available in that suite a substantial number of hours each WheelerNotes


December 04, 2012


Thank you Professor Brenda Rutherford!!!: As announced previously, a search committee led by Ed

Whitelock joined by Beike Jia , Sheryl O’Sullivan , Jeff

Rogers , and Beverly Eskridge is vigorously at work seeking to recruit a new Director of the Library. However, despite their efforts, we will not fill the position before

Professor Nancy Anderson leaves her post. We are pleased to report that Brenda Rutherford has agreed to serve as Interim Director of the Library while the search committee members wrap up their work. Thank you in advance not only to Brenda but to the rest of her committed team as they continue to provide quality services in the days ahead.

Transitions: Early in January, 2013 Dr. Burns will be putting together a team to search for the next Vice

President of Academic Affairs at Gordon State College - with the goal of having this person in place on July 1,

2013. In early January we will also begin the process of putting together the School of Arts and Sciences. More specifically,

By January 15 we will designate an Interim Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences

By March 15 we will announce leadership for each of the departments in the School of Arts and


New Resource for Faculty: Our growing new Center for

Excellence in Teaching and Learning is acquiring a geographical home. As one enters Smith Hall through the front entrance and then turns left, the last suite on the right

(Suite 112) contains the offices where Dr. Caesar

Perkowski (Coordinator of Distance Education) and Dr.

Elizabeth Watts-Warren (Coordinator of Teaching and

Learning) will hang their hats and coats. Dr. Perkowski has already moved to Smith 112B and Dr. Watts-Warren will join in 112C by January 1. In addition, Autumn

Schaffer , our educational technology guru, will be

Vol. V. No. 5 available in that suite a substantial number of hours each week this Spring. We hope that this placement will permit serendipitous interactions that will result in good things for

Gordon State College faculty and students. [Note from

Mike Mahan: You can seek assistance from any of the friendly citizens of Smith Hall to find Suite 112]


Construction Updates : Mr. Fruitticher has announced that the renovation of 234A-B in the Student Center for the purpose of creating a testing center should be finished by the time we return in January. The expansion of the cafeteria is expected to be completed in early

February. You may know that the planned Student

Activity and Wellness Center is expected to be completed by fall 2014. The building will be funded by a special student fee of $139, approved by the Student Government

Association and the Board of Regents, and the Center will be located next to the Alumni Memorial Gym.


Dr. Amanda Duffus has performed a peer review for

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. She has also had a manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of

Wildlife Diseases that was co-authored by a GSC student.

Duffus, ALJ and AM Andrews. “

Phylogenetic analysis of a Frog Virus 3-like ranavirus found at a site with recurrent mortality and morbidity events in southeastern

Ontario, Canada: Partial Major Capsid Protein Sequence alone is not sufficient for fine scale differentiation.”

Dr. Jennifer Gardner attended the Georgia Veterinary

Medical Association Conference in Atlanta at the beginning of November. She spent three days focusing on advancements in endocrinology and gastroenterology.

Dr. Lewis Fang:

 gave a presentation entitled "A Tier-III Intervention for Elementary Mathematics Word Problems

DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs

Vol. V. No. 3

Solving" to the 111th Annual Convention of the

School Science and Mathematics Association

(SSMA) from 8th to 11th in November in

Birmingham AL.

 was invited by the Journal of Mathematics Education

Board, to serve as an assistant editor (special) starting from 2013.

Dr. Cathy Lee , Southeastern Chapter President of KWiSE

(Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering) will be hosting the Second Biannual Southeastern KWiSE

Conference at Courtyard Atlanta Hotel in Duluth, GA on

Dec 8, 2012. The program contains research presentations by faculty members from Emory, Georgia Tech and the

University of Georgia, along with professional networking opportunities between faculty members, graduate students, and post-doctorates.


The School of Nursing and Health Sciences will be well represented at the annual Georgia Association of Nursing

Education (GANE) conference taking place February 22 nd


23 rd

2013. Six nursing faculty will present their research interest areas via podium presentations as follows:


Simulation: A Day In

The Life Of a

Pediatric Nurse

Is the Invisible

Minority Still

Invisible In Your



Nursing Education:

Review Of Common


Clinical Simulation:

Assessing The Acute

Psychiatric Client


Samantha Bishop &

Patricia Stewart

Faith Garrett

Sarah Handwerker

Margaret McIllwain and Laura Patton

This is a proud moment for Gordon State College and our nursing faculty. Over sixty abstracts from around the state were submitted to present at this particular conference and every proposal from Gordon State College was selected for podium presentation. This is quite an honor, and congratulations are in order for such an intelligent, dedicated, and forward thinking faculty. Kudos to all of you!

DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs


SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) is now ENACTUS

(Entrepreneurial Action by University Students) and has been reinstated on the Gordon State Campus after an outstanding presentation to SGA on November 5 by Vice

President Chelsey LaVelle, Secretary Sharri-Ann

Solomon, and Treasurer Adam Davies along with Emmitt

Pharr and Dylan Cooper. (President Sheila Kern, as a member of the Student Senate, was unable to present.) Watch as our community outreach projects develop next semester and carry us toward regional

ENACTUS competition in 2013-14! [Special thanks to

Dr. Alan Burstein for serving as advisor to ENACTUS]


Dr. Sheryl O’Sullivan

 has had another presentation selected for an international conference. Dr. O’Sullivan will be presenting in Greece this summer.

 has had a chapter published “And a Little Child Shall

Lead Them: Faith Integration and a Course in

Children’s Literature” in

Faith Integration and

Schools of Education.

Dr. Pamela Bell has had a paper accepted for presentation at the National Science Teachers Association meeting in

San Antonio, TX in April of 2013.

Gordon State College will be participating in a pilot study to evaluate teacher performance as part of the “Race to the

Top” (RT3) program from the Georgia Department of

Education. Members of the Department of Education for

Georgia will be here for a day-long seminar on the 4 th


January to train the faculty on the new evaluation system established by Georgia’s Race to the Top funding program.

Beverly Wolf will teach 2 sections of Rock Climbing in the spring at the Gordon State College Ropes Course.

According to our research, Gordon State College will be the first college in Georgia to offer a Rock Climbing course for PE activity credit. Many colleges in North

Carolina offer the class and some colleges in Georgia have rock-climbing as an activity, but not a course.

Dr. Michael Mahan will chair the PSC accreditation visit to Southern Polytechnic State University in January for

Teacher Certification at that school.


Dr. Darren Broome’s

article “-Ra Form of Spanish

Verbs” was published in the fall 2012 issue of


Foreign Language Journal .

Dr. LaRonda Sanders-Senu published a book review of

Carol Magee’s

Africa in the American Imagination:

Popular Culture, Radicalized Identities, and Visual

Culture in Studies in Popular Culture , volume 35, issue

1. She also gave a paper at the Midwest Modern Language

Association Conference in Cincinnati, OH, on November

10, 2012, entitled “

Erasure and the Myth of Post racial


Jan 4

Jan 4

Jan 7

Dec 4-7

Dec 17 thru

Jan 1, 2013

Jan 2

Final Exams

Dates & Deadlines

College Closed

Faculty and Staff Report

Jan 3 NSO – Alumni Memorial Hall

Group Advising and Registration

Open Registration

Pymt Deadline - Early & Open Registration 4:00 pm

Classes begin

DEANotes is a quasi-monthly publication of Academic Affairs
