How to Edit and Post Videos (already existing) on Youtube

How to Edit and Post Videos (already existing) on Youtube
Click on the following subtitles to view instructions:
• Creating a Youtube Account
• Uploading Videos
• Basic/Advanced Settings
• Video Manager
• Analytics
• Enhancements
• Annotations
• Audio
• Captions
Click on the Youtube Symbol on the bottom of the page to navigate back to table
of contents
Creating an account
1. After navigating to Youtube, you will need to sign in (or create an account).
2. After signing in, choose “upload” in the top right corner of the page.
Uploading Videos
1. Choose if you would like the video to be public (anyone can locate on youtube), unlisted (users can’t
see on your profile and will need the specific link), or private (you must add users to be able to see
the video and they must login with their account to view it). Read more about the differences
between private and unlisted videos here.
2. Choose “select files to upload” if the video is saved on your computer, flashdrive, etc. You will then be
able to browse for it. Read more about the types of files supported by Youtube as well as ways to
covert clips to other formats.
3. The video will begin to process and upload (depending on the length of the video). If your video is longer than 15
mins, you may receive a notice that it cannot be uploaded. To upload a longer video, you will have to request and
verify your account via a voicemail or text message. Click here for instruction on how to request longer video
4. As the video processes, provide information under the “Basic Info” section, including the name of the video and a
description. You can “tag” other topics, subjects, or schools (ie- Gordon State College) if you choose. You can also
create a new playlist and add it to one (to group your videos per chapter, per class, per course, etc.). Notice the URL
where your video will be located when it goes live (You must click “done” to confirm and publish the video.) **See
step 5 before selecting “done”.
5. Select “Advanced Settings” tab while or after the video has uploaded. You may choose to disable comments on
videos or approve the comments before they post (highly encouraged). Select license and rights (probably “standard
Youtube License) as well as caption certification (probably the 5th setting: This content does not consist of fulllength…). You may want to allow embedding (so you can put it on webpages/wiki pages, etc.) Select the category
(probably education). You can choose to provide video location (ie- Barnesville, Ga) as well as recording date. You
may choose to allow video statistics to be visible to others (or uncheck to see them privately). When finished with
setting, choose “Done”.
6. The URL location of video will be displayed again. To further edit settings, or to edit other videos already uploaded
to youtube, choose “Video Manager”.
Video Manager
View Analytics
1. Choose “Edit” to further editing the video. On the right side you can see if the video is unlisted, private, or public.
You can also view analytics of views, likes/dislikes , comments (if enabled)
Analytics will provide an overview of how many individuals have watched the video,
for how long, how many have comments, shared, etc.
2. Within the Video Manager, by choosing “Edit,” you can download the
video as a mp4 or delete the video from youtube (at the bottom of the
list). There are also settings to allow you to further edit the video.
-Info and Settings: Allows one to edit the basic and advanced settings
(as shown here on page 4 and 5 of this document).
-Enhancements: Allows for the editing of the lighting, contrast, and
speed of the video (slow motion). It also allows for trimming or cutting of
the video clips. The “Filters” tab also allows for changes to the
theme/overall look of the video (ie- black and white, sepia, etc.)
-Annotations: Add speech bubbles, text, spotlights, etc. to the video within youtube. (Read more about basic
annotations here.) (Read about advanced annotations).
Under “add annotation,”
choose the type of annotation.
For example, with a speech
bubble, one can provide text as
well as change the color and
size. One can determine when
it will appear on the screen as
well as provide a website link
within the speech bubble that
links outside of the video when
-Audio: One can select from a variety of audio to be added into parts of the video (not suggested during parts with
voice-over). One can also search for songs/artists to select.
After selecting the audio to
be used, one can “position
audio” and move the clip to
where it should be located
within the video (ie- only
during certain parts.)
-Captions (Subtitles and CC): Add captions to videos in 3 different ways:
*Upload a file (with pre-set times for them to appear on the screen) (Click here to view acceptable file formats)
*Transcribe and set timings (Type or paste in the script of the video and youtube will set the appropriate timing. You
can then edit the timing and script after it has loaded. NOTE: The syncing is not perfect, so you will probably need to
*Create new subtitles or CC (Listen to the video and type the script within the textboxes, adding as you go. NOTE:
This is very time consuming.)
Transcribe and set timings (left) or Create new
subtitles or CC (below)