488 Clonal selection prospects in western hemlock combining rooting traits with juvenile height growth G. SAM FOSTER1 Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, U.S.A. 97331 ROBERT K. CAMPBELL United States Department of Agriculture, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range ExperimetltStation, Forest Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis. OR. U.S.A. 97331 AND W. THOMAS ADAMS Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, U.S.A. 97331 Received July 18, 19842 Accepted December 20, 1984 FOSTER, G. S., R. K. CAMPBELL, and W. T. ADAMS. 1985. Clonal selection prospects in western hemlock combining rooting traits with juvenile height growth. Can. J. For. Res. 15: 488-493. Variation in 1st-year height (HT) of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) rooted cuttings was partitioned into environmental and genetic components. C effects, a unique type of environmental effect, was highly significant and made up 8% of the total variation. Much of the variation (21%) resulted from genetic control of HT, producing a broad-sense heritability of 0.81. As reported in a previous paper, initial rooting ability of the rooted cuttings affected the I st-year height growth of the trees. Genetic correlations between HT and the five rooting traits ranged from 0.37 to 0.59. Using a selection index (assuming 33% selection intensity) containing both HT and a rooting trait (VOL) would result in gains of 8-10% for HT and 20-34% for VOL, depending on relative economic weights for the two traits. FOSTER, G. S., R. K. CAMPBELL et W. T. ADAMS. 1985. Clonal selection prospects in western hemlock combining rooting traits with juvenile height growth. Can. J. For. Res. 15: 488-493. La variation de Ia hauteur a un an (HT) de boutures racinees de pruche de !'ouest (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) a ete subdivisee en composantes environnementale et genetique. Les effets C, type tres particulier d'effets environnementaux, etaient tres significatifs et representaient huit pour cent de Ia variation totale. La plus grande partie de Ia variation (21%) de Ia hauteur est sous contrOle genetique avec une heritabilite au sens large de 0,81. Tel que mentionne dans une etude anterieure, !'aptitude precoce a l'enracinement influen<;ait en premiere annee Ia croissance en hauteur des arbres. Les correlations genetiques entre HT et les cinq caracteristiques d'enracinement variaient de 0,37 a 0,59. L'utilisation d'un indice de selection (en supposant une intensite de selection de 33%) incluant HT et une caracteristique d'enracinement (VOL) produirait un gain de 8-10% pour HT et de 20-34% pour VOL, selon le poids economique relatif des deux caracteristiques. [Traduit par le journal] Introduction Inheritance accounts for a substantial part of the variation in rooting ability (Sorensen and Campbell 1980; Foster et al. 1984) and growth rate (Foster and Lester 1983) in western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). Genetic improve­ ment in both traits should therefore be possible. When selecting for more than one trait, three somewhat different procedures can be used: tandem selection, independent culling level, or index selection (Hazel and Lush 1942). Based on theoretical considerations (Hazel 1943) and practical demonstration (Hazel and Lush 1942), index selection is considered to be the most efficient of the three. This paper presents results of an experiment in which a selection index is used to evaluate com­ bined selection for rooting characteristics and juvenile height in western hemlock. Wilcox and Farmer (1968) and Ying and Bagley (1974) evaluated the association between rooting ability and shoot growth for cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) clones and Struve et al. (1984) investigated this association for eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.). White Wilcox and Farmer (1968) found no significant association between these traits, 'Present address: Crown Zellerbach Corp., Forestry Services and Research, Bogalusa, LA, U.S.A. 70427. 