 13 answered question 208 skipped question 44 Response Response Percent Count Had temporary disability at Michigan Tech (injury, illness, etc) 36. I am from: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan 9.8% 21 Michigan 15.0% 32 Out of state 50.9% 109 Outside the U.S. 27.6% 59 A suburb 9.3% 20 An urban area 13.6% 29 A rural area 8.9% 19 answered question 214 skipped question 38 24 of 28 37. I am: Response Response Percent Count African American or Black 1.4% 3 Latino/a, Chicano/a or Hispanic 3.3% 7 Asian or Pacific Islander 13.3% 28 White, Caucasian, or European 81.0% 170 1.9% 4 Native American 1.4% 3 Of Middle Eastern or Arabic origin 1.0% 2 Of South Asian background 1.4% 3 1.0% 2 answered question 210 skipped question 42 Response Response Percent Count Multi-racial (please indicate all group identities on this question) Other (please specify) 38. Sexual orientation: Openly gay, lesbian or bisexual 0.5% 1 Privately gay, lesbian or bisexual 1.0% 2 Heterosexual 98.5% 197 answered question 200 skipped question 52 25 of 28 39. Religious affiliation: Response Response Percent Count Islamic 1.5% 3 Catholic 15.9% 32 Jewish 0.5% 1 Christian/Protestant 23.4% 47 Christian/Evangelical 8.5% 17 Hindu 5.0% 10 Buddhist 4.0% 8 Spiritual seeker 5.0% 10 Native spirituality 0.5% 1 None 32.8% 66 9.0% 18 answered question 201 skipped question 51 Other (please specify) 26 of 28 40. Political orientation: Response Response Percent Count Very Liberal 12.9% 27 Liberal 31.0% 65 Middle of the road 19.0% 40 Conservative 11.0% 23 Very Conservative 6.7% 14 Independent 16.7% 35 None 8.1% 17 answered question 210 skipped question 42 27 of 28 41. Personal experiences (while at Michigan Tech): Response Response Percent Count Family crisis (death, divorce, etc.) 50.3% 100 Treatment for depression or anxiety 14.1% 28 Volunteer or community service 64.3% 128 Eating disorders 2.5% 5 Book/Articles published 76.4% 152 6.5% 13 55.8% 111 1.0% 2 39.7% 79 PI on research grant project/s 68.8% 137 Advisor to a student group 67.8% 135 36.2% 72 answered question 199 skipped question 53 Complaints from students about my behavior or comments Received recognition, honor, or award Problem drinking or drug use International or exchange experiences Change in family responsibilities (elder care, childcare) 42. Additional comments: Response Count 69 28 of 28 answered question 69 skipped question 183 2010Cl i ma t eS t udyS ur v eyRes ul t s Offic ef orI ns t i t ut i ona l Di v er s i t y Mi c hi ga nT ec hnol ogi c a l Uni v er s i t y E mpl oy eeRes pons es F a c ul t yRes pons es Pr of es s i ona l S t a ffRes pons es S t udentRes pons es 2010 Michigan Tech Professional Staff Climate Survey 1. We need to request your email address in order to confirm that you are affiliated with Michigan Tech and fill out the appropriate survey. This identification will not be linked to the confidential answers you provide. Response Count 398 answered question 398 skipped question 4 2. Please note: your email address WILL NOT BE connected to your individual responses. Your responses to the survey questions will remain confidential. Identify below if you would like to be entered into the survey prize drawing. Response Response Percent Count I understand that my email address will be used to enter me into a drawing for a prize after I 100.0% 356 answered question 356 skipped question 46 have completed the entire survey. 1 of 26 3. Questions related to the mission, purpose, and diversity-related goals of the institution: Strongly Disagree Neutral 0.3% (1) 0.8% (3) 5.7% (22) 0.3% (1) 0.5% (2) 4.2% (16) 1.3% (5) 2.6% (10) 1.6% (6) 3.1% (12) 1.0% (4) 3.4% (13) 2.1% (8) 5.5% (21) 2.9% (11) 6.6% (25) 2.9% (11) 7.6% (29) Disagree Agree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Employers expect Michigan Tech graduates to have the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary 48.0% 45.2% (184) (173) 36.3% 58.7% (139) (225) 14.9% 44.1% 37.1% (57) (169) (142) 15.7% 38.7% 40.8% (60) (148) (156) 26.5% 36.5% 32.5% (101) (139) (124) 34.1% 33.1% 25.2% (130) (126) (96) 23.6% 37.4% 29.4% (89) (141) (111) 25.1% 38.2% 26.2% (96) (146) (100) for functioning well in a diverse 4.37 383 4.53 383 4.13 383 4.14 382 3.96 381 3.74 381 3.84 377 3.77 382 answered question 383 skipped question 19 workplace. The campus community needs to work together to create a supportive and welcoming campus climate for all students, faculty, and staff. Professional staff at Michigan Tech benefit from gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences that support diversity-related goals. Cultivating my personal crosscultural skills enhances my professional knowledge and capacities. Michigan Tech would benefit from having more women students and women faculty on campus. Michigan Tech would benefit from having more racial/ethnic minority students and racial/ethnic minority faculty on campus. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to actively recruit women and racial/ethnic minorities. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to provide personal and program support for women and racial/ethnic minorities on campus. 2 of 26 4. Perceptions of diversity-related issues on campus: Strongly Disagree seriously on campus. 20.9% (89) (190) (80) 24.1% 50.4% 18.9% (92) (192) (72) 25.9% 51.3% 16.8% (99) (196) (64) 21.8% 49.9% 22.3% (83) (190) (85) 19.3% 42.0% 21.4% 12.3% (74) (161) (82) (47) 16.5% 36.9% 29.6% 11.3% (63) (141) (113) (43) 16.9% 52.8% 23.2% (64) (200) (88) 15.4% 41.3% 28.5% (59) (158) (109) 13.6% 3.84 383 0.8% (3) 5.8% (22) 3.81 381 0.5% (2) 5.5% (21) 3.78 382 1.0% (4) 5.0% (19) 3.87 381 3.17 383 5.8% (22) 2.53 382 5.8% (22) 3.15 379 9.9% (38) 5.0% (19) 2.48 383 30.4% 44.0% 10.2% (52) (116) (168) (39) 3.47 382 13.9% 23.9% 44.6% 13.1% (53) (91) (170) (50) 3.48 381 answered question 383 skipped question 19 campus. Issues related to race, racism, and racial discrimination and/or bias are taken seriously on campus. There are too few racial minorities in my department. There are too few women in my department. 5.0% (19) My department/area is actively recruiting racial/ethnic minority 1.3% (5) staff. My department/area has too few women in leadership positions. Count 49.6% 5.2% (20) The recruitment of racial/ethnic minorities is taken seriously on Response Average 23.2% 1.0% (4) seriously on campus. The recruitment of women is taken Rating Agree Agree Issues related to gender bias and/or sexual harassment are taken Strongly Neutral Disagree The university does a good job of informing students, staff, and faculty of its diversity-related 1.8% (7) goals. There is a lot of diversity among the people at Michigan Tech. 4.5% (17) 3 of 26 5. Satisfaction and workload: Strongly I am satisfied with my overall experience here at Michigan Tech. I am satisfied with my job/position here at Michigan Tech. I feel supported by the institution in pursuing my professional goals. I am/was satisfied with the evaluation and promotion process here at Michigan Tech. I often do work that is not formally recognized by my department. Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 13.5% 53.0% 26.1% (51) (201) (99) 12.7% 49.2% 30.2% (48) (186) (114) 12.6% 19.0% 40.9% 23.3% (47) (71) (153) (87) 11.6% 19.3% 32.0% 23.5% 13.5% (44) (73) (121) (89) (51) 18.3% 24.1% 39.0% 16.4% (69) (91) (147) (62) 16.5% 24.5% 34.6% 22.9% (62) (92) (130) (86) 26.1% 30.3% 17.3% 19.1% (98) (114) (65) (72) 1.1% (4) 7.1% (27) 16.9% 49.5% 25.4% (64) (187) (96) 41.4% 39.5% 10.1% (156) (149) (38) 5.0% (19) 4.0% (15) Disagree Disagree 1.8% (7) 5.5% (21) 2.1% (8) 5.8% (22) 4.3% (16) 2.1% (8) 3.96 379 3.99 378 3.66 374 3.08 378 3.49 377 3.61 376 2.51 376 3.91 378 1.91 377 answered question 380 skipped question 22 I often (several days of each week) work beyond the number of hours reasonably required for my 1.6% (6) job/position. I have seriously considered leaving my job/position because of the climate and/or lack of support/acknowledgement for my 7.2% (27) work. I feel like I “fit” in my department. I have seriously considered leaving my job/position because of the climate and/or lack of diversity. 4 of 26 6. Please rate your DEPARTMENT on each scale below: Atmosphere Hostile 2 1.6% (6) 4.3% (16) 3 4 Friendly 13.3% 27.7% 53.1% (50) (104) (199) Rating Response Average Count 4.26 375 answered question 375 skipped question 27 Rating Response Average Count 7. Rate your department on: Disrespectful Respect 1.3% (5) 2 3 4 Respectful 7.7% 15.9% 29.7% 45.4% (29) (60) (112) (171) 4.10 377 answered question 377 skipped question 25 8. Rate your department on: Open to Traditionbound 2 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 4.0% (15) 12.0% 21.1% 30.9% 32.0% (45) (79) (116) (120) 5 of 26 3.75 375 answered question 375 skipped question 27 9. Rate your department on: Uncooperative Cooperation 0.5% (2) 2 3 4 Cooperative 6.6% 20.4% 36.1% (25) (77) (136) Rating Response Average Count 4.01 377 answered question 377 skipped question 25 36.3% (137) 10. Rate your department on: Racism Racist 2 0.5% (2) 3.2% (12) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 3 4 11.3% 19.7% 65.2% (42) (73) (242) 4.46 371 answered question 371 skipped question 31 11. Rate your department on: Sexism Sexist 2 1.1% (4) 7.5% (28) 6 of 26 Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 3 4 10.5% 23.1% 57.9% (39) (86) (216) 4.29 373 answered question 373 skipped question 29 12. Rate your department on: Homophobic Homophobia 1.1% (4) 2 3 4 5.7% 18.9% 20.5% (21) (70) (76) Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 4.20 370 answered question 370 skipped question 32 53.8% (199) 13. Rate your department on: Does not Accommodates accommodate 2 those 3 4 those w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 1.6% (6) 3.0% 21.2% 25.0% (11) (79) (93) Rating Response Average Count 4.17 372 answered question 372 skipped question 30 Rating Response Average Count 49.2% (183) 14. Please rate the CAMPUS on each scale below: Atmosphere Hostile 2 0.3% (1) 3.2% (12) 7 of 26 3 4 Friendly 16.6% 40.1% 39.8% (62) (150) (149) 4.16 374 answered question 374 skipped question 28 15. Rate the campus on: Disrespectful Respect 0.3% (1) 2 3 4 Respectful 6.2% 20.4% 41.1% 32.0% (23) (76) (153) (119) Rating Response Average Count 3.98 372 answered question 372 skipped question 30 16. Rate the campus on: Open to Tradition- 2 bound 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 6.9% (26) 13.1% 27.5% 29.9% (49) (103) (112) 22.7% (85) 3.48 375 answered question 375 skipped question 27 Rating Response Average Count 17. Rate the campus on: Uncooperative Cooperation 1.9% (7) 2 3 4 10.5% 32.7% 33.2% (39) (121) (123) 8 of 26 Cooperative 21.6% (80) 3.62 370 answered question 370 skipped question 32 18. Rate the campus on: Racism Racist 2 0.0% (0) 6.8% (25) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 3 4 25.0% 35.1% 33.2% (92) (129) (122) 3.95 368 answered question 368 skipped question 34 19. Rate the campus on: Sexism Sexist 2 3.0% (11) 8.5% (31) Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 3 4 26.2% 32.0% 30.3% (96) (117) (111) 3.78 366 answered question 366 skipped question 36 20. Rate the campus on: Homophobic Homophobia 1.6% (6) 2 3 4 9.7% 29.2% 30.0% (36) (108) (111) 9 of 26 Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 29.5% (109) 3.76 370 answered question 370 skipped question 32 21. Rate the campus on: Does not accommodate those Accommodates 2 3 4 w/disabilities w/disabilities Accommodating to people with disabilities 2.2% (8) those 9.2% 22.6% 31.8% (34) (84) (118) 10 of 26 Rating Response Average Count 3.87 371 answered question 371 skipped question 31 34.2% (127) 22. Climate for work/life balance: Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 13.4% 49.5% 29.9% (50) (185) (112) Most people in my department are supportive of colleagues who seek to balance family and career 2.7% (10) 4.5% (17) 3.99 374 17.1% 39.8% 21.1% 17.4% (64) (149) (79) (65) 4.5% (17) 2.52 374 21.9% 43.2% 15.5% 16.3% (82) (162) (58) (61) 3.2% (12) 2.36 375 18.2% 49.3% 15.8% 10.2% (68) (184) (59) (38) 3.05 373 44.1% 35.0% (165) (131) 8.3% (31) 3.36 374 4.3% (16) 2.61 373 3.99 375 8.0% (30) 2.39 373 2.4% (9) 2.93 370 answered question 375 skipped question 27 responsibilities. It is difficult for some people in my department to adjust their work schedules to care for children or other family members. People who have and care for children are considered less committed to their careers. Michigan Tech needs to provide more child care support for faculty, 6.4% (24) students, and staff. Michigan Tech needs to provide support for faculty, students, and staff with elder care 3.2% (12) 9.4% (35) 14.7% 37.3% 24.4% 19.3% (55) (139) (91) (72) 0.8% (3) 5.6% (21) 13.6% 54.1% 25.9% (51) (203) (97) 26.5% 37.8% 13.7% 13.9% (99) (141) (51) (52) 13.0% 61.1% 15.9% (48) (226) (59) responsibilities. I often have to forego professional activities because of personal responsibilities. I feel employees in my area/department put forward their best efforts. In the last year, I have seriously considered leaving Michigan Tech in order to achieve better balance between work and personal life. Dual career issues are being addressed by the University 7.6% (28) 11 of 26 23. Personal relation to diversity-related principles and goals: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Average Count 34.9% 11.0% (164) (127) (40) 35.9% 45.9% 12.7% (130) (166) (46) 18.4% 54.0% 22.5% (67) (197) (82) 47.3% 25.3% 11.3% (172) (92) (41) 23.4% 52.2% 19.2% (85) (190) (70) 15.6% 44.7% 26.3% (57) (163) (96) 14.5% 41.3% 29.2% (53) (151) (107) 38.0% 36.9% 11.2% (139) (135) (41) 10.5% 41.3% 33.1% 10.2% (38) (150) (120) (37) 33.6% 42.9% 10.7% (123) (157) (39) 8.2% (30) 0.3% (1) 5.2% (19) 0.5% (2) 4.7% (17) I personally have much to offer enhance the campus climate for all. I am willing to enhance my diversity-related knowledge and Response 45.1% 0.8% (3) reach diversity-related goals. Michigan Tech in its efforts to Rating Agree I personally have much to offer Michigan Tech in its efforts to Strongly Neutral skills. 3.47 364 3.65 362 3.93 365 3.29 364 3.84 364 6.8% (25) 3.11 365 8.5% (31) 3.19 366 3.41 366 3.33 363 3.47 366 I can identify specific ways that I can participate in the University’s efforts to work toward achieving 2.2% (8) 14.0% (51) diversity-related goals. I am willing to participate in the University’s efforts to work toward 1.4% (5) 3.8% (14) diversity-related goals. My peers or I would benefit from education/training around issues of 6.6% (24) sexual harassment or gender bias. My peers or I would benefit from education/training around issues of 6.6% (24) racial/ethnic discrimination. My peers or I would benefit from education/training concerning the link between diversity-related skills 4.4% (16) 9.6% (35) and our own professional development. My peers or I would benefit from education/training concerning the link between diversity-related skills 5.0% (18) and the professional development of Michigan Tech students. My peers or I would benefit from education regarding how diverse perspectives can often increase individuals’ and groups’ problem- 4.6% (17) 8.2% (30) 12 of 26 solving skills and/or capacities to innovate. answered question 366 skipped question 36 24. Diversity-related knowledge and skills: Strongly Disagree Disagree Rating Response Agree Average Count Agree 10.7% 59.7% 29.0% (39) (218) (106) 18.9% 51.9% 19.4% (69) (190) (71) 15.9% 58.9% 21.4% (58) (215) (78) 19.5% 61.8% 13.7% (71) (225) (50) 19.2% 55.6% 18.1% (70) (203) (66) 13.4% 25.2% 41.4% 13.4% (49) (92) (151) (49) 12.1% 19.8% 48.6% 16.8% (44) (72) (177) (61) 20.5% 29.0% 35.9% 10.1% (75) (106) (131) (37) I am good at collaborating with others and sorting out tasks and Strongly Neutral 0.0% (0) 0.5% (2) 0.5% (2) 9.3% (34) 0.5% (2) 3.3% (12) 0.0% (0) 4.9% (18) 1.1% (4) 6.0% (22) responsibilities in groups. 4.17 365 3.80 366 3.97 365 3.84 364 3.84 365 3.42 365 3.65 364 3.27 365 I feel comfortable asking people of other races/ethnicities about issues involving race and/or cultural differences. I am willing to have others challenge my perspective or feelings on issues that matter to me. I am able to respectfully challenge others' opinions when I feel they are misinformed. I feel comfortable talking about my socio-economic background with those who come from different socio-economic backgrounds. I feel comfortable discussing my religious or spiritual beliefs with others and responding to their 6.6% (24) questions. I feel comfortable listening to others express their religious or spiritual beliefs and engaging them 2.7% (10) in discussion. I feel comfortable sharing my political views with those who disagree with me. 4.4% (16) 13 of 26 I am willing to respectfully listen to and consider political views other 18.1% 60.5% 17.3% (66) (221) (63) 58.1% 29.0% (212) (106) 37.6% 36.5% 11.5% (137) (133) (42) 40.2% 39.9% 11.3% (146) (145) (41) 36.1% 40.2% 13.9% (132) (147) (51) 25.8% 56.7% 14.5% (94) (207) (53) 11.7% 65.3% 22.4% (43) (239) (82) 13.7% 57.4% 27.2% (50) (209) (99) 17.5% 18.1% 47.4% 15.9% (64) (66) (173) (58) 18.0% 18.3% 48.1% 14.5% (66) (67) (176) (53) 1.1% (4) 3.0% (11) 0.5% (2) 4.7% (17) 7.7% (28) 13.2% than my own. 3.90 365 4.10 365 3.44 364 3.52 363 3.58 366 3.82 365 4.10 366 4.10 364 3.59 365 3.57 366 I am comfortable having a conversation with someone who speaks English with an accent that is unfamiliar to me or difficult for me to understand. I pay attention to the group interactions and point out problematic dynamics (e.g. the 1.1% (4) same group of people dominating (48) the conversation) to colleagues. When I hear derogatory remarks made by my peers aimed at particular identity groups (e.g. 1.7% (6) 6.9% (25) 0.5% (2) 9.3% (34) 0.3% (1) 2.7% (10) 0.0% (0) 0.5% (2) 0.3% (1) 1.4% (5) racial, gender, etc.), I challenge them. I make efforts to get to know individuals from diverse backgrounds here on campus. I notice when people are being left out of activities and make efforts to include them. I can recognize when others or I make derogatory comments, assumptions, and/or jokes about specific identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.). I am willing to apologize for participating in or encouraging derogatory comments and/or jokes toward specific identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.). I know the steps to take if a student or colleague comes to me with a problem with sexual 1.1% (4) harassment or gender bias. I know the steps to take if a student or colleague comes to me with a problem concerning 1.1% (4) racial/ethnic discrimination or bias. 14 of 26 I feel comfortable discussing gay/lesbian/transgender issues with people of different sexual 4.9% (18) 12.9% 23.0% 40.5% 18.6% (47) (84) (148) (68) 3.55 365 answered question 366 skipped question 36 orientations. 25. Orientation toward participating in diverse interactions: Strongly Disagree I value the opportunity to examine social issues in small group 2.0% (7) settings. Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 10.9% 32.5% 42.3% 12.3% (39) (116) (151) (44) 22.2% 50.6% 16.4% (80) (182) (59) 18.0% 58.7% 19.9% (65) (212) (72) 26.4% 52.8% 15.8% (95) (190) (57) 14.2% 60.7% 22.6% (51) (218) (81) 18.3% 58.1% 19.4% (66) (209) (70) 28.8% 40.2% 21.8% (103) (144) (78) 3.52 357 2.97 360 3.95 361 3.79 360 4.03 359 3.92 360 2.90 358 It is important for me to educate others about identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) to which I 4.7% (17) 6.1% (22) belong. I think hearing about personal experiences helps shed light on 0.3% (1) 3.0% (11) 0.0% (0) 5.0% (18) 0.0% (0) 2.5% (9) 0.6% (2) 3.6% (13) social issues. I believe there are many sides to social issues and I try to explore as many as possible. I understand specifically how my background (e.g. my race, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, education, physical abilities, experiences, and so on) have shaped my thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. I enjoy learning about the reasons and/or experiences that have shaped the perspectives and behaviors of others. I am uncomfortable with nonphysical expressions of conflict and/or strong disagreement when 5.3% (19) discussing social issues. 15 of 26 3.9% (14) I believe that respectfully exploring sources of tension and strong disagreement with others enriches 31.3% 48.8% 10.8% (113) (176) (39) 12.8% 59.3% 22.8% (46) (213) (82) 17.0% 56.0% 24.2% (61) (201) (87) 5.5% (20) 1.4% (5) 7.8% (28) 3.60 361 0.3% (1) 4.7% (17) 4.00 359 0.6% (2) 2.2% (8) 4.01 359 21.6% 49.0% 20.2% (78) (177) (73) 3.6% (13) 2.20 361 43.3% 26.0% 21.5% (155) (93) (77) 1.7% (6) 2.66 358 32.0% 48.0% (114) (171) 9.8% (35) 3.56 356 45.8% 39.4% (164) (141) 4.7% (17) 3.38 358 43.7% 40.6% (156) (145) 6.2% (22) 3.43 357 37.3% 46.5% (133) (166) 7.3% (26) 3.51 357 19.2% 46.2% 27.3% (69) (166) (98) 3.91 359 answered question 362 my life and work. Thoughtful and respectful consideration of diverse perspectives and viewpoints is essential for people to work together effectively. Diverse perspectives often enhance both individuals’ and work teams’ capacities for solving difficult problems and generating innovative solutions. I do not enjoy working on group projects and/or teams. I believe even respectful conflict between individuals and/or groups makes it difficult for people to 7.5% (27) communicate with each other. I understand the connection between current and historical social inequalities in the U.S. and how these relate to current 2.0% (7) 8.1% (29) 0.8% (3) 9.2% (33) 0.8% (3) 8.7% (31) 1.1% (4) 7.8% (28) 2.2% (8) 5.0% (18) diversity-related efforts throughout industry and higher education. Students at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. Faculty at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. Staff at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. Institutional excellence in the 21st century requires Michigan Tech to enhance campus diversity and develop an inclusive climate for all its members. 16 of 26 skipped question 40 26. Diversity-related experiences on campus: Strongly Disagree I learn the most about social issues in discussions with my professional 3.9% (14) colleagues. I learn the most about social issues in discussions with students. I attend at least 2 multicultural events on campus every year. 5.9% (21) 7.6% (27) Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Disagree Neutral Agree 33.5% 41.6% 19.8% (120) (149) (71) 29.8% 37.9% 23.0% (106) (135) (82) 31.4% 16.8% 31.7% 12.6% (112) (60) (113) (45) 1.1% (4) 2.81 358 3.4% (12) 2.88 356 3.10 357 7.9% (28) 2.46 354 6.7% (24) 3.28 356 3.62 358 3.65 359 3.59 357 3.66 358 4.06 358 I attend at least 4 multicultural 17.8% 45.5% 17.8% 11.0% events on campus every year. (63) (161) (63) (39) 16.6% 33.4% 39.3% (59) (119) (140) 23.7% 52.0% 12.3% (85) (186) (44) 10.9% 27.0% 47.6% 14.2% (39) (97) (171) (51) 12.9% 23.2% 50.4% 12.0% (46) (83) (180) (43) 25.1% 50.8% 14.0% (90) (182) (50) 12.0% 58.7% 25.7% (43) (210) (92) I feel comfortable raising questions about diverse identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) with colleagues, 3.9% (14) students (when applicable) and/or supervisors. I believe staff supervisors treat people from all identity groups (e.g. 2.5% (9) 9.5% (34) racial, gender, etc.) fairly. My professional work on campus has contributed to my 0.3% (1) understanding of diverse groups. I have been exposed to information devoted to understanding diverse groups in meetings, activities, and 1.4% (5) professional development initiatives. I feel comfortable participating in the diversity initiatives here at 2.8% (10) 7.3% (26) 0.3% (1) 3.4% (12) Michigan Tech. Mentoring and supporting others is an important part of being a staff member. 17 of 26 My experiences with colleagues have expanded my understanding 0.6% (2) 7.5% (27) 0.6% (2) 8.8% (31) 6.2% (22) 8.7% (31) 27.3% 53.8% 10.9% (98) (193) (39) 21.8% 57.3% 11.6% (77) (203) (41) 34.8% 35.1% 15.2% (124) (125) (54) of diversity. 3.67 359 3.71 354 3.44 356 answered question 360 skipped question 42 I have been exposed to information and activities devoted to understanding diverse groups in informal interactions and conversations with friends. I have benefited from attending the Parade of Nations, Powwow, Diwali Night, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebrations, or from events during Hispanic Heritage Week, Black History Week, or Women’s History Week. 27. Have you personally experienced or witnessed harassment or discrimination at Michigan Tech based on any of the following? (check all that apply) Have not Experienced myself Witnessed experienced or witnessed at Tech Response Count Religious preference 9.4% (33) 19.0% (67) 76.4% (269) 352 Sexual orientation 3.1% (11) 24.6% (87) 73.9% (261) 353 2.6% (9) 27.7% (97) 70.9% (248) 350 Gender 12.7% (45) 24.9% (88) 66.3% (234) 353 Race/ethnicity 3.2% (11) 22.1% (77) 76.2% (266) 349 Physical/mental ability 3.7% (13) 15.3% (54) 81.3% (287) 353 Age 10.2% (36) 17.9% (63) 74.7% (263) 352 Language/national origin 18 of 26 answered question 354 skipped question 48 28. Any other forms of harassment or discrimination you have experienced other than those above (please specify): Response Count 42 answered question 42 skipped question 360 29. Personal safety: Strongly Disagree There are times when I have felt physically unsafe on campus. Disagree 54.7% 31.4% (197) (113) Neutral Agree 6.7% (24) 5.8% (21) Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count 1.4% (5) 1.68 360 answered question 360 skipped question 42 Response Response Percent Count 30. I am: In student affairs. 17.9% 55 A program director. 12.3% 38 In an administrative office. 42.9% 132 A ten-year or longer employee. 46.1% 142 A supervisor. 48.1% 148 A department committee member. 21.4% 66 A university committee member. 