Proceedings of the BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF TRUE FIR IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST SYMPOSIUM Edited by Chadwick Dearing Oliver and Reid M. Kenady University of Washington College of Forest Resources Seattle, Washington Institute of Forest Resources Contribution Number 45 U.S.D.A. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Portland, Oregon PATTERNS OF HEIGHT GROWTH IN WESTERN TRUE FIRS Constance A. Harrington and Marshall D. Murray ABSTRACT Height growth of true firs in western North America can be charac­ terized by: (1) an initial period of slow juFenile growth, 2) sites with high Douglas-fir site indexes, but generally ha\'e slower ju­ a fairly Fenile growth than Douglas:fir. On poor sites, noble .fir can outgrow 3) an extended period of slower but Douglas-fir in height, primarily because Douglas:fir slows down in . Data from young-growth stands in western Washington were used on its growth relatil'e to Douglas-fir, the authors conclude noble fir long period of rapid growth, and still appreciable growth. height growth more quickly on poor sites than does noble fir·. Based to assess height growth of noble fir, Pacific silver fir, and grand fir warrants greater management consideration. Pacific silver fir and relative to height growth of Douglas-fir as predicted by Douglas-fir grand fir also warrant more consideration, particularly as compo­ site index. All three true firs are capable of excellent height growth on nents of mixed stands. INTRODUCTION The true firs (Abies spp.) in western North America can eas­ ily be recognized by their distinctive silhouettes. In addition to their common appearance, they also share similar patterns of height growth. We first discuss the different phases of height growth during the lives of true firs and the seasonal progression of height growth. We next present field data from young­ growth stands of noble fir (A. procera Rehd. ), Pacific silver fir (A. amabilis [Doug!.] Forbes), and grand fir (A. grandis [Doug!.] Lind!.) which illustrate some specific patterns of height growth and the potential for height growth in these spe­ cies. The relationships between height growth of these true firs and predicted height growth of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men­ ziesii [Mirb.] Franco) are examined and the management im­ plications discussed. GENERAL PATTERNS OF HEIGHT GROWTH Graphic representation of true fir height growth shows a characteristic S-shaped curve which can be divided into three phases: juvenile or early age; sapling to maturity; and mature to overmature old age. The length of time a tree is in each phase varies with species, site, and stand conditions. During the first or juvenile phase, height growth is charac­ teristically slow. In natural stands, it is not uncommon for many of the true firs to take up to 20 years to reach breast height (table 1). Under favorable conditions, however, Pacific silver, grand, and noble firs are capable of reaching breast height in five to nine years. Although most of the western true firs are fairly shade tolerant, in stands of mixed species their early height growth can be retarded by shade from those with greater juvenile height growth. Regeneration in uneven-aged stands can be severely suppressed; Williams (1968b) measured Pacific silver fir that took over 80 years to reach breast height. Delays in growing out of the juvenile phase are still evident many years later. Although most true firs can recover from early suppression or checks in height growth and show excel­ lent subsequent height growth, they characteristically remain shorter than trees of the same age that emerged from the juve­ nile phase more rapidly. Table I. Years to breast height for western true firs under conditions favorable for regeneration. Species Pacific silver fir White fir Grand fir Subalpine fir California red fir Noble fir Years to breast height* 7-20 15-25 5-20 20-40 10-25 5-12 * Sources include Fowells (1965), Hanzlik ( 1925), Stage ( 1959), Williams ( 1968b), and personal field observations. Height Growth Patterns In the second major phase, from the sapling stage to matu­ rity, height growth is rapid, generally following a more-or-less linear trend. The linear portion of the height-growth curve is most extended on the best sites (Cochran 1979; Herman et al. 1978; Schumacher 1926, 1928; Stage 1959). This period of rapid height growth is longer for the true