In view of these comments, let me also issue an WheelerNotes

November 17, 2010
4 10
The First Step!!! Remember that should an emergency
occur in your classroom or your office the first step is to
call 770-358-5111 – the emergency number for Gordon
Public Safety. Recognizing that you may not have your
cell phone in your classroom (or your cell phone may
depend on AT&T towers), identify a responsible student
who will dial for you. It may also be worthwhile to
periodically thumb through the Gordon College
Emergency Response flip chart. Copies are available
through the Public Safety Office.
The best responses to unforeseen emergencies come from
professionals who have thought about the first step.
Outstanding Access Institutions: At a recent Brown
Bag Teaching and Learning Event, the organizing team
was kind enough to invite this dean to make a few
comments. In those comments I identified three markers
or characteristics of outstanding access institutions. In
the next three DeaNotes I am going to insert my
comments about those markers. I will start at the end of
the list:
Characteristic 3: The academic community
provides special attention to its very best
students, ensuring that they have quality
educational experience equivalent to what they
would have had at a liberal arts institution, a
state university, or UGA. This happens in part
by ensuring that we keep academic standards
high. However, it happens largely because of
our commitment to extend education beyond the
classroom. I point to the activities of our Honors
Program, the field trips of the EarthWindFire
Science Club, and the programming of our
student organizations such as the Gordon College
Association of Nursing Students (GCANS) as
examples of this kind of good work. In addition,
anytime we provide opportunities for our
students to engage in service learning and
undergraduate research we extend the
educational process beyond the classroom.
In view of these comments, let me also issue an
invitation: Should you become aware of an opportunity
for a team of students under your tutelage to participate
in presentations or competitions in an off-campus venue,
this dean would like to have the opportunity to see if he
can find funds to facilitate this opportunity for students.
Comments on petitions: The decision on many student
petitions depends heavily on information that only the
faculty member can provide. When you approve or
disapprove a petition, please consider carefully what you
can tell your division chair and me that will help us know
the facts and understand your thinking. If you have more
than brief information to convey, please write or type
your comments as an attachment and refer to the
attachment next to your signature on the form. I
appreciate your help with this.
Dr. Linda Hyde and the EarthWindFire Science Club
visited Zoo Atlanta on October 23.
Dr. Lynn Rumfelt presented a 30-minute class entitled
"Chromatography -- Writing With Color the Cool Way"
to our visiting high school students who competed in the
Academic Contest on October 21.
Dr. Lynn Rumfelt and Dr. Richard Schmude
instructed visiting potential students and their parents on
Campus Visit Day November 5 on the core curriculum
requirements and the curriculum required for science
majors. About 30 students attended the information
session along with their parents.
Dr. Marwan Zabdawi took the class members of ENGR
1100 (Introduction to Engineering) and the Engineering
Club to the Caterpillar plant on Friday, November 12
The tour lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes. The students
described it as “Interesting, educational and informative.”
Dr. Cris Fermin-Ennis organized a Pre-Pharmacy
seminar here at Gordon this past November 30.
Admissions Officers from Mercer University School of
Pharmacy and South University School of Pharmacy
DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs
gave a presentation that lasted almost 2 hours. Thirtyeight students had their questions and concerns regarding
academics and applications addressed during the
Drs. Susan Glenn and John Reece invited Dr. Wheeler
to meet with the Gordon College Computer Club on
November 10 to discuss goals and opportunities for the
club. Approximately 20 students attended and discussed
several possible projects and activities. The club recently
obtained an instructional robot and is pursuing several
possible projects using it.
Faculty please note, that the Success Center’s ADA
testing schedule will be different for Final Exam week.
Here is the information, with the schedule below:
1. As was our policy during the regular
semester, testing will end at the time
indicated on the schedule.
2. We are offering four-hour windows to
accommodate students who get double time.
3. Because our testing space is limited, and
because so many students get quiet room
accommodations, we will not be admitting
students into testing rooms later than fifteen
minutes into the testing session, as indicated
above, in order to limit distractions.
4. Because we expect all of our ADA students to
be testing during this four-day period, we
simply cannot accommodate students who
want to take their finals early just so that they
can catch that flight to Vail, Orlando, etc., or
who overslept and missed their regularly
scheduled finals. We will try to help with
students who have legitimate conflicts within
the approved Final Exam Schedule, but
otherwise we can test only students with ADA
letters from the Counseling Office. We
reserve the right to ask students for proof of a
legitimate conflict within the approved Final
Exam Schedule.
5. Because it is never too early to start planning,
we will be sending out a Final Exam Week
Proctoring Request form, with the finals
testing times on it. Hard copies will also be
available at the front desk of the SSC.