22.4% 69 answered question 308 skipped question 94 19 of 26 31. Department or area: Response Response Percent Count Human Resources 2.9% 10 Accounting 3.2% 11 Facilities 4.7% 16 Research & Sponsored Programs 12.5% 43 Engineering 11.4% 39 Business & Economics 2.0% 7 Technology 9.0% 31 Sciences and Arts 6.1% 21 4.7% 16 Student Affairs 13.1% 45 Library 3.2% 11 Athletics 6.4% 22 9.9% 34 17.8% 61 answered question 343 skipped question 59 Forest Resources & Environmental Science Auxiliary or Self-supporting Operations Other Administrative 20 of 26 32. Gender: Response Response Percent Count Male 54.0% 191 Female 46.0% 163 Transgender 0.0% 0 answered question 354 skipped question 48 Response Response Percent Count 33. Living situation: Child care/elder care responsibilities 20.6% 73 Committed relationship 11.0% 39 Single 16.9% 60 Married 74.3% 263 Long-distance relationship 1.7% 6 Parent 31.6% 112 Dual career at Michigan Tech 7.6% 27 answered question 354 skipped question 48 21 of 26 34. I have: Response Response Percent Count No disability 88.1% 304 Physical disability 4.9% 17 Learning disability 2.0% 7 7.0% 24 answered question 345 skipped question 57 Response Response Percent Count Had a temporary disability at Michigan Tech (injury, illness, etc) 35. I am from: The Upper Peninsula 43.3% 155 Michigan 31.3% 112 Out of state 26.8% 96 Outside the U.S. 3.9% 14 A suburb 9.2% 33 An urban area 7.0% 25 A rural area 11.7% 42 answered question 358 skipped question 44 22 of 26 36. I am: Response Response Percent Count African American or Black 1.4% 5 Latino/a, Chicano/a or Hispanic 1.7% 6 Asian or Pacific Islander 2.3% 8 White, Caucasian, or European 94.8% 331 Multi-racial 1.4% 5 Native American 1.4% 5 Of Middle Eastern or Arabic origin 0.6% 2 Of South Asian background 0.3% 1 1.1% 4 answered question 349 skipped question 53 Response Response Percent Count Other (please specify) 37. Sexual orientation: Openly gay, lesbian or bisexual 2.1% 7 Privately gay, lesbian or bisexual 0.9% 3 Heterosexual 97.6% 329 answered question 337 skipped question 65 23 of 26 38. Religious affiliation: Response Response Percent Count Islamic 0.3% 1 Catholic 21.6% 75 Jewish 0.9% 3 Christian/Protestant 33.9% 118 Christian/Evangelical 11.5% 40 Hindu 0.9% 3 Buddhist 0.6% 2 Spiritual seeker 4.3% 15 Native spirituality 1.1% 4 None 22.4% 78 9.5% 33 answered question 348 skipped question 54 Other (please specify) 24 of 26 39. Political orientation: Response Response Percent Count Very Liberal 4.6% 16 Liberal 17.9% 62 Middle of the road 25.9% 90 Conservative 30.0% 104 Very Conservative 3.7% 13 Independent 16.1% 56 None 7.5% 26 answered question 347 skipped question 55 25 of 26 40. Personal experiences (while at Michigan Tech): Response Response Percent Count Family crisis (death, divorce, etc) 58.8% 184 Treatment for depression or anxiety 15.0% 47 Volunteer or community service 70.6% 221 Eating disorders 1.9% 6 5.1% 16 44.7% 140 2.2% 7 40.6% 127 28.4% 89 41.9% 131 answered question 313 skipped question 89 Received complaints from others about my behavior or comments Received recognition, honor, or awards Engaged in problem drinking or drug use Served in several jobs, departments, or capacities Have family members also working at Michigan Tech Change in family responsibilities (childcare, eldercare) 41. Additional comments: Response Count 94 26 of 26 answered question 94 skipped question 308 2010Cl i ma t eS t udyS ur v eyRes ul t s Offic ef orI ns t i t ut i ona l Di v er s i t y Mi c hi ga nT ec hnol ogi c a l Uni v er s i t y E mpl oy eeRes pons es F a c ul t yRes pons es Pr of es s i ona l S t a ffRes pons es S t udentRes pons es 2010 Michigan Tech Undergraduate & Graduate Student Climate Survey 1. We need to request your email address in order to confirm that you are affiliated with Michigan Tech and fill out the appropriate survey. This identification will not be linked to the confidential answers you provide. Response Count 2,630 answered question 2,630 skipped question 23 2. Please note: your email address WILL NOT BE connected to your individual responses. Your responses to the survey questions will remain confidential. Indicate below if you would like to be entered into the survey prize drawing. Response Response Percent Count I understand that my email address will be used to enter me into a drawing for a prize after I 100.0% 2,399 answered question 2,399 skipped question 254 have completed the entire survey. 1 of 24 3. Questions related to the mission, purpose, and diversity-related goals of Michigan Tech: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count I know that employers expect all Michigan Tech graduates to have knowledge, skills, and experiences 7.8% 50.6% 39.1% (173) (1,116) (862) 8.1% 49.5% 39.7% (179) (1,087) (873) 6.2% 18.5% 47.6% 25.7% (136) (407) (1,048) (566) 5.2% 16.2% 45.8% 30.9% (115) (355) (1,005) (678) 7.3% 1.2% (26) 1.4% (30) 1.1% (24) 1.6% (35) to function well in a diverse 4.25 2,207 4.25 2,198 3.89 2,200 3.99 2,194 3.75 2,200 3.19 2,197 3.33 2,196 3.37 2,192 answered question 2,210 workplace. The campus community needs to work together to create a supportive and welcoming campus climate for all students, faculty, and staff. Students at Michigan Tech benefit from gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences around diversity 2.0% (43) issues. Cultivating my personal crosscultural skills enhances my professional knowledge and 1.9% (41) potential career opportunities. Michigan Tech would benefit academically from having more women students and women 2.6% (57) 33.1% 26.6% 30.4% (160) (729) (585) (669) faculty. Michigan Tech would benefit academically from having more 8.6% 14.4% 39.3% 24.4% 13.3% racial/ethnic minority students and (188) (317) (864) (535) (293) Michigan Tech to actively recruit 8.7% 14.4% 28.6% 31.8% 16.6% women and racial/ethnic minority (191) (316) (627) (698) (364) 7.7% 13.0% 29.3% 34.2% 15.8% (169) (284) (643) (749) (347) racial/ethnic minority faculty. It is appropriate and necessary for faculty and students. It is appropriate and necessary for Michigan Tech to provide personal and program support for women and racial/ethnic minorities on campus. 2 of 24 skipped question 443 4. Perceptions of diversity-related issues on campus: Strongly Response Average Count Agree 5.7% 13.0% 50.7% 29.0% (126) (285) (1,113) (637) 13.8% 54.2% 27.3% (303) (1,187) (597) 6.9% 13.9% 54.1% 22.7% (150) (305) (1,184) (497) 8.3% 12.4% 45.8% 30.8% (181) (272) (1,005) (675) 8.0% 12.3% 46.7% 30.3% (176) (271) (1,026) (666) 7.4% 15.2% 41.1% 26.4% 9.9% (159) (327) (882) (567) (212) 4.8% 9.5% 16.8% 43.8% 25.1% (105) (207) (367) (957) (549) 8.7% 23.0% 46.5% 17.9% (191) (504) (1,017) (392) 4.6% 22.9% 47.3% 23.1% (101) (501) (1,033) (504) 4.6% 24.5% 47.9% 21.1% (100) (535) (1,046) (461) 1.5% (34) and goals here at Michigan Tech. I feel supported by peers in pursuing my academic interests Rating Agree Neutral I feel supported by faculty in pursuing my academic interests Strongly Disagree Disagree 1.3% (28) 3.4% (75) and goals here at Michigan Tech. 4.00 2,195 4.03 2,190 3.88 2,189 3.94 2,193 3.94 2,195 3.16 2,147 3.75 2,185 3.66 2,188 3.84 2,186 3.82 2,182 I am satisfied with the intellectual quality and challenge of the classes I have taken at Michigan 2.4% (53) Tech. I believe faculty have equal academic expectations of students from all identity groups (e.g. racial, 2.7% (60) gender, etc.). I believe faculty and staff at Michigan Tech treat students fairly from all identity groups (e.g. racial, 2.6% (56) gender, etc.). My residence hall experience has contributed to my understanding of diverse groups. I am satisfied with the academic advising I have received at Michigan Tech. I am satisfied with the overall mentoring and guidance I have 3.8% (84) received at Michigan Tech. Issues related to gender bias and/or sexual harassment are taken 2.2% (47) seriously on campus. Issues related to race, racism, and racial/ethnic discrimination and/or bias are taken seriously on 1.8% (40) campus. 