Ms. 5647 Plant and Soil 79, 343-351 (1984). © 1984 Martinus Niihoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague. Printed in the Netherlands. Litterfall and nutrient returns in red alder stands in western Washington M. A. RADWAN, CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON and J. M. KRAFT ' Forestry Sciences Laboratory, U.S. Forest Service, Olympia, WA 98502, USA Received 21 September 1983. Revised January 1984 Key words Alnus rubra Aluminum Annual returns Essential elements Litterfall Leaf litter Nitrogen Nutrients Red alder Summary Litterfall was collected over 1 year from eight natural stands of red alder growing on different sites in western Washington. The stands occurred at various elevations and on different soils, and differed in age, basal area, and site index. Most litterfall was leaf litter (average 86 percent). Amounts of litterfall lind leaf litter varied significantly (P < 0.05) among the sites. Average weights of litterfall and leaf litter in kg ha-1 yr-1, were 5150 and 4440, respectively. Weight of leaf litter was not significantly (P < 0.05) related to site index, stand age, or basal area. The sites varied significantly (P < 0.05) in concentrations of all elements determined in the leaf litter, except Zn. Average chemical concentrations were: N, 1.98 percent; P, 0.09 per­ cent; K, 0.44 percent; Ca, 1.01 percent; Mg, 0.21 percent; S, 0.17 percent; S04 -S, nil; Fe, 324 ppm; Mn, 311 ppm; Zn, 53 ppm; Cu, 13 ppm; and AI, 281 ppm. There were significant correla­ tions between some stand characteristics and concentrations of some clements, and among the different chemical components of the leaf litter. Important correlations were found between stand age and P concentration (r = -0.84, P < 0.01); weight of leaf litter and P concentration (r = 0.74, P < 0.05); weight of leaf litter and K concentration (r = 0.71, P < 0.05); concen­ trations of N and S (r = 0.81, P < 0.05); and concentrations of Fe and AI (r = 0.98, P < 0.01). Returns of the different elements to the soil by leaf litter varied among the different sites. Average nutrient and Al returns, in kg ha-' yr -1, were: N, 82; Ca, 41; K, 19; Mg, 8 ; S, 7 ; P, 4; Fe, 1 ; Mn, 1 ; AI, I:Zn, 0.2, and Cu, < 0.1. Introduction - Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) is the major hardwood tree species in the Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) region of the Pacific Northwest. The N2 -fixing ability of alder and its effect on physical and chemical properties of the soil have been studied1,8,1l, lS, 16,17, as have the production, composition, and some chemical -properties of litterfa111 , 9,16 ,18, 20. The latter studies, however, have not been complete. For example,' past work included only one report on the effects of site quality and stand density on litterfall pro­ duction. Most chemical investigations were also confined to determin­ ations of N, with only two reports on P, K, Ca, and Mg, and one study on Mn. III addition, concentrations and amounts of other essential ele­ ments in the litterfall have not been reported. This study, therefore, was carried out to determ!ne: ( l ) production of litterfall by different stands of red alder; (2) relationships among the 344 RADWAN,HARRINGTON AND KRAFT different chemical components of the leaf litter, and between the chemicals and selected site and stand characteristics; and (3) annual returns of important macro- and micro-nutrients and Al by leaf litter. Aluminum was included because of its potential phytotoxic effects. Materials and methods Site selection and measurement of stand variables Eight natural stands of red alder located within 60 km of Olympia,in western Washington, were chosen for study. Site selection was made to assure representation of a range in soil con­ ditions and site quality. All stands were 23 to 30 years old,well stocked,free from signs of past disturbance,and had at least 94 percent of their basal area in red alder. Four to six O.OI-ha plots were established in each stand. Stem diameter at breast height (1.3 m) was determined for all trees on the plots. Basal area was calculated from this infor­ mation to provide a measure of stocking. At each site, six healthy, dominant or codominant trees with no evidence of past top damage were selected to determine site index. Tree heights and ages were determined and site index at 50 years was calculated according to Worthington et a/19 • Collection of litterfall Litterfall collections were begun in January 1979 and continued through December 1979. The litterfall was gathered on traps raised from the ground and equipped with fine-mesh nylon screens to provide for drainage. Each trap had a collecting surface of 0.4 m2,and six traps were placed at random within each stand. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the traps was clipped to ensure that the trap surfaces were not blocked and to reduce con­ tamina tion of the alder litter by litter of other species. Traps were emptied weekly in the autumn,but over longer,irregular intervals at other times. The weekly collections were made to reduce nutrient losses by leaching during the period when most litterfall is deposited. At each collection,non-alder litter,if any,was removed from the traps and discarded. Contents of two traps in each site were bulked at each collection,resulting in three composite samples for each of the eight stands. The litterfall samples collected were air dried at room temperature. Branches and stem material more than 1 em in diameter were discarded. Each sample was separated into its com­ ponents of cones, twigs,and leaves,and each component was weighed. Total production and composition of the litterfall were calculated. Only leaf litter was saved for chemical analysis. Other components were discarded because they represented minor proportions of the litterfall. Processing and chemical analysis of leaf litter Samples of leaf litter were dried to constant weight at 65°C and ovendry weights were cal­ culated. Subsamples of the leaf litter were ground to 40 mesh and stored in closed containers at -10°C until analyzed. Total N was determined by the standard micro-Kjeldahl procedure3 • Other analyses were carried out as follows: total S and S0 -S . (extracted with 0.6N HCl) by the turbidimetric 4 method of Butters and Chenery4,:P by the molybdenum blue technique6 ; and K,Ca,Mg,Fe, Mn,Zn,Cu,and Al by standard atomic absorption methods13 • The annual returns of chemicals determined were calculated from concentrations in and weights of the leaf litter. Statistical analysis Total litterfall, leaf litter, elemental concentrations in leaf litter,and annual returns from leaf litter by element were each analyzed for differences among stands using a nested analysis of variancel4. Before analysis,data were transformed to arc-sine if necessary. All possible relation­ ships between the leaf litter variables plus the stand variables (I.e., age, basal area, and site index) were evaluated by computing simple correlation coefficients (r): In addition,stepwise 345 LlTTERF ALL AND NUTRIENT RETURNS IN RED ALDER multiple regression -analyses were run with litterfall, leaf litter, ot percent leaf litter in litterfall as the dependent variables, and age, basal area, and site index as the independent variables. Stand averages, based on untransformed variables, were used in the correlation and regression analysis. In all analyses, P .;; 0.05 was used to judge statistical significance. Results and discussion Stand characteristics The alder sites studied varied greatly in many of their key physical, soil, and plant properties (Table 1). Elevation was highest (550m) at site 5 and lowest ( l 25 m) at site 7 where a perched water table was present during the winter. The sites represented six different soil types. The stands were 23 to 30 years old and averaged 26.5 years. Basal area varied from 25.8 m2/ha to 42.3 m2/ha, and site productivity, expressed as site index, ranged from 24.0 m -at site 5 to 33.1 m at site 4. Associ­ ated vegetation on most sites was composed mainly of a variety of shrubs and herbs with occasional presence of other tree species, such as Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn Table 1. Selected characteristics of eight sites of red alder Site number and general Soil location 1 . Brooklyn 2. Porter Basal Stand area age at 50 years (m2/ha) (year) (m) series Associated plant · species Zenker Oregon grape, cascara. 