ForestSaence, Vol 37, No 4, pp 973-986 Soils, Seed-Zone Maps, and Physiography: Guidelines for Seed Transfer of Douglas-Fir in Southwestern Oregon ROBERT K. CAMPBELL ABsTRACT. One procedure for guiding seed transfer is to partition the species habitat into zones within which there is little genetic variation from location to location. This report corn­ pares soil types and the existing regional seed zones as bases for classifying geographic genetic variation into zones. The data used were genotypic values of 135 Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) trees from 80 locations in a 15,000 krn2 area in southwestern Oregon. Genotypic values were estimated by measuring traits expressing phenology and growth potential of 2-year seedlings in a common-garden experiment. Neither the soils model nor the seed-zones model satisfactorily classified geographic genetic variation (significant lack of fit). When physiographic variables (latitude, longi­ tude, elevation, etc.) were added to the models, the added variables accounted for 16% to 23% of the total variation among locations. Gradients of genetic variation therefore exist within soil types and present seed zones. These gradients reflect the overall gradients of geographic variation with latitude, longitude, and elevation that occur in the region. The results suggest that zones constructed from a physiographic model may explain more of the genetic variation in southwestern Oregon than do either soils or seed-zones models. FoR. Sci. 37(4):973-986. ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS. Pseudotsuga numziesii, adaptation, ecogeographic center­ genetic variation, geneology. o T DELIMIT SEED ZONES, a region is sometimes mapped into compartments of homogeneous environments as indicated by geographic genetic variation in an indigenous species (Eneroth 1926, Langlet 1945). Geographic vari­ ation of Douglas-fir in southwestern Oregon (Hermann and Lavender 1968, White 1981, Sorensen 1983, Campbell 1986) reflects the topographic and ecological complexity of the region (Franklin and Dymess 1973). A map of Douglas-fir variation therefore would be intricate, perhaps as complex as a soils map of the region. This and other reasons suggest a possible association of Douglas-fir ge­ notypes with soils. If the association is strong enough, a soils map might be a helpful and inexpensive alternative to other procedures for classifying genetic variation into zones. In this paper, soil types and the existing regional seed zones [Oregon (Tree Seed Zones) 1966] are compared for this purpose. A good model for delimiting seed zones should account for geographic variation with no evidence for lack of fit to the modeL Lack of fit to soil and seed-zone models is tested herein by comparison with "pure error" obtained by repeat sampling of genotypes at some locations. It was evaluated further by examining the effect of adding phys­ iographic indexes of environment (latitude, elevation, etc.) to the models. SEPTEMBER 1991/ 973 Soils and tree populations might be expected to have similar geographic pat­ terns. Environment drives the evolution of soils Oenny 1941) in a manner anal­ ogous to its function in the evolution of geographic variation in long-lived plants. Furthermore, tree populations may have evolved to reflect soil properties; such evolution has occurred in shorter lived plants (Snaydon 1971, Hamrick and Allard 1975). Tree genotypes respond to various soil properties in a manner suggesting specific adaptations; for example, to acidity (Teich and Holst 1974), aridity (van Buijtenen 1978), soil chemistry Oenkinson 1974), soil nutrients (van den Dries­ sche 1974, Jahromi et a!. 1976, Bell et a!. 1979, Turner 1979, Maliondo and Krause 1985, Wayancha and Morgenstern 1987a), and to identical additions of nutrients to different soils (Wayancha and Morgenstern 1987b). The degree of adaptation of trees to soils is difficult to anticipate; the correlation of soil type and geographic variation in conifers has not been studied, except for associations involving contrasts in disparate soil types (Millar 1989) or in soil parent materials, namely, ultramafic vs. granitic Oenkinson 1974), and limestone vs. nonlimestone (Teich and Holst 1974). Other plants growing in contrasting soils can diverge genetically in remarkably few generations (Snaydon and Davies 1982), and the divergence can occur on a microgeographic scale (Allard et al. 1972). Seed transfer in Oregon has been guided for 2 decades by a seed-zone map prepared by the Western Forest Tree Seed Council [Oregon (Tree Seed Zones) 1966]. The map partitions forest regions into areas ostensibly homogeneous in physiography and forest type. Several local committees of forest and research officers established the zone boundaries by consensus. Without having informa­ tion on genetic variation, they based their decisions partly on the phenotypic characteristics of local forests. Zones were intended to reflect geographically related adaptive variation, but whether geographic variation is classified, in fact, by the seed zones has not been studied. The physiographic model used in this paper comes from a previous analysis of genetic variation in southwestern Oregon (Campbell 1986). The model describes geographic variation among sampled populations in the region with no evidence of lack of fit. It therefore was useful as a guide for seed transfer but had a disad­ vantage in that practical seed zones could not easily be constructed from it. A model based on soils or on the existing zones would be preferable in this respect. In this paper, soils and seed-zone models are compared by using the data analyzed previously in the physiographic model; therefore, many details of experimental and analytical procedures and results have been reported (Campbell 1986) and are not repeated here. PROCEDURES Comparisons among models are based on estimated genotypic values in a previous study (Campbell 1986). The procedure for estimating values included five steps: (1) obtaining seed from 135 Douglas-fir trees at 80 locations sampling southwest­ em Oregon, (2) growing progeny of these trees in common gardens to estimate family mean performance for several traits, (3) estimating components of variance (and covariance) associated with parent-tree location and with trees within loca­ tions for each trait, (4) calculating genetic correlations at the location level among all combinations of traits, and (5) transforming the original set of traits into a smaller set of new variables (PCs-principal components) with an estimated ge­ notypic value (factor score) for each parent for each significant PC. The sample area was roughly square with west and east boundaries 58 and 192 km from the Pacific Ocean. South to north, the area extended 111 km from the northern California border to the parallel at 43° north latitude. Origin of parent trees was described by seven location variables: elevation, latitude, distance from the ocean, vertical height of the main slope, vertical distance to the bottom of the slope below the parent tree, slope percent, and minutes of sun exposure on April 3 (Campbell 1986). For this paper, origins of parent trees were further classified by soil series and seed zones. Soil series were taken from soil inventories (deMoulin et a!. 1975, Wert et a!. 1977). The soils in a series are similar in kind, thickness, and arrangement of horizons including their structure, color, texture, and other important character­ istics. In heterogeneous regions, soil series often occur individually in areas too small to delineate separately, so two or more series with a distinctive proportional pattern are mapped collectively as a soil association (deMoulin et a!. 1975). A soil series may occur in more than one association. For this study, a parent tree mapped in a soil association was classified as occurring in the dominant series of the association. Parent trees, chosen without regard to soils, occurred in 27 soil series in numbers very nearly proportional to the areas occupied by the series in the region. Classification of parent trees by seed zone was taken from the standard seed zone map [Oregon (Tree Seed Zones) 1966]. Zones were further subdivided into elevation bands of 305 m (1000 ft) width, the width of bands in present breeding zones. Parent trees were represented in 21 subzones (elevation band within seed zone). To estimate the additive portion of parent-tree genotypes, the offspring result­ ing from wind pollination (families) were planted as newly germinated seed in two nursery beds. Each family was represented by a 5-seedling row plot in each of 4 replications in a bed (20 seedlings). In one nursery bed, air and soil temperatures were increased to provide warm temperatures in early spring and late fall. Heating cables were buried at 15-cm depth and spacing. A polyethylene tent over the bed created warm air by the greenhouse effect. Temperatures in heated and unheated beds differed depending on radiation and time of day and year but ranged from ooc to 10°C in both soil and air. Traits expressing timing of the vegetative