Post Modernity MP

Post Modernity
• What then is truth? A moveable host of
metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms: in
short, a sum of human relations which have been
poetically and rhetorically intensified,
transferred, and embellished, and which, after
long usage, seem to people to be fixed, canonical,
and binding. Truths are illusions which have
forgotten that they are illusions, they are
metaphors that have become worn out and have
been drained of sensuous force.
Vincenzo Ferrone: The Enlightenment
Enlightenment as Centaur
philosophy - history
reasoning – compliance
transcendence - embodiment
freedom - subordination
reflection – absorption
truth - scepticism
utopia - critique
• ‘It seems to me that the philosophical choice with which we
are confronted at present is this: we can opt for a critical
philosophy which will present itself as an analytic
philosophy of truth in general. Or we can opt for a form of
critical philosophy which will be an ontology of ourselves,
an ontology of the actuality. It is this form of philosophy
that, from Hegel to the Frankfurt School, through Nietzsche
and Max Weber, has founded the form of reflection within
which I have attempted to work.’
• Ontology = a branch of metaphysics concerned with the
nature and relations of being; a particular theory about the
nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence
• Litotes Definition
• Litotes, derived from a Greek word meaning “simple”, is a
figure of speech which employs an understatement by
using double negatives or, in other words, positive
statement is expressed by negating its opposite
• For example, using the expression “not too bad” for “very
good” is an understatement as well as a double negative
statement that confirms a positive idea by negating the
opposite. Similarly, saying “She is not a beauty queen,”
means “She is ugly” or saying “I am not as young as I used
to be” in order to avoid saying “I am old”. Litotes, therefore,
is an intentional use of understatement that renders an
ironical effect.
Constatin Guys