2Revised manuscript received December 13, 1984. Ying and Bagley (1974) found that rooting ability and 1st-year 0.17). Struve height growth were positively correlated (r et al. (1984) detected significant correlations between numbers of roots per rooted cutting (at planting) with diameter at breast height at 7 years ( r 0.43) and 40 years (r 0.42) of age. In the same study, there was no significant correlation between number of roots and height at 40 years. Even though the potential benefits of using selection indices in forest tree improvement are large (Stonecypher 1970), forest geneticists have been slow to use indices because of several problems with their application (Arbez et al. 1974). These problems include the following: (i) economic weights are bene­ ficial for selection indices, yet they are difficult to determine in forestry because of changing market conditions; (ii) index construction depends upon accurate estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances and covariances, which can be obtained only from large and precise studies. Despite these problems, forest geneticists have begun to employ index selection while attempting to resolve problems. Bridgwater (1972) used index selection for multiple-trait selection of cottonwood clones. Height, diameter, specific gravity, volume, and dry weight were included in Bridgwater's index as traits for improvement. He dealt with the problem of inadequate economic information by conducting a sensitivity analysis of economic weights. The objectives of this current study were (i) to provide infor­ = FOSTER ET TABLE AL 489 I. Environmental conditions in a growth experiment using hemlock rooted cuttings Relative Duration of light intensity" (h:min) Temperature humidity Date�> (OC) (%) 0" 1 / l l /1982-2/11/1982 5 60-70 16:00 2/12/1982 7 50 15:20 2 3 2 1:45 2:00 0:30 2:00 1:45 1:55 2:10 0:30 2:10 1:55 0 2/13/1982 9 50 14:40 2:05 2:20 0:30 2:20 2:0 2/14/1982 II 55 14:00 2:15 2:30 0:30 2:30 2:15 2/15/1982 13 60 13:30 2:30 2:30 0:30 2:30 2:30 2/16/1982 15 65 13:00 2:30 2:45 0:30 2:45 2:30 2/17/1982 17 65 12:30 2:45 2:45 0:30 2:45 2:45 2/18/1982 19 65 12:00 2:45 3:00 0:30 3:00 2:45 2/19/1982-4/11/1982 21 65 5:45 2:45 3:00 0:30 3:00 2;45 5:45 0:30 4/12/1982-5/28/1982 21 65 5:45 2:45 3:00 1:00 2:30 2:45 5:45 0:30 "From 2/19/1982 to 5/28/1982, the 11.5-h night was broken in half by 0.5 h of light. "Month/day/year. "Light intensities: 0, dark; I, 150 flE m-2 s-1; 2, 290 j.lE m-2 s-•: 3, 430 flE m-2 s-•. mation to the network analysis (Foster 1983) of research and development for clonal reforestation with hemlock, (ii) to de­ termine genetic and phenotypic associations between rooting traits and 1st-year height growth of hemlock clones, (iii) to compare genetic gains for selection of juvenile height (with the accompanying indirect response for rooting traits) with com­ bined selection for height and rooting traits utilizing index selection, and (iv) to recommend a selection procedure for juvenile growth and rooting ability. Materials and methods The clones used in this study were a subset of clones used in a rooting experiment, for which the rooting procedures have previously been reported (Foster et al. 1984). Of the 60 clones in the rooting experiment, 30 were chosen that produced enough rooted cuttings to meet design requirements of this study. The following five rooting traits were scored for each of the 30 clones: number of rooted cuttings per five-cutting plot (RC), length of the longest main root on each rooted cutting (L TH), number of main TABLE 2. Form of the analysis of variance for total height (HT) of hemlock clones grown in a controlled environment Source of variation df Expected mean squares" l Growth chambers (H) 8 Blocks (B)/H 29 Clones (C) Primary ramets (P)/C 60 HxC 29 60 HXP/C Error "h. 712 cr2+ bcr P(C)+bpcr c+cpcr (H)+bcpe cr2+cpcr (Hl cr 2+hbcr2P(C) +hbcr cr2+hbcr!,Cl cr2+bcr P(Cl+bpcr c cr2+bcr P<Cl cr 2 ° b, c, and pare adjusted values of the number of growth chambers, blocks, clones, and primary ramets, respectively: 0 , effects owing to growth chamber differences; cr <H>. variance among blocks within growth chambers; cr , variance among clones; cr C>· variance among primary ramets within clones; cr c• variance owing to interaction of cr P(C)• variance owing to interactions of growth chambers and clones; and primary ramets within clones. growth chambers roots (roots beginning at the cutting base) per rooted cutting (MR), sum of the lengths of all main roots per rooted cutting (VOL), and discharge Lucalox high-pressure sodium lamp bulb. These bulbs were number of quadrants (of the cutting base) from which main roots arise set at three intensities (150, 290, and 430 fJ.E m-2 s-1) referred to as per rooted cutting (QD). Because only cuttings with roots could be used in this study, there were no zero values for any of the traits. After scoring the traits, the 30 clones were potted into 352.6-mL cells. The potting medium consisted of equal parts of sand, shredded light intensities l , 2 and 3, respectively. Using these settings, the light intensity was varied during the day to simulate the natural lighting pattern with an intensity that increased during the morning, peaked at noon, and then decreased (Table 1). peat moss, and perlite. The medium was steam sterilized before use. The trees were watered once a week with deionized water or with The potted, rooted cuttings were then placed in a greenhouse and a nutrient soil drench, on alternating weeks from February 25, 1982, maintained at temperatures between 10 and 20°C (using heating as until the end of the study. The drench was made up as a I : l : l ratio needed) for the next 6 months. The cuttings received a normal (avoid­ of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium applied at 150 ppm in di­ ing unnatural water stress) watering regime and natural daylight onized water plus 30.1 g of Sequestrene iron and 0.75 g of Peter's during this period. A balanced fertilizer was added during normal Special S.T.E.M. (soluble trace elements mix) micronutrients in 108.5 L of deionized water. watering cycles. In January 1982 (6 months after scoring rooting traits), the rooted The experimental design consisted of five blocks in each of two cuttings were moved from the greenhouse into two growth chambers growth chambers. Each block contained 30 clones. In a block, each (model M-1148, Environmental Growth Chamber Co.) and subjected clone was represented by six secondary ramets. The secondary ramets to a growing regime which had previously been used successfully to were two each from three primary ramets. A primary ramet is a cutting grow hemlock seedlings in the chambers. During the first 4 weeks in taken directly from the ortet (a 30- to 50-year-old hemlock in western the chambers, short day lengths (8 h) were used along with constant Oregon), rooted, and grown in a greenhouse to supply secondary temperature (SOC) and relative humidity (60-70%) (Table l ) to pro­ cuttings. When rooted, these secondary cuttings become secondary vide chilling. Then, after an 8-day transition period of increasingly ramets. warmer temperatures and increasing day length, growing conditions Total height (HT) of each rooted cutting was measured to the were held essentially constant for the 3-month growing period nearest 0.5 em. The typically drooping terminals of hemlock were (Table 1). Lighting was provided by a combination of G.E. (General Electric straightened for measurement. Survival of rooted cuttings at the end of the growing period was 99.5%. Co.) high-intensity discharge lamps. Each of the three fixtures per Two analyses of variance were used, the first to partition HT into a G.E. high-intensity dis­ several environmental and genetic components and the second to a G.E. high-intensity estimate components of variance and covariance for calculating ge­ chamber contained two types of bulbs: (i) charge "R Multi-Vapor Lamp," 400 W, and (ii) 490 CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL TABLE 3. Fonn of the analysis of variance (and covariance) used for estimating components of variance (and covariance) for total height (HT) and rooting traits (RC, LTH, VOL, MR, and QD) of hemlock TABLE 5. Analysis of variance for total height (HT) of hemlock clones using the complete model Source of clones mean squares" df Clones (C) 2 a +na tc)+npa 2 2 cr + fl(J' P<Cl 29 Primary ramets (P)/C 60 Error (]'2 810 "n is the number of plots per primary r•met and p is the number of primary ramets per clone; variance among clones; cr c,. variance among primary ramets within clones; 0'2• error variance. TABLE 4. Mean values for five rooting traits and total height in two samples of hemlock clones Trait" HT (em) RC (no.) MR (no.) QD (no.) LTH (em) VOL (em) Rooting experimentb Growth experiment" 2.67±0.04 2.50±0.04 20.3±0.15 3.92±0.03** 3.13±0.05** 1.90±0.02 4.65±0.07 8.12±0.17 2.23±0.03** 5.79±0.08** 11.33±0.22** "Traits are as defined in the text. "Means from a 60-clone rooting experiment (Foster el al. 1984). "Means from a 30-clone subsample of clones from the rooting experiment; **, significant at Mean squares variation Expected Source of variation 15, 1985 I% level. Variance component" the missing values. Coefficients of variance and covariance compo­ nents were adjusted for the unbalanced design (Searle 1971). In the second analysis (Table 3), a nested design is assumed with 30 clones, three primary ramets per clone, and 10 plots per primary ramet. Plots consisted of the two secondary ramets per primary ramet in each block. This analysis is different from the first because of some requirements for estimating genetic correlations. For genetic cor­ relations, the covariance among clone means for height and rooting traits should be free of error covariance. But the rooting experiment provided the data for rooting traits and also the ramets for the growth experiment. Errors in the two experiments might therefore be cor­ related. Some further complications were that the rooting experiment and growth experiment had different numbers of blocks and that blocks in the rooting experiment furnished unequal numbers of ramets for the growth experiment. The problem was partly ameliorated by pooling cuttings from the blocks of the rooting experiment and re­ randomizing them into plots for the growth experiment. Then for the analysis, rooting data for each secondary ramet were adjusted (adding or subtracting block mean deviations from the grand mean) for differ­ ences among the blocks in the rooting experiment and growth data for ramets were adjusted for the differences between growth chambers. The analysis was based on plot means, being the average of adjusted data for the two secondary ramets per primary ramet per bloek. Variance and covariance components for the five rooting traits (RC, LTH, VOL, MR, and QD) and total height (HT) were derived from the second analysis by equating mean squares (or mean cross products) to expected mean squares (or mean cross products) and solving equa­ 2 tions (Table 3). Broad-sense heritabilties (H ) on a clone-mean basis were calculated for all traits as follows (symbols defined in Table 3): Percent of total Growth chambers (H) e 400.35**' Blocks (B)/H 18.91NS Primary ramets Hxc 0.06±0.10 CTc 4.45±1.40 a;(cJ 2 (J'HC 2 9.09NS HXP/C l 5.48NS Erro 13.31 (J'HP(Cl (]' 2 28.8, and p = 3 (refer to Table 2 21 I .75±0.57 8 0.00±0.25 0 0.45±0.60 2 13.31±0.72 64 "Adjusted values of the coefficients of variance components were c = 4 CTso-1; ? 30. 15** (P)/C 0.89 2 2 158.41** Clones (C) h 4.8, for explanation of symbols). •Mean ±SE (Namkoong 1979). 'A synthetic F test, after the technique of Cochran ferences among growth chambers. 5% •, Significant at (1951), was used to test for dif­ I% level; NS, not significant at the level. TABLE 6. Parameter estimates for total height (HT) in a population of hemlock clones Parameter Value Mean (i) Range of plot means Phenotypic standard deviation (frx) Coefficient of variation (frx/i) Heritability (H2) "Mean ± SE (Namkoong netic correlations among HT and rooting traits. In the first analysis of variance (Table 2), all effects except that of growth chambers were considered to be random. The analysis was based on plot means. Because of a shortage of rooted cuttings for some clones, a few plots were missing. A least-squares analysis was employed to accommodate /Estimate�> (T + (T2 P(C) P 20.13 em 7.25-34.75 em 2.35 em 12% 0.81±0.06" 1979). A 2 + Q_ np Genetic and phenotypic correlations among the six traits were also estimated using the technique of Johnson et al. (1955). To assess potential gains that may be made by combining selection for HT with selection for rooting traits, selection indices were calcu­ lated. Indices, direct gains, and indirect gains were calculated using techniques described by Van Vleck (1981). Selection indices normally require estimates of the net economic value of each trait. Unfortunately, the economic value of rooting traits and 