1/26/2016 IT Committee Meeting Minutes Present: Melinda Hawley (chair), Autumn Schaffer, Wesley Venus, Mary Williams, Erica Johnson (recorder), Jim Rickerson, and Jeff Hayes Absent: Caesar Perkowski, John Burnard, Makayla Crane The committee discussed the possibility of recommending a work study student to assist Autumn Schaffer in her duties. The committee plans to investigate the requirements for such a recommendation (such as funding availability) and Schaffer's specific needs. The committee discussed a faculty technology survey to be distributed by the Consortium for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. The survey was suggested/requested by the Honors Council in December 2015. Erica Johnson explained the purpose of the survey, which is primarily marketing research. Johnson brought a draft of the survey for feedback from the committee. The committee suggested some revisions and additions. Johnson will revise the draft and redistribute it to the committee members for further feedback. The committee discussed subsidized internet options for students. Melinda Hawley volunteered to investigate this further. The committee hopes to make this information available to students in the future. Schaffer reminded the committee members of Teaching Matters. The conference is April 1-2, 2016 at Gordon State College. She mentioned that members could present on technology and teaching. Johnson and Wesley Venus confirmed that they are submitting proposals for the conference. Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Venus seconded.