firs than for many of their associates. thus. during this second phase the true firs of­ ten catch up with or surpass associated tree species (Herman 1967). Height growth slows as trees enter the third, mature to over­ mature, old-age phase of height growth. The true firs are fairly long-lived, however; on favorable sites, trees 100 to 400 years old continue to increase appreciably in height. In many old­ growth stands, the true firs are found in dominant or super­ dominant positions. On good sites, most of the western Abies attain heights of 40 to 60 m. with maximum heights of Pacific silver, grand, and noble firs ranging from 75 to 85 m (table 2). True fir height growth is limited to a rather brief period dur­ ing the growing season (figure 1 ) . This is generally true of spe­ cies with determinate height growth and is in contrast to spe­ cies lacking large overwintering terminal buds, such as hemlock or cedar, which continue to grow in height as long as conditions are favorable during the growing season. The west­ ern true firs, however, tend to have more rapid terminal expan­ sion than any of their associates, with the possible exception of Douglas-fir (Fowells 1941; Williams 1968a). Study locations • Noble fir 0 Pacific silver fir • Grand fir Olympia • go . ,,.. MI. Rainier . • • •o eo 0 ;o MI. St. Helens .. •: Figure 2. Location of true fir stands studied in western Washington. 100 :F: 90 0, E 80 .2' 70 ., ,t;; : :::: .. 60 c: 50 I 0.. / /,. / I.' II t' lj 40 / .·' ,.I / : • .' i ,'i / / ! if l/ 0 'E 30 ¬., · I If 20 . ,' ,. " . Āā""· .... ÿ/ Ă ·.:· "'.·".;, // / I/ ,• ' 1 I .. /I / : . ,' ,/,I/ , ..' . / I I I I I / / // -- Douglas·llr - - -Western redcedar -" - •·- western hemlock ••• • • • • • • • • Lodgepole pine .. - - - -- Pacdlc s1lver hr -·-·-·-Nobleflr -- ••--" Subalpme fir ;'''p'' t.' .',' .. 10 '/ 10 20 May Figure 1. Seasonal height growth of several northwestern conifers (Government Camp, Oregon, 1200 m [3900 ft] adapted from Wil­ liams 1968). COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF FIELD DATA We collected height and age or annual height growth infor­ mation in 49 true fir stands in western Washington (figure 2) . Most of the stands were mixed species with Douglas-fir and 210 western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla [Raf.] Sarg. ) the most common tree associates. Elevations ranged from 30 to 1300 m with most of the stands occurring between 600 and 1000 m. For each site, we determined aspect, elevation, soil series, and Douglas-fir site index. Elevation and soil series were deter­ mined from topographic and soil maps.Douglas-fir site index was determine'd using King (1966); 10 or more site trees were measured for height and age in the younger stands; at least five site trees were measured in the older stands. If not enough suit­ able Douglas-fir trees were on the site to make an accurate site index determination, we used the Douglas-fir site index for the appropriate soil series;' we used soil series to determine the Douglas-fir site index for about one-fifth of the sites. On all sites, we determined total height and breast-height age of the true firs. Some sites had more than one age class present; we used an average of three trees per species to deter­ mine an average height for each site and age class. We also determined annual height growth of 17 true fir trees that came from I 0 different stands. The trees were felled, aged at breast height, and the distances between branch whorls mea­ sured. The number of rings at breast height for each tree was verified to equal the number of whorls above breast height. I. Based on Weyerhaeuser Company soil maps for their Washington tree farms. Harrington and Murray Table 2. Average and maximum heights of mature true firs on good sites (adapted from Fowells (1965). 120 Tala/ height (Meters) A1•erage Maximum 40-60 75 40-55 40-60 61 76 Subalpine fir 18-30 California red fir Noble fir 40-50 41 57 40-60 83+ Species Pacific silver fir White fir Grand fir 130 39 33 110 ' ' ( ( Notif'' 100 -rx.uq'' ''''"'"ll19E.{'' 50 40 12 30 t Information from Jerry F. Franklin, Forestry Sciences Laboratory. Cor­ vallis, Oregon. 20 0 0 10 0 345.61-1 7183-1 79 1 2;.