Biomass 21 (1990) 11-25 Dry Weight Partitioning Among 36 Open-Pollinated Red Alder Families Donal D. Hook,a Dean S. DeBell,b Alan Agerc & Daniel Johnsonb aClemson University, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 2730 Savannah Highway, Charles­ ton, South Carolina 29414, USA bpacific Northwest Experiment Station, USDA, Forest Service, Olympia, Washington 98502, USA C College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (Received 25 August 1988; revised version received 11 January 1989; accepted 22 March 1989) ABSTRACT Six trees of each of 36 red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) open-pollinated families were harvested from a genetic test plantation in September of the second field season and analyzed for growth and dl)' weight partitioning. Families from elevations greater than 300 m were significantly shorter than from those below 300 m and tended to be in intermediate or suppressed positions in the plantation canopy. Families from the most southerly drainage system, Santiam, were smaller than those from the more northerly drainages. When low elevation families (those from less than 300 m; 24 of the 36 families met this criterion) were analyzed separately, no statistically significant variation was found among the growth traits. In contrast, significant family variation was found in all of the dry weight partitioning traits and relative crown class. Family herita­ bility (h2) values for low elevation families varied from 0·00 to 0'39 for growth traits and from 0·39 to 0·69 for dl)' weight partitioning traits. At this age and stage of plantation development, there seemed to be more variation in dl)' weight partitioning than growth of low elevation red alder families. Family means of the dry partitioning traits varied from as little as 5% to as much as 20% around the population means; hence, it appears that variation in some partitioning traits is large enough to be of practical significance in breeding and tree improvement programs. Key words: leaf area ratio, leaf weight ratio, stem harvest index, woody harvest index, specific leaf area, elevation, drainage system, heritability. Biomass 0 144-4565/90/$03.50 Printed in Great Britain 11 - © 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd, England. 12 D. D. Hook et al. INTRODUCTION Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) grows rapidly during early life, fixes nitrogen symbiotically via actinomycetes in its roots, and grows naturally over a wide range of soil and site conditions. Because of these charac­ teristics, the species has good potential for use in short rotation planta­ tions for bioenergy in the Pacific Northwest. Information concerning opportunities for cultural improvement of alder growth is beginning to accumulate but data on genetic variation and tree improvement are limited.l Two studies of geographic variation have been conducted. One greenhouse study indicated no difference in height growth at 20 weeks among populations collected along a 45 km transect eastward from the central Oregon coast.2 The other study showed considerable variation in height, diameter and several other traits at plantation age 8 years among 10 red alder sources from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Idaho.3 Two studies of variation among open-pollinated families of red alder are underway, and initial results of plantation ages ranging from 3 to 5 years indicate that families vary in growth traits4,5 and in tolerances to soil waterlogging.6 Preliminary research on natural genetic variation of several Oregon and Washington populations of red alder have shown that source and family within source selection could lead to gains in growth rate of 10-40%.4,5 The role of dry weight partitioning in determining the yield of red alder has not been investigated. Many of the gains in yield of agricultural plants during the past 20-40 years have been achieved by addressing specific partitioning traits.7 Yields of modern wheat, soybean, corn and peanut varieties are 40-100% higher than those of earlier origin.s The higher yields are largely due to increasing the yield potential of crops by selecting and breeding for genotypes that are better adapted to fertile environments, high planting densities, and those that maximize the parti­ tioning of photoassimilate into desired products.8,g This study was undertaken to assess variation in some of the plant characteristics