The Yield and Density Aspect - Does Dense Spacing Really Produce the Most Volume? by DONALD L. REUKEMA, Silviculturist Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture' · · Olympia, Washington This title gives me sufficient leeway to talk about the effect of density on merchantable volume as well as on total volume. However, almost every study I could cite shows that merchantable volume, by every commonly used standard of merchantability, in­ creases as spacing increases. Therefore I will concen­ trate on the effect of density on total volume pro­ duction, recognizing that merchantability standards change and that for some areas the day is probably coming when merchantable volume and total volume will be synonymous. Forestry terminology defines stand density as the density of stocking expressed in number of trees, bas­ al area, volume, or other criteria on a per-acre basis. Several "other criteria" have been devised to over­ come weaknesses inherent in the simple measures. I'm not going specifically to define density but, rath­ er, outline results and conclusions from a number of studies in terms of the measure of density used. First, let us examine some hypotheses. One wide­ ly accepted viewpoint is that proposed by Moller (1947). He postulated that production increases with increased stocking up to the point where full occu­ pancy of the site is achieved. Beyond this point, in­ creased density does not affect the amount of growth, but only its distribution-on a small number of rela­ tively large trees at low densities and a large number of smaller trees at high densities. Only at extremely high densities where crowding becomes a limiting fac­ tor would production fall off. This hypothesis is de­ rived from a theoretical consideration of the relation­ ship between photosynthesis and respiration in forest stands. Tests by Moller, using Danish thinning prac­ tices in Norway spruce and beech, upheld his hypoth­ esis. Assmann (1961) proposed that growth per unit area increases with increased stocking until optimum production is reached at some definable density. ·Be­ yond this point, production decreases. Assmann be­ lieves that optimum production occurs within a very narrow range of densities and that only on excep­ tionally good sites would the curves have a broad top, indicating roughly equivalent production across a wide range of densities. His hypothesis was devel­ oped largely from analysis of classical European yield tables and from observations of European thinning experiments. Both hypotheses indicate that maximum produc­ tion occurs at something short of maximum possible density. They disagree in the range of densities over which this maximum production can be achieved. A third viewpoint, which used to be generally accepted and which has had some recent revival, is that growth increases continuously with increasing density, at least to some very high density level. Each of these hypotheses has apparently been supported by both planned studies and general observations. On the oth­ er hand, many studies and observations don't seem to support any of the three. Let's take a look at a few of the more recent studies and sec what they do indicate. In addition to illustrating the effects of density on growth and yield, these studies generally show that mortality in­ creases with increasing number of trees and that dbh growth increases with increased growing space. Height growth is in some cases unaffected by den­ sity, whereas in other cases it increases with decreas­ ing density. Hansbrough, Foil, and Merrifield (1964) reported results of annual measurements, at ages 8 through 12 years, of loblolly pine seedlings planted at spac­ ings of 4x4, 6x6, 6x8, 8x8, and 10x10 feet. At age 8, yield decreased as density decreased. This condition continued through age 11, although relative differ­ ences between extremes decreased, and at age 12 the 10x10 pulled ahead in terms of basal area and both the 8x8 and 10x10 pulled ahead in terms of total cubic volume. The authors commented that initially, basal area is a function of number of trees; subse­ quently, it becomes more a function of diameter. Nelson and Brender (1963) tested four expres­ sions of stand density to determine the effect of den­ sity on cubic-volume growth. The four measures used were Stehelin' s per cent of full stocking, total basal area, Reineke's stand density index, and initial mer­ chantabl€l cubic-foot volume. They developed curves based on 5-to 10-year growth of 20-to flO-year-old loblolly pine stancls which ranged from 40 to 130 per cent of full stocking. The desired densities had been arrived at through thinning immediately prior to the measurement period. All equations first show growth increasing rapidly with increase in density, but soon attain a relatively flat curve form that in­ dicates a wide range of density with little change in growth; all showed a definite optimum density. The density at which this peak occurs increases with in­ creasing site quality and with increasing age. Gruschow and Evans (1959) reported on