<23-=25 -=27=29>31?33@35' 95:17, Breasl·helght age (years) When the trees were young enough to allow accurate determi­ nation, measurements were also made of interwhorl distances Figure 3a. Height growth of two noble firs compared with average height growth of Douglas-fir on Douglas-fir site index 40 m (130 ft) below breast height. We avoided any trees of lower crown (King 1966). class or with obvious signs of past top damage, Cumulative height growth was plotted over age for each of the trees with annual height growth measurements. The height 130 39 growth patterns of the true firs on each site were compared 120 36 with the expected height growth for Douglas-fir on that site, as 0 Q00 110 33 --DO<Jglash•!Kmg19661 100 predicted by Douglas-fir site index (King 1966). 30 90 27 We wished to compare the relative heights of the true firs "8 I 80 [ with those of Douglas-fir on sites of varying Douglas-fir site in­ :E 24 0 .!1' 2 1 70 þ. dex. Thus, for each age for which we had data, we regressed ;?; 60 72 1B height of the true fir against Douglas-fir site index. The regres­ {!. a 15 50 sion equations were computed individually for noble and Pa­ 12 P 40 cific silver firs; grand fir data were insufficient for this analysis. 30 Data from the sites with annual height growth measurements : 20 ? were included in the regression analyses of each age for which 10 other data were available. The majority of the values used in L--LAB37-C,D. , E F G 5 .H J . 7 I 9 -,K 3 3 3 5 L 5 1 2 1 2 =27M2 9N31 33O ' ° 11 1 the regression analyses, however, were independent for each Breast·helght age (years) age. Douglas-fir site index incorporates the effects of many site Figure 3b. Height growth of three grand fir trees compared with aver­ factors on height growth of Douglas-fir. The effects of some of age height growth of Douglas-fir on Douglasfir site index 40 m (130 these site factors may be species-specific. To evaluate how ft) (King 1966). well Douglas-fir site index incorporates the effects of aspect and elevation on true fir height growth, the true fir heights pre­ covery from top damage can be seen (figure 3b) . All three spe­ dicted by the regression equations were compared to actual cies had excellent growth rates on areas with high Douglas-fir heights. Sites having heights that deviated from the predicted site indexes; maximum annual height growth ranged from I . 0 values by more than 10 percent (plus or minus) were tallied by t o 1. 2 meters (tabie 3). On the better sites. most trees entered aspect and elevation for each species. the linear phase of height growth at or just before reaching breast height; on the poorer sites, however. trees did not begin rapid height growth until three or four years after passing RESULTS breast height. Once trees began rapid height growth, their The plotted height-growth data illustrated the general trends growth rate was linear for as many years as we had data. The regressions of true fir height against Douglas-fir site in­ of height growth during the juvenile phase and the early por­ tion of the sapling-to-maturity phase. Delays in entering the dex had correlation coefficients ranging from 0.85 to 0. 98 (all period of rapid height growth are still evident in reduced height significant at a= .01). All the regression lines (figures 4a and at later ages (figure 3a). Both minor top damage and rapid re­ b) had positive slopes, indicating greater heights were associ­ 0000 GraM f" ' .1::: "" ' 0 "' 0 211 . Height Growth Patterns 39 A 130 130 B 39 120 -Nobltllr 33 120 110 -- -- Pacificsliver fir 33 30 110 JO (} 00[ 70 ::r «· ::r 60- ..- - ....... ::--:: - === ::::: - : ----- ------------ 12 - - - 60 120 100 50 ., m 140 , Douglas·flr site Index (SO . y8 39 c --- Douglas-fir - - - -- ..... _ -- ' :! ..... 70 - ,A - = -- ===== == ---, -... ------_ __ _ _ - 130 39 120 36 1 eo.:. a : 30 8 - 10 39 ... ............ ... .. ......... ..- ..- .,...,... 12 JO _ _ 10 27 24 60 00 _G H----I•JoKLMNO1P QRST,--U Douglas.flr site Index (SO·y8 1V 20 W----X"Yo___ D 130 120 ---Not>'elor 110 33 33 30 30 100 27 27 90 §:,. .c ·ª 21 §:,. eo .!2J21 70 19 {!. - 18 60 15 50 12 40 ---PJc•hcsd.erlor .c .! .c 18 15 12 - -- -- 10 -----1 60 120 100 80 140 60 - - -- -4 :: :§ 30 --- 20 10 120 140 Douglas·fir site Index (SO·Y8 39 E 130 F 120 •20 36 ---PJC•'IIoerl•r 33 I 27 80 Douglas·flr site Index (SO. y8 39 - - ------- (} !!!: --ooGHr,, 110 33 ""' 30 -Nobl('f,r 110 )} 30 100 27 90 = 24 (} 80 'a) 21 70 e -§, .c j§ {!. 60 18 15 40 12 - --- - -----60 .0 100 - -- -- - 33 ----- .