that might influence total or 'usable' biomass production per unit area. We measured height, stem and crown diameters, and leaf, branch and stem dry weights of 36 red alder open-pollinated families near the end of the third growing season. The results were used to (1) evaluate family differences by parent elevation and drainage source and (2) evaluate differences among low elevation families on leaf, crown, growth production indices, and their inherent ability to partition carbon into various aboveground plant components. Dry weight partitioning among 36 red alder/amities 13 MATERIALS AND METHODS Establishment of test plantation The materials used in the study were selected from an open-pollinated genetic test plantation established in the winter of 1983 with 1-0 seedlings. The test contained 120 open-pollinated families from 60 seed sources (two families per source) collected from four river drainages (Santiam, Nisqually, Hoh and Nooksack) in western Washington and Oregon. Santiam was the most southerly drainage and Nooksack was the most northerly. The two central drainage systems were the Hoh directly on the coast and the Nisqually inland (about 100-110 kIn) and slightly south of the Hoh. The design was an interlocking block design with five replications, three interlocked blocks per replication, and two non-contiguous seedlings per family in each interlocked block. Distance between seedlings was 0·95 m, giving a density of 11 080 trees per hectare. The site is located on the Western Washington Research and Extension Center Farm of the Washington State University near Puyallup, Washington. It is on a level alluvial terrace along the Puyallup River. The soil is a Pilchuck (Typic Xeropsamment, mixed mesic) fine sandy loam, with a pH of 5'8, and is excessively drained and underlain in places by lenses of coarse gravel. Rainfall averages 100 cm/year, with 24 cm falling between 1 May and 30 September. The frostfree growing season is about 170 days, with a mean growing-season temperature of 16°C. Plantation management involved selective herbicide treatments during the establishment year and irrigation with overhead sprinklers during July and August of 1983 and 1984, adding approximately 12 cm of water per year. Thirty-six red alder families were systematically selected from this larger genetic test plantation to sample for biomass and dry weight parti­ tioning traits.s In selecting the 36 families, sampling was designed to encompass a wide range of performances for each drainage and replica­ tion within elevation within a drainage. Selection was based on performance data at the end of the first field season. Six families were sampled from the most southerly and northerly drainage systems, and 12 families were selected from each of the two central drainage systems. The central drainage systems were sampled more intensively because they were nearest the plantation site and were most likely sites for future selection of red alder for short rotation culture in western Washington. D. D. Hook et al. 14 Sampling coincided with a systematic thinning of the plantation in September 1984 of the second field growing season. For each family, two trees were harvested from each of the three interlocked blocks (i.e. Blocks 1, 2 and 3) for a total of six trees per family. However, trees were obtained from Block 4 when families had a missing tree in Blocks 1, 2 or 3, or when existing trees were atypical (excessively large or small as com­ pared to the population average) because of obvious border or micro­ site effects. Prior to harvest, each tree was rated for crown class in relation to its four nearest neighbors (i.e. 1 dominant; 2 codominant; 3 inter­ mediate; 4 suppressed), and diameter (cm) was measured at 4-6 cm above the soil surface. The trees were cut at the point of diameter measurement and the following data were obtained: crown width in two cardinal directions (free standing), total height, weight of leaves, branches and bole. After obtaining fresh weights, samples of the various components were dried at 105°C until a constant weight was attained to determine moisture content. Leaf area was determined with aLI-COR LI-3100 leaf area meter (LI-COR Lincoln, NE 68504) on approximately 50 fresh leaves, selected randomly from throughout the crown of each tree. = = = = Dry weight partitioning The variables were leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf weight ratio (LW R) as per Hunt 10 and the harvest indices: . Branch harvest mdex . Stem harvest mdex = = . Woody harvest mdex BW W2 - SW W2 - = WW W2 -- where BW branch dry weight, 1984 (g), SW stem dry weight, 1984 (g), W W stem and branch dry weight, 1984 (g), and W2 aboveground dry weight, 1984 (g). = = = = Statistical analyses Because seedlings were sampled unevenly among the four blocks and the trees to be thinned were selected randomly by position, the data were DIY weight partitioning among 36 red alder families 15 treated as random samples from the entire plantation. Consequently, the data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANaVA) to test for family differences, elevation, drainage and to estimate variance com­ ponents for heritability calculations. Although the crown class variables were ordinal values, they were analyzed as interval variables in the ANaVA and correlation analyses. Elevation influences were efaluated by separating the 36 families into six arbitrary elevation classes (0-50, 51-110, 111-200, 201-300, 301-600 and 601-1037 m) with approximately equal number of families per class (Table 1). Drainage influence was evaluated by the four parent drainage systems, and the number of families varied by drainage system according to our initial sample plan. Family variation was tested among all 36 families and among the 24 families that originated at or below 300 m. TABLE 1 Mean Dry Total Weight of Red Alder Families by Elevation Class and Drainage System Class (a) Elevation Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 (b) Drainage Santiam Nisqually Hoh Nooksack Range (m) Approx. latitude 0-50 Number of families 7 51-100 111-200 301-600 1·29a 6 1·22ac 47"N 48°N 49°N 41·2 50'1 49'9 43·0 61·2 0'6Ib 68'9 6 0'66a 72'7 12 l-32b 53'0 6 45°N 1·14ac Coefficient of variation (%) 0'86bc 6 601-1037 1·47a" 6 5 201-300 Mean dlY weight (kg) 12 6 HOb 1·15b 49·1 46·1 "Values in columns with similar letters were not statistically different at the 0·05 level. All of the dry matter partitioning variables (LAR, LWR, etc.) were transformed to natural logarithms and analyzed for deviations from normality. No differences were found between transformed and non­ transformed data, so only non-transformed data are reported herein. Duncan's Multiple Range Test was used to compare family means when significant family effects were found in the ANaVA. 16 D. D. Hooket al. Family heritability estimates were calculated to assess the relative genetic control of measured traits. Heritability of the 24 low elevation families was estimated as follows: h2f- lit lit + (Ve/6) The family variance component (Vf) was obtained from the one-way analysis of variance. Ve was estimated as the error means square in the same analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All families Elevation Elevation had a significant influence on average aboveground dry weights (Table 1 and F ig. 1). Most families from elevations greater than 300 m had only a fraction of the dry weight of families below 300 m and their coefficients of variation were larger than those from lower eleva­ tions. Families from elevations greater than 300 m tended to occupy intermediate and suppressed positions in the plantation canopy and the degree of suppression was most pronounced in families from the Santiam drainage as the elevation increased above 300 m (note Families 4, 5 and 6 in F ig. 1). All growth traits varied by family, drainage, and elevation when all families were included in the analysis (Table 2, (a)). Thus, the elevation relationships found by our sampling scheme were similar to the results that AgerS found for the entire genetic population. In this regard, red alder seems to be similar to other tree species of the Pacific Northwest region. AgerS, in reviewing geographic variation patterns of tree species for the region, found elevation to be consistently important. Campbell I I showed that parent elevation strongly influenced the performance of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) in Oregon. Leaf area ratio and leaf weight ratio were smaller and woody harvest index was higher for families from higher elevations. These responses are probably the result of the higher elevation families being more suppressed within the plantation canopy. Suppression within the canopy reduces relative leaf area without a concomitant proportional reduction in relative woody dry weight because much of the latter was produced prior to suppression. Consequently, suppressed trees tend to give a mis­ leading low leaf area ratio and high woody to total dry weight ratio. Fig. 1. C:::J I£of .. Q .. .. • 400 6 ] R 20 a Ull 5 43630 151718 3 600 800 1000- 1200 1400 1600 1800 • .. • .. 