slash pine stands up to 20 years old with a density range 5 to 85 per cent "full stocking". These stands had been thinned to specified number of trees per acre or specified type of thinning; then the per cent of full stocking was later computed. They found that within this range, cubic-volume growth was signifi­ cantly related to residual density. However, the curves leveled off within this range and suggested that max­ imum measureable growth per acre is realized at something less than full stocking, particularly on lower sites. Buckman (1964) reported on stands of high jack pine thinned to 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 spacing at 5, and measured at ages 10, 16, 22, and 27 years. through age 27, basal area and cubic volume creased as spacing increased. the site age Up de­ Byrnes and Bramble (1955) reported on the de­ velopment during the first 30 years of red pine planted at spacings of 5x5, 6x6, 6x8, and 10x10 feet. By age 30, the 6x6 had the greatest volume and the 10x10 the least; however, differences were not great. Between ages 25 and 30, volume growth was greatest on the 10x10 spacing. Buckman (1962) also reported on early results of growing stock experiments in 40-, 50-, and 80-year-old red pine. Observations covered a period of 5 to 10 years immediately following thinning. He found bas­ al-area growth to be only slightly influenced by stand densities of 60 to 140 square feet per acre. Total cubic-foot volume increased as density increased. Baskerville (1965) tested six densities, ranging from 700 to 5,000 stems per acre, in 45-year-old bal­ sam fir. Small plots on which these densities occurred naturally were located in stands \vhich had originated from advance growth released when the overmature overstory was destroyed by a spruce budworm out­ break. He found that volume of stemwood, as well as branchwood and total volume, tended to increase linearly with increasing density. To bring things closer to home, let's take a look at our Wind River Douglas fir plantation spacing test. 1 Here, we tested spacings of 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, and 12x12 feet. Measurements have been made on plots between ages 23 and 43 years from seed. Un­ fortunately, the 8x8 spacing is on slightly lower site than the others, as substantiated by early height data. Allowing for this, at age 23 both basal-area and cubic­ volume yield decreased somewhat as spacing in­ creased. Since that time, however, growth has been greater on wider spacings. Currently, basal-area yield decreases with increased spacing in the 4x4 through 8x8 spacings. But yield on the 10x10 nearly equals that on the 4x4; yield on the 12x12 is less than on the 10x10. Cubic-volume yield is about equal on the 4x4 through 8x8 spacings. It is much greater on the 10x10. Again, yield on the 12x12 is less than on the 10x10 but much greater than on the other spacings. Both. basal-area and cubic-volume yield on the 8x8 would be greater than indicated if site were comparable. To summarize some results of these studies, we see that the three plantation studies cited all indi­ cated greatest growth on the 10x10 spacing after the initial period when growth is more or less propor­ tional to number of trees. In studies where stands were thinned to specific densities, the curves of growth over density, for a given age and site, gen­ erally first show growth rising rapidly with increas­ ing density but soon tend to level off. In some cases, a maximum was attained within the range of the data; in other cases, it was not. The study in which a 1 Observations through age 34 were reported by Reukema ( 1959). More recent data are in the files of the Olympia Unit of the Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Exp. Sta. range of high densities were located in natural con­ ditions showed a linear relationship between growth and density. Turning our attention to studies which are not specific tests of effect of growing stock, but which do have a bearing on the issue, we might first look at results of a study by Curtis (1965). Working with data from pennanent sample plots supplemented by some temporary plots in unmanaged stands through­ out the Douglas fir region, he found both gross bas­ al-area-growth rate and gross cubic-volume-growth rate to increase with increasing relative basal area, with no indication of a maximum within the rather narrow range of data. At first glance, our commercial thinning study at Voight Creek, which now spans 18 years beginning at age 37, seems to show the same thing. vVithin both thinned and unthinned stands, increment increased as basal area growing stock increased.2 However, the curve of the regression of growth over growing stock in the thinned stand is higher than the curve for the unthinned stand. Thinning has had no significant ef­ fect on gross increment per acre. This presents a su­ perficial conflict in the relationship between density and yield. However, a closer look at the data reveals that there is really not a conflict; this merely shows that the natural factors which