Long-term Responses of Planted and Naturally Regenerating Conifers to Variable-Retention Harvest in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. Lauren S. Urgenson1, Charles B. Halpern1, Paul D. Anderson2 1 University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 2USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station Experimental Treatments Cumulative mortality 40% 15% Cleared areas between five 1-ha residual patches Cleared areas between two 1-ha residual patches Dispersed trees with basal area equivalent to 40%A Dispersed trees with basal area equivalent to 15%A Systematic sampling grid: 40 × 40 m spacing Numbers of plots: n = 12 (40%A-c) and 22 (15%A-c) n = 32 (40%D and 15%D) 40%A-c, 15%A-c Measurements: mortality and height growth of four conifer species (species and density vary by block) Sampling periods: early (1 or 2 yr), late (5 to 11-12 yr), and the full study period H2 & H3. Natural regeneration ● 15%D Experimental treatments at Butte, Washington. The 15%A treatment is out of the image to the west. The 75%A treatment (three circular 1-ha gaps) was not included in this study. Treatment dimensions are 320 m x 400 m. DP CF BU LW PH 36-52 Tshe ground-based; submerchantable stems cut if damaged 1460-1710 34-62 165 258-475 72-106 Abco helicopter 210-275 28-52 65 221-562 54-73 Tshe suspension cables 975-1280 40-53 70-80 759-1781 48-65 Tshe helicopter 825-975 40-66 140-170 182-335 61-77 Abgr helicopter 850-1035 9-33 110-140 512-1005 59-87 Abam ground-based; all submerchantable stems cut *Abam = Abies amabilis, Abco = A. concolor, Abgr = A. grandis, Tshe = Tsuga heterophylla 0 2 4 8 10 12 0.8 0.7 not tested 0.5 0.4 0.3 ns Early 6 Pinus ponderosa (n = 2) 0.6 Total 0.2 1 4 BU 3 2 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 LW Measurements: density of seedlings (<10 cm) and saplings (>10 cm, <5 cm dbh) by species or seral group Sampling periods: pre-treatment, post-treatment (1 or 2 yr), and final (11 or 12 yr) ● Local (plot-scale) predictors of density: overstory density and basal area, shrub cover, slash cover and depth ● 50 Pinus monitcola (n = 5) 40%D 40%A-c 15%D 15%A-c 40 ● ● ● H1. GLMM and a priori contrasts testing effects of retention level and pattern on planted species survival and growth for early, late, and full study periods H2. GLMM and a priori contrasts testing effects of retention level and pattern on natural regeneration density at final sampling H3. AIC and model averaging to identify the best supported models explaining final density of natural regeneration in the context of retention treatments and post-treatment densities 50 10 The results of this large-scale experiment illustrate how level and pattern of overstory retention influence early regeneration processes in Pseudotsuga-dominated forests of the Pacific Northwest. By testing a common set of treatments on forests of differing structure, they highlight critical sources of variation in regeneration response that can have implications for the longer-term development of these forests. 5 40%D 40%A-c 15%D 15%A-c H2. Density and species composition of natural regeneration. Density and species composition of natural regeneration was highly variable within and among blocks before treatment. Much of this variation persisted through harvest. Pseudotsuga menziesii (n = 6) a b b b 40 a b b b ab b b 30 30 Density and seral composition of natural regeneration a b b b Total seedlings 20 10 20 10 ns 0 50 ns 0 Early Late Mean Early Abies spp. (n = 3). 50 Late Mean Pinus ponderosa (n = 2) 30 b 30 b ab ab 20 a a 20 aa 10 10 ns 0 Early Late Mean Early Late Mean H1. Growth of planted seedling growth. Early growth (1-2 yr) growth was unaffected by treatment. Consistent with expectation, late growth (5-12 yr) was greatly reduced at higher levels of dispersed retention (40%D). Late-seral seedlings ns 20 ns ns 10 Pre 40 30 Pseudotsuga seedlings 40%D 40%A-c 15%D 15%A-c 40 0 not tested 40 0 Analyses Conclusions and Management Implications Abies amabilis Pinus monticola Pseudotsuga menziesii Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla Other species 15 0 50 14 Post Final Total saplings Pre Post Final Pseudotsuga saplings Pre Post Final Late-seral saplings 12 10 a 8 ab bc 6 a c bb 4 b a ab b ab 2 0 Pre 0.10 0.13 0.11 0.08 0 PH 20 Growth of planted seedlings Pseudo-R2 * BA = basal area, SHC = shrub cover, SLC = slash cover, SLD = slash depth, TPH = trees per ha Abies grandis Pinus monticola Pseudotsuga menziesii Taxus brevifolia Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla Other species Number of growing seasons (yr) H1. Mortality of planted seedlings. Consistent with expectation, early mortality (1-2 yr) was reduced in dispersed treatments (Abies) and at higher levels of retention (Pinus