About This File: This File W as create d by scan ni n g the prin M'ISScans ide ted public ntified by ation. the softw are have ho wever, s been corre o me mis cted'' takes ma y remai.n. SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING ESTABLISHMENT OF REDSTEM CEANOTHUS M. A. RADWAN, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, Washington 98502 G. L. CROUCH, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, Washington 985021 Abstract: Germination and seedling establishment of redstem ceanothus ( Ceanothus sanguineus Pursh) were investigated. Seedcoat impermeability was overcome by heating with or without water, and embryo dormancy was broken by stratification or potassium gibberellate (K-G&). The best results were obtained by heating in water for 1 to 15 minutes at 90 C or 1 to 5 minutes at 100 C, followed by stratification for 4 months or soaking in 100- or 250-ppm K-GA3 solutions for 48 hours. Seedling production varied with most factors studied. The greatest success was obtained after hot water treatment with or without appli­ cation of K-G&, sQwing in the fall, and with the use of protective screens. Improvement of percentage es­ tablishment with fall seeding and modification of K-GA3 treatment for spring sowing appear possible. J, WILDL. MANAGE. 41(4):760-766 Redstem ceanothus, a deciduous shrub, has a natural range extending from southern British Columbia to northern California and eastward to Montana (Hickey and Leege 1970:2). It is also found in the central Great Lakes region (van Dersal 1938:90). Red­ stem is recognized as an important species for wildlife food and shelter, watershed pro­ tection, and erosion control (Hickey and Leege 1970, Reed 1974:285). In addition, the plant is probably capable of improving soil through nitrogen fixation like other spe­ cies of Ceanothus (Delwiche et al. 1965: 1046). Seeds of redstem are dOlmant at harvest and require scarification followed by sh'ati­ fication to break dOlmancy. Available in­ fOlmation on pregelmination h'eatments is inadequate. In addition, there is no infor­ mation on the use of growth regulators as substitutes for stratification, or on seedling production under field conditions. The purpose of this study was to deter­ mine the best laboratory methods for red­ stem germination. We applied heat, with and without water, to overcome seedcoat impermeability, and used stratification and 1 Present address: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. 760 potassium gibberellate (K-GAg) to break emblYo dormancy. We also conducted tests in the field at 2 different sites in Oregon. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Seeds Seed collections were made by E. P. Harshman, Willamette National Forest, dur­ ing August 1970 from an area east of Eu­ gene, Oregon. The seeds were cleaned by floatation in water, dried at room tempera­ ture, packed in a plastic bag, and stored at about 5 C until used in 1971 to 1973. There were no changes in viability or dOlmancy during storage as indicated by periodic tests. Laboratory Experiments Heat Treatments. When water was used, seeds were submerged in distilled water at 90 C for 1 to 30 minutes and at 100 C for 1 to 15 minutes, and cooled to room temperature in cold water. The drained seeds were stratified or h'eated with K-GAg before germination. When wa­ ter was not employed, the seeds were placed in dishes and heated in an oven at 90 C and at 100 C for 10 minutes to 24 hours. The seeds were cooled to room temperatm'e and soaked in K-GAs solutions before ger­ mination. - J. Wildl. Manage. 41 (4): 1977 Purchased by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Official Use. ESTABLISHMENT OF REDSTEM CEANOTHUS Stratificatio n.-Following the hot water treatments, the seeds were soaked in dis­ tilled water for 48 hours at room tempera­ ture, drained of excess water, and placed in a refrigerator at 2 to 5 C. Stratification pe­ riods varied from 0 to 4 months, and the times at which stratification was begun were scheduled so that all treatments were completed the same day. Chemical Treatments.-Potassium gib­ berellate was tested as a substitute for strat­ ification on selected hot water treated seeds and on all seeds heated in the oven. The solutions ranged from 0- to 500-ppm K-GAa, and the seeds were soaked in the solutions for 24 or 48 hours before germination. Germination.