Anderegg, C. Richard, Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the
Decade After Vietnam, Washington, D.C.: Air Force History and
Museums Program, 2001.
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Instruction 11-2A/OA-10,
Vol. 1, A/OA-10 Aircrew Training, February 11, 2000.
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Instruction 11-401, Flight
Management, October 1, 2001.
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Instruction 11-412, Aircrew
Management, August 1, 1997.
Department of the Air Force, Rated Management Task Force, Rated
Management Primer, January 1999.
Headquarters TAC/DP, TAC/DP 211820Z, message, October 1974.
Headquarters USAF, USAF Program Guidance PG-77-1, Section C,
paragraph 4-10, January 6, 1975, pp. 4–20.
Headquarters USAF/XO, Corona Top, Active Duty Actual Hours/Crew/
Month (HCM), briefing, June 2000.
Headquarters USAF/XOO, briefing, Rated Summit ’01 Pilot, presentation, 2001.
Headquarters USAF/XOOT, Actual Hours per Crew per Month, bullet
background paper, April 2000.
110 Absorbing Air Force Fighter Pilots
Headquarters USAF/XPX, RAND Reserve Components Comprehensive
Review, presentation, January 2002.
Kleinrock, Leonard, Queuing Systems, Vol. 1, New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1975.
Larson, Eric V., David T. Orletsky, and Kristin Leuschner, Defense
Planning in a Decade of Change: Lessons from the Base Force,
Bottom-Up Review, and Quadrennial Defense Review, MR-1387AF, Santa Monica: RAND, 2001.
Taylor, William W., S. Craig Moore, and C. Robert Roll, Jr., The Air
Force Pilot Shortage: A Crisis for Operational Units? MR-1204-AF,
Santa Monica: RAND, 2000.
Thie, Harry J., William W. Taylor, Claire Mitchell Levy, Sheila Nataraj
Kirby, and Clifford Graf II, Total Force Pilot Requirements and
Management: An Executive Summary, MR-646-OSD, Santa
Monica: RAND, 1995.
Additional Reading
Aviation Information Resources (AIR, Inc.), Airline Pilot Career
Development System, Vol. 1010, Atlanta, GA, 2000–2001.
Federal Aviation Administration, Aerospace Forecasts FY 2002–2013,
FAA-APO-02, Washington, D.C., March 2002.
Headquarters USAF/DP, The Pilot Shortage: USAF’s Integrated Plan,
(white paper), Washington, D.C., September 1999.
Levy, Claire Mitchell, The Civilian Airline Industry’s Role in Military
Pilot Retention: Beggarman or Thief? DB-118-OSD, Santa Monica:
RAND, 1995.
Thie, Harry J., William W. Taylor, Claire Mitchell Levy, Clifford M.
Graf II, and Sheila Nataraj Kirby, A Critical Assessment of Total
Force Pilot Requirements, Management, and Training, DB-121OSD, Santa Monica: RAND, 1994.