cycle and growth potential (bud burst and bud set, second flushing, height, and diameter) were measured for two growing seasons in the two beds. Seedling responses were evaluated as separate traits in the two beds and growing seasons because genotypes may be expressed somewhat differently in the diverse environments of beds and years. Each of the resulting 13 traits exhibited statistically significant genetic variation among parent trees of different origin (Campbell 1986). Because two parent trees were chosen in 55 of the 80 locations, two sets of genetic correlations could be estimated. The 13 x 13 matrix of correlations at the family level summarizes the genetic variation and covariation (in 13 traits) among trees within locations. The matrix at the location level represents the remaining genetic variation after subtraction of error and of genetic effects specific to trees within locations. The location matrix therefore summarizes the genetic attributes associated with geography; it was used as data for principal component analysis. All subsequent references to variation in factor scores, whether among locations SEPTEMBER 1991/ 975 or within locations (i.e., pure error), apply to factor scores calculated from eigen­ vectors of the location matrix. The analysis reduced the complexity of the highly correlated system of growth and vegetative-cycle traits by extracting two prin­ cipal components, which explained 96% of the variation (in all traits) attributable to parent location (Campbell 1986). The two factor scores for a parent tree (one score for each principal component) estimated the genotypic value of the tree. The first component (PC-1) expressed mainly growth vigor; the second (PC-2) expressed aspects of growth timing not correlated with seedling size. The smaller the factor score for PC-1, the earlier the bud set and the smaller the seedling. Also, the smaller the factor score, the fewer the seedlings that added a second flush of height growth and the less the variation in height among seedlings within families. The smaller the factor score in PC-2, the earlier the bud burst and the earlier the component of bud set which was not expressed in the first principal component and therefore is weakly correlated with seedling size (Campbell 1986). The geographic variation in factor scores has been described previously by a physiographic regression model; details are omitted here. The variables in this model were quantitative; e.g., elevation, latitude, distance from the ocean, and other physiographic indexes of environment (Campbell 1986). In this study, vari­ ables were categorical (21 subzones or 27 soil types), and a one-way analysis of variance with random effects was an appropriate statistical procedure. But one objective of this study was to determine if the physiographic model explained variation not explained by subzones or soils, and regression procedures permit the easy combination of categorical and quantitative variables in a single model. Data therefore were analyzed by regression. Comparisons of the three models were based on 15 regression analyses of factor scores for each principal compo­ nent. The first used the physiographic variables of the model selected by Camp­ bell (1986). This set of variables was then included with subzones in an analysis and again with soils in another analysis. Each of the remaining 12 analyses included categorical variables and a single physiographic term: elevation(E) + subzones, latitude(L) + subzones, distance from the ocean(D) + subzones, EL + sub­ zones, ED + subzones, LD + subzones, and a similar set for soils. Analysis of categorical variables in a regression model requires the use of "dummy" indicators (Draper and Smith 1966). Lack of fit to models is estimated by deviations of locations from the regression plane in the physiographic model and by the corre­ sponding terms of variation among locations within subzones or within soils in the other models. The "pure error" used to test lack of fit is estimated by variation among trees within locations. To make clear the connections among models, sum squares as well as mean squares are presented in tables. Null hypotheses were evaluated by testing the additional reduction in sums of squares caused by adding a new variable (or set of variables) to the regression model (Snedecor and Cochran 1967). In models combining physiographic and categorical variables, all variables were "forced" into the combined models, but coefficients were not fixed. Elimination of variables by stepwise procedures was deemed