-There were 3 completely random factorial germination experiments, each involving seeds from 1 of the 3 various treahnent combinations, hot water plus stratification, hot water plus K-GAa, and oven heat plus K-GA3• Three replicates of 50 seeds each were used for every treatment. The seeds were placed to germinate on moist filter paper in petri dishes. The dishes were randomly placed in an incubator pro­ grammed for alternating diurnal tempera­ tures of 30 C for 10 hours and 20 C for 14 hours, with light available during the higher temperature. Emergence of the radi­ cle was used as the criterion for germina­ tion, and germinants were counted at weekly intervals for 4 weeks. Germination percentages were calcu­ lated. All final cumulative germination data of each experiment were subjected to an analysis of variance after arcsine transfor­ mation, and means were compared accord­ ing to Tukey's test (Snedecor 1961:251). Field Tests Study Areas.-Two sites in the Oregon Coast Ranges were selected. One site, in the Corvallis watershed, has basalt-derived soil, and the other, near Harlan, has sedi- J. Wildl. Manage. 41 (4) : 1977 • Radwan and Crouch 761 mentary soil. Both had been clearcut and broadcast-burned within a year of seeding. Both treated and untreated seeds were tested. Spot Seeding.-This test was designed to compare seedling production after 3 differ­ ent pregermination treatments, when seeds were spotted: (1) in each of 2 seasons, (2) at each of the 2 clearcut sites, (3) with and without protection with wire screens, and (4) on each of 3 different soil surface conditions. At each site, 48 seed spots were selected on each seed bed type. The spots, 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm apart, were individually numbered and marked with wire pins; and each h'eatment combination was assigned to 4 spots at ran­ dom. In November 1971 and Aplil 1972, seeds were surface sown at 50 per spot, and screens were immediately installed after sowing where specified. Seedlings were counted periodically and recorded as per­ cents of seeds sown. The data were sub­ jected to analysis of variance after arcsine transformation, and the means were com­ pared according to Tukey's test. Broadcast Seeding .-One year after in­ stallation of the seed spotting experiment, broadcast seeding was used to compare 2 pregermination treatments (hot water, and hot water plus K-GAa); conh'ol seeds were not included because their seedling pro­ duction had been virtually nil in the spot­ ting trial. Treated seeds were sown in the fall and early spring at both locations, within 2 km of the seed spot test. At each location, 16 plots, 0.01 ha each and spaced 3 m apart, were established on uniform ter­ rain; and each time-treatment combination was randomly assigned to 4 plots. Seeds were broadcast at 1,000 per plot. Peliodi­ cally, the seedlings present were counted on O.OO1-ha sampling transects established in the center of each plot. The counts were converted to seedlings per hectare, and ESTABLISHMENT OF REDSTEM CEANOTHUS 762 Table 1. Effects of heating In water and stratification on percentage germination of redstem ceanothus seeds. Minutes of heating Months of stratification" 2 3 4 Average" 45 55 41 32 38 25 39 x 70 85 72 75 77 61 73 y 89 97 92 85 77 63 84 z 44ab 50a 44 ab 40b 39 be 31 e 64 84 83 74 45 70 y 97 93 92 75 41 80 z 41a 43 a 43a 37b 22 e 0 Heating in water at 90 C 1 2 5 15 20 30 Averageb 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ov 17 11 13 7 5 8 lOw Heating in water at 100 C 1 2 5 10 15 Averageb 0 0 0 0 0 Ov 6 5 5 7 5 6w 37 31 37 31 19 31 x a Seeds were heated in water before stratification. Ger­ mination percents are averages of 3 50-seed replicates, and data were subjected to a complete analysis of variance. b Within each of the 2 sections of the table, averages followed by the same letter, a to c in a vertical sequence or v to Z in horizontal sequence, are not significantly different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's test. treahuent comparisons were made using t test (Snedecor 1961:45) as required. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Laboratory Germination Effects of H at Water and Stratification.