Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes October 8, 2013


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes

October 8, 2013

Members Present: M. Allen, R. Allen, Baggett, Frye, Gendreau, Ritterling, Terpstra, Van



Members Absent:

Consultants Present: Bakkum, Dittman, Keller, Knudson, Rahn

Guests: Leslee Poulton, Shelley Hay, Aaron Monte, Eric Kraemer, Michelle Stertz, Kelsey


I. Approval of September 24, 2013, minutes.

M/S/P to approve minutes

II. First Reading:

A. German Studies

1. GER 398 – new course; “German Thinkers and Popular Culture;” effective Fall 2014.

Held for second read

2. GER 403 – course revision; prerequisite and projected enrollment change; effective

Fall 2013.

3. GER 321 – course revision; number change, was GER 420; projected enrollment change; effective Spring 2014.

4. GER 400 – course deletion; effective Fall 2013.

5. GER 401 – course deletion; effective Fall 2013.

6. GER 491 – course deletion; effective Fall 2013.

M/S/P to approve on first reading

B. Chemistry

1. CHM 471 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2014.

2. Chemistry Major with ACS Certification – program change; effective Fall 2013.

M/S/P to approve on first reading

M/S/P to approve on first reading

C. Philosophy

1. PHL 200 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2014.

D. School of Education

1. Teacher Education Program change; Standardized Testing Requirement - additional test data to be accepted in lieu of PPST; retroactive to all catalogs; effective term

Spring 2014.

M/S/P to approve on first reading

III. Consent Item: None

IV. Informational Items: None

V. Old Business : None

VI. New Business: 2013-2014 Charges

1. Create summary form to accompany large numbers of course changes.

2. Review composition and size of UCC Committee.

3. Aid in implementation of new catalog software.

VII. Future Business: None

Meeting adjourned: 4:10 pm
