PPE Pathways and Exams Meeting Monday 7th March 2016 Before pathways Before you can set out on your pathway to Honours, you must pass the first year. The first year is a qualifying year. – Marks don’t count towards your final degree class. – But they do count if you want good internships, good references, etc. – If you fail a module you usually have the right to resit once, usually in September. 2 What module marks mean Class First Upper second Average 70 to 100 60 to 69 Lower second Third Fail 50 to 59 40 to 49 0 to 39 Full Exam Conventions can be found online: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/ quality/categories/examinations/conventions/fyboe 3 The June Board A candidate progresses to the next stage, year 2, if: the candidate passes in whole modules weighted at 90 CATS and has passed all required core modules and has achieved an overall average mark of 40 4 The June Board The required core modules are: PH133, PO107, EC107 and EC120 (EC120 = EC121 or EC123 + EC122 or EC124 + EC125) If in June you are not permitted to proceed, but have achieved an average of at least 40, you will be required to resit the failed core modules. If in June you are not permitted to proceed, and have achieved an average of less than 40, you will be required to resit failed modules as directed by the Board of Examiners. 5 What about optional modules? Optional modules are still an important part of your profile. They contribute to your overall average mark, so please take them seriously. 6 Missing an exam If you miss any exam without a good reason, you will get a mark of zero. Misunderstanding your timetable or oversleeping are not good reasons. The only good reasons are compelling reasons beyond your control, such as illness. There must be evidence that merits special consideration. 7 What kind of evidence? Force majeure. The circumstances must have been beyond your control. Evidential documentation. There must be some form of independent evidence, ideally supplied by a medical practitioner, counsellor, or other independent professional person. Timeliness. Your documents should be supplied at the time rather than long after the event; they should be supplied before your marks are known, not after you have received them. Confidentiality. If you supply us with personal information we will share it only to the extent necessary to ensure consideration of your case; if you ask for it, we can seal your evidence “for senior tutor and exam board secretary only.” 8 Sit vs. resit an exam If you missed an exam and the board accepts that you had a good reason, such as illness, the missed exam does not use up one of your two chances. – If you miss June exams through illness, your first chance to sit (not resit) the exams will be put off to September. – If you sit (not resit) exams in September and fail, your last chance will be the following June. – If you miss a September sit (not resit) again through illness, your first chance will be put off to the following June. (You cannot by-pass exams by repeatedly being ill.) 9 When are the exams likely to be? The final composite timetable (exams by department in examination code order) for the main mid May - June 2016 examinations (that is, weeks 4 - 9 Summer Term, 16th May - 23rd June 2016) will be available in the first week of the Summer Term via a link on this webpage. PERSONAL TIMETABLES: Students taking examinations during this period will also be able to access personal examination timetables, via Start.Warwick or www.warwick.ac.uk/ett. **PERSONAL TIMETABLES FOR THE ABOVE EXAMINATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM 29th APRIL 2016 [EARLIER IF POSSIBLE] I.E. IN THE FIRST WEEK OF THE SUMMER TERM**. Students must ensure they read and take note of all the information included in their personal timetables (e.g. regulations concerning mobile phones in examinations). Failure to consult personal timetables will not be accepted as an excuse for missing an examination(s) nor for failure to observe examination requirements. 10 30/05/2016 Remember marking criteria PAIS http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/currentstud ents/undergrad/academic/ughandbook/criteria/ Philosophy: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/philosophy/unde rgraduate/exams_essays/marking_scheme/ Economics: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/curre nt/ug/handbook/assessments-andexaminations/#marking,-moderation-and-feedback 11 Six pathways Tripartite Bipartite Phil x x x Pol x x x Bipartite (Econ Major) x x Econ x x x x x 12 Basics In years 2 and 3, you have to take 120 credits in each year (no front-loading or back-loading). Your pathway determines which combination of core modules you have to take in years 2 and 3 and sets constraints on optional modules you can take. 13 What is the general picture? Phil core Pol core 2 2 or 3 2 Tripartite Phil/Pol Phil/Econ Year Pol/Econ Econ core QM 2 Principles Options Leads to 3 Across years 2 and 3 120 CATS BA 150 CATS BA 150 CATS BA 150 CATS BA 120 CATS Econ major/Phil BSc •Econ No major/Pol one drops any disciplinealtogether. 120 CATS BSc • The final year Principles core has three units: Phil/Pol, Phil/Econ, Pol/Econ. • In Principles, everyone must do two units out of three, so three disciplines. Core and optional core modules Core and optional core modules (normally in year 2): – EC204-30 Economics 1 – EC203-30 Applied Econometrics or EC226-30 Econometrics 1 – PO201-30 Political Theory from Hobbes (year 2) or PO301-30 Issues in Political Theory (year 3) – PH201-30 History of Modern Philosophy or PH211-15 & PH212-15 Ethics and Applied Ethics In addition, all PPE students have to take Principles of Political Economy in final year, 2 of the 3 modules: – PH336-15: Economics and Politics – PH337-15: Philosophy and Economics – PH338-15: Politics and Philosophy 15 Optional modules Depending on your pathway, you can choose 30 to 90 credits worth of options per year – Philosophy, PAIS, or Economics according to pathway requirements – Optional module(s) totalling up to 30 CATS across the 2 years (i.e. no more that 30 CATS in total) – You may choose to write a Research Project or Dissertation in one of the 3 departments (30 CATS) or PPE dissertation (30 CATS) 16 Pathways: BA Tripartite Year Core Optional Core Option 2 EC204 Econ 2 (30) PO201 Pol Theory from Hobbes (30) (if not PO301 Issues in Pol Theory in Y3) And either PH201 History of Modern Phil (30) or PH211/12 Ethics 1 and 2 (30) Approved options (30 if PO201 in Y2, or 60 if PO301 in Y3)) 3 PH331 Principles of Pol Econ (30) PO301 Issues in Pol Theory (30) (if not PO201 Pol Theory from Hobbes in Y2) Approved options (90 if PO201 in Y2, or 60 if PO301 in Y3) 17 Pathways: BA Bipartite Phil/Pol Year Core Optional Core Option 2 … PO201 Pol Theory from Hobbes (30) (or PO301 Issues in Pol Theory in Y3) Approved options (60 if PO201 in Y2, or 90 if PO301 in Y3) And PH201 History of Modern Phil (30) or PH211/12 Ethics 1 and 2 (30) 3 Principles of PO301 Issues in Pol Theory (30) Political (or PO201 Pol Theory from Economy Hobbes in Y2) 2 of PH336/7/8 (30) Approved options (90 if PO201 in year 2, or 60 if PO301 in year 3) 18 Pathways: BA Bipartite Phil/Econ Year Core Optional Core Option 2 EC204 Econ 2 (30) PH201 History of Modern Phil (30) Approved options (60) or PH211/12 Ethics 1 and 2 (30) 3 Principles of Political Economy 2 of PH336/7/8 (30) Approved options (90) 19 Pathways: BA Bipartite Pol/Econ Year Core Optional Core Option 2 EC204 Econ 2 (30) PO201 Pol Theory from Hobbes (30) (or PO301 Issues in Pol Theory in Y3) Approved options (60 if PO201 in Y2, or 90 if PO301 in Y3) 3 Principles of PO301 Issues in Pol Theory (30) Political (or PO201 Pol Theory from Economy Hobbes in Y2) 2 of PH336/7/8 (30) Approved options (90 if PO201 in Y2, or 60 if PO301 in Y3) 20 Pathways: BSc Econ Major/Pol Year Core Optional Core Option 2 EC204 Econ 2 (30) PO201 Pol Theory from Hobbes (30) (or PO301 Issues in Pol Theory in Y3) Approved options (30 if PO201 in Y2, or 60 if PO301 in Y3)) And either EC203 Applied Econometrics (30) or EC226 Econometrics 1 (30) 3 Principles of PO301 Issues in Pol Theory (30) Political (or PO201 Pol Theory from Economy Hobbes in Y2) 2 of PH336/7/8 (30) Approved options (90 if PO201 in Y2, or 60 if PO301 in Y3) 21 Pathways: BSc Econ Major/Phil Year Core Optional Core Option 2 EC204 Econ 2 (30) Either PH201 History of Modern Phil (30) or PH211/12 Ethics 1 and 2 (30) Approved options (30) And either EC203 Applied Econometrics(30) or EC226 Econometrics 1 (30) 3 Principles of Political Economy 2 of PH336/7/8 (30) Approved options (90) 22 Pathway Regulations The programme structure requires you to plan the full two years. Over years 2 and 3 taken together: Tripartite pathway: – You must take at least 30 CATS of optional modules from each of the PPE departments. Bipartite pathways: – You must not take more than 120 CATS of your 150 CATS of optional modules in one of the PPE departments. Bipartite (Econ Major) pathways: – You must take at least 60 CATS of optional modules from Economics, including at least 30 CATS of EC3– (final year) modules. 