­ All hot (90 C) and boiling (100 C) waters tested were effective in permitting water absorption by the otherwise impermeable seeds, but no germination occurred without stratification (Table 1). With both temper­ atures, germination of the imbibed seeds be­ gan after 1 month of stratification, increased steadily with further chilling, and reached a maximum at an apparently optimal strati­ fication period of 4 months. The response to stratification varied with the heating period. Over all stratifications, germination was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by heating longer than 20 minutes at 90 C and 5 minutes at 100 C. After the opti- • Radwan and Crouch mum 4-month stratification period, heating for 1 to 15 minutes at 90 C and 1 to 5 min­ utes at 100 C produced the best results. A veraged over each of these ranges, genni­ nation percents were similar for the 2 tem­ peratures, and exceeded 90 percent. This is not consistent with available information indicating much lower germination after various hot water treatments and 3 or 4 months of chilling (Glazebrook 1941, Peter­ son 1953, Gratkowski 1973). The discrep­ ancy may be due to differences in the seeds tested and methods used for hot water treatment, stratification, and germination. K-GAa as a Substitute for Stratification.­ Soaking seeds in K-GAa solutions following hot water treatment, broke embryo dor­ mancy without stratification (Table 2). Gelmination varied significantly (P < 0.05 ) with the water treatment, K-GAa concen­ tration, and soak time. Overall, the highest germination percents were obtained by heating in water for 10 minutes at 90 C or for 2 or 5 minutes at 100 C, followed by soaking for 48 hours in 100- or 250-ppm K-GAg solutions. The average maximum germination of about 90 percent was as high as that obtained from fully stratified seeds. In addition, the gelminants from chemically treated seeds appeared to be normal and as vigorous as those from stratified seeds. Po­ tassium gibberellate, therefore, completely replaced the seeds' 4-month optimum chill­ ing requirement without any detectable harmful effects. Efficacy of Dry Heating Plus K-GAa.­ Heat applied to dry seeds was effective in overcoming seedcoat impelmeability (Ta­ ble 3). Germination following treatment with K-GAa varied significantly (P < 0.05) among and within the 2 temperatures tested. Maximum percentages of germination were obtained by heating for 8 to 16 hours at 90 C, and for to 12 hours at 100 C. Outside these optimum ranges, germinations were J. Wildl. Manage. 41 (4) : 1977 ESTABLISHi\-IENT OF REDSTEM C EANOTHUS Table 2. • Radwan and Crouch 763 Germination percentages of redstem ceanothus seeds after heating In water plus soaking In potassium glbberellate (K-GA3) solutions. K-GAa concentrations and soak periodsn Minutes of heating 50 ppm 24 h1' 48 h1' 100 ppm 48 h1' 24 hr 28 46 58 44 74 250 ppm 24 h.. 48 hr Avel'ageh Heating in water at 90 C 2 5 10 Averageb e 70 78 86 78 b 64 78 68 70 e 86 85 66 79b 44 42 53d 86 82 86 85a 46 66 72 61 e 84 82 92 86a 59x 66 Y 78 z 94 90 74 86ab 76 80 76 77be 94 94 74 87a 82x 85x 72 y Heating in water at 100C 2 5 10 Averageb 76 84 76 79b Seeds were heated in water before soaking in K-GA:l solutions. Germination percents are averages of 3 50-seed replicates, and data were subjected to a cOluplete analysis of variance. Within each of the 2 sections of the table, averages followed by the same letter, x to y or Z in a vertical sequence b or a to e in a horizontal sequence, are not significantly different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's test. U consistently low; the lowest values occurred after heating for hour at 90 C and for 24 hours at 100 C. Heat became lethal only when the treatment exceeded 16 hours at 90 C and 12 hours at 100 C. Dry redstem seeds, therefore, can withstand much longer periods of heating at high temperatures than has been reported previously (Grat­ kowski 1973). Averaged over each of the 2 optimum Table 3. Influence of oven heating plus soaking in potas­ sium gibberellate solution on percentage germination of red­ stem ceanothus seeds. Hours of heating % lh 2 8 10 12 14 16 24 Oven temperaturell 90 C 100 C 7 db 17 e 35b 59a 55a 60a 59a 51a 12 cd 31bb 75a 81a 79a 68a 73a 32b 32b Ie Seeds were heated in oven before soaking in laO-ppm K-GA3 solution. Germination percents are averages of 3 50-seed replicates. b Within each column, values followed by the same let­ ter are not significantly different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's test. • J. Wildl. Manage. 4 1 (4) : 1977 ranges of heating periods, germinations were 57 percent at 90 C and 75 percent at 100 C. Heating at 100 C, therefore, was much more effective in overcoming seed­ coat impermeability than heating at 90 C. However, the best germination possible from seed heated in the oven was still lower than the maxima obtained from seed receiv­ ing hot water treatments (Table 1 and 2). In addition, heating periods required for maximum gennination were consistently longer with dry heat than with hot water at the same temperature. The superiority of hot water was probably due to the unusu­ ally high specific heat of water and to a lack of desiccation of wet seeds during heat­ ing. The possibility that water eliminated a germination inhibitor is unlikely, however, since our unpublished data show that hot water leachates from redstem did not inhibit germination of radish or wheat seeds. Seedling Production Spot Seeding.