3 of 24 There is a lot of diversity among 5.4% 13.7% 20.5% 42.7% 17.7% the people at Michigan Tech. (118) (299) (448) (933) (388) 16.0% 29.6% 39.2% 11.8% (349) (646) (855) (257) 9.3% 31.4% 46.4% 9.9% (202) (685) (1,011) (215) 29.7% 52.4% 12.8% (647) (1,143) (280) 31.5% 50.7% 13.3% (685) (1,103) (289) 12.1% 53.9% 28.8% (264) (1,177) (629) 6.9% 20.4% 44.7% 23.6% (151) (446) (976) (515) 3.54 2,186 3.40 2,182 3.51 2,181 3.72 2,182 3.71 2,176 4.04 2,185 3.76 2,185 answered question 2,198 skipped question 455 The University does a good job of informing students, staff, and faculty of its diversity-related 3.4% (75) goals. Students at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and 3.1% (68) express support. Faculty at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and 1.3% (28) 3.8% (84) 1.4% (31) 3.1% (68) 1.7% (37) 3.6% (78) express support. Staff at Michigan Tech are receptive to diversity issues and express support. I understand the importance of cultivating my personal crosscultural skills for my academic and professional development and success. Institutional excellence in the 21st century requires Michigan Tech to enhance campus diversity and develop an inclusive climate for all 4.4% (97) its members. 4 of 24 5. Academic experiences related to diversity: Strongly 21.6% (203) (320) (1,096) (456) 5.1% 16.0% 56.3% 21.4% (107) (338) (1,189) (451) 6.0% 13.8% 53.9% 23.7% (126) (290) (1,136) (499) 5.6% 10.5% 19.3% 46.4% 18.2% (119) (221) (406) (978) (384) 9.6% 20.4% 44.8% 20.5% (203) (432) (946) (433) 9.9% 25.2% 51.7% 11.2% (208) (531) (1,089) (236) 4.8% 12.8% 26.9% 43.9% 11.6% (101) (269) (567) (926) (245) 10.5% 25.3% 48.6% 12.4% (220) (532) (1,022) (260) 1.3% (27) I am satisfied with my overall 2.8% (58) Tech. my own. I enjoy working on team projects, group presentations, and studying 4.7% (99) with others. Faculty provide guidance and clear direction for group work. My academic group experiences have expanded my understanding of diversity. Count 51.9% process. instructors from cultures other than Average 15.1% I believe that conflict and I understand the value of having Agree 9.6% 1.8% (38) don’t understand. student experience at Michigan Response Agree I feel comfortable raising a disagreements enrich the learning Rating Neutral Disagree question in class about something I Strongly Disagree 2.0% (42) 3.82 2,113 3.91 2,112 3.90 2,109 3.61 2,108 3.67 2,113 3.60 2,106 3.45 2,108 3.56 2,103 answered question 2,116 skipped question 537 I have been exposed to information and activities devoted to understanding diverse groups in course readings, lectures and 3.3% (69) discussions. 5 of 24 6. Personal relation to diversity-related principles and goals: Strongly Disagree I feel comfortable asking people of other races/ethnicities about issues 3.4% (67) involving race. Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 14.8% 26.5% 42.8% 12.5% (290) (518) (838) (244) 11.8% 59.8% 25.4% (230) (1,168) (496) I am willing to have others challenge my opinions or feelings Strongly Disagree 0.8% (15) 2.2% (43) gay/lesbian/transgender issues with 5.7% 12.0% 20.4% 41.6% 20.2% people of different sexual (112) (235) (398) (813) (395) 5.2% 20.9% 52.5% 19.4% (102) (408) (1,023) (379) 13.1% 59.8% 23.3% (256) (1,167) (454) 5.2% 17.0% 54.7% 21.6% (102) (332) (1,067) (421) 6.9% 15.1% 49.9% 25.6% (134) (295) (976) (500) 5.9% 15.5% 51.3% 23.7% (115) (303) (1,001) (463) 7.7% 21.1% 47.1% 21.7% (151) (413) (919) (423) 12.3% 58.7% 24.0% (239) (1,142) (468) on issues. 3.46 1,957 4.07 1,952 3.59 1,953 3.82 1,949 4.02 1,951 3.89 1,952 3.89 1,954 3.86 1,950 3.78 1,953 4.00 1,946 I feel comfortable discussing orientations. I value the opportunity to examine social issues in small group 1.9% (37) settings. I am able to respectfully challenge others' opinions when I feel they 0.8% (16) 3.0% (58) are misinformed. I feel comfortable talking about my socio-economic background with those who come from different 1.5% (30) socio-economic backgrounds. I feel comfortable discussing my religious or spiritual beliefs with others and responding to their 2.5% (49) questions. I feel comfortable listening to others express their religious or spiritual beliefs and engaging them 3.5% (68) in discussion. I feel comfortable sharing my political views with those who 2.4% (47) disagree with me. I am willing to respectfully listen to and consider political views other 1.5% (29) 3.5% (68) than my own. It is important for me to educate 6 of 24 others about the identity groups 6.8% 16.2% 36.4% 29.6% 11.0% (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) to which I (133) (317) (710) (577) (214) 6.1% 26.6% 43.9% 20.5% (119) (518) (855) (400) 8.2% 18.9% 46.5% 23.2% (160) (370) (909) (453) 8.6% 26.7% 48.7% 14.2% (167) (520) (948) (276) 13.6% 56.2% 26.9% (264) (1,092) (523) 10.7% 52.5% 34.8% (208) (1,023) (679) 17.5% 46.9% 30.8% (341) (912) (598) 3.22 1,951 3.73 1,949 3.78 1,953 3.65 1,948 4.06 1,943 4.19 1,949 4.03 1,944 2.73 1,943 3.41 1,941 3.35 1,946 2.96 1,948 3.35 1,936 belong. I like to learn about identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) different 2.9% (57) from my own. I am comfortable having a conversation with someone who speaks English with an unfamiliar 3.1% (61) accent, in a manner I find difficult to understand. I learn the most about social issues in discussions with my peers. 1.9% (37) I believe there are many sides to every issue and I try to explore 0.9% (18) 2.4% (46) 0.7% (13) 1.3% (26) 1.1% (21) 3.7% (72) 12.7% 33.0% 27.0% 22.5% (247) (642) (525) (437) 15.9% 26.5% 44.2% 9.7% (309) (515) (858) (189) 13.1% 39.1% 33.7% 10.7% (255) (761) (655) (208) 13.8% 20.9% 26.1% 33.7% 5.5% (268) (407) (509) (657) (107) 9.3% 40.7% 37.7% 7.7% (181) (788) (730) (150) most of them. I am often aware of how my background and experiences shape my thoughts, feelings and perspectives. I really enjoy finding out about the reasons or causes for people’s opinions and behaviors. I am afraid of conflicts when discussing social issues. I believe conflict between groups makes it difficult for people to 3.6% (70) communicate with each other. 