inappropriate in view of the study objectives. RESULTS Several physiographic variables and their interaction terms described the geo­ graphic distribution of parent-tree factor scores in southwestern Oregon (Table 976/ FQRESJSCIENCE 1-from Campbell1986). Coefficients in the resulting regression equations were highly significant and had small standard errors, about 25% as large as coeffi­ cients. As indicated by standardized coefficients, elevation, latitude, and distance from the ocean explained most of the variation (Table 1). The physiographic model seemed to account for geographic variation in PC-1; it explained 68% (R2 0.68) of sums of squares. No evidence existed for lack of fit to the model (Table 2) given the amount of variation among trees at a location (pure error). In comparison, the subzones model explained 61% of sums of squares and the soils model 58% (Table 2); significant lack of fit (Table 2) suggests that neither model adequately classified the variation in factor scores of PC-1 among locations. Adding all variables in the physiographic model to the subzones or soils models added significantly to the explanation of sums of squares (Table 3). On the other hand, adding the categorical variables to the physiographic model did not improve the model. The latter models explained more of variation than the physiographic model alone, but the added amount was not statistically significant for either subzones or soils (Table 3). The size of mean squares for lack of fit in the combined model did not change (Table 3, soils) from that in the physiographical model (Table 2), or it increased enough (Table 3, subzones) to render lack of fit statistically significant. For PC-2, physiographic, subzone, and soil models each accounted for 45% to 48% of sums of squares (Table 2), but a statistically significant lack of fit (Table 2) indicated that subzones and soils models explained only part of the variation among locations. Addition of physiographic variables to subzones and soils im­ proved the models significantly. For subzones the amount of variation explained was increased from 48% to 60%, and for the soils model, from 45% to 60%. In both models, mean squares for lack of fit were decreased substantially and were no longer significant (compare Table 2 and Table 4). The improvements in models obtained by adding physiographic variables in the above analyses indicated gradients in genotypic value that were not accounted for by either subzones or soils. These gradients may be associated with major phys­ iographic variables-elevation, latitude, distance from the ocean-or some com­ bination of these or with factors of local topography, such as slope or aspect. Only the major physiographic variables were examined here by adding each variable individually (or in an interaction term) to the subzones (or soils) model. The contribution of this added variable was tested, and the regression coefficient interpreted. The regression coefficient measured the average or expected change in a tree's genotypic value (factor score) when the physiographic variable in­ creased one unit, given no change in category (subzone or soil series) of the tree's location. The coefficient therefore estimated the trend of change in genotypic value within subzones (or soil series). The trend was conditional on the classifi­ cation used; it was not necessarily consistent from model to model or with overall trends within the region. The genetic gradients existing within subzones and soils models were quite similar from model to model. The trends of gradients within zones can be ascer­ tained from the regression coefficients in Table 5. Within the average subzone or soil series, the farther north a parent's origin, the more vigorous its progeny and the longer the growing season of its progeny; that is, the larger the factor scores for PC-1 (Table 5). Furthermore, the higher the elevation of origin, the smaller = SEPTEMBER 1991/ 977 <.0 -..:1 I ! TABLE 1. Regression analyses of factor scores from principal components (from Campbell 1986). Principal component 1 Variable• E w VE2 DE2 ED PV2 EL D DP CONST Partial coefficient Significance P< ... Principal component 2 Standard coefficient 0.5470£-01 0.002 33.53 0.8847£-01 0.000 39.44 0.6821£-10 0.000 0.46 -0.6983£-08 0.000 -2.786 0.7302£-04 0.000 5.13 -0.5741£-09 0.000 -0.37 -0.1358£-02 0.002 -34.90 -3.9728 0.000 -42.16 0.027 0.51 0.5 19£-04 21.4381 Variable" E ED2 EDT ET DV ED DVP DP CONST Partial coefficient Significance P< . .. Standard coefficient 0.38888£-02 0.000 4.33 0.2973£-06 