-Only 3 and 8 seedlings were produced, respectively, from all seeds spotted in the spring and from untreated, fall-sown seeds. Impelmeability of the seed- 764 Table E STABLISHMENT OF REDSTEM CEANOTHUS 4. Redstem ceanothus seedlings as • Radwan and C1'Ouch percentages of seeds spotted In November 1971 on 2 different clearcuts in Oregon.- Inspection dates Category Seed treatment: l> Hot water + K-GA. Hot water Clearcut location: Corvallis Harlan Seed protection: Caged spots Uncaged spots Seed bed: Charred duff Burned soil Unburned soil April 1972 May 1972 June 1972 November 1972 May 1973 20a 17a 13a 10a 13a 9b 6a 6a 5a 5a 21 a 16a 16a 8b 15a 7b 9a 3b 8a 3b 28a 8b 19a 4b 17a 4b lla 2b 9a Ib 29a 16b 9c 18a 12a 5b 17 a 12 a 4b 8a 8a 2b 7a 7a 2b II Categories are main effects of a 4-way analysis of variance, and l11eans within categories and inspection dates followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05) by Tukey's test. Values of seed bed category are means from 32 seed spots and those of each of the remaining categories are from 48 seed spots. b Seeds soaked in water at 90 C for 10 minutes with or without an additional soak in 250-ppm K-GA3 solution. coats of untreated seeds prevented water imbibition and the subsequent natural strat­ ification required for germination. Likewise, lack of germination was probably respon­ sible for the failure of spring-sown, treated seeds. Seedings in the spring did not pro­ vide hot water-treated seeds with sufficient chilling to break embryo dormancy. Also, under these conditions, leaching and deg­ radation of K-GA3 was probably sufficiently fast that seeds had reverted to the dormant state by the time conditions became favor­ able for germination. Concern over loss of gibberellic acid from treated seeds of an­ other species has been discussed in another paper ( Nord et al. 1971). The remaining data from the spotting test (Table 4) show that seedling emer­ gence at both sites began in April, and the largest number was recorded on the first inspection. Emergence continued through June, but new additions were more than offset by mortality of older seedlings. Mor­ tality continued through the year, and a small percent of the seedlings produced re­ mained in the spots at the end of the study. Seedlings emerged in similar numbers at the 2 sites, but mortality was consistently higher at Harlan; at the end, significantly more (P < 0.05) seedlings remained at Cor­ vallis. Because seedlings were counted only at relatively long intervals, it was not pos­ sible to identify accurately causes of mor­ tality. General observations, however, in­ dicated that losses were due to drought, insects, and damping-off fungi. The production, survival, and appearance of the seedlings from the hot water and hot water plus K-GA3 treatments were similar. Evidently, seeds were not benefited by ap­ plication of K-GA3 due to possible losses of the chemical as explained above. Embryo dormancy of fall-sown, treated seeds, there­ fore, waS' probably broken solely by natural stratification. The most dramatic treatment effect re­ sulted from seed protection. Effects were favorable throughout the study, and the final number of seedlings was several times greater in cages. The positive effect of cag­ ing was obviously due to the exclusion of seed-eating mammals and birds, altl10ugh J. Wildl. Manage. 41(4):1977 ESTABLISHMENT OF RJj;DSTEM CEANOTIWS Table 5. • 765 Radwan and Crouch Performance of treated redstem ceanothus seeds broadcast on a clearcut In Oregon. Inspection datesu Seeding dates and seed treatmentsll May 1973 June 1973 October 1973 April 1974 April 1975 Seedlings per hectare November 1972: Hot water Hot water + K-GA" March 1973: Hot water Hot water + K-GA, 0 0 3,707 a 2,965 a 0 0 0 247 3,336 2,718 0 247 a a 3,336 2,718 0 247 a a 3,336 2,718 a a 0 247 " Seeds soaked in water at 90 C for 10 minutes, with or without an additional 48-hour soak in 250-ppm K-GA3 solu­ tion. b Plots sown at 100,000 seeds pel' hectare. Seedlings present are averages of 4 plots, and values within the same sow­ ing and inspection dates followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05) by t test. ' cages may also have improved the micro­ environment for germination and seedling establishment. The sUlface conditions of the seed beds affected seedling production and survival. Initially, more seedlings emerged on charred duff than on either burned or unburned soil, but early losses were also large on duff. At the second inspection and until the end of the study, the numbers of seedlings on the 2 burned seed beds were similar and sig­ nificantly greater (P < 0.05) than those on the unburned plots. These differences sug­ gest that a more suitable seed bed environ­ ment occurs on burned than unburned soil. Broadcast Seeding.