PLEASE NOTE this is a sample reading list for the... – precise seminar content may change from year to year.

PLEASE NOTE this is a sample reading list for the 2014-15 academic year
– precise seminar content may change from year to year.
Week 1. The Philosophical Picture of Self-Knowledge
Brie Gertler ‘Self-Knowledge’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available here:
Richard Moran Authority and Estrangement (Princeton University Press 2001), chapter 1.
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press 2014) chapters 1 and 4.
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge (Oxford Bibliographies Online). Available here
Week 2. The Specialness of Self-Knowledge
Brie Gertler ‘Introduction: Philosophical Issues about Self-Knowledge’, in Brie Gertler
(ed.) Privileged Access: Philosophical Acounts of Self-Knowledge(Ashgate 2003).
William Alston ‘Varieties of Privileged Access’, American Philosophical Quarterly 1971.
Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind (Penguin 2000), chapter VI.
Donald Davidson Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective (Oxford University Press 2001),
chapter 1and the first three pages of chapter 2.
Crispin Wright ‘Self-Knowledge: The Wittgensteinian Legacy’, in C. Wright, B. Smith and C.
MacDonald (eds.) Knowing Our Own Minds
Paul Snowdon ‘How to Think about Phenomenal Self-Knowledge’, in Annalisa Coliva (ed.) The
Self and Self-Knowledge (Oxford University Press 2012).
Week 3. Inferentialism and the Asymmetry
Paul Boghossian Content and Justification (Oxford University Press 2008), chapter 6. Available
Richard Moran, Authority and Estrangement, chapter 1
Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind (Penguin 2000), chapter VI.
Darryl Bem ‘Self-Perception Theory’, in L. Berkowitz (ed.), Advances in Experimental Social
Psychology (Academic Press Inc.). Available here:
Krista Lawlor ‘Knowing What One Wants’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2009.
Available here:
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press 2014), chapters 11 and
Week 4. Substantial Self-Knowledge
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press 2014), chapters 3 and
Eric Schwitzgebel ‘Self-Ignorance’, in J. Liu and J. Perry (eds.), Consciousness and the Self:
New Essays (Cambridge University Press, 2012). Available here:
Aaron James Assholes: A Theory (Nicholas Brealey, 2012), chapter 1.
Week 5. Self-Ignorance
Eric Schwitzgebel ‘Self-Ignorance’, in J. Liu and J. Perry (eds.), Consciousness and the Self:
New Essays (Cambridge University Press 2012). Available here:
Richard Nisbett & Timothy Wilson ‘Telling More Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental
Processes’, Pyschological Review 1977 . Available
Paul Katsafanas ‘Nietzsche on Agency and Self-Ignorance’, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 2012.
Available here:
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press, 2014), chapter 14.
Week 7. Knowing Why
Matthew Boyle ‘ “Making Up Your Mind” and the Activity of Reason’, Philosophers’
Imprint 2011. Available here:;idno=3521354.0011.017
Michael Shermer Why People Believe Weird Things (Souvenir Press 2007), chapters 17 and 18.
Thomas Gilovich How We Know What Isn't So, part one.
Daniel Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow, parts 1 and 2.
Quassim Cassam ‘Intellectual Character and Self-Ignorance’ (draft, do not circulate without
Week 8. Character and Self-Knowledge
Heather Battaly ‘Virtue Epistemology’, Philosophy Compass 2008 and reprinted in J. Greco & J.
Turri (eds.) Virtue Epistemology.
Lee Ross & Richard Nisbett, The Person and the Situation, chapters 1 and 2.
Gilbert Harman 'Moral Philosophy Meets Social Psychology: Virtue Ethics and the Fundamental
Attribution Error', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1999.
John Doris Lack of Character (Cambridge University Press, 2002), chapters 1 and 2.
Mark Alfano ‘Expanding the Situationist Challenge to Responsibilist Virtue
Epistemology’, Philosophical Quarterly 2012.
Quassim Cassam ‘Vice Epistemology’ (draft, do not circulate without permission).
Week 9. The Value of Self-Knowledge
Simon Feldman & Allan Hazlett ‘Authenticity and Self-Knowledge’, Dialectica 2013. Available
Timothy Wilson & Elizabeth Dunn, E. ‘Self-Knowledge: Its Limits, Value, and Potential for
Improvement’, Annual Review of Psychology 2004. Available here:
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press 2014), chapter 15.
Quassim Cassam 'Self-Knowledge: What Is It Good For?', forthcoming magazine article for
Conde Nast (do not circulate).
Rebecca Schlegel et al. ‘Feeling Like You Know Who You Are: Perceived True Self-Knowledge
and Meaning in Life’, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2011. Available here:
Week 10. Love’s Knowledge
Martha Nussbaum Love’s Knowledge (Oxford University Press 1990), chapter 11.
Quassim Cassam Self-Knowledge for Humans (Oxford University Press 2014), chapter 13.