0.000 4.46 0.2662£-04 0.001 1.44 -0.1832£-02 0.001 -1.48 0.6842£-04 0.000 2.83 - 0.6814£-04 0.000 -8.72 - 0.1032£-06 0.000 -3.07 0.6881£-04 0.000 1.13 2.5275 0.004 0.000 Probability of lack of fit for PC-1 is 0.055; R2 = 0.68. Probability of lack of fit for PC-2 is 0.090; R2 = 0.48. • Where E = elevation in feet (0.3047 m), L = latitude in degrees, D = distance from the ocean in miles (1.609 km), P = sun exposure in minutes exposed to direct sun on April 3, V = vertical height of the major slope in feet (0.0347 m), T = slope in degrees/45, and CONST = constant. TABLE 2. Regression analyses in physiographic, subzones, and soils models of factor scores in the first principal component (PC-1) and the second principal component (PC-2). Model -- Physiographic Source Sum squares d.f. Subzones Mean squares Sum squares d.f. Soils Mean squares d.f. Sum squares Mean squares PC-1 Total Regression Residual 134 446.96 9 304.15 (125) 33.79** 134 446.96 134 446.96 20 273.35 13.67** 26 259.66 9.99** (108) 187.31 1.73 142.81 1.14 ( 1 14) 173.62 1.52 2.12** 53 138.57 0.89 55 48.72 Lack of fit 70 94.08 1.34 59 124.88 Pure error 55 48.73 0.89 55 48.73 R2 = R2 0.681 = 0.612 R2 = 2.61 ** 0.89 0.581 PC-2 Total 134 135.25 8 65.57 8.20** (126) 69.69 0.55 Lack of fit 71 45.05 0.63 Pure error 55 24.63 0.45 Regression Residual U'l t'l t'l ::<:1 ...... 18 ...... ..._ <.0 ....:] <.0 R2 * = 0.05< p > 0.01; ** = = 0.485 p< 0.01. 134 135.25 20 65.42 3.27** 69.83 0.61 59 45.20 0.77** 55 24.63 0.45 (114) R2 = 0.484 134 135.25 26 61.07 2.35** 74.18 0.69 53 49.55 0.93** 55 24.63 0.45 (108) R2 = 0.452 TABLE3. Regression analysis of factor scores of the first principal component (PC-1).a Model Physiographic and subzones Physiographic and soils Source d.f. Sum squares Mean squares d.f. Sum squares Mean squares Total Regression Regression partitioned: (1) Subzone (or soil) contribution Physiographic after above or (2) Physiographic contribution Subzone (or soil) after above Residual Lack of fit Pure error 134 (29) 446.963 321.672 11.09** 134 (35) 446.963 339.304 9.69** 20 9 273.346 48.326 5.37** 26 9 259.656 76.648 8.85** 9 304.153 9 304.153 26 (99) 44 55 R2 35.151 107.659 58.926 48.733 0.760 * = 0.05< p > 0.01; ** 20 (105) 50 55 R2 = = 17.519 125.291 76.558 48.733 0.720 0.88 1.19 1.53* 0.89 = 1.35 1.09 1.34 0.89 p< 0.01. • Test of the significance of the added sums of squares explained by (1) adding variables of the physiographic model to other models or (2) adding variables of the subzones or soils models to the physiographic model. the factor score; or the farther east and north, the greater the decrease in factor scores with increasing elevation (Table 5). In addition, the subzones model inad­ equately accounted for a gradient in factor scores of PC-1 that decreased from west to east and did so more rapidly in the northern part of the region (Table 5) than in the southern. Within a given subzone or soil series, the higher the ele­ vation of the parent's origin, the later the vegetative period of its seedling prog­ eny; that is, the larger the factor scores for PC-2 (Table 5). The farther east and north the parent's origin, the more pronounced was this trend. The trends suggested above for gradients within zones seem to mirror the overall trends within the region as described by the physiographic model (Campbell 1986). Coefficients in Tables 1 and 5 cannot be compared, however, because those in Table 1 depend strongly on other physiographic variables. Co­ efficients therefore were compared from models having all physiographic variables included with subzones or soils. The resulting coefficients for physiographic vari­ ables indicated that trends within categories (combined models) were indeed similar to overall trends (physiographic model alone) with one exception; coeffi­ cients were almost an order of magnitude smaller in the combined soils and physiographic model for the analysis of factor scores of the second principal component (Table 6). Some changes in sign were even included in the difference between this and other models. The physiographic gradients within subzones of this study accounted for 11% of variation in PC-1 among all parent trees in the sample as indicated by the reduc­ 980/FQRESJSCIENffi TABLE 4. Regression analyses of factor scores of the second principal component (PC-2).3 Model Physiographic and subzones Physiographic and soils Source d.f. Sum squares Mean squares d.f. Sum squares Mean squares Total Regression Regression partitioned: (1) Subzone (or soil) contribution Physiographic after above or (2) Physiographic