Ann. Bot. 47, 467-471, 1981 Germination Rate of Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] Seeds Affected by Their Orientation F. C. SORENSEN and R. K. CAMPBELL Accepted: 11 September 1980 ABSTRACT Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seeds develop with the adaxial surface continuous with the cone scale. On separation, the scale side of the seed is lighter coloured and flatter than the side not previously in contact with the scale. Seeds oriented scale-side-up on a moist surface germinate more rapidly than seeds placed scale-side-down. When seeds were germinated under laboratory conditions, the response to orientation varied among seeds of different geographic origin. Most of the geographic variation in germination rate occurred when seeds were oriented scale-side-up. Key words: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Douglas-fir germination, orientation of seeds. INTRODUCTION Two types of seed-form variants (seed polymorphisms) have been described: (1) two or more forms of seeds for a species exist on separate plants growing in the same habitat, or (2) two or more forms of seeds are produced on different parts of the same plant or flower (Harper, Lovell and Moore, 1970). The differences in form are adaptive and are often associated with differences in germination behaviour. We report here a variation similar to polymorphism in that it is based on differences in form, but in this case the differences are between the two sides of a single seed. Because of the differences between the sides, seed orientation affects germination rate. The differences in germination rate may be adaptive, because response to orientation differs among seeds of different geographic origins. The physical basis for the polymorphism resides in the shape and development of a Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seed. A wingless, mature seed is flattened and ovate, approximately 8 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm. The seed coat is differentiated into three layers, of which the outer is continuous with the adaxial surface of the ovuliferous scale. Separation of the seed wing from the scale results from dissolution of the middle lamella beneath the ovule and seed wing (Allen and Owens, 1972). When the seed is separated from the scale, the side previously adhering to the scale is lighter in colour and somewhat flatter than the upper side. Because the seed is somewhat flattened, it tends to rest on a more or less even surface with the scale side up or down. Polymorphisms are generally assumed to be adaptive (Harper et al., 1970; Stebbins, 1971; Nobs and Hagar, 1974; McDonough, 1977; Sorensen, 1978), and we hypothesized that the seed orientation effect on germination might have an adaptive function in Douglas-fir. This paper reports a preliminary testing of that hypothesis based on seed collections from several widely separated locations in Oregon. This article was written and prepared by US Government employees on official time, and it is therefore in the public domain. Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on October 11, 2012 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. m at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on October 11, 2012 1. Analysis of variance of days to 50 per cent germination for Douglas-fir seed samples from two trees at each of seven locations. Treatments included two light intensities and two seed orientations with three replications. Trees-in-populations are random, other effects are fixed TABLE Sources of variation Light (L) Replications-in-L (R) Orientation (O) OxL Provenance (P) Trees-in-P (T/P) PxL d.f. /-I T/PxO PxLxO T/P x L x 0 Residual Total <rj+ oprto\ /(r-1) 0-1 (T^ + r/(TQ^>(pj -f- '*O*7"LT(P) "t"'*'^o*LT(P) ~^~ rp'°LO"t~ ^ipt<T{) (/-lXo-1) 0-^ + rlfrjy^i pj + roo^np\ -f- rlofT^ip) 4- rpto^Q p-\ p(t— 1) (p— 1X/— l) a-l + r/oo-^p, + rloto\, T/PxL PxO Estimated mean squares o^ + r/oo-^p) o\ + rtxr^-piP) ~t" rot(j\jp &b ~^~ FOG LT( P) (p-lXo-l) Pit-m>-\) (p— 1X/— 1X°— •) p(,_l)/_l)( 0 _l) Kppt-\\r-X) loprt - 1 (T^ + r/o^yi-^pj ° i + ro1x>T( p> + ' • ' " l o p ^E + ^loTIP) Calculated mean squares (xlO«) Significance 45113 <001 3 0023 149-823 0066 50-699 14-246 2-299 2-417 11-624 0-776 1-269 0-517 0-242 <0.05 n.s. n.s. < 001 n.s. <001 <001 <001 n.s. n.s. § I3 Sorensen and Campbell—Germination of Douglas-fir Seeds 469 MATERIAL AND METHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seeds placed scale-side-up reached 50 per cent germination in 4-6 days (average for all treatments), or 1-7 days earlier than those placed scale-side-down. It should be noted that this difference occurred at temperatures promoting rapid germination. In addition, the effect of orientation depended on population and trees-in-population, both interactions being highly significant (Table 2). TABLE 2. Components of variance (cr x 103) and standard errors (in parentheses) estimated from analyses of germination rates (days'1). Estimates are for seed samples germinated scale-side-up vs. scale-side-down. Percentages refer to total variability among means exclusive of light and replication effects Components of variance Sources of variation Populations (P) Trees-in-populations (T/P) Error Total Estimated mean