DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN STUDIES MINUTES OF SSLC MEETING: WEDNESDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 2015 1:00-2:00PM, ROOM H2.03 Students present: Ciara Lawrence (Ger&His), Lucy Meakin (Fr&Ger), Alex Ball (Eng&Ger), Fiona Brewis (Ger w Chi), Marta Cappozzo (Ger&Eng), Jess Walker (Ger&Eng), Luke Vince (Ger&Bus), Emily Powell (Ger), Elizabeth Thorpe (Ger&Eng), Freya Lowden, Rachael Dickinson (Ger w Sp), Joseph Lewsey (Fr&Ger), Conor Godsall (Ger&His), Danielle Baker (Ger w Ru) Staff present: Christine Achinger, Grit Brendecke 1) Apologies for absence Bill Fawcett (Ger w Sp), Hanna Schuhmacher (PG), Maria Roca Lizarazu (PG), Clare Halldron (Careers), Richard Perkins (Librarian), Kat Burdon, Pia Deutsch, Tamo Koniashvili 2) Minutes of previous meeting (dating 4th November 2015) Name corrections, clarification of H0.42 as former working space- now SMLC office 3) Matters arising NSS Action Plan to be brought up at the next SSLC Meeting in Term 2 Week 3 (27th January 2016) 4) Chair’s Business i) Year 1 - Some 1st year students felt that there is currently a lack of formative essays preceding the first assessed essay for the GE108 module, serving as more informal practise where feedback can be gained before marks count towards the end of year grade. However, there is a general consensus that extensive feedback is already being provided towards assessed essays as well as essay plans- students are encouraged to use this medium to gain feedback. Action to be taken: proposal of formative essay(s) to be raised at next staff meeting ii) Year 2 - Year Abroad Meetings conducted by the International Office were found to not provide any additional useful information, except from the continuation of the maintenance loan during the Year Abroad- primary focus appears to be on students within WBS who wish to spend a year in non-European countries such as China or America. Action to be taken: greater cooperation with the German Department to be raised at next staff meeting - Earlier clarification on exact deadlines for organising work placements to ensure students can prepare in advance Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting iii) Final Year - Outcome of Schloss Dhaun survey still unknown, obvious financial pressures which rest outside of the department, agreement that survey provides concrete evidence of its popularity and uniqueness to the Warwick German Department. Raises the importance of first year students to become involved with the SSLC and ensure SD can continue to run in the future, as this is a key selling point for future applicants. - There is currently no specific translation class for business students running beyond Term 1, clarification on whether such classes will take place later on in the year. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting - Time taken to receive language essay feedback is taking longer than expected, in some cases more than 3 weeks. Agreement that feedback should generally be received more promptly, taking staff workload into consideration. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting iv) Postgraduates - Apologies for absence 5) 2nd year language (Lucy Meakin) - Some 2nd year students feel that the teaching style of essay classes in particular are focusing too heavily on the rudimentary aspects of formulating essays. LV proposed the use of model essays as a way of distinguishing the key aspects of a well written essay alongside individual feedback. LM also suggested the inclusion of articles into the lesson plan would benefit students in helping to structure their essay based on actual German news. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting - Changes as discussed in the previous meeting to the structure of translation classes are being enforced. However, some students believe that a clear plenary is needed at the end of the lesson in order to bring group work together and gain a greater picture of set texts as a whole, rather than have a heavy focus on only two or three specific sections. Suggestion of a time limit for group tasks to avoid a loss of focus amongst students. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting - Students feel that more spontaneity is needed within conversation classes, suggestion by LM of class debates to foster student engagement and group discussion of key points. Emphasis on a balance between providing grammar feedback/outlining mistakes and ensuring discussions aren’t regularly hindered. Action to be taken: ideas to be raised at next staff meeting 6) 4th year language (Emily Powell) - Restructuring of translation classes: currently three separate 1 hour-long translation classes exist for final year students, proposal for all final year students to participate in one group language class lasting between 11/2 to 2 hours. 1 hour classes once per week aren’t considered to be sufficient to be able to complete an in-depth evaluation of a set text with the input of multiple ideas/versions. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting 7) Any other business - Upcoming alumni event in Term 2: students would like to see companies in the media sector and those which value transferrable languages skills such as airline companies, currently at careers events there appears to be an over-representation of non-European companies predominantly in the banking sector. - Students would like to see more creative careers events, focusing on SME’s comprising of NGO’s and charities Updates on TRC - Proposal for 24-hour opening using card access, a feasibility study is currently under way. Clarification of the TRC as a study space and not a common room, apparent use of the upstairs facilities by non-language students making private room bookings. Action to be taken: matter to be raised at next staff meeting Volunteers for staff meeting: to be held on Wednesday week 10, 2pm - The meeting thanked Luke Vince, Lucy Meakin and Emily Powell for volunteering - Reminder email to be sent out to attendees to confirm time and place Minutes: Danielle Baker