=-== d 15 50 12 40 30 30 20 •o 120 10 24 140 Douglas·lir site Index (50·Y8 60 27 Douglas·lir site Index (SO·yr) Figure 4. Height by breast-height age and Douglas-fir site index 212 33 100 BO (King 1966) for: a) noble fir: b) Pacific silver fir; c) Douglas-fir; d) noble fir and Pacific silver fir: e) Pacific silver fir and Douglas-fir; and f) noble fir and Douglas-fir. 30 120 140 ::r Harrington and Murray Table 3. Characteristics of study locations and best annual height growth in true fir stands in western Washington. Douglas:fir Location Soil series Aspect I Melbourne Melbourne PACIFIC SILVER FIR Astoria Mal 3 4 5 Abiel NOBLE FIR 6 7 8 9 10 (50 year) E/e\'{1/ion Amount Breast-height age Meters Meters feet Meters 0 0 125 125 40 40 130 130 1.22 1.22 7,8 1 1. 19,22 N 300 500 700 43 38 37 140 125 120 1. 15 0.95 0. 80 7 8, 17,22 8, 10, 15.26 325 500 825 950 950 43 40 37 26 26 140 130 120 85 85 1.07 1. 15 1.07 0.79 0.82 17 6,7 1 1. 12 12, 15,2 1,3 1 15, 16. 17, 19 GRAND FIR 2 Best a/1111/al height groH·th site index N sw Boistfort NE Boistfort Sugarloaf N s Katula Katula 0 0 ated with higher Douglas-fir site indexes. The regression lines for Pacific silver and noble fir were compared with each other and with the lines for Douglas-fir (figure 4c) developed from King (1966). consistent trend for either high or low elevations to be associ­ ated with deviations from the predicted values. Aspect, however, did seem to have a greater influence on height growth of noble and Pacific silver fir than is accounted When the regression lines for noble and Pacific silver firs for by Douglas-fir site index. For noble fir, south and east as­ were compared (figure 4d), the two species were seen to per­ pects, especially at low to middle elevations, were associated form similarly on high Douglas-fir sites, but the performance with poorer performance than predicted. For Pacific silver fir, of Pacific silver fir fell off more sharply than that of noble fir at north aspects were associated with better performance than the lower site indexes. Predicted height of Pacific silver fir was predicted. poorer than that of Douglas-fir at all site indexes and for all ages; the greatest differences were on the poorest sites (figure SUMMARY AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 4e). The relationship between performance of noble fir and Height growth of true firs that are free to grow can be char­ Douglas-fir changed over time (figure 4f). Generally our analy­ sis showed that Douglas-fir outperforms noble fir on the higher acterized by a period of slow juvenile growth, an extended pe­ Douglas-fir site indexes; noble fir, however, grows better than riod of rapid growth that is almost linear, and a final phase in Douglas-fir on the poorer site indexes and its advantage in­ which slower but still appreciable growth continues up to very creases with age. At breast-height age 13 the regression lines advanced ages. These characteristics mean that juvenile true cross at site index 23 m (74 ft); by breast-height age 3 3 , the firs often appear at a disadvantage compared with their associ­ regression lines cross at site index 35 m (115 ft). Thus, by ated tree species. Once past the juvenile phase, however, their breast-height age 33, on sites where Douglas-fir site index is relatively long period of rapid, uniform height growth often less than 35 m, the predicted height of noble fir is greater than allows the true firs to catch up with or surpass their associates. that of Douglas-fir. Cumulative height growth of noble fir can Seasonal height growth takes place during a fairly brief pe­ surpass that of Douglas-fir because the period of maximum riod. Minor height-growth reductions may result if stand en­ height growth in noble fir is longer than that in Douglas-fir;2 tries coincide with the period of rapid terminal expansion. We found that true firs growing at low to middle elevations this difference is most pronounced on poorer sites (figure 5 ). in western Washington performed better than most foresters The extended period of good height growth in noble fir allows it to overtop all its associates eventually--even Douglas-fir on probably would have predicted. Pacific silver fir was fairly consistently outgrown by both noble fir and Douglas-fir. good sites. Douglas-fir site index appears to incorporate the effect of Height growth of Pacific silver fir was quite respectable elevation for the true firs as well as for Douglas-fir; elevation though, and, with its shade tolerance and fairly narrow crown, by itself did not appear to account for any additional variation it may warrant greater management consideration--especially in height growth of noble or Pacific silver firs. There was no as a component of mixed stands. For the same reasons, grand fir should also be considered. Any species capable of growing 2. Douglas-fir at high elevations have been shown to have slower height growth at early ages and greater height growth at later ages than trees at low over I 2 m a year should be evaluated seriously. Both grand fir elevations that have the same height at 100 years (Curtis eta/. 