42.3 Bunker Redcedar, hemlock, salal, Site index 31.7 27 30 28.5 41.1 25 31.0 39.7 23 33.1 30.7 25 24.0 Vine maple, salmonberry. 39.8 30 24.5 Skunk cabbage, redcedar, 25.8 29 27.2 34.7 24 26.3 28.9 swordfern, Oregon grape, Sitka spruce. . 3. Hell Creek Bunker Douglas-fir, hemlock, swordfern, salmonberry, devil's club. 4. Gibson Creek Boistfort Douglas-fir, vine maple, salmonberry, devil's club. 5. Wedekind Katula Douglas-fir, blackberry, big-leaf maple. 6. Capitol Peak Bunker/ Bolstfort 7. Jones Mill Mukilteo red elderberry, swordfern, big-leaf maple. 8. Vail Everett Nettle, redcedar. · Ol'egon grape, Berberis aquifoliumj cascara, Rhamnus purshianaj redcedar, Thula plicataj hemlock, Tsuga heterophyllaj swordfern, Polystichum munitumj salal, Gaultheria shal/onj Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga mensiesii; vine maple, Acer circinatum; red elderberry, Sambucus racemosa; salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis; big-leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum; blackberry, Rubus ursinus; skunk cabbage, Lysichitum americanum; nettle, Urtica dioica; devll's club, Oplopanax horridum j Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis. 346 RADWAN, HARRINGTON AND KRAFT ex D. Don), big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum Pursh), and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in some stands. Litterfall Litterfall weight varied significantly (P < 0.05) among the different sites, ranging from 4 I 70 to 6 I 00 kg ha-1 yr-1 (Table 2). Average weight, 5 I 50 kg ha-1 yr-1 , is lower than that found in one study 20, but very similar to annual weights reported for red alder by others 9•16• Our lit­ terfall weights are also within ranges estimated for other deciduous trees of the temperate region throughout the world, including other Alnus species 2• However, as expected, values for red alder exceeded those determined for conifers. in the Pacific Northwest and else­ where7•1 2• Leaf litter was the principal component of litterfall; it ranged from 82.0 to 91.1 percent of the total. Others have reported that alder leaf litter comprised 60 to 90 percent of total litter9 • 20. The leaf litter pro­ duced, litterfall weight, and percent leaf litter in litterfall were not cor­ related with stand age, basal area, or site index, taken individually or in combination (i.e., mUltiple regression). The absence of any significant relation between quantity of leaf litter and site productivity is consis­ tent with an earlier observation with red alder ih western Oregon20 ; it may be related to the species' ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. The other components of the litterfall collected - twigs and cones ­ were only minor, and averaged 11.8 percent and 2.1 percent, respec­ tively. Litterfall of red alder collected earlier in western Oregon con­ tained 28 percent branches and twigs and 3 percent catkins20 . Differen­ ces in methodology were probably responsible for the different results. Table 2. Litterfall of eight stands of red alder * Stand number and Litterfall components general location Cones Twigs Leaves Total Percent litterfall leaf litter - Airdry weight (kg ha-t yr-t) _ 1. Brooklyn 60 350 2. Porter 30 440 4. Gibson Creek 30 470 3. Hell Creek 5. Wedekind 6. Capitol Peak 7. Jones Mill 8. Vail Average 30 92.0 5250 91.0 4950 5450 90.8 700 3980 4800 730 606 5000 6100 950 680 220 530 370 108 % 5150 4780 0 120 4740 4400 4230 3420 4440 5380 81.8 4910 86.2 4170 82.0 5150 82.9 82.0 86.1 *Values are averages of three sUbsamples each. Ovendry weights of leaf litter (kg ha-t yr-t) for stands 1 to 8 were, respectively: 4410,4440, 4100,4600,3940,3700,3180, and 4650 (average, 4130). 