-No test was ob­ tained at the Harlan site because the plots were trampled by big game and cattle. The data obtained at the Corvallis site (Table 5) showed that spling sowing was unsuc­ cessful as it was in the spotting test. No seedlings were found on plots sown with hot water-treated seeds, and final counts from the other treatment averaged less than 3 seedlings pel' plot. The results of the fall sowing test wel'e much more favorable. Seedling emergence began and peaked in late June. Some seed­ lings wel'e lost as the growing season pro­ gressed, bllt total losses were much lower than with spotting (Table 4 and 5).. The J. Wildl.. Man,age. 41 (4) : 1977 peak and subsequent seedling counts from the hot water-treated seeds were higher than those from the hot water plus K-GA3 treah11ent, but the differences were not sig­ nificant. Also, as in the spotting test, there were no differences in appearance between seedlings produced from both treatments. In this test, the seeds broadcast in late fall at the Corvallis site produced approxi­ mately 3,000 seedlings per hectare. This seedling production rate was similar to that obtained from unprotected seeds spotted earlier at the same location. CONCLUSIONS Laboratory germination of innately dor­ mant redstem seeds can be promoted by heating, followed by stratification or K-GA3 treahnents. Germination <l.nd establishment of redstem in the field can be assured by sowing heat-treated seeds in the fall. In this study, only about 3 percent of seeds broadcast or spotted without protection re­ sulted in established seedlings. However, our results also suggest that percentage es.­ tablishment c n certainly be improved. Im­ pOltant means of improvement include site preparation by scarification, drill seeding, and chemical or mechanical seed protection. Under some field conditions and for sow­ ing in the nursery to produce planting stock, 766 ESTABLISHMENT OF REDSTEM CEANOTHUS spling sowing would be desirable. Such plantings can be done after heating and stratification treatments. A potential al­ ternative to stratification is the use of K-GA3 followed by the application of an adhesive to minimize loss of the chemical. Such treat­ ment would require a much shorter time than artificial stratification. Moreover, treat­ ment with K-GA3 alone should be useful for quick evaluation of the germination po­ tential of different seed lots before sowing. LITERATURE CITED DELWICHE, C. C., P. J. ZINKE, AND C. M. JOHNSON. 1965. Nitrogen fixation by ceanothus. Plant Physiol. 40(6): 1045-1047. 1941. Overcoming delayed GLAZEBROOK, T. B. germination in the seed of plants valuable for erosion control and wildlife utilization. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 97pp. H. 1973. Pregermination treat­ GRATKOWSKI, ments for redstem ceanothus seeds. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv., Pac. N.W. For. Range Exp. Stu. Res. Pap. PNW-156. lOpp. HICKEY, W.O., AND T. A. LEEGE. 1970. Ecology and management of redstem ceanothus-a re­ • Radwan and Crouch view. Idaho Fish & Game Dept. Wildl. Bull. No. 4. 18pp. NORD, E. C., L. E. GUNTER, AND S. A. GRAHA,\-!, JR. 1971. Gibberellic acid breaks dormancy and hastens germination of creeping' sage. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv., Pac. S.W. For. Range Exp. Stn. Res. Note PSW-259. 5pp. PETERSON, R. A. 1953. Comparative effect of seed treatments upon seedling emergence in seven browse species. Ecology 34(4): 778­ 785. 1974. Ceallothlls L. Ceanothus. REED, M. J. Pages 284-290 in C. S. Schopmeyer, tech. coord. Seeds of woody plants in the United States. U.S. Dept. Agric. Handb. No. 450. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 883pp. SNEDECOR, G. W. 1961. Statistical methods ap­ plied to experiments in agriculture and biol­ ogy. 5th ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames. 534pp. 1938. Native woody plants VAN DERSAL, W. R. of the United States, their erosion-control and wildlife values. U.S. Dept. Agric., Misc. Pub!. No. 303. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 362pp. Received 26 May 1976. Accepted 15 July 1977. J. Wildl. Manage. 41 (4) : 1977