6. Please continue using the existing form for
regular semester exams.
Tuesday, Dec. 7
Wednesday, Dec. 8
Thursday, Dec. 9
Friday, Dec. 10
scheduled final
exams in 234A
scheduled final
exams in 234A
scheduled final
exams in 234A
8:30 AM to 12:30
PM, no testing to
start after 8:45 AM
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM,
no testing to start
after 1:15 PM
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM,
no testing to start
after 1:15 PM
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM,
no testing to start
after 1:15 PM
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM,
no testing to start
after 1:15 PM
The Distance Education Committee has defined Gordon
College hybrid courses as "courses with at least 50% of
instructional time delivered online."
O’Sullivan Notes
Please remind your students and advisees who plan to
enter Gordon’s Early Childhood Education baccalaureate
program next year that the applications for this program
are now available in Russell 104. These applications are
due February 15, 2011, but we are encouraging students
to begin the process soon since it usually takes awhile for
them to get all of the paperwork and recommendations
they need for a complete application. Applications for
the secondary teaching credential programs in biology
and mathematics are also available in Russell 104, and
students may fill these out at any time.
We’ve had lots of reasons to celebrate in the Education
Division this month. The following faculty members
have done scholarship or service activities:
Dr. Lydia Herndon was awarded free airline travel from
the Character Education Partnership to attend their
national conference this year in San Francisco.
Dr. Herndon has a continuing interest in moral education.
Dr. Pam Bell made a presentation on strategies for
teaching content area literacy at the Southeastern
Regional Association of Teacher Educators annual
conference in Nashville.
Dr. Mike Borders presented, “Describing Your Best
Teachers: Is Teaching an Art or a Science?” for the
Future Educators Retreat held at Southern Polytechnic
State University.
Dr. Sheryl O’Sullivan has had a chapter accepted in a
book to be published by Precedent Press entitled, “Faith
Integration and Schools of Education.”
DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs
Dr. Becki Jones completed the Susan G. Koman 60 mile
walk to cure breast cancer. This was the fifth time
Dr. Jones has completed this walk, and she has so far
raised more than $15,000.00 for the cure.
Besides these faculty activities, two of our senior
education students were chosen to be part of the 18th
Annual Bus Trip across Georgia hosted by the Georgia
Partnership for Excellence in Education. Students,
Sarah Bostwick and Stacey Brown joined 90
participants from across the state on a whirlwind tour of
seven exemplary PK-12 schools. Both students gained
many insights from this experience, and represented
Gordon College well. And finally, one of our graduating
seniors has been accepted into the prestigious Teach for
America Program. Tiffini Fleck will join this program
next fall and begin her teaching career in the Atlanta
Public Schools. Congratulations one and all!
Dates & Deadlines
Nov 1-19
Early Registration for Continuing Students
Nov 17
Brown Bag Conversations 2 PM Fnd Rm
Nov 18
Nov 22
New Student Orientation
Group Advising & Registration Spring 2011
MNS Speaker Series 2 PM IC 112
Nov 23
Residence Halls close at 4 pm for Thanksgiving
Nov 24
Administrative Offices are open
Nov 24-26
Thanksgiving Holidays for Faculty & Students
Nov 25-26
Nov 28
Thanksgiving Holidays for Administrative &
Staff College Closed
Residence Halls reopen at 4:00 PM
Nov 29
APC Meeting 2 PM IC 209
Dec 1
Dec 6
Student Recital – Applied Music Students
2 PM – Fine Arts Auditorium
Open to public/Free Admission
College Chorus/Concert Band
7:30 PM – Fine Arts Auditorium
Free Admission
Applies Music Majors
TBA Fine Arts 116
Not Open to the Public
Last Day of Classes
Dec 7-10
Final Exams & Book Buy Back at Bookstore
Dec 10
Residence Halls close at 4:00 PM for Christmas
Dec 20Jan 3, 2011
Jan 4
College Closed for Christmas Holidays
Jan 5
Faculty Report
Jan 6
New Student Orientation – Alumni Hall
Group Advising & Registration
Auditions -- Program Admission/Scholarships
9 AM – 5 PM Fine Arts High School Students
Open Registration
Dec 2
Dec 6
Jan 7 & 8
Jan 7
Staff Report
Jan 7
Last day to withdraw & receive full tuition refund
Payment Deadline for Early & Open Regist 4:00 PM
Jan 10
Spring 2011 Classes Begin
Jan 10 – 11
Late Registration
Jan 10-13
Drop / Add
Jan 13
Last day to receive a refund for reduction of
hours Pymt DL for Late Registration &
Drop/Add 4:00 PM
DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs