Errors in Determining lnstar Numbers Through Head Capsule Measurements of a Lepidopteran-a Laboratory Study and Critique1 FRED H. SCHMIDT, ROBERT K. CAMPBELL, AND STEPHEN]. TROTTER, JR. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA, Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ABSTRACT Larvae of Choristoneura viridis Freeman (Tortricidae) were reared individually on an artificial medium in the laboratory under controlled conditions. The larvae ex­ hibited developmental polymorphism, i.e., some larvae had a total of 6 instars, others 7, and still others 8 instars. Except for instar I, all larval head capsules were recov­ ered and widths measured for each larva in the study population. A frequency distribution curve of capsule widths suggested only 6 instars, when in fact over 57% of individuals showed 7 or more instars. Head capsule width ranges for successive instars, as suggested by the multimodal frequency distribution curve, were not in agreement with known values for the laboratory popula- tion, nor were they in agreement when values for the population were segregated by sex irrespective of larval instar group. Peaks in the curve could be interpreted only after the head capsule widths in the population were segregated by instar group. In larval growth regressions for the population as well as for head capsules broken down by sex and/or instar group, standard error of esti­ mate values appeared to be more sensitive than R2 values in reflecting relative precisions of equations. Generated frequency distribution curves of head capsule widths sup­ port the argument that frequency distribution of head capsule widths cannot be used to assign instar numbers in lepidopterous species with developmental polymorphism. Ecologists and applied entomologists are concerned The model equation l nY = a + bX, where Y = head capsule width and X = instar number, is an­ other method for determining the characteristic num­ ber of instars in species. Application of this method to entomological work was 1st recognized by Dyar ( 1890) who found that "widths of the head of a (le pidopte rous) larva in its successive stages follow a regular geometrical progression." Dyar's original purpose in proposing the generalization was to pro­ vide a method of discovering an overlooked instar when trying to determine the number of molts or instars of certain species (Dyar 1890, Richards 1949). The method is not always applicable (Gaines and Campbell 1935, Fox et al. 1972). Whether any method other than direct observa­ tion will adequately characterize instar number in C horistoncura species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is questionable. In laboratory culture, instead of the "typical" 6 instars that have been reported for the western spruce budworm, C. occidental1's Freeman (Bean and Batzer 1957, Lyon et al. 1972), and the eastern spruce budworm, C. fumiferana (Clemens) (McGugan 1954, Bean and Batzer 1957), larvae with 5, 6, and 7 instars and 6, and 7 instars have been found (Schmidt and Lauer 1977). Larvae exhibiting 6. 7, or 8 instars were also found in C. 'l1iridis Freeman. Head capsule width measure­ ments made on larvae of the 1st 2 species were generally similar to those previously reported, even though the actual number of instars may have been other than the reported 62• The greatest deviation from the expected, typical 6 instars occurred in C. virid is where more than SO% of the insects had 7 or 8 instars. This study attempts to determine whether or not methods other than the direct observa­ tion of developing larvae will clearly characterize the number of instars in this species. The derivation of the C. viridis stock, the artificial with larval size, growth rate, age distribution within a population, etc. Many of these factors are directly related to the instars of a given species. Questions of interest include, which instars are preyed upon by given predators, which are parasitized by given parasites, and which are most s usce ptib le to infection by pathogens? How much of a given host is the insect capable of consuming, and which instar (s) consumes the most and thereby causes the most dam­ age? Are LDri0s for such agents as insecticides and pathogens the same for different instars of a species (Shepard 1951, Busvine 1957, Stairs 1965, Ahmad and Forgash 1975, Magnoler 1975)? Can the instars of a species be identified, so that seasonal development of populations may be monitored to determine the proper timing of insecticide applications in control programs? Knowledge of the precise number of in­ stars of a species is of fundamental importance to entomologists of varying interests. The number of instars characteristic of a given species may be determined in several ways including direct observation of larvae reared through the entire larval stage and through plots of frequency distri­ butions of head capsule widths taken from larvae representative of the entire larval stage of the spe­ cies. It has been argued that the latter procedure will provide a multimodal curve with each peak be­ ing representative of head capsules found within one instar. The total number of peaks represents the total number of instars exhibited for the species in the collection of larvae examined. Such multimodal curves, and the resultant classification of the num­ ber of instars characteristic of a species, have been in the literature since 1928 (Peterson and Haeussler 1928, Taylor 1931), and are still in current use (Kishi 1971, Fox et al. 1972, Parker and Moyer 1972, Hoxie and Wellso 1974, Vanderwerker and Kulman 1974, Wilson 1974). 1 Received for publication Sept. 24, 1976. 750 ) 2 Larval head capsule widths, of last instar larvae, irrespective of the total number of instars exhibited by the species, are ca. the same within the species (Schmidt and Lauer 1977). September 1977] SCHMIDT ET AL.: ERRORS IN lNSTAR NUMBERS budworm medium, and the rearing methods have been described in Schmidt and Lauer (1977) . The widths of sloughed head capsules from the 2nd instar to pupation were measured to the nearest 0.016 mm using a calibrated, ocular micrometer (Mc­ Gugan 1954) . The instar group to which each larva belonged was noted at pupation. Only head capsule data from insects that later emerged as adults normal in appearance were included in the results. The adults were sexed. A total of 2218 head capsules was measured from a total of 397 larvae. These included head capsules (and larvae) from the following groups: 500 ( 100) , 366 (61) , and 105 ( 15) from 6-, 7-, and 8-instar males, or 971 total head capsules (and 176 larvae) . In addition, 500 ( 100) , 600 (100) , and 147 (21) head capsules from 6-, 7-, and 8-instar fe­ males were measured for a total of 1247 head capsules (and 22 1 larvae) . To provide a representative frequency distribution curve of larval head capsule widths, a population of C. viridis was constructed by the random selection (random number table) of 200 of the total 397 lar­ vae. The component groups of this population had proportions equivalent to those observed in previous experiments; i.e., 0.5:0.5 male to female frequency and an instar frequency of 0.53, 0.45, and 0.02 for 6-, 7-, and 8-instar males, and 0.32, 0.63, and 0.05 for 6-, 7-, and 8-instar females. The curve included widths from all head capsules recovered from all 200 larvae in the constructed population beginning with instar II. A total of 1 122 head capsules was included. These data were also employed in the calculation of the mean head capsule width and standard deviation for each instar and in each subsequent breakdown of the population by sex and instar group. The same data were used to compute larval growth regressions for the population and for the breakdowns. The model 1nY = a + bX, where Y = head capsule width and X = instar number, was used. In these regressions, the standard errors (i.e., v'MSE, where MSE =mean square error) are biased slightly downwards and R2s upwards because ·all head capsules for each larva in the population, and in each breakdown, were used in the derivation of the resulting regressions. The data suggested that frequency distribution curves of larval head capsule widths might vary with the structure of the population being examined. To verify this, curves for populations with different structures were simulated. Sample data were gen­ erated by a regression equation that well predicts head capsule width (unpublished): 1nY = 0.830 + 0.804 X1 + 0.069 X2 - 0.062 X1 X2 + 0.007 X2X3, where Y represents head cap­ sule width, xl head capsule number, x2 instar group, and X3 sex. In a program developed by D. G. Niess, Systems Analyst, Oregon State University, Corvallis, popula­ tion structures were varied by changing the propor­ tions of larvae in instar groups, maintaining a 50:50 sex ratio. Head capsule numbers were obtained with a random number generator, and 11noise" was intro­ 751 duced into the generated data by incorporating error based on the standard error of estimate of the above equation ( = v'MSE = 0.0739) . Finally, generated data were plotted in the characteristic frequency curve for comparison with distributions based on other population structures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Frequency Distribution Curve of Head Capsule Widths and Determination of Number of Instars.­ Fig. 1 shows the frequency distribution curve of head capsule widths for all head capsules in the larval population. The curve has 5 apparent peaks, with means at ca. 0.3 (peak a) , 0.433 (peak b) , and 0.633 (peak c) , 1.167 (peak d) , and 1.7 mm (peak e) , presumably for instars II through VI. This suggests that there are but 6 instars in the population. How­ ever, this cannot be the case because a substantial number of head capsules were included from larvae that had more than 6 instars. Therefore, 11secondary" peaks in the curve, such as those at ca. 0.933 (peak d1) and 1.4 mm (peak d2) may have functional significance. Since the origin of every head capsule in the frequency distribution was known, it was possible to determine a mean and variation about the mean (i.e., S.D.) for each instar of the population and to cal­ culate a larval growth regression using the means of the successive instars. It was also possible to segregate the capsules into sex and instar classes and to make similar determinations of means and variation about the means for each instar of each subgroup. These calculated mean head capsule widths are shown in Table 1 and also graphically at the top of Fig. 1. There is little apparent difference in head capsule width between head capsules VII and VIII when the mean head capsule widths of all larvae, irrespec­ tive of sex and instar group (i.e., the population), are examined (top line in Fig. 1). Moreover, instars VII and VIII might ordinarily be considered in­ distinguishable as evidenced by their close mean widths and overlapping standard deviations; and, to a large extent, these instars overlap those of instar VI. When larvae for the respective instar numbers are grouped by sex, irrespective of instar group, this problem is still unresolved. There is little difference in head capsule widths between head capsules VII and VIII, and standard deviations overlap for head capsules VI through VIII in both sexes. In females of this sample, the mean width for instar VIII is less than that for instar VII. Head capsule width of successive instars are only distinguishable without overlap when animals in the population are broken down by instar group, irrespec­ tive of sex. Such a breakdown substantially reduced the variability in head capsule widths from instar V onward. If the population is broken down further by both sex and instar, an even greater reduction in this variability is evident in all subgroups except male 8-instar animals, a subgroup containing but 2 animals. 752 POPULATION SEX 180 - 160 ........ w u z w a: (..) ...,.... .,. 140 120 [Vol. 70, no. 5 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SoCIETY OF AMERICA + r l. _.,._..J..'_ -/- /' 1 ../.. b ""/ --+"" - ..,. ,. -"';;::""'�- ;; I -L -- / -- - -- - >-+-< - 4 2.5 6 54.0 7 3.5 SEX-INSTAR d' ;oo;r 6 7 Q - -- 53.0 45.0 6 2.0 lC501r 32.0 8 5.0 8 -- --- 50.0 Q -- - ,____.i_ -- --+--< 50.0 8 -+-- - -- INSTAR GROUP - - -- --- - 100% a' 7 63.0 !Qf; """"' 100 (..) 0 lJ.. 0 >­ u z w ::::> 0 w a:: 60 lJ.. c 40 20 0.2 0.4 0.6 OB 1.0 1.2 1.4 HEAD CAPSULE WIDTH IN 1.6 mm 1.8 2.0 FIG. I.-Frequency distribution curve of head capsule widths for a larval "population" of C. viridis based on ob­ served widths of all head capsules, except instar I, recovered from individuals in the population. Head capsule width means. ( ± SD) of each instar are given for the population and for each subgroup of the same population. Broken lines connect common instar, or head capsule, numbers within a breakdown, and are presented only for the conveni­ ence of the reader. As noted above, the frequency distribution ex­ hibited essentially 5 peaks, or 6 instars, and more should have been evident because more than half of the animals in the population had more than 6 instars. When the composition of individual peaks in the distribution is examined, it is obvious ·that at least some of the peaks in the curve cannot be accounted for when instar means are computed either for the population or for the subgroups broken down by sex alone (the 3 top lines in Fig. 1). In­ consistencies in this regard occur with peaks d11 d, and d2 on the curve. Judged by its position in the curve, the d peak, the highest of the 3, probably includes mostly instar V head capsules. When this peak value is compared with means of instars actually observed for the population and sexed subgroups, the peak contains primarily head capsules from instar VI larvae, which are mostly males. It is difficult to account for the d peak because it occurs just within one standard deviation from instar VII means of the population and of the male subgroup. It was not even within one standard deviation of the mean of instar VI of the female subgroup. The d1 and d2 peaks on the curve are much closer to means actually observed for the instars V and VI, respectively, for the population and for each of the sexed subgroups. September 1977] SCHMIDT ET AL.: ERRORS IN lNSTAR NUMBERS 753 Table 1.-Mean head capsule widths ( HCW) for all C. viridis instars of the "population" and the respective break­ downs of the population in the study. • 1. The "population" (N arvae in group= 200) Instar II III IV v VI VII VIII HCW (mm) ±SD 0.297±0.011 0.413±0.027 0.620±0.065 0.966±0.156 1.425±0.262 1.756±0.165 1.748±0.110 2. Breakdown by sex irrespective of instar group (N arvae) (N=100) HCW (mm) ±SD (N=100) HCW (mm) ±SD 0.295±0.011 0.410±0.028 0.610±0.068 0.948±0.159 1.420±0.265 1.684±0.131 1.767±0.141 0.298±0.013 0.417±0.026 0.630±0.060 0.984±0.150 1.429±0.259 1.805±0.169 1.740±0.114 3. Breakdown by instar group irrespective of sex 6 (N=85) Instar group (N,.,., ) HCW(mm) Instar ±SD 7 (N=108) HCW (mm) ±SD 8 (N=7) HCW (mm) ±SD 0.295±0.009 0.403±0.026 0.587±0.054 0.861±0.088 1.238±0.109 1.782±0.133 0.286±0.030 0.383±0.040 0.531±0.050 0.760±0.044 1.031±0.066 1.352±0.049 1.748±0.110 Instar II IV III v VI VII VIII .. II III IV v VI VII 0.300±0.009 0.428±0.018 0.669±0.041 1.116±0.083 1.694±0.126 VIII 4. Breakdown by sex and instar group 6 Instar· group Sex (N, • .) .., Ins tar II III IV v VI VII VIII • . 7 8 (N=53) HCW (mm) ±SD (N=32) HCW (mm) ±SD (N=45) HCW(mm) ±SD (N=63) HCW(mm) ±SD (N=2) HCW (mm) ±SD (N=5) HCW (mm) ±SD 0.298±0.009 0.425±0.018 0.660±0.038 1.077±0.074 1.649±0.116 0.303±0.009 0.435±0.015 0.684±0.043 1.179±0.052 1.768±0.109 0.291 ±0.008 0.393±0.027 0.553±0.048 0.802±0.087 1.165±0.088 1.699±0.112 0.298±0.009 0.411±0.024 0.612±0.043 0.903±0.061 1.290±0.091 1.841±0.114 0.308±0.059 0.417±0.071 0.583±0.071 0.792±0.083 1.083±0.094 1.350±0.094 1.767±0.141 0.277±0.009 0.370±0.018 0.510±0.022 0.747±0.022 1.010±0.049 1.353±0.036 1.740±0.114 Data shown graphically at the top of Fig. 1. These were expected to be higher on the curve than was found, and certainly higher than the d peak. If the d peak has little relation to head capsule widths for instar V, then 1.167 mm, the maximum for the peak, cannot be assumed to be even a close approximation of the mean head capsule width either for that instar in the population or for that instar in either sex of C. viridis. Therefore, the frequency distribution curve of head capsule widths did not ac­ curately describe either the true number of instars in this population, and presumably this species, or the true mean head capsule widths of all instars found in this population. Moreover, a breakdown by sex did not appreciably improve this interpretation. When head capsule widths are broken down by instar group, irrespective of sex, a more reasonable interpretation for the d1, d, and d2 peaks is possible. The d peak is apparently a combination consisting largely of the instar V head capsule of the 6-instar group and the instar VI head capsule of the 7-instar group. These groups represent ca. 96% of the larvae in the population. The broad peak from ca. 0.833- ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 754 0.933 mm (d1) consisted largely of the instar V head capsule of the 7-instar group, a group representing ca. 54% of the population. The peak at ca. 1.383 mm (d2) consisted largely of the instar VII head capsule of the 8-instar group, a group representing ca. 3% of the population. When head capsule widths are broken down by both sex and instar group, interpretation becomes easier. It is probable that the d peak consisted largely of the instar VI head capsule of the male, 7-instar group and of tl].e instar V head capsule of the female, 6-instar group, with a relatively minor contribution of the instar VI head capsule of the male, 8-instar group. These combined groups repre­ sent ca. 40% of the larvae in the population. The d1 peak of the curve consisted mainly of instar V head capsules of the female 7-instar group, repre­ senting ca. 32% of the population. The d2 peak probably consisted mostly of the instar VII head capsule of both males and females in the 8-instar group, representing ca. 4% of the population. A similar analysis of the probable composition of most other peaks, both major and minor, of this popula­ tion, and presumably the species, can be made. Gaines and Campbell (I935) used a modified ap­ proach to that described above in interpreting a com­ plex frequency distribution curve of head capsule width of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon ( = ypsilon) (Hufnagel), from the data of Satterthwait (I933). Satterthwait found that 6-, 7-, and 8-instar "classes" occurred normally in that species. Gaines and Campbell concluded that the frequency distri­ bution curve method of determining the number of instars of a species "will give clear results only [Vol. 70, no. 5 when the insects being measured are fairly homo­ geneous in rate of development and number of instars. If the population being studied is a mixture of individuals having n and n+ I instars and a cor­ responding difference in rate of development, it might be difficult or impossible to interpret the frequency distributions." This statement would accurately ap­ ply to C. viridis, as well as to other lepidopterous species that exhibit postembryonic, developmental polymorphism (Schmidt and Lauer I977). Larval Growth Regressions from Head Capsule Width Measurements of Successive Instars.-Table 2 shows larval growth regressions of head capsule width measurements of successive instars for the population and for the various subgroup breakdowns shown in both Table I and Fig. 1. In a comparison of R2 values for regressions of the population and subsequent breakdowns of that population, a relatively poor fit of the head capsule width data to the regression was expected, and R2 values for the regressions of the various subgroup breakdowns would reflect substantially better fits. This was not the case. The R2 value was surprisingly high, in view of the known heterogeneity in the population. Little or no additional variability in the data could be accounted for, as judged from R2 values, when the data was broken down into sub­ groups based on sex, irrespective of instar group. An improvement in R2 values was not evident until the population was broken down by instar group, irrespective of sex. When head capsule widths in the population were broken down by both sex and instar group, R2 values of regressions for the male subgroups showed little or no change from the pre- Table 2.-Larval growth regressions based on head capsule width measurements of all head capsules recovered from 200 C. viridis larvae. Breakdown 1. Population Larval growth regression (head capsule width (Y) X instar number (X) ) In? 2. Sex Male Female In? In? 3. lnstar Group 6-instar 7-instar 8-instar In? In? In? 4. Sex-Instar Group Male 6-instar 7-instar 8-instar Female 6-instar 7-instar 8-instar * ** In? In? In? 1n? In? In? = = = = = = = = = = = = 1.438+0.373. X N in group analyzed '% (animals) of group or subgroup analyzed R2* S.E. estimate** 0.953 O.I36 200 1122 IOO 1122 549 573 IOO Head Larvae capsules 1.426+0.373 X 1.4SI+0.372 X 0.948 0.957 0.14I O.I32 200 IOO IOO 1.271+0.44I X 1.425+0.364 X 1.538+0.308 X 0.988 0.983 0.985 0.070 0.082 0.077 200 85 108 7 1122 425 648 49 IOO 200 100 53 45 2 IOO 32 63 5 1122 549 265 270 14 573 I60 378 35 IOO 1.279+0.435 X 1.415+0.356 X 1.657+0.294 X 0.989 0.983 0.974 0.066 0.08I 0.103 1.256+0.452 X 1.433+0.369 X 1.49I+0.3I4 X 0.990 0.990 0.993 0.064 0.063 0.053 Coefficient of determination. Standard error of estimate = V MSE . 50.0 50.0 42.5 54.0 3:5 50.0 50.0 53.0 45.0 2.0 32.0 63.0 5.0 September 1977] SCHMIDT ET AL.: vious breakdown by instar group, irrespective of sex. R:: values of female subgroup regressions, on the other hand, did appear to be slightly higher than a breakdown by instar group alone. Standard error of estimate (SEE) proved to be more sensitive than R2 values in reflecting the increase in precision of regression equations associ­ ated with successive breakdowns of the population into sex and instar group (Table 2) . Regressions in subgroups broken down by sex, irrespective of instar group, had SEE values of 0.141 and 0.132 for males and females, respectively. These values were little different from the SEE value of 0. 136 for the population. In populations broken down by instar group, irrespective of sex, the SEE values were 0.070, 0.082, and 0.077 for regressions of the 6-, 7-, and 8-instar subgroups, or almost a 2-fold reduction from the SEE value obtained for the population regression. vVhen the population was broken down by both sex and instar group, a still further reduc­ tion in SEE values usually occurred. This reduction was substantial for the female-instar subgroups, re­ sulting in SEE values less than half those for the population. Obviously in this sample, most of the variation in the head capsule widths of C. viridis has been accounted for by regression when the SEE value is ca. 0.1 or less. Computer Simulations of Frequency Distribution Curves of Larval Head Capsule Widths.-The com­ puter simulations of larval head capsule widths were plotted in a frequency distribution curve format. Four populations of head capsules were generated. Of the 4, 3 were generated with sex ratios of 0.5:0.5 each, males to females. All the 755 ERRORS IN lNSTAR NUMBERS simulated head capsule widths of each simulated population came from larvae of only one instar group. In one population, all the represented larvae exhibited a total of 6 instars (i.e.. 6-instar group) . In another group, all the represented larvae exhibited a total of 7 instars. and in still another, all the represented larvae exhibited a total of 8 instars. The resulting frequency distribution curves are the top 3 in Fig. 2. Since head capsule data for instar I larvae were omitted in the derivation of the simulation model, the number of peaks in the multimodal frequency distribution curves should be one less than the num­ ber in the respective instar group. This proved to be the case. with 5. 