contribution Subzone (or soil) after above Residual Lack of fit Pure error 134 (28) 135.251 80.639 2.88** 134 (34) 135.251 81.433 2.40** 20 8 65.420 15.219 1.90** 26 8 61.068 20.365 2.55** 8 65.565 8 65.565 * = 0.05 < p > 0.01; ** 20 (106) 51 55 R2 = p < = 15.074 54.612 29.980 24.632 0.596 0.75 0.52 0.59 0.45 26 (100) 45 55 R2 = 15.868 53.818 29.186 24.632 0.602 0.61 0.54 0.65 0.45 0.01. • Test of the significance of the added sums of squares explained by (1) adding variables of the physiographic model to the other models or (2) adding variables of the subzones or soils models to the physiographic model. tion in sums of squares assigned to physiographic variables in the subzones model (Table 3, 48/447 0.11). If the physiographic model, by itself, is assumed to have accounted for the variation among all locations, then16% of that variation has occurred along gradients within subzones (Tables 2, 3; 48/304 0.16). For PC-2, 23% of variation among locations occurred on gradients within subzones (Tables 2, 4; 15/66 0. 23). The gradients followed latitude, longitude, and elevation (Table 5) and perhaps other physiographic factors of less importance (Table 6). = = = DISCUSSION The degree of adaptation to soil properties by Douglas-fir is difficult to assess. In any study of association between genotype and habitat, characteristics of both attributes must be estimated, thus introducing error. When habitats are catego­ rized, there are added questions connected with mapping procedures. In this study, for example, were the soil categories mapped relative to all soil properties that are adaptively important for Douglas-fir? How accurately were categories mapped; that is, were all parent trees correctly assigned to categories? In this study, the physiographic model appeared to provide a better index of genotypes than did categories of soils. But soils and genotypes evolve and can be expected SEPTEMBER 1991/ 981 I TABLE 5. Tests of the effect of adding individual physiographic variables to soils or subzones models. Physiographic variable added to subzones model (d.f. = Physiographic variable added to soils model (d.f. 21) PRINCIPAL COMPONENT-I Eb L D EL ED LD PRINCIPAL COMPONENT-2 E L D EL ED LD 27) Physiographic variable Physiographic variable Code• = Code" Regression coefficient Significance p ... Regression sum of squares 284.192 290.834 281.017 283.361 288.871 280.468 Eb L D EL ED LD -0.82E-03 2.93 -0.64E-02 -0.19E-04 -0.96E-05 -0.86E-04 0.05 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.80 299.786 300.681 259.999 299.003 292.322 259.771 74.738 65.606 65.464 75.159 67.919 65.469 E L D EL ED LD 0.54E-03 -0.25E-01 0.71E-02 0.13E-04 0.59E-05 0.21E-03 0.00 0.95 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.44 78.252 61.070 61.490 78.607 73.708 61.486 Regression coefficient Significance p ... Regression sum of squares -O.UE-02 2.47 -0.26E-01 -0.25E-04 -0.95E-05 -0.59E-03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 O.lOE-02 0.25 0.19E-02 0.24E-04 0.38E-05 0.49E-04 0.00 0.58 0.79 0.00 0.04 0.78 Where E = elevation in feet (0.3047 m), L latitude in degrees, D = distance from ocean in miles (1.609 km). b Each line represents a separate regression model in which the physiographic variable was added individually to subzones or soils models as E + soils, L + soils . . LD + soils, etc. a = . . TABLE 6. Regression coefficients of physiographic variables in three models. Principal component 1 U) tzl Variable• Physiographic only Subzones + physiographic Soils + physiographic E LD VE2 DE2 ED PVZ EL D DP CONST 0.55E-01 0.88E-01 0.68E-10 -0.70E-08 0.73E-04 -0.57E-09 -0.14E-02 -3.97 0.57E-04 21.44 0.32E-01 0.55E-01 0. 77E-10 -0.74E-08 0.67E-04 -0.63E-09 -0.81E-03 -2.56 0.58E-04 21.27 0.6lE-01 0.98E-01 0.62E-10 -0.64E-08 0.69E-04 -0.62E-09 -0.15E-02 -4.37 0.51E-04 20.41 $ ...... ..._ ffi Variable" Physiographic only Subzones + physiographic Soils+ physiographic E ED2 EDT ET DV ED DVP DP CONST 0.39E-02 0.30E-06 0.27E-04 -0.18E-02 0.68E-04 -0.68E-04 -O.lOE-06 0.69E-04 2.53 0.32E-02 0.14E-06 0.16E-04 -0.11E-02 0.74E-04 -0.39E-04 -O.llE-06 0.52E-04 1.55 0.51E-03 -0.26E-07 -0.68E-05 0.27E-03 0.27E-04 0.53E-05 -0.43E-07 0.13E-04 5.01 Where E = elevation in feet (0.3047 m), L latitude in degrees, D distance from the ocean in miles (1,609 km), P vertical height of the major slope in feet (0.0347 m), T slope in degrees/45, and CONST to direct sun on April 3, V • = = tzl ::<:1 ...... Principal component 2 = = = = sun exposure in minutes exposed constant. to be correlated with physiographic variables. Are