August 9th, 2011 NWiS Organizational Meeting Minutes Start: 12:05pm End: 1:07pm 1. New faces- Jaime @ Coffee Hour 2. Budget update: Felicia ~$1000.00 ($14oo.oo w/out Marty Fedor payment) 3. TSRI community updates a. SoF –Jill i. Social events (Halloween Cruise and Fishing Trip) ii. Travel award October 1st dead line *Also looking for 4 judges (about 4hrs total of time required to review applications) iii. Industry Bridge Application Aug. 15th iv. Mentorship award application for faculty due Sept. 2nd to be written by grad students/post doc’s b. AWiS – Jill i. “Project management” on Sept 12th at El Camino from 6pm-8pm c. Career services – Ryan i. Professional development courses: formal/informal events for grad students/post doc’s *they can reimburse Jill for AWiS membership and also cover seminar fees for special events ii. Aug. 30th Dinner and Etiquette reception (Ryan and Nancy) iii. “buddy program” for incoming students and postdocs is available but not being used, wanting to include SOF/NWiS FaceBook add to help increase participation iv. Aug. 18th @ 4:30pm Post Doc Happy Hour in Library (occurs every three months) 4. Review of recent events a. Scripps 101 coffee hour – total of 14 attendees (5 males) no faculty. Went well, but it would have been better with more people. Flyer placement should be our focus for next events advertising. We decided to try and focus on placing signs on bathroom entrance. 5. Upcoming fall quarter events (Sept-November) a. Coffee hours i. snacks and coffee volunteers? Sept 3rd/Oct. 3rd/ Nov. 7th – Jill (snacks) Felicia (coffee) ii. September - Compartmentalization (Jamie Ellis/Andrea) *Mental tricks for work/life balance iii. October – Communicating/Visualizing science (Beth/Rajesh/Graham) Alternative: Financial Planning or Anke (Alumni) iv. November – Science Writing with Lynn Freidman (Emily) Sept 5 Oct 3? Nov 7 b. New Happy hour series (Laurie) i. Ideas: 1. Social venue in each building (on rotation), with each department funding (~$150) the Happy Hour event for community building between each department. 2. Similar to IMM Happy Hour Faculty Talks (may not be happening anymore) “Short Talks” starts at 5pm reception; 5 speakers each with 5 minutes/slides max 3. Elevator speeches at Toast Masters c. Other events i. Industry happy hour (Lyn’Al) Sept/Oct Sometime in October,(last year $1000 was spent) funding will be provided by sponsoring companies (3-5), event will be in Faculty Club, and catered with the help of Nancy, menu will be appetizers, beer, wine, RSVP will be required, limited to 50 grad students/post docs ii. Female Faculty Lecture series Nov 1. Nominations? Owner? iii. New Faculty Happy hour (Organizer?) Date? iv. TSRI 50th anniversary at the Birch aquarium (Beth/Emily/Andrea) Late fall/early winter *on hold now 6. Website (Gareth/Adrianna) a. More information is needed for site, we have a lot of space. Suggestions included, blurb, contact list, pictures of events, upcoming events, calendar, FaceBook page 7. T-shirts (Crystal/Laurie)