1974). Thus, and noble fir have grown well in experimental plantings on differences in height-growth patterns of different species may vary with loca­ several sites in Europe (Aldhous and Low 1974; McLean 1980; . tion. 2 13 1 Harrington and Murray Rohrig 1978) and have been recommended for wider use. No­ 130 39 120 ble fir tends to have a slower start than Douglas-fir, but the superior performance of noble fir on poor sites (relative to Douglas-fir), and its good performance on good sites suggest 110 OQQQNoble!a -Douqlast,rtK•nb\9661, 0000 30 100 that the species should be considered more frequently for man­ agement on suitable lowland as well as upper-slope locations. oo:0 Additional research is necessary to predict the productivity of 0 90 80 !!. 70 l ;t so a these species under specific site conditions. 50 12 40 30 10 L-----���-77-79-7.11�13�1�5�1�7�19-7.21�23�2�5�2�7��-7.31����·0 Breasl·helghl age (years) Figure 5. Height growth of three noble fir trees compared with aver­ age height growth of Douglas-fir on Douglas-fir site index 26 m (85ft) (King 1966). REFERENCES Aldhous, J. R .. Low. A. J. King, James E. 1974. The potential of \\'estem hemlock, westem redcedar, grand 1966. Site index curl'es for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. fir m lnoble .fir in Britain. For. Comm. Bull. 49. London. Eng­ Weyerhaeuser For. Pap. 8. Centralia, WA: Weyerhaeuser Co., land: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. For. Res. Cent. McLean, C. Cochran, P. H. 1979. Site index and height growth cur\'es for managed, el'en-aged 1980. stands of ll'hite or grand fir east of the Cascades in Oregon and 1977-78. Scottish For. 34:101-109. Washington. USDA For Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-252. Portland, OR: Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Sta. Curtis. Robert 0 .. Herman, Francis R.. and DeMars, Donald J. 1974. Height growth and site index for Douglas-fir in high-eleva­ tion forests of the Oregon-Washington Cascades. Forest Sci. 20: 307-316. Abies in Scotland. Report on the Silvicultural Group Rohrig, E .. ed. 1978. Grundlagenjl'ir den Anbattl'on Abies grandis. [Research on growing Abies grandis]. Schr. Forst!. Fak. Univ. Gottingen und Niedersachs. Forst!. Versuchsanst. 54. Schumacher, Francis X. 1926. Yield, stand, and volume tables for ll'hite fir in the California · pine region. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 407. Berkeley, CA: Univ. Powells, H. A. 1941 . The period of seasonal growth of ponderosa pine and associ­ Calif. ated species. J. For. 39:601-608. . compiler. --- 1965. Sill'ics of forest trees of the United States. USDA Agric. Handb. 271. Washington, D.C. Hanzlik, Edward J. 1928. Yield, stand, and volume tables for red .fir in California. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 491. Berkeley, CA: Univ. Calif. Stage, Albert E. 1959. Site index cun·es for grand fir in the Inland Empire. USDA 1925. A preliminary study of the growth of noble fir.]; Agric. Res. 31(I 0):927-934. For. Serv. Res. Note 71. Ogden, UT: lntermt. For. and Range Exp. Sta. Herman, Francis R. Williams, Carroll B., Jr. 1967. Growth comparisons of upper-slope conifers in the Cascade 1968a. Seasonal height growth of upper-slope conifers. USDA Range. Northll'est Sci. 41:51-52. For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-62. Portland, OR: Pac. Northwest For. --- .Curtis, Robert 0 . and DeMars, Donald J. . and Range Exp. Sta. 1978. Height groll'th and site index estimates for noble fir in high­ elel'(ltion forests of the Oregon-Washington Cascades. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-243.Portland, OR: Pac. Northwest For. and 1968b. Juvenile height growth of four upper-slope conifers in the Range Exp. Sta. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-70. Portland, OR: Pac. Northwest For. and Washington and northern Oregon Cascade Range. USDA For. Range Exp. Sta. About this file: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; however, some mistakes may remain. 214