347 LlTTERF ALL AND NUTRIENT RETURNS IN RED ALDER Elemental concentrations in leaf litter With the exception of Zn, concentrations of each of the elements determined in the leaf litter varied significantly (P < 0.05) among the eight sites (Table 3). The widest ranges occurred in K (0.18 percent to 0.64 percent), Ca (0.65 percent to 1.40 percent), Fe (93 ppm to 854 ppm), Cu (8 ppm to 15 ppm), and Al (75 ppm to 669 ppm). In addition, the highest concentrations of Fe and Al and the lowest levels of K and Cu occured in the leaf litter collected from site 7, the site with an organic soil and a high water table. The exact cause of these differences is not clear. However, K deficiency of trees growing on organic soils is not uncommon if the soils were derived from poor parent material. Average concentrations of the various elements are shown in Table 3. S04 -S was practically nil in all samples; sulfate (uncombined S) pro­ bably was low in the N-rich leaves, and could also have leached from the leaf litter before it was collected. Concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg are generally within the ranges determined for leaf litter of other hardwood speciess. Compared with red alder litterfall previously reported9, our values for leaf litter are higher in P, lower in K, and about the same in N, Ca, and Mg. There is no literature available for comparing the other elements in leaf litter of red alder. Compared with elemental concentrations in mature leaves of red alder from western Washington, average concentrations in leaf litter are generally lower in N, P, and K, but higher in the remaining elements, Table 3. Concentration of nutrients and aluminum in leaf litter from eight different stands of * red alder Stand number and general location 1 Brooklyn 2 Porter Element N P 1.89 1.96 3 Hell 2.29 0.08 0.09 0.10 Ca 0.65 0.90 0.99 S 0.15 0.16 0.18 K Mg Fe 0.54 0.21 93 0.64 0.23 105 5 4 Wedeklnd Gibson Creek Creek 0.44 0.20 149 2.04 % 2.17 0.10 0.10 0.36 0.47 0.18 0.23 0.82 1.00 0.18 164 ppm 0.20 409 Mn 219 337 364 399 308 Cu 12 15 15 14 14 Zn Al 60 92 57 76 57 90 47 130 52 405 6 7 Peak Mill Capitol Jones 1.96 0.06 0.41 1.07 0.19 1.73 1.98 0.09 1.23 1.40 1.01 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.20 178 854 54 46 156 1.80 0.10 0.14 12 Average 0.06 0.18 320 8 Vail 0.51 0.21 640 0.44 0.21 324 231 311 311 81 11 13 669 50 632 53 281 *Concentrations are calculated on a weight basis. Values are averages of three sub- samples each. 348 RADWAN, HARRINGTON AND KRAFT especially Ca, Fe, Mn, and AI*. The limited comparison between alder leaves and litterfall presented by others 9is also in agreement with our assessment. Increased levels of some elements from leaves to leaf litter may be caused by depositions in the leaves as they mature on the trees. On the other hand, lower values in the leaf litter compared with leaves are probably due to movement of nutrients into the trees before the leaves fall and leaching from the leaves on the ground before the leaves are collected. Our litterfall was collected more frequently than in pre­ vious studies9, 16,20 in order to minimize leaching losses. Some leaching still occurred as evidenced by detection of most elements studied in leachates collected from some of the litterfall samples. There were some significant correlations between stand characteristics and concentra­ tions of certain elements, and among the different chemical com­ ponents of the leaf litter (Table 4). Among the more important cor­ relations found is the relationship between stand age and P concentrations (r =- 0.84, P< 0.01), indicating a decrease of P as the trees age. Results from other studies* support this trend and point to the impor­ tance of P in the nutrition of red alder in a manner similar to that with other N2-fixing plants10. Important positive correlations found were between leaf litter and percent P (r = 0.74, P < 0.05), between leaf litter and percent K(r=0.71, P<0.05), between N and S (r=0.81, P< 0.05), and between Fe and Al (r=0.98, P<O.O I ). Relations between leaf litter and P and K indicate importance of these elements to produc­ tion of red alder. Relationships between N and S and between Fe and Al Table 4. Significant correlations between the different study variables Correiation Correia tion Stand age Basal area liS. liS. coefficient percent P in leaf litter ppm Fe in leaf litter . Ovendry leaf litter Ovendry leaf litter Ovendry leaf litter liS. liS. liS. Percent N in leaf litter Percent N in leaf litter Percent K in leaf litter ppm Fe in leaf litter litterfall produced percent K in leaf litter percent P in leaf litter liS. liS. liS. liS. percent S in leaf litter ppm Cu in leaf litter ppm Zn in leaf litter