1st-year height of hemlock have not been assessed. Ideally, the impact of root-shoot ratios on subsequent tree growth could be used to assign economic values to height and to rooting traits, but this information is not yet available for hemlock. A sensitivity technique (Bridgwater 1972) was therefore used for assigning economic weights to the traits. Since increased yield is a major objective of most tree improvement programs and juvenile height is an early indication of yield, the relative economic weight of 1.0 was assigned to HT and weights of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.0 were assigned in separate calculations to one rooting trait. The results of these indices were then compared with direct selection for HT only. Using an economic weight of 0.0 for the rooting trait produces a different index than selecting only for HT. An index including the rooting trait, even with an economic weight of O.O, takes advantage of the genetic covariance between HT and the rooting trait to select for HT; deleting the rooting trait entirely from the index does not make use of its covariance to improve selection. Results Because 20 cuttings per ramet were needed in the growth experiment, clones which rooted poorly in the rooting experi­ 491 FOSTER ET AL. TABLE 7. Analysis of variance for six traits of hemlock clones using the second model Mean squares" Source of variation Clones (C) Primary ramets (P)/C Errore HT" RC MR QD LTH VOL 158.36** 30.10** 13.37 6.12** 2.09* 0.38 24.25** 3.11* 1.35 5.72** 0.78** 0.47 51.23** 6.88* 3.59 530.00** 72.54** 2o.n" "Adjusted values of the coefficients of variance components were 11 = 9.6 and p explanation of the symbols). *, Significant at the 5% level: I% significant at the = 3 (refer to Table 3 for an leveL "Traits are defined in the text. 0As a result of missing plots, df = 810. TABLE 8. Phenotypic (above diagonal) and genetic (below diagonal) correlations (±SE) among five rooting traits and height of hemlock cuttings Trait" Trait RC MR LTH VOL QD HT MR LTH VOL QD HT 0.71±0.09 0.51±0.13 0.47±0.14 0.73±0.09 0.85±0.05 0.83±0.05 0.71±0.09 0.95±0.02 0.49±0.14 0.81±0.06 0.35±0.16 0.46±0.14 0.50±0.14 0.52±0.13 0.53±0.13 RC 0.91±0.12 0.63±0.17 0.95±0.11 0.87±0.11 0.37±0.22 0.48±0.16 0.87±0.06 0.98±0.02 0.49±0.17 0.84±0.06 0.53±0.16 0.50±0.16 NOTE: All correlations arc significant at the 0.87±0.07 0.53±0.16 0.59±0.15 1% level. "Traits are defined in the text. TABLE 9. Genetic gains" in measurement units and percent of means (in parentheses) for hemlock clones from different selection strategies emphasizing HT and VOU' Relative economic weights Gain HT VOL LTH QD HT VOL Index (em) (em) (em) (no.) MR (no.) (no.) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.84HT+0.88VOL 0.8IHT+0.46VOL 0.78HT+0.037VOL 0.8IHT 1.67(8) 1.85(9) 2.09(10) 2.08(10) 3.84(34) 3.59(32) 2.3 I (20) 2.06(18) 1.04(18) 0.98(17) 0.62(1I) 0.61(11) 0.36(16) 0.35(16) 0.32(14) 0.24(11) 0.72(23) 0.68(22) 0.45(14) 0.41(13) 0.33(8) 0.30(8) 0.17(4) 0.13(3) "Assume a selection intensity of 10 out of 30 clones or i = RC l.097. "Traits are defined in the text. ment seldom were used in the growth study. Truncation of the original population from 60 to 30 clones consequently selected clones with better rooting ability, producing higher mean values for rooting traits in the growth experiment than in the rooting experiment (Table 4). Differences in total height of cuttings between growth cham­ bers, among clones, and among primary ramets within clones were all statistically significant (Table 5). The plot-mean height of cuttings was 20.13 em with a range of 7.25 to 34.75 em; the coefficient of variation was 12% (Table 6). Cuttings from one growth chamber were 1.35 em taller than those from the other, although the two chambers were set for the same conditions. Clonal variance (genetic variance) ac­ counted for 21% of the total variation in the experiment and variance owing to differences among primary ramets within clones (C effects variance) accounted for 8%; therefore, vari­ ation in height owing to C effects was approximately one-third the size of total genetic variation (Table 5). A second analysis (Table 7) provided estimates of the com­ ponents of variance and covariance. Components were then used to estimate genetic parameters. The broad-sense herit­ ability of HT was 0.81 (Table 6); with C effects included, H2 was 0.92. The heritabilities estimated for rooting traits were similar to but consistently lower than those obtained from the 60 clones used in the rooting experiment (Foster et al. 1984) (i.e., RC (0.66 vs. 0.87), MR (0.87 vs. 0.92), QD (0. 