physiographic variables there­ fore potential indexes of adaptively important soil properties and better, perhaps, than the variables presently used in soil classification? Answers to these questions are not available but might explain why 27 categories of soil did not adequately account for the variation among genotypes at 80 locations. Twenty-one subjec­ tively delineated subzones did as well in this respect. Soils, on the other hand, explained more of genetic variation (PC-1 58%, PC-2 45%) than any single physiographic variable. Based on simple correlations of physiographic variables with factor scores, latitude accounted for the largest amount of variation in PC-1 (45%) and elevation for the largest amount in PC-2 (39%). Gradient trends of genetic variation existed within subzones and soils, and the trends reflected mainly the overall genetic gradients within the region. The clas­ sification models apparently cannot account for the steepness of the genetic gra­ dients with latitude, elevation, and distance from the coast, which in turn follow gradients of precipitation and temperature (Campbell 1986). Plant communities are highly responsive to moisture and temperature, especially when these factors are limiting for many species (Franklin and Dyrness 1973), as they are in parts of southwestern Oregon. Categorizing areas by plant community, as well as by soil series, therefore might produce a better regional model than does either model tested here. Plant communities and genetic variation in Douglas-fir are not closely associated, however, in northern Idaho (Rehfeldt 1979) or in central Oregon (Campbell and Franklin 1981). Foresters commonly attempt to minimize the potential maladaptation caused by seed transfer in one of two ways: (1) by constructing guidelines to suggest the risk involved in transfer of a specific seed lot from one site to another, or (2) by constructing zones within which any transfer involves risk less than some accept­ able maximum. The physiographic model serves well for the first purpose in mountainous regions, as in northern Idaho (Rehfeldt 1983) and in southwestern Oregon (Campbell 1986). The physiographic model used here may be better than subzones or soils models for the second purpose too, provided that extrapolation beyond the sample area in southwestern Oregon is not attempted. Gradients that account for a significant fraction of geographic variation exist within present sub­ zones. Zones constructed from a physiographic model therefore may explain more of genetic variation with fewer categories than either the subzones or soils mod­ els. This hypothesis was not tested because the complexity of the present phys­ iographic model makes constructing zones difficult and expensive for Douglas-fir in southwestern Oregon. The hypothesis does not agree with conclusions recently reported by Loopstra and Adams (1989). They found little adaptive differentiation along latitudinal, longitudinal, or elevation gradients within breeding zones. This clear difference in results from the two studies is not readily explained. Both studies sampled the same region. The breeding zones sampled by Loopstra and Adams were, on average, somewhat larger than the subzones sampled in this study, and bound­ aries of the two zone-types only partially coincided. These differences were not large enough to account for the results, though. One possible explanation is the ages at which seedlings were measured: 1 year in the Loopstra-Adams study and 2 years in this study. In common-garden experiments at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis, Sorensen (personal communications) and I have observed that the ratio of variation among locations to variation within locations tends to = 984/ FQRESTSCIENCE = increase with seedling age. This has occurred in Douglas-fir, pine species, and true firs. A 1-year experiment therefore may not provide a representative char­ acterization of variation among locations, perhaps because important adaptive differences first appear in the distribution of predetermined and free growth (Kaya et al. 1989), and predetermined growth does not occur until the second year. Therefore, first-year traits and those from later years may be imperfectly correlated, and weakly correlated traits may follow different gradients with phys­ iographic variables or within zones (compare PC-1 vs. PC- 2, this paper). In true firs, gradient trends were changed remarkably from the first to the third years (Sorensen et al. 1990). 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