ppm Cu in leaf litter ppm Fe in leaf litter vs. ppm Al in leaf litter ppm Fe in leaf litter vs. ppm Zn in leaf litter ppm CU in leaf litter ppm CU in leaf litter liS. liS. ppm Mn in leaf litter ppm Al in leaf litter -0.89 P-value <0.01 -0.75 <0.05 0.71 <0.05 0.81 <0.05 0.74 <0.05 0.98 <0.01 0.90 0.74 0.82 -0.79 <om <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.71 < 0.05 -0.75 <0.05 0.71 <0.05 * Unpublished data by DeBell and Radwan, on file at the USDA Forest Service Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 3625 9yd Avenue, S. W.,Olympia, Wash. U. S. A. 98502 LlTTERFALL AND NUTRIENT RETURNS IN RED ALDER 349 similar to those found in other plants, and indicate concomitant changes in concentrations of the elements involved. Additional signifi­ cant correlations are listed in Table 4. The importance of these relation­ ships, however, is not immediately apparent. Nutrient and aluminum returns to the soil from leaf litter Returns of the different elements to the soil by leaf litter differed among the different sites by element (Table 5), and trends closely fol­ lowed those of leaf litter production (Table 2) and concentrations of the different elements (Table 3). As might be expected, N was the ele­ ment returned to the soil in the largest amounts. Obviously, N returns were determined by N concentration and weight of leaf litter. In addition, concentrations of P, K, and S apparently affected N returns since these elements were related to production of leaf litter and to N concentration (Table 4). On average, N returns were 82 kg ha-1 yr -1 ; this compares with earlier estimates (in kg ha-1 yr-1) of 11216 and 989 for red alder litterfall, 19 for leaf litter of hardwood species incapable of N2 -fixationS, and 36 for conifer litterfall16 Average annual contri­ butions of other elements through the leaf litter are shown in Table 5. Previously published estimates for these elements are: Ca, 63; K, 39; Mg, 13; and P, <0.2 for red alder litterfall9; Ca, 36; K, 32; Mg, 6; P, 2; and Mn, 1 for leaf litter of red alder18; and Ca, 73; K, 15; Mg, 10; and P, 4 for leaf litter from non-N2 -fixing hardwoodss . Clearly through deposition of leaf litter alone (i.e., not including additions by nodules, dead roots, etc.), red alder returned to the soil • Table 5. Nutrient and aluminum returns to the soil from the leaf litter of eight different stands of red alder * Stand number and general location Chemical element N P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu Al Brooklyn 83.7 3.3 24.0 28.7 9.0 6.3 0.4 1.0 0.3 <0.1 0.4 3 4 Creek Creek 87.0 5 6 7 Peak Mill 93.3 kg ha-I yr-I 93.7 85.7 72.7 55.3 84.0 81.9 28.3 17.7 16.7 18.7 15.0 6.0 23.7 18.8 10.3 8.0 9.3 6.7 2 Porter 4.0 40.0 7.0 0.5 1.5 0.2 <0.1 0.3 Hell 4.0 40.7 7.3 0.6 1.5 0.2 <0.1 0.4 Gibson Wedekind 4.0 45.7 8.3 8.0 0.8 1.8 0.2 <0.1 0.6 * Values are averages of three subsampJes each. 4.0 32.3 7.7 1.6 1.2 0.2 <0.1 1.6 Capitol Jones 2.3 2.0 39.7 39.0 6.3 4.3 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.2 <0.1 0.6 6.3 2.7 0.2 <0.1 2.1 8 Vail Average 4.7 3.5 65.3 41.4 7.3 6.8 1.5 1.3 10.0 3.0 0.2 8.5 1.3 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 2.9 1.1 350 RADWAN,HARRINGTON AND KRAFT substantial amounts of N (55 to 94 kg ha-1 yr -1 ). Returns of other ele­ ments were smaller, but still constituted considerable contributions to the pool of nutrients in surface soil and may help in maintaining soil fertility. Amounts of Al returned were not large enough to constitute any toxicity hazard. Nitrogen returns mostly represent additions to the soil through biological fixation of atmospheric N; this undoubtedly enriches the soil with this important element. As with other hardwoods, however, returns of other elements represent redistribution within the ecosystem. This may also improve site productivity by bringing the nutrients to surface soil and into the root zone where they may be available for succeeding crops. Such potential benefits from alder, however, should not obscure the fact that the species has its own nutritional requirements for growth and development, and that the trees accumulate many nutrients in the wood. N returns from alder, therefore, would not be signigicant unless