FYS Goals and Learning Outcomes

FYS Goals and Learning Outcomes
1. Promote development of knowledge and habits contributing to academic persistence and success.
 Acquire understanding of university expectations, policies and procedures
 Identify effective methods to organize work and manage time
 Identify and apply academic strategies appropriate for a range of academic disciplines
 Demonstrate familiarization with the UNCW campus including university support services,
resources and curricular and co-curricular opportunities
 Exhibit the ability to work effectively within a group toward a common goal
 Become familiar with literature on non-cognitive skills relative to academic success
Encourage an appreciation for the value of human differences and diverse ideas
 Advance self-knowledge through individual assessment tools, class discussion, participation in
new experiences
 Demonstrate an awareness of and wiliness to consider a wide range of ideas, attitudes,
perspectives and behaviors with respect to cultural, racial, ethnic, and global diversity
 Articulate the basic components of critical thinking
 Demonstrate the ability to examine issues from multiple perspectives
3. Develop fundamental Information Literacy skills
 Demonstrate the ability to differentiate popular and scholarly resources
 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the credibility and appropriate use of various types of
 Use library resources to answer a research question
 Show a general awareness of APA and MLA styles
4. Explore education, career, and life-long learning goals
 Advance awareness of personal interests, strengths and values with respect to learning and
 Move toward crystallization of major and possible careers
 Identify the skills most often sought by employers
 Explore co-curricular involvements related to personal and career goals
 Create a foundational resume