Correlates in the real world Hazel M Dockrell London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Improving health worldwide Usual exclusion criteria for studies of TB immunology and correlates: • Outside age range – too young or too old • Already on TB treatment • Pregnancy • Diabetes • HIV positive • Other major co-morbidity or co-infection (and we often don’t test for helminth infections, control for seasonality etc) Projected diabetes changes from 2015-2040 International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 7th Edition, 2015 • Diabetes patients are more susceptible to TB, and harder to treat • As many as 139 million undiagnosed cases of diabetes, 2/3 in Africa? Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus Unraveling the causal link, and improving care Jackie Cliff, Clare Eckold, Dave Moore, Ulla Griffiths, Yoko Laurence TB treatment response and prediction of TB relapse after apparently successful cure: will they be different in patients with TB and DM? Diluted whole blood, stimulated with M. tuberculosis for 6 days weeks 668 genes consistently differentially expressed between relapse and cured patients in ANOVA Patients recruited at diagnosis of first episode of TB, then followed up to see who subsequently relapsed Jackie Cliff J Infect Dis 2016; 213:485 Modulation of ex vivo gene expression with TB treatment (without diabetes) Cliff et al, J Infect. Dis, 2013; 207:18 Serpin G1 BF C2 C1QB C1QA C1QC 0 1 4 26 C1QBP CD55 C3AR1 CD59 C5 CR1 CFD C4BPB CFH C3 C4BPA Prediction of relapse: 18 gene signature, based on the most stringently differentially expressed genes in ANOVA, has high predictive sensitivity and specificity Frequency CD4+FoxP3+ Frequency CD4+IFNγ+ Helminth infections decrease CD4 IFNg+ T cells and increase regulatory T cells 1.50 1.00 p = 0.0001 p = 0.0001 P = 0.01 0.50 0.00 10 Control Helminth LTBI Helminth -LTBI p = 0.87 p = 0.124 p = 0.0001 p = 0.0001 8 6 4 2 0 Control Helminth LTBI Helminth -LTBI Toulza, Tsang, Ottenhoff, Brown, Dockrell, Eur J Immunol 2016; 46:752 LTBI Latent TB infection; Hel helminth infection; V1 pre treatment; V2 post treatment or same time point Mycobacterial growth inhibition as an unbiased measure of TB vaccine-induced immunity Straight to MGIT reference tube Sample A Incubate diluted blood and mycobacteria for 4 days Sample B Lyse cells, extract remaining mycobacteria and add to MGIT tube Time to positivity (TTP) in days and hours Latent TB infection in mother: effect on infant response to BCG vaccination • LTBI in mother defined by positive TST and T-SpotTB test • Transient effects but might still influence epigenetic changes Mawa et al, Phil Trans Roy Soc B 2015; 370:20140137. Biosignatures to identify progression to disease: Gates Grand Challenge GC6-74/GC6-2013 S. Kaufmann, MPIIB, G. Walzl, SUN/UCT Signatures of early progression to disease can be identified; some of these samples used to validate signatures from the Adolescent Cohort Study (Hanekom , Scriba et al, Lancet in press) Biosignatures can be developed that will work irrespective of setting or HIV status TB vs Other Diseases discrimination using 44 genes, in combined South African and Malawian cohorts, HIV+ and HIV-ve: sensitivity 93%, specificity 88%, positive predictive value 92%, negative predictive value 90% Kaforou et al, Plos Med 2013: 10:e1001538 Some thoughts on correlates and biosignatures • Co-morbidity, co-infection and other factors including location and seasonality will affect immune responses and gene expression signatures • Signatures can be developed that will work in different settings, with different co-morbidities and co-infections • In order to do this we need to collect the right sort of samples and analyse the data in different ways Thanks particularly to: Jackie Cliff, Katharina Ronacher, Gerhard Walzl, David Moore, Reinout van Crevel (TANDEM) Shampa Anwar, Frederic Toulza, Ji-Sook Lee, Jackie Cliff, Lilian Tsang, Christina Fernandez Turienzo, Mike Brown (IDEA) Patrice Mawa, Alison Elliott, Steve Cose UVRI/MRC Entebbe (MRC/IDEA) Mike Levin, Myrsini Kaforou, Victoria Wright, (ILULU) Funded by EU FP7 TANDEM and IDEA (G.Pantaleo) Gates Grand Challenge GC6-74/GC6-2013 (S.Kaufmann, G. Walzl) EU FP7 ILULU (M.Levin) MRC UK (A.Elliott) Commonwealth Scholarships Commission