0 •• • • • .. .. .. ..... .. • .. • .. Elevation 11 1 Family Number 13 141612 3433 2 422 102 711 7 2 2 8 352332 9 29 8 31252 6 19212 0 • .. .. • o o 100 200 300 a.. u 500 jjj .... 400 600 700 .2 .... It: E BOO'""-' 900 ....... 1000 1100 largest based on stem dry weight. Average component dry weight per tree and parent elevation for 36 red alder families. Families were ordered from smallest to .2. c .... o c:- :i: 0> "ii ....... 0> '""-' .. StIlm 2000l 1SS!1 Sronch 2200 ---..) - . i:i: '" ;;S :::,. :;:, e . : "<:::I :;:, ::::;. o<i' tJ 1-68 0-47 0-38-0-55 0-74-0-86 Stem harvest index(gig) 0-21 0-79 10-2(m2/g) Woody harvest index(gig) x Leaf weight ratio(gig) Leaf area ratio 0-32 0-12-0-15 0-53-4-74 Branch harvest index(gig) 0-28 0-13 3-06 1-01-2-14 0-24-1-83 1-00-3-67 2-28-4-66 2-52-4-89 Range 0-17-0-36 0-17-0-25 0-27-0-41 Specific leaf area x 10-1 (m2/g) Dry weight partitioning Total leaf area (m2) 2-14 Crown diameter (m) Relative crown class 1-11 4-07 3-77 Mean Total dry weight(kg) Diameter(cm) Height(m) Growth (a) All families Trait TABLE 2 5 14 20 21 21 12 59 27 44 56 24 21 Coefficient of variation Heritabilitya 0-00 0-00 0-01 0-00 0-01 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 Family 0-03 0-23 0-06 0-03 0-00 0-20 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 Drainage 0-00 0-95 0-08 0-00 0-00 0-79 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 0-00 Elevation Probability of significant difference Selected Growth and Dry Weight Partitioning Traits for 36 Red Alder Families ..... ??- 0 ?;('D ...... 00 10-2(m2jg) 0-12-0-15 0-18-0-25 0-37-0-53 0-74-0-82 0-27-0-41 0-63 0-68 5 14 0-52 0-63 0-69 0-39 0-08 0-28 0-39 0-00 0-02 0-23 19 17 11 20 47 22 40 46 19 15 0-00 0-00 0-01 0-00 0-00 0-04 0-37 0-13 0-66 0-04 0-82 0-18 0-20 0-27 0-77 0-01 0-00 0-15 0-18 0-01 0-07 0-07 0-13 7 hi = (Ve/6 VI VI + where Vf is the family variance from the one-way ANOVA and V e is the within family variance from the one-way ANOVA_ For low elevation families: aHeritabilities are not included for 'all families' because elevation influences were not taken out by the one-way ANOVA. 0-46 0-78 Stem harvest index(gjg) Woody harvest index(gjg) 0-22 0-32 0-23-0-36 0-13 0-29 B ranch harvest index(gjg) Leaf weight ratio (gjg) x Specific leaf area x 10-1 (m2jg) Leaf area ratio 1-50-2-13 2-29-4-74 3-67 1-81 Dry weight partitioning 0-94-1-83 1-00-2-67 1-87 C rown diameter(m) Total leaf area (m2) Relative crown class 1-30 3-95-4-68 3-77-4-80 4-03 4-35 Total dry weight(kg) Diameter(cm) Height(m) Growth (b) Low elevation families(300 m or less) i} \0 >- 2- ...., s::,.. s::, a ::: s::, ::: g: . :::t '2 ciQ- t:I 20 D. D. Hook et al. Drainage system Families from the Santiam drainage had much smaller aboveground dry weights than those from the other three drainages and larger coefficients of variation about the family mean (Table 1). Not all dry weight partition­ ing traits varied with drainage as did growth traits (Table 2). Woody harvest index was highest, leaf area ratio was lowest, and specific leaf area was highest (thinner leaves) for the Santiam families as compared to the two most northerly drainages (Hoh and Nooksack). The Santiam families had the highest relative crown class i.e. they were more suppressed within the plantation canopy than families from the Hoh and Nooksack drainages. Low elevation families (at or below 300 m) Families from elevations higher than 300 m tended to peliorm poorer, to have higher coefficients of variations about family means than those from low elevations, and to give somewhat false indications of genetic variation of some traits (Table 1 and F ig. 1). Thus, the 300 m elevation was chosen as a criterion to segregate families that did not perform well at the low elevation plantation site. By separating the high elevation sources, it allowed us to focus on the genetic variation of the low eleva­ tion families, those that are apt to have the greatest practical use in bioenergy plantations west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon. Growth and size The only growth or size trait to vary by drainage or family for the low elevation families