4.7% (92) When I hear derogatory remarks made by my peers aimed at particular identity groups (e.g. 3.4% (67) racial, gender, etc.), I challenge them. I have participated in derogatory comments and/or jokes toward specific identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.) . I have apologized for derogatory comments I made, and/or jokes I’ve participated in, or consciously 4.5% (87) 7 of 24 changed my behavior in this area. I am often aware when someone might be offended by derogatory 15.2% 58.5% 22.4% (296) (1,137) (436) 25.6% 27.0% 16.5% 8.5% (499) (526) (322) (166) 12.7% 35.1% 37.1% 12.2% (247) (684) (724) (238) 5.6% 27.9% 51.0% 14.3% (109) (544) (996) (280) 1.1% (21) 2.8% (55) 22.5% (438) comments or jokes. Alcohol contributes to a negative climate for women and minorities at Michigan Tech. I make efforts to get to know individuals from diverse 2.9% (57) backgrounds here on campus. I notice when people are being left out of activities and make efforts to include them. 1.2% (23) 8 of 24 3.98 1,945 2.63 1,951 3.43 1,950 3.72 1,952 answered question 1,962 skipped question 691 7. Diversity-related experiences on campus: Strongly Tech increase its diversity. I feel welcome at all parties and social events on campus. made me aware of the University’s commitment to diversity. Agree Average Count 14.2% 35.4% 34.9% 10.5% (269) (671) (663) (200) 13.8% 25.5% 44.1% 12.0% (261) (482) (834) (227) 12.0% 33.8% 41.3% 9.0% (226) (638) (779) (170) 8.0% 14.8% 38.2% 30.5% 8.6% (149) (275) (710) (567) (160) 9.2% 29.2% 48.9% 9.9% (173) (549) (919) (186) 9.2% 15.1% 36.1% 28.8% 10.8% (172) (283) (678) (541) (202) 11.2% 22.3% 40.2% 19.6% 6.7% (211) (420) (756) (368) (127) 5.0% (94) 4.7% (89) 3.9% (73) Michigan Tech. My First Year Program experience Response Agree I feel comfortable participating in the diversity initiatives here at Rating Neutral Disagree I can contribute to helping Michigan Strongly Disagree 3.32 1,897 3.45 1,893 3.40 1,886 3.17 1,861 3.54 1,879 3.17 1,876 2.88 1,882 answered question 1,901 skipped question 752 I have been exposed to information and activities devoted to understanding diverse groups in 2.8% (52) informal interactions and conversations with friends. I have benefited from attending the Parade of Nations, Powwow, Diwali Night, the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebrations, or events during Hispanic Heritage Week, Black History Week, or Women’s History Week. I would like to have more formal opportunities to discuss diversityrelated issues and ideas. 9 of 24 8. Have you personally experienced or witnessed harassment or discrimination at Michigan Tech based on any of the following? (check all that apply) Have not witnessed Experienced myself Witnessed or experienced at Response Count Tech Religious preference 14.5% (272) 26.1% (488) 67.5% (1,263) 1,871 Sexual orientation 4.2% (78) 35.1% (656) 63.3% (1,181) 1,867 Language/National origin 5.8% (108) 42.4% (795) 54.7% (1,025) 1,874 13.0% (243) 28.6% (533) 65.2% (1,214) 1,863 Race/Ethnicity 6.3% (117) 37.5% (698) 59.5% (1,107) 1,862 Physical/Mental ability 5.1% (95) 26.1% (487) 72.6% (1,354) 1,866 Age 6.7% (124) 16.5% (307) 80.5% (1,495) 1,857 Gender answered question 1,881 skipped question 772 9. Any other forms of harassment or discrimination you have experienced other than those above (please specify): Response Count 184 10 of 24 answered question 184 skipped question 2,469 10. Personal safety: Strongly physically unsafe on campus. Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 46.0% 35.3% 8.5% 7.9% (874) (670) (161) (150) 15.9% 22.0% 46.8% 11.5% (301) (417) (888) (219) 10.9% 16.0% 54.6% 15.5% (208) (305) (1,038) (294) 5.9% 15.0% 46.9% 28.3% (112) (284) (889) (536) Disagree There are times when I have felt Strongly Disagree 2.3% (44) 1.85 1,899 3.46 1,898 3.69 1,901 3.90 1,895 answered question 1,901 skipped question 752 Rating Response Average Count I know the steps to take within the University if a friend/peer or I experience harassment or 3.8% (73) discrimination. I know the steps to take within the University if a friend/peer or I 2.9% (56) experience physical harm. I believe that Michigan Tech's Public Safety will treat all students 3.9% (74) equally and fairly. 11. Please rate the CAMPUS on each scale below: Inspiration Sterile 2 3 4 Inspiring 5.6% 12.9% 36.1% 34.9% 10.6% (105) (242) (678) (656) (199) 11 of 24 3.32 1,880 answered question 1,880 skipped question 773 12. Rate the campus on: Designed Physically 2 intimidating Physical plant (i.e. buildings, grounds) 1.6% (30) 3 4 to be comfortable 10.0% 29.0% 40.0% (188) (545) (751) 19.4% (365) Rating Response Average Count 3.66 1,879 answered question 1,879 skipped question 774 Rating Response Average Count 13. Rate the campus on: Hostile Climate 2.6% (48) 2 3 4 Friendly 5.9% 17.9% 35.7% 37.9% (111) (336) (671) (712) 4.01 1,878 answered question 1,878 skipped question 775 Rating Response Average Count 14. Rate the campus on: Disrespectful Respect 1.2% (22) 2 3 4 Respectful 4.4% 21.0% 44.2% 29.3% (82) (394) (828) (549) 12 of 24 3.96 1,875 answered question 1,875 skipped question 778 15. Rate the campus on: Open to Tradition- 2 bound 3 4 change Rating Response and Average Count innovation Change 5.8% 12.9% 35.6% 28.4% 17.3% (109) (243) (668) (534) (325) 3.38 1,879 answered question 1,879 skipped question 774 Rating Response Average Count 16. Rate the campus on: Uncooperative Cooperation 3.1% (57) 2 3 4 Cooperative 8.4% 28.1% 40.6% (157) (524) (759) 19.9% (371) 3.66 1,868 answered question 1,868 skipped question 785 17. Rate the campus on: Racist Racism 1.8% (33) Not Rating Response racist Average Count 2 3 4 8.9% 19.4% 34.8% 35.1% (167) (364) (651) (657) 13 of 24 3.93 1,872 answered question 1,872 skipped question 781 18. Rate the campus on: Sexist Sexism 3.6% (67) Not Rating Response sexist Average Count 2 3 4 13.2% 23.7% 29.2% 30.3% (247) (445) (547) (569) 3.70 1,875 answered question 1,875 skipped question 778 19. Rate the campus on: Homophobic Homophobia 4.5% (85) 2 3 4 13.5% 30.5% 25.5% (252) (571) (477) Not Rating Response homophobic Average Count 25.9% (485) 3.55 1,870 answered question 1,870 skipped question 783 20. Rate the campus on: Does not accomodate those with Accomodates 2 3 4 disabilities disabilities Disabilities 4.1% (77) those with 10.5% 21.8% 31.5% (198) (410) (593) 14 of 24 Rating Response Average Count 3.77 1,880 answered