86 vs. 0.89), LTH (0.87 vs. 0. 87), and VOL (0.86 vs. 0.90)). Juvenile height was genetically associated with desirable attributes of rooting as evidenced by genetic correlations that were positive and moderately large (Table 8). The genetic correlations of HT with the five rooting traits ranged from 0.37 to 0.59 and phenotypic correlations ranged from 0.35 to 0.53. The rooting traits were themselves highly and positively cor­ related both genetically and phenotypically. Only one of the rooting traits, VOL, was chosen for use in a selection index with HT. Except for QD, VOL had the largest genetic correlation with HT and the measurement of VOL is much less subjective than for QD. VOL and QD were both highly correlated with other rooting traits. Selection for rooting traits theoretically can be used to im­ prove selection for juvenile height (Van Vleck 1981) because of the strong positive correlations among HT and rooting traits. CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 15, 1985 492 In fact, when VOL with zero economic weight was included in the selection index, gain in height was essentially the same as with selection for height alone (Table 9). When the relative economic weight for VOL was increased from 0.0 to 0.5, there was a minor decrease in gains for HT (10 to 9%) and a substan­ tial increase in gains for VOL (20 to 32%). In addition to larger gains in VOL, gains in LTH, QD, MR, and RC, owing to indirect selection (via their correlation), also increased substan­ tially. Little additional gain in VOL, or in other rooting traits, resulted from further increases in the economic weight of VOL. Discussion The large heritabilities, the significant vanatmn among clones, and the strong correlations among height and rooting traits suggest that significant genetic gains in both height and rooting success will be possible. The positive correlations we found between growth and rooting are, however, in contrast with results of Wilcox and Farmer (1968), but this may be a matter of time and conditions of measurement. Ying and Bagley (1974) reported that the correlation between number of roots per cutting and height growth of rooted cuttings decreased with increasing age of the plantation (i.e., from 0.17 at 1 year to -0.04 at 7 years of age). Ying and Bagley's (1974) results suggest that early height growth is related to rooting ability (especially for clones which root poorly) through a limiting process; size of the root system may limit shoot growth through physiological processes. After the root system has had time to develop fully in the field, the limiting association declines and finally disappears. This means that experiments to relate rooting ability with growth at later ages are needed before deciding on a system for selecting clones for commercial use. Nevertheless, our strong and positive correlations indicate that hemlock clones that root poorly will probably grow slowly in the year or two after outplanting. Such clones also may not survive well in the harsher environments of commercial planta­ tions. The results of this study and of a previous rooting experiment (Foster et al. 1984) suggest several ways to select hemlock clones more efficiently. One way is to partition the sources of environmental variation at every step in the cloning procedure. Clonal performance was strongly affected by environment, from cutting to cutting within the ortet or hedged (primary) ramet, from block to block in the rooting bed, and from growth chamber to growth chamber in the growth phase. After these effects were accounted for in our experiment, clonal means were estimated very precisely. Secondary cloning should therefore be a part of the rooting procedure, especially in early phases of selecting clones. In this experiment, variation in C effects in HT arose despite efforts to minimize the variation by hedging and by growing the hedged, primary ramets in uniform