was the ordinal value, relative crown clas (Table 2, (b)). Families from the Santiam were more suppressed than families from the Hoh and Nooksack drainages and families from the Nisqually were more suppressed than those from the Hoh drainage. In contrast, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio varied by drainage and the dry weight parti­ tioning traits varied among the low elevation families (Table 2, (b)). The specific leaf area of families from the Nisqually and Santiam drainages were larger (thinner leaves) than from families of the Hoh and Nooksack drainages. Family means for specific leaf area varied by as much as 11% around the population mean. Specific leaf area was negatively correlated with stem dry weight and volume index (DH) and positively with leaf area ratio and relative crown class (Table 3). These correlations suggest that in addition to drainage influences, specific leaf area of red alder seems to be associated with leafiness, degree of suppression within the canopy, and two growth traits. 0-14 0-56 0-79 D 0-91 0-01 0-60 0-66 DH 0-47 0-25 -0-35 -0-86 -0-55 -0-31 -0-27 0-22 0-32 0-18 0-15 0-27 0-00 -0-06 LAR -0-21 0-01 0-07 HIw -0-11 0-85 0-66 -0-58 -0-23 -0-53 HIs -0-06 0-65 0-49 H 0-49 -0-26 -0-27 -0-63 -0-67 -0-62 -0-08 -0-45 -0-48 RCC 0-54 -0-75 -0-42 _ -0-24 0-67 -0-39 -0-23 -0-42 -0-39 0-19 -0-02 -0-05 SLA 0-23 -0-35 0-33 0-90 0-94 0-80 0-00 0-62 0-55 SDW 0-27 0-89 -0-68 -0-14 0-04 -0-12 0-79 0-91 0-89 0-28 0-76 0-85 TDW 0-81 0-13 0-58 -0-35 0-43 -0-46 -0-47 0-50 0-58 0-65 0-46 0-71 0-74 TLA 0-73 0-99 -0-30 0-92 -0-70 -0-26 0-18 -0-04 0-82 0-93 0-90 -0-08 0-84 0-75 W DW total aboveground dry weight; TLA, total leaf area; W DW, woody dry weight_ b Coefficients must exceed 0-40 to be significant at the 0-05 level. index = (BDW+ SDW )/TDW; LAR, leaf area ratio; R C C , relative crown class; SDW, stem dry weight; SLA, specific leaf area; TDW, cm aboveground level; DH, diameter squared times height; H, total height; HIs, stem harvest index = (SDW/TDW); HIw, woody harvest aTrait abbreviations: BDW, branch dry weight; CD, crown diameter; CD/H, crown diameter divided by total height; D, diameter at 5-6 W DW TLA TDW SLA SDW RCC LAR HIw HIs H DH D CD/H 0-72 0-49 0-71 b BDW CD CD/H CD BDwa TABLE 3 Correlation Matrix of Selected Traits for 24 Low Elevation Red Alder Families . . N ..... :;:, - C) 3! :;:, 0::: "'=l :;:, oti- tl D. D. Hook et al. 22 The Nisqually drainage had a significantly higher leaf area ratio than the coastal Hoh drainage. W hy this occurred is not readily apparent; the Hoh drainage is directly on the Washington coast and the Nisqually is inland about 100-110 km and slightly south of the Hoh latitude.s Subtle differences between the coastal and inland environment may have con­ tributed to such differences or it may have been due to random variation. Dry weight partitioning Family means for leaf area ratio varied around the population mean by as much as 20% (Table 2, (b)). Leaf area ratio was negatively correlated with woody harvest index (r 0'86, Table 3) and it also had the highest family heritability value of any trait (h 2 0'69, Table 2, (b)). Therefore, leaf area ratio seems to be a very important trait to consider in improving the biomass yields of red alder. Leaf weight ratio also varied among families. It measured about the same attributes as leaf area ratio but did not seem to be as sensitive a measure of family differences as leaf area ratio (Table 2, (b)). Of the three harvest indices measured, i.e. branch, stem and woody harvest indices, the latter is most closely related to usable biomass. Woody harvest index varied significantly among low elevation families but family means varied by a maximum of 5% around the population mean. Its heritability value in this small sample was fairly large (h2 0'63); thus, it seems that small gains in woody biomass might be achieved by considering this trait in improvement efforts. Although branch and stem harvest indices may seem less important than the woody harvest index, a close scrutiny of their implications indi­ cates that considerable attention should also be paid to these traits. For instance, branch harvest index averaged 0'32 for the low elevation popu­ lation but families varied around this mean by as much as 19% and its heritability was fairly high (h2 0'52). Consider family 27 in F ig. 1; although it has an above average woody harvest index, the branch com­ ponent made up 41% of the aboveground biomass. It obviously is not the best choice for maximum total energy output because of its high branch component. Although its biomass yield appears to be high, it would be more cumbersome to harvest, store and process. Therefore, selection should favor families with high woody harvest indices in which the stem makes up the largest possible component of the biomass. Families with such indices would. appear to require less energy to harvest and process. Families 26 and 34 in F ig. 1 meet this criterion. Family 34 has the highest stem harvest index and the fifth largest woody harvest index and family 26 has the fourth largest stem harvest index and second largest woody harvest index. In contrast, the family with the largest trees, family 20, had = - = = = D,y weight partitioning among 36 red alder famities 23 the sixth largest stern harvest index and the eleventh largest woody harvest index. The mean stern harvest index of 0·46 for red alder (Table 2, (b)) was slightly lower than the 0'51 reported for 16-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) by Tigerstedt and Vellingl2 and slightly higher than the 0·39 dry stern wood reported for slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) by van Buijtenen.13 Stern harvest index of Scots pine was positively correlated with several growth traits and negatively correlated with relative crown width and relative branch diameter. Velling and Tigerstedtl4 suggested that since past phenotype selection in Scots pine had favored tall, slender trees with fine branching habits, harvest index had probably been increased unintentionally. However, the lack of correlation of woody and stern harvest indices with height, diameter and volume index (DH) indicates that selecting and breeding for large and fast growing trees of red alder will not automatically lead to increasing the harvest indices (Table 3). However, if attention were paid to crown diameter/height ratios, total leaf area ratios, traits that were positively correlated with larger woody and stern harvest indices, harvest indices of red alder might be significantly increased. Factors other than growth and partitioning traits should be considered in seeking to increase unit area yield. Deployment strategies of ideotypes and potential stocking densities have proven to be important in improv­ ing the yield of agronomic crops7,8 and some tree species.13,15,16 Our data suggested that red alder production may be influenced by similar charac­ teristics; consider families 20 and 25 (F ig. 1). Family 20 had the largest total woody dry weight, the largest crown diameter, largest total leaf area and a relative crown class of 1'0 (dominant) of the 24 low elevation families (data not shown). Family 25 had the ninth largest total dry weight, fifth largest stern harvest index, below average crown diameter and total leaf area and a relative crown class of 1'3 (data not shown). Both families occupied dominant or strong co dominant positions in the canopy. Such differences may reflect ideotypes and, if so, each family would need to be deployed at different densities to achieve maximum harvestable biomass per unit area. Further examination of relationships between dry weight partitioning and harvestable biomass yields per unit area in red alder planted at different spacings is needed. ACKNOW LEDGEMENT This research was collected while the senior author was on sabbatical leave as a visiting Scientist at the Pacific Northwest Experiment Station, 24 D. D. Hooket al. Olympia, Washington. The research was partially supported by the US Department of Energy, Woody Biomass Program, Agreement No. DE-Al05-810R20914. REFERENCES 1. DeBell, D. S.,Radwan,M. A.,Reukema, D. L.,Zasada,J. C.,Harms, W. R & Cellarius, R A., Increasing the productivity of biomass plantations of alder and cottonwood in the Pacific Northwest. Annual Technical Report for US Department of Energy, Agreement No. DE-A105-810R20914. USDA, Forestry Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, WA, 1988. 2. Campbell, A. & Ching, K K, Genetic differences in red alder populations along an elevational transect. 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General Technical Report NC-91, USDA,Forest Service,1983, pp. 77-93. About This File: This file was created by scanning the publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; however, some mistakes may remain.