the site has sufficient amounts of nutrients other than N to meet the trees own requirements for healthy growth. Similarly, benefits to com­ panion or succeeding crops from redistribution by alder of elements other than N would not accrue unless amounts of these elements in the upper soil layers were already limiting, and if removal of nutrients during harvest of the alder crop did not accelerate nutrient depletion at the site. It is evident, therefore, that the net impact of red alder on site productivity, still unknown, deserves much attention in future studies. Acknowledgements We thank the U. S. Department of Energy,Biomass Energy Technology Division,Short Rotation Woody Crops Program for funds which helped support this research. We also thank J. E. Wilcox,D. W. Johnson,and R. L. Deal for their assistance with the various phases of the study. , References Bollen W B,Chen C S,Lu K C and Tarrant R F 1967 Influence of red alder on fertility of a forest soil. Microbial and chemical effects. Oreg. State Univ.,School of For.,Res. Bull. 12, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For. Res. Lab.,Corvallis,Oreg. Bray R J, and Gorham E 1964 Litter production in forests of the world. pp 100-158. In Advances in Ecological Research,Vol. 2. Academic Press,London. Bremner J M 1965 Total nitrogen. In Methods of Soil Analysis,part 2,Ed. C. A. Black. Agronomy. 9,1149-1178. Butters B,and Chenery E M 1959 A rapid method for the determination of total sulphur in soils and plants. Analyst 84, 239-245. Chandler R F Jr 1941 The amount and mineral nutrient content of freshly fallen leaf litter in the hardwood forests of central New York, J. Am. Soc. Agron. 33,859-871. Chapman H D and Pratt P F 1961 Methods of analysis of soils,plants,and waters. Div. Agr. Sci. Univ. Calif.,Berkeley,Calif. Dimock E J 1958 Litterfall in a young stand of Douglas-fir. Northwest Sci. 32,19-29. Franklin J F,Dryness C T,Moore D G and Tarrant R F 1968 Chemical soil properties under coastal Oregon stands of alder and conifers. pp 157-169. In Biology of Alder. Eds. J M LITTERFALL AND NUTRIENT RETURNS IN RED ALDER 351 Trappe, J F Franklin, R F Tarrant and G M Hansen. Symp. Proc.,Northwest Sci. Assn. 40th Ann. Meeting. 9 Gessel S P and Turner J 1974 Litter production by red alder in western Washington. For. Sci. 20,325-330. 10 Griffith W K 1978 Effects of phosphorus and potassium on nitrogen fixation. pp. 80-94. III Phosphorus for Agriculture. Potash/phosphate Inst.,Atlanta,Georgia. 11 Newton M, El Hassan B A and Zavitkovski J 1968 Role of red alder in western Oregon forest succession. pp 73·84. III Biology of Alder. Eds. Trappe J M,Franklin J F,Tarrant R F and Hansen G M. Symp. Proc.,Northwest Sci. Assn. 40th Ann. Meeting. 12 Owen T H 1954 Observations on the monthly litterfall and nutrient content of Sitka spruce litter. Forestry 27,7-15. 13 Perkin-Elmer Corporation 1976 Analytical methods of atomic absorption spectrophotom· etry. Perkin-Elmer Corp.,Norwalk,Conn. 14 Snedecor G W and Cochran W G 1967 Statistical methods. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames Iowa. 15 Tarrant R F 1961 Stand development and soil fertility in a Douglas-fir-red alder plantation. For. Sci. 7,238-246. 16 Tarrant R F,Lu K C,Bollen W B,and Franklin J F 1969 Nitrogen enrichment of two forest ecosystems by red alder. USDA For. Servo Res. Pap. PNW 7 · 6. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn.,Portland,Oreg. 17 Tarrant R F and Miller R E 1963 Accumulation of organic matter and soil nitrogen beneath a plantation of rcd alder and Douglas-fir. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 27,231-234. 18 Turner J, Cole D W and Gessel S P 1976 Mineral content accumulation and cycling in a stand of red alder (Alllus rubra). 1. Ecol. 64,965 ·974. 19 Worthington N P, Johnson F A,Staebler G R and Lloyd W J 1960 Normal yield tables for' red alder. USDA For. Servo Res. Pap. 36. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn.,Portland, Oreg. 20 Zavitkovski J and Newton M 1971 Litterfall and litter accumulation in red alder stands in western Oregon. Plant and Soil 35,257-268. About This File: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; however, some mistakes'may remain.