result in the variations in amount of growing stock, of which site quality and distribution of growing stock are the most obvious, also cause differences in growth. In the thinned stands, these natural differences still overshadow the effect of thinning. The Snow Creek Plantation on the Olympic Peninsula illustrates, as do the Wind River spacing test and other plantations, that uniform, fairly wide spacing results in greater yields than achieved in nat­ ural stands.3 Here, a 40-year-old, high site III, 8x8 plantation has a total cubic-volume yield equivalent to a site I "normal" stand. Again, as at Voight Creek, we find that moderate thinning in this stand, at 5-year intervals beginning at age 25, has not affected gross growth. Similarly, the British yield tables for managed plantations indicate total production in excess of es­ timates of gross yield in our unmanaged stands (Barnes 1956). Although the site III plantation at Snow Creek produced greatly in excess of "normal" at 8x8 spacing, the site IV spacing test at Wind River did not show any material gain for 8x8 spacing but did for 10x10. This is in line with maximum yield being achieved with higher densities on higher site. Results of early thinning studies at vVind River shed light on another question-that of the effect of seedling quality on growth per acre. Here, we com­ pared two methods of thinning to approximately 8x8 · 2 Observations during the first 6 years following thinning were reported by Worthington, Reukema, and Staebler ( 1962). More recent data are in the files of the Olympia Unit of the Pacific Northwest Forest & .Range Exp. Sta. a Observations made between ages 26 and 31 years were reported by Worthington ( 1961). More recent data are in the files of the Olympia Unit of the Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Exp. Sta. spacing at age 9.4 One area was thinned to as nearly exact 8x8 spacing as possible, regardless of the size or quality of seedling left. The other was thmned to approximately 8x8 spacing leaving only dominant trees. Subsequent development has been followed for 43 years-to age 52. Initially the stand in which all trees left . were dominants made much more growth, whereas more recently the plot thinned to exact spacing, which now has fewer trees due to greater mortalitr, has made better growth. What does all of this mean? In interpreting these data, we must first remember the obvious fact that growth per acre is the summation of the growth of each individual tree. The growth per tree is a re­ flection of the competitive status under which the tree has developed. This will vary with spacing and with the uniformity of seedling development, as in­ fluenced by both seedling quality and microsite. As long as a tree is growing relatively free of competi­ tion it will be growing at a rate approaching that of an open-grown tree. However, as competition in­ creases, this growth rate drops off quite rapidly. Recognizing this effect of competition, we can explain the results obtained in the various plantation spacing tests. It is quite apparent that when we ex­ press density in terms of regular spacing of planted trees, growth, and thus yield, will initially decrease as density decreases, with all trees growing at nearly maximum rate. As the stand gets older, this rate of growth of individual trees slows down, more or less in proportion to amount of growing space available, so that trees on wider spacings continue growing much more rapidly than those on close spacings. This more rapid growth rate per tree may be sufficient to more than offset the fact that we have fewer trees on the wider spacing, as in the case of lOxlO spacing at Wind River. Obviously, as we continue to decrease density, a point must be reached where the increased growth rate per tree is not suffiCient to offset· the less­ er number of trees, and per-acre growth will be less than maximum. Apparently, this is the case with the 12xl2 spacing at Wind River. However, given enough time, the 12xl2 may yet outproduce the lOxlO. This recognition of the components of growth and the importance of past competition also explains some of the difference in results obtained by plant­ ing at various spacings versus thinning to those spac­ ings. The age at which the stands were thinned to these specified densities certainly has an important bearing on the results. Stands thinned at very early ages, before competition had become an important factor, would be expected to behave about the same as a stand planted at those spacings. On the other hand, when thinning is delayed until competition has become a major factor, and growth rate of individual trees has been reduced due to that competition, the trees cannot be expected to be growing the same as if they had been at this spacing from the beginning. Similarly, response to thinning in older stands would be expected to be less rapid than response in younger 4 Results of this study through age 42 years were reported by Steele ( 1955). More recent data are in the files of the Olympia Unit of the Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Exp. Sta. stands. Especially in the older stands, measurements made during a 5- or 10-year period immediately fol­ lowing thinning might lead to quite different conclu­ sions than would measurements made during the subsequent period. Two· otl1er factors to consider are site quality and the portion of the density range sampled. Most studies which have adequately sampled the range of site quality have shown that maximum growth rates may be obtained at a higher density on better sites. The portion of density range examined is very im­ portant. For example, Baskerville's study was limited entirely to the fairly high densities. Actually, within this range, a similar trend is indicated for the Wind River spacing test. Finally, another point deserving mention is the measure of density used. The question asked in the title refers to dense spacing, which implies that we are looking at density in terms of number of uniform­ ly spaced trees. On the other hand, basal area or cu­ bic volume have commonly been used as bases of density in stands we have not planted or thinned to uniform spacing. Measures of density which involve botl1 basal area and number of trees have frequently given about the same result as basal area alone. It is apparent, however, that results of studies which have employed different measures of density may not be comparable. The Wind River spacing test is one obvious example of the situation 'vhere one measure of density varies relative to another. In conclusion, I believe that the measurement period in most level-of-growing-stock studies has been too short to give a reliable picture of the relationship between ·density and yield. Also, results of some of the studies are likely clouded by effect of natural variations which may overshadow effects of measured variables. Despite scanty information available, how­ ever, I think we do have substantial indications that planting Douglas fir at uniform, fairly wide spacing, or making early thinnings to such spacings, will re­ sult in stands which yield more volume than unman­ aged or densely spaced stands. I have purposely not mentioned results of studies in lodgepole pine, because I feel Walt Dahms is better qualified to talk on this subject. Unfortunately, we do not yet have much knowledge of growth/den­ sity relationships in other Northwest species. There have been a number of studies started recently which will soon shed more light on this important question. Literature Cited Assmann, E. 1961 Waldertragskunde. Organische Produk­ tion, Struktur, Zuwachs und Ertrag von Waldbestanden. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen. 490 pp. Barnes, G. H. 1956. Intermediate yields of Douglas-fir as in­ terpreted from British yield tables. J. Forest. 54: 177-179. Baskerville, G. L. 1965. Dry-matter production in immature balsam fir stands. Forest Sci. Monogr. 9, 42pp. Buckman, R. E. 1962. Three growing-stock density experi­ ments in Minnesota red pine. U.S. Forest Serv. Lake States Forest Exp. Sta., Sta. Pap. 99, 19 pp. -----. 1964. Twenty-two-year results of a precommercial thinning experiment in jack pine. U.S. Forest Serv. Res. Note LS-46, 2 pp. Byrnes, W. R., and W. C. Bramble. 1955. Growth and yield of plantation-grown red pine at various spacings. J. For­ est. 53: 562-565. Curtis, R. 0. 1965. A study of gross yield in Douglas-fir. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Wash. 151 pp . Gruschow, G. F., and T. C. Evans. 1959. The relation of cubic-foot volume growth to stand density in young slash pine stands. Forest Sci. 5:49-55. Hansbrough, T., R. R. Foil and R. G. Merrifield, 1964. The development of loblolly pine planted at various initial spacings. North Louisiana Hill Farm Exp. Sta. Hill Fam1 Facts, Forestry 4, 4 pp. Moller, C. M. 1947. The effect of thinning, age, and site on foliage, increment, and loss of dry matter. J. Forest. 45: 393-404. Nelson, T. C., and E. V. Brender. 1963. Comparison of stand density measures for loblolly pine cubic-foot growth pre­ diction. Forest Sci. 9: 8-14. Reukema, D. L. 1959. Some recent developments in the Wind River Douglas-fir plantation spacing tests. U.S. Forest Serv. Pacific Northwest Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Res. Note 167, 7 pp. Steele, R. W. 1955. Thinning nine-year-old Douglas fir by spacing and dominance methods. Northwest Sci. 29: 84-89. Worthington, N. P. 1961. Some observations on yield and early thinning in a Douglas-fir plantation. J. Forest. 59: 331-34. -----, D. L. Reukema, and G. R. Staebler. 1962. Some effects of thinning on increment in Douglas-fir in western Washington. J. Forest. 60: 115-119. About this file: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; however, mistakes may remain. Purchased by the U. s. Forest Service for Official Use REPRINTED FROM The Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Meeting of Western Reforestation Coordinating Committee A Permanent Committee of WESTERN FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION American Bank Building, Portland, Oregon 97205