6, and 7 peaks being evident for curves of the 6-, 7-, and 8-instar groups. A 4th simulated population was structured by sex and instar group according to classes shown in the lowest curve of Fig. 2. Because this population had the sex and instar group makeup of a natural popu­ lation, its frequency distribution curve is expected to he similar to that found for the population shown in Fig. 1. vVhile the curve (bottom Fig. 2) showed a great deal of "noise." probably due to the error term used with the model. similarities between the 2 curves are apparent. Peak maxima occurred at ca. 0.3(a). 0.4 ( b). and 0.6 mm(c) and peak minima at ca. 0.33 and 0.5 mm in both curves. The peak located from ca. 1.5-1.95 mm (e) was evident in 100 80 60 100% NCAPS 8 INSTAR = 2002 40 20 w60 u 100% 7 I NSTAR z 40 0:: :::> NCAPS = 1200 8 2o 0 l.L. 0 >-8 u z w :::>6 0 w 0:: l.L.40 100% 6 INSTAR NCAPS = 1200 20 % IN INSTAR CLASS 40 SEX 6 7 8 d 53.0 45.0 2.0 9 32.0 63.0 5.0 1.5 HEAD CAPSULE WIDTH I N 2.0 mm FIG. 2.-Computer simulation of frequency distribution curves of head capsule widths using the model : In?= 0.830 + 0.804 X1 + 0.069 X2 - o.062 X1X2 + o.oo7 x2x3 Y represents head capsule width, X1 head capsule num­ ber, X2 instar group, and X3 sex. An expected peak for instar I is omitted in each curve. The sex ratio in each of the populations is 0.5: 0.5, males: females. 756 [Vol. 70, no. 5 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA both curves. The simulated curve was much "noisier," and finding a precise location for the peak maximum, or the mean head capsule width for the instar that was presumed to be represented by it was, therefore, precluded. The complex and difficult to interpret region of the curve of the natural laboratory popula­ tion (i.e. between 0.75 and 1.5 mm, Fig. 1 ) , was equally complex in the simulated curve. If the popu­ lation represented in the latter had been composed exclusively or even predominately of 6-instar larvae, a minimum would have been expected at ca. 0.8-0.9 mm. But this was not the case. The curves for the homogeneous groups suggested that this peak is com­ posed of simulated head capsules V and VI of . the 7- and 8-instar groups. But since the 8-instar com­ plement to the population was only 3.5%, and there­ fore negligible, this peak consisted largely of instar V head capsules of the 7-instar group. It is probable that the peak between 1.0 and ca. 1.3 mm consisted largely of simulated head capsules of instars V and VI of the 6- and 7-instar groups. The findings by computer simulations are in general agreement with the conclusions made by examining the frequency distribution curve of the actual population presented in Fig. 1. CONCLUSIONS The use of frequency distribution curves to deter­ mine the characteristic number of instars of a species or population may not always be reliable. As pointed out by Gaines and Campbell ( 1935), such curves "will give clear results only when the insects being measured are fairly homogeneous in rate of develop­ ment and number of instars." In lepidopterous spe­ cies which show developmental polymorphism (e.g., C. 'l!iridis). a complex frequency distribution curve can result. Conversely, it can be surmised that com­ plex frequency distributions for head capsule widths in other species may indicate developmental poly­ morphism. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank R. B. Ryan and M. E. Martignoni, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, and N. H. Anderson, Oregon State Univer­ sity for reading the manuscript, and P. Kanarek, Oregon State University, for reviewing the statistical presentation in the manuscript. REFEREN CES CITED 1975. Toxicity of car­ baryl and diazinon to gypsy moth larvae: changes in relation to larval growth. J. Econ. Entomol. 68: 803-6. Bean, J. L., and H. 0. Batzer. 1957. Mean head widths for spruce budworm larval instars in Minnesota and associated data. Ibid. 50: 499. Ahmad, S., and A. J. Forgash. Busvine, J. R. 1957. A Critical Review of the Tech­ niques for Testing Insecticides, Commonwealth In­ stitute of Entomology, London. 208 pp. Dyar, H. G. 1890. The number of molts of Lepidopter­ ous larvae. Psyche 5: 420-22. Fox, R. C., N. H. Anderson, S. C. Garner, and A. I. Walker. 1972. Larval head-capsules of the N an­ tucket pine tip moth. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 65 : 513-4. Gaines, }. C., and F. L. Campbell. 1935. 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