conditions. This nongenetic vari­ ation could have originated directly in the original size of the cuttings (i.e., the observed correlation between cutting length and HT was 0.13), or the variation could have originated indi­ rectly through other C effects passed on from the rooting experiment. Clones also varied in age and vigor of the ortet. C effects for rooting traits were large even after hedging and would have been larger without it (Foster et al. 1984). At every stage of the rooting procedure a randomized block or other suitable design can be used to minimize bias in selecting clones. Based on results from the rooting experiment, some equally efficient designs in the rooting bed are (i) three primary ramets per clone and four or six blocks and (ii) five primary ramets per clone and two blocks. Blocking should be used also if cuttings are to be potted or transplanted before selection for early growth. An efficient design cannot be recommended from our ��suits because vari­ ation among growth chambers cannot be equated realistically to variation among blocks of pots or in a transplant bed. Selection of clones probably can, be made more efficient by selecting for rooting traits as well,as for growth traits. Although we were unable to arrive at concrete costs and benefits, improved rooting ability has several economic advantages: (i) fewer primary ramets will be needed to provide the necessary number of cuttings, thus saving maintenance and development costs for the primary ramets; (ii) smaller rooting facilities, and therefore Jess labor and supplies, will be needed to supply the desired number of rooted cuttings; (iii) costs associated with aftercare, following lifting of cuttings from the rooting bench, may be less if the rooted cuttings are ready for field planting in a shorter period of time; and (iv) if survival of field-planted cuttings is higher, then fewer rooted cuttings will be needed to achieve a desired stocking level and associated planting costs will be reduced. Consequently, improving rooting ability in a population of hemlock clones may have substantial economic benefits throughout the entire process of propagation and stand establishment. If the relative values of rooting traits and growth trmts are known, selection by index will maximize genetic improvement in its combined trait. In the absence of such values, our results indicate that economic weights in the ratio 1.0:0.5 for HT and VOL will bring about substantial improvement in all rooting traits. At the same time, the percentage improvement in HT will be only slightly decreased. We believe that clonal selection of hemlock can be made significantly more efficient by following the suggestions above. In all of the previous steps, careful records should be kept on costs associated with hedging, secondary cloning, blocking, and rooting. Also, data on subsequent growth of cuttings should be gathered from field tests carried to one-third or one-half rotation age. This information is needed to develop appropriate economic weights, along with quantitative data to support the benefits of improving juvenile height growth and rooting ability. Because the correlation between rooting ability and height growth of juvenile trees with height or volume growth of older trees is still unknown for hemlock, predicted gains in this paper apply only to 1st-year height. Acknowledgements This paper represents a portion of the senior author's Ph.D. dissertation. The authors would like to thank Crown Zellerbach Corporation for providing the plant material, facilities, and financial support for this project. ARBEZ, M., P. BARADAT, J. P. MAUGE, C. MILLER, and J. BODIA. 1974. Some problems related to use of selection indices in forest tree breeding. Proceedings of the Joint IUFRO Meeting, Session II, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1974. Royal College of Forestry, Department of Forest Genetics, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 97-116. BRIDGWATER, F. E., JR. 1972. Multiple trait selection in a population of eastern cottonwood. Ph.D. dissertation, Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater, OK. COCHRAN, W. G. 1951. Testing a linear relation among variances. 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