question 1,880 skipped question 773 32.0% (602) 21. FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY, please answer the following: Strongly Disagree Disagree I feel supported by my faculty advisor(s) in pursuing my research 3.8% (38) 4.0% (40) 3.7% (37) 5.9% (58) 1.2% (12) 3.3% (33) 4.5% (44) 7.9% (78) 4.3% (43) 7.6% (75) 1.6% (16) 6.5% (64) 1.8% (18) 6.1% (60) 1.9% (19) 4.6% (45) 2.6% (25) 5.1% (50) 2.1% (21) 3.5% (34) interests and goals. I feel supported by my department in pursuing my research and/or academic goals. I feel supported by my peers in pursuing my academic interests and professional goals. Strongly Rating Response Agree Average Count Neutral Agree 21.3% 42.8% 28.0% (211) (423) (277) 19.0% 47.4% 24.0% (188) (468) (237) 16.9% 52.4% 26.1% (167) (518) (258) 20.1% 44.7% 22.9% (198) (441) (226) 22.3% 45.4% 20.3% (221) (449) (201) 14.9% 45.9% 31.1% (147) (452) (306) 16.8% 49.5% 25.8% (166) (489) (255) 23.1% 43.9% 26.5% (226) (430) (259) 30.5% 39.0% 22.8% (298) (381) (223) 27.5% 42.8% 24.1% (269) (418) (235) 3.87 989 3.82 988 3.99 988 3.74 987 3.70 989 3.98 985 3.91 988 3.88 979 3.74 977 3.83 977 I am satisfied with the quality of academic advising and research mentorship I have received from faculty in my department. I am satisfied with the quality of professional advice and guidance I have received from my department here at Michigan Tech. I feel comfortable approaching faculty in my department with questions or when I need guidance or feedback on something. Faculty listen and respond in a timely manner when I approach them with questions and/or requests for feedback. Faculty in my department have equal academic expectations of graduate students from all socio/ethnic groups. Faculty in my department support and mentor all graduate students equally. Faculty at Michigan Tech are invested equally in the success of graduate students from all identity groups (e.g. racial, gender, etc.). 15 of 24 In my academic courses, lab groups, and/or research teams, I notice when someone is being 29.4% 46.3% 15.4% (288) (454) (151) 27.5% 49.7% 15.4% (271) (490) (152) 11.5% 34.2% 35.1% 14.2% (113) (335) (344) (139) 27.0% 48.0% 18.0% (265) (470) (176) 11.1% 34.9% 35.9% 13.8% (109) (342) (352) (135) 34.7% 41.8% 17.5% (335) (404) (169) 2.7% (26) 6.2% (61) 1.4% (14) 5.9% (58) 3.66 980 3.72 985 3.42 980 3.75 980 3.44 980 3.69 966 answered question 997 skipped question 1,656 excluded. In my academic courses, lab groups, and/or research teams, I take steps to make sure everyone is participating equally. I feel comfortable discussing issues related to gender bias and/or sexual harassment with faculty in 5.0% (49) my department. I feel comfortable discussing issues related to gender bias and/or 2.0% (20) 5.0% (49) sexual harassment with my peers. I feel comfortable discussing issues of race, racism, and/or racial discrimination with faculty in 4.3% (42) my department. As a graduate student at Michigan Tech, I have the opportunity to learn with a diverse group of peers. 2.2% (21) 3.8% (37) 16 of 24 22. I am: an undergraduate, first or second Response Response Percent Count 33.3% 620 44.6% 830 a transfer student 9.0% 167 a graduate student 18.3% 340 answered question 1,861 skipped question 792 Response Response Percent Count year an undergraduate, beyond second year 23. Academic program: Engineering 57.7% 1,072 Business & Economics 7.1% 132 Technology 6.5% 121 Sciences and Arts 25.9% 481 5.7% 106 answered question 1,857 skipped question 796 Forest Resources & Environmental Science 17 of 24 24. Gender: Response Response Percent Count Male 64.6% 1,198 Female 35.3% 654 Transgender 0.1% 2 answered question 1,854 skipped question 799 Response Response Percent Count 25. Living situation: Residence Hall 31.4% 585 Daniell Heights 8.6% 161 Fraternity/Sorority 3.6% 68 Off Campus 54.4% 1,015 Live with parents 3.6% 67 Committed relationship 7.9% 148 Married 5.3% 99 Have children/child 3.1% 57 answered question 1,865 skipped question 788 18 of 24 26. I have: Response Response Percent Count No disability 90.8% 1,661 Physical disability 1.7% 32 Learning disability 3.0% 55 7.0% 128 answered question 1,830 skipped question 823 Response Response Percent Count Had temporary disability at Michigan Tech (injury, illness, etc.) 27. I am from: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan 18.2% 339 Michigan 48.2% 897 Out of state 24.4% 454 Outside the U.S. 10.5% 196 A suburb 18.3% 340 An urban area 6.8% 126 A rural area 17.1% 318 answered question 1,861 skipped question 792 19 of 24 28. I am: Response Response Percent Count African American or Black 1.8% 34 Latino/a, Chicano/a or Hispanic 2.3% 43 Asian or Pacific Islander 7.2% 133 White, Caucasian, or European 85.8% 1,590 Multi-racial 1.7% 32 Native American 1.7% 31 Of Middle Eastern or Arabic origin 1.1% 20 Of South Asian background 1.4% 26 2.1% 38 answered question 1,853 skipped question 800 Response Response Percent Count Other (please specify) 29. Sexual orientation: Openly gay, lesbian or bisexual 2.8% 50 Privately gay, lesbian or bisexual 2.1% 38 Heterosexual 95.6% 1,720 answered question 1,800 skipped question 853 20 of 24 30. Religious affiliation: Response Response Percent Count Islamic 1.4% 25 Catholic 23.6% 433 Jewish 0.5% 10 Christian/Protestant 24.2% 444 Christian/Evangelical 10.6% 195 Hindu 2.1% 39 Buddhist 1.5% 27 Spiritual seeker 2.0% 37 Native Spirituality 0.8% 15 None 28.1% 515 11.8% 217 answered question 1,832 skipped question 821 Other (please specify) 21 of 24 31. Political orientation: Response Response Percent Count Very Liberal 5.5% 101 Liberal 19.2% 352 Middle of the road 25.8% 472 Conservative 22.4% 411 Very Conservative 7.3% 133 Independent 13.0% 239 None 18.1% 332 answered question 1,833 skipped question 820 22 of 24 32. Personal experiences (while at Michigan Tech): Response Response Percent Count Family crisis (death, divorce, etc.) 31.6% 520 Treatment for depression or anxiety 14.2% 234 Volunteer or community service 60.4% 995 Eating disorders 3.9% 64 Dean's list 47.0% 774 Academic probation 19.1% 314 University disciplinary action 6.7% 110 36.0% 594 Problem drinking 4.8% 79 Drug use 5.0% 82 Study abroad 8.2% 135 Intercollegiate athlete 8.9% 147 Performing or visual arts 17.4% 287 Fraternity or Sorority 13.2% 217 Undergraduate research 14.6% 240 Enterprise 18.0% 297 USG or GSC 5.6% 92 Ethnic organization 5.0% 83 35.3% 581 answered question 1,648 skipped question 1,005 Received recognition, honor, or award Professional organizations or associations 23 of 24 33. Additional comments: Response Count 482 24 of 24 answered question 482 skipped question 2,171