23 Departmental Module Rules In choosing your optional modules, you have to respect the different policies of the three PPE departments. As a rule: – PAIS restricts 200-coded modules to second year students and 300-coded modules to finalists. – Economics allows joint-degree finalists to take EC2-- coded modules. – Philosophy allows you to take honours-level (PH2– or PH3--) in either year You must adhere to the pre-requisites and module restrictions. See the module webpages. 24 Optional Modules outside PPE You are allowed one 30-CAT or two 15-CAT outside optional modules across the two years – If you take a 30-CAT outside optional module in your second year, you will not be able to take another in your third year. – This includes languages. No 100 level modules! – This holds even if the Department offering the module says you can. – IB1xx modules, for example, are NOT allowed. You must seek approval from PPE to take an outside option – Complete and submit the outside option form, available on the PPE Documents webpage, before the eMR deadline in term 1. You must also check with the department the option is from that you meet prerequisites and that there is space 25 Languages We encourage you to take a language, but there are restrictions. A language module is an outside option; you are allowed only 30 CATS of outside options across years 2 and 3. The language module must be sufficiently demanding. – – – – Language options must be at least of 200 level and grade 3. LL236 French 3 is okay because it is at 200 level and grade 3. LL234 French 2 is not okay because it is only at grade 2. If you took a language option in your first year and want to take an option in the same language in your second or third year, it must be at a higher grade. – You cannot follow a language option in your first language under any circumstances. 26 Clashes Warning: clashes may occur, particularly with outside options. – This may not be apparent before the new academic year. – As a preliminary check, look at the current-year timetable. In case of a clash with a core module lecture, you will have to change your optional module choice. 27 Your responsibility It is your responsibility to choose your modules to conform with the pathway regulations and module rules We carefully monitor your choices in order to help prevent you from making costly mistakes, but we may sometimes fail to spot a problem early on. If in doubt, consult the handbook, this presentation and talk to the PPE Office. 28 BA or BSc? The Econ major pathways lead to a BSc; all other pathways lead to a BA Will the world care what pathway you have chosen? – Almost certainly less than you think. – The most important thing for employers: you will have a Warwick degree and a degree in PPE. – Employers and course selectors are more likely to look at the modules you took and the marks you got in them. Don’t choose a pathway for the label. Start by thinking about which modules you want to take. 29 Deadlines Submit the pathways form by 12 midnight on Sunday 27th May online. In addition, you must pre-register your optional modules with two of the Departments – Economics and Philosophy Further information on options will be sent later in the year. 30 Hi again – PPE Office New Role – Academic Administrator 2 Full- time permanent administrative staff Student experience and programme development Acting on your feedback to improve our programme You Said, We Did Your Feedback Matters SSLC - made clear changes for the future as well as making aware of instant fixes Module Evaluation PPE Society The PPE Office WSS Your Career after Warwick One to one appointments with Social Sciences Careers Consultant Faculty Careers Room, Social Science Building S1.65, Check door for drop-in times Booking system myAdvantage List of events coming up Wellbeing During Exams Meet your personal tutor Meet with Keith/Andy as Senior Tutor Visit the PPE Office Check the webpages on Exams and Mitigation Know where to get other support Take time to relax in the Common Room! All the best for your exam period Do not hesitate to ask for support or advice We look forward to seeing you all in Year 2 Questions? For Pathway enquiries, please contact Maureen in the PPE Office ppeoffice@warwick.ac.uk If you have registered, see you later for the PPE Social 7.15pm Panorama Room, Rootes Building