squares <J\ + (XT\IV+\2<T\. <TI + (XJ\IT a\ Scale-side-up (<j' x 101) (%) Scale-side-down 3-92(2-3) 72 1-30(0-6) 24 0-21 4 5-43 100 0-05(0-4) 3 1-07(0-5) 76 0-30 21 1-42 100 Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on October 11, 2012 Seeds were collected from two trees at each of seven locations along a west-to-east transect at approximately 45° N latitude. The sites included three locations in the Coast Ranges, two in the Cascade Range, and two in central Oregon east of the Cascades. Elevations ranged from 45 to 1750 mm, and distances from the Pacific Ocean ranged from 20 to 420 km. Seeds were soaked in distilled water for 24 h at room temperature (c. 22 °C) and were moist chilled for 60 days at 3-4 °C. Germination was on moist filter paper in covered Petri dishes at 18 °C in a controlled environment chamber. Moisture in the Petri dishes was kept below the level at which a visible film could be seen on the seed coats. Light was supplied by four cool white fluorescent plus two incandescent lamps (c. 400 fc = 4300 lx). Because the two sides of the seed differ in colour and do not transmit light equally (Richardson, 1959), we anticipated that light adsorption might be critical to the orientation effect and included a light vs. dark contrast in the test. Seeds in the dark treatment were kept in a box lined with black polyethlene, and their germination was counted under a single cool white fluorescent lamp filtered through two sheets of 7-mil (018 mm) medium green roscolene (plastic sheeting). The design model included a pair of experiments (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967, p. 375), one in light and one in dark, in a single environment chamber. Seed orientations and seed samples, replicated three times, formed a 14 x 2 factorial within each experiment. Seed samples (trees) were nested within populations. The combined analysis of variance , was based on a mixed model with random trees-in-populations and other variables fixed (Table 1). The unit of observation was the average germination rate of 35 seeds in a single Petri dish. Mean germination rates, defined at days to 50 per cent total germination (Bliss, 1967, p. 116), were determined for each dish by plotting cumulative percentage germination against days"1 on probit paper (Campbell and Sorensen, in preparation) and visually fitting a straight line to the plot. Counts were made at 0025-day"1 intervals starting at the time of first germination. 470 Sorensen and Campbell—Germination of Douglas-fir Seeds The evidence for an adaptive basis for the variation pattern comes from the observation that both mean germination rate (day"1) for a provenance and the difference between germination rate scale-side-up and scale-side-down increased with distances from the ocean (Table 3, lines 1 and 2, respectively). In addition, the differences between germination rates scale-side-up and -down were very closely related to mean germination rate for the provenance (Table 3, line 3). In other words, provenances whose seeds had the most rapid germination rates also showed the greatest response to orientation, and both germination rate and response to orientation increased with increasing distance from the ocean. Length of frost-free season and mean annual precipitation decrease regularly with increasing distance from the ocean in the area sampled (Johnsgard, 1963). Comparison 1 2 3 0-00026 0-00023 0-94 0000085 0000091 008 0-81 0-75 0-98 < 005 =005 < 001 • Probability that the coefficient of correlation differs significantly from zero. As a preliminary hypothesis, we propose that the orientation response has evolved as a strategy for regulating variation in timing of germination. In our experiment, the orientation effect was greater in faster-germinating populations (Table 3, line 3). Seeds of populations of Douglas fir from habitats with short growing seasons characteristically germinate rapidly. In regions where rapid or early germination is advantageous, a factor which delays or spreads out germination also may be advantageous. In such a case, not all seeds would germinate early if the environmental cues influencing germination were, by chance, mistimed with respect to frost or other damaging event. Furthermore, selection against seeds germinating at a particular time would be based partly on a non-genetic factor (the orientation of the seed). Therefore, genetic variance of germination rate would not be so greatly altered by the selection associated with a mistimed climatic event. We do not know the mechanism by which orientation affects germination rate. Light, seed shape, moisture uptake and gas exchange and chemistry of the seed coat influence activation of enzymes and other processes. We included a light contrast. Although seed germinated faster in the light (by 0-8 days), the effect of light did not vary between orientations or among populations (Table 1). Because the size and shape of seeds influence germination (Dr A. G. Gordon, 1979, pers. comm.), we correlated germination rate with a number of measures of seed size and shape and found a significant correlation^ = 0-55;d.f. = 12;P < 005) between the ratio seed thickness:seed weight and germination rate scale-side-up. The families whose seeds were thickest for their weight germinated the fastest, suggesting that the distance between the embryo and the seed coat could be important. This effect may hinge on the sensitivity of the seeds to moisture content (Belcher, 1975; Hegarty, 1978). A small supplementary test indicated that Douglas-fir seeds placed on a moist surface equilibrate at different moisture contents depending on orientation. Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on October 11, 2012 T A B L E 3. Estimated coefficients (b) of regression, sample standard deviations 0>b) of the regression coefficients, and coefficients (r) of correlation associated with (1) germination rates (days'1) vs. provenance distance from the ocean, (2) difference between germination rates scale-side-up and scale-side-down vs. distance from the ocean and (3) difference between germination rates scale-side-up and -down vs. mean germination rate for provenance LITERATURE CITED ALLEN, G. S. and OWENS, J. N., 1972. The life history of Douglas-fir. Canadian Forestry Service. Environment Canada. Ottawa, Canada. BARNETT, J. P., 1976. Delayed germination of southern pine seeds related to seed coat constraint. Can. J. For. Res. 6, 504-10. BELCHER, E. W., 1975. Influence of substrate moisture level on the germination of seed and selected Pinus species. Seed Set. Tech. 3, 597-604. BLISS, C. I., 1967. Statistics In Biology, vol. 1. McGraw-Hill, New York. CROCKER, W., 1948. Growth of Plants. Reinhold, New York. HARPER, J. L., LOVELL, P. H. and MOORE, K. G., 1970. The shapes and sizes of seeds. A. Rev. Ecol. System. 1, 327-56. HEGARTY, T. W., 1978. The physiology and seed hydration and dehydration, and the relation between water stress and the control of germination: a review. PI., Cell, Environ. I, 101-19. IKUMA, H. and THIMANN, K. V., 1963. The role of the seed-coats in germination of photosensitive lettuce seeds. PI. Cell Physiol. 4, 169-85. JOHNSGARD, G. A., 1963. Temperature and the water balance for Oregon weather stations. Special Report ISO, Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis. MCDONOUGH, W. T., 1977. Seed physiology. Chapter VI in Rangeland Plant Physiology, ed. R. E. Sosebee, pp. 155-184. Society of Range Management, Range Science Series 4. NOBS, M. A. and HAOAR, W. G., 1974. Analysis of germination and flowering rates of dimorphic seeds from Atriplex hortensis. Carnegie Inst. of Washington Yearbook 73, 859-864. NYMAN, B., 1963. Studies on the germination in seeds of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) with special reference to the light factor. Studia Forestalia Suecica No. 2. RICHARDSON, S. D., 1959. Germination of Douglas-fir seed as affected by light, temperature and gibberellk acid. For. Sci. 5, 174-81. SNEDECOR, G. W. and COCHRAN, W. G., 1967. Statistical Methods. The Iowa State University Press, Ames. SORENSEN, A., 1978. Somatic polymorphism and seed dispersal. Nature, Lond. 276, 174-6. STEBBINS, G. L., 1971. Adaptive radiation of reproductive characteristics in angiosperms. II. Seeds and seedlings. A. Rev. Ecol. System. 2, 237-60. STONE, E. C , 1957. Embryo dormancy of Pinus Jeffrey! Murr. seed as affected by temperature, water uptake, stratification and seed coat. PI. Physiol. 32, 93-99. WEBB, D. P. and WAREING, P. F., 1972. Seed dormancy in Acer pseudoplatanus L.: the role of covering structure. J. exp. Bot. 23, 813-29. Downloaded from at DigiTop USDA's Digital Desktop Library on October 11, 2012 Sorensen and Campbell—Germination of Douglas-fir Seeds 471 Also, the structure or chemistry of the seed coats could be factors. Seed coats are known to influence germination rate in many ways (Crocker, 1948; Stone, 1957; Ikuma and Thimann, 1963; Nyman, 1963; Webb and Wareing, 1972; Barnett, 1976), and the differences in seed colour of the two sides of a Douglas-fir seed may be associated with structural or chemical differences affecting germination. The large effect of orientation under laboratory conditions and its correlation with seed origin suggest that orientation is a potentially important part of the reproductive biology of Douglas fir. The effect may be particularly significant on sites with relatively short growing seasons; for example, a difference of 1-8 days occurred between orientations for a central Oregon sample with an average germination rate of 3-7 days. The relationship between orientations and germination rate, however, is undoubtedly more complex than we have described it. Our experiment included a limited number of germination conditions and seed samples. We arranged seeds with equal numbers scale-side-up or -down, an unlikely distribution under natural seedfall conditions. In a small test of distributions, attempted indoors in still air by tapping the base of freshly opened cones, approximately 55 per cent of the winged seeds came to rest scale-side-down. On a natural, rougher surface, the orientation would be less determinate. Seeds could rest on their sides, partially tilted, or even apex up or down. The critical factor may not be the extreme orientations that we have tested, but whether or not the scale side of the seed is in contact with the moisture substrate. Considering the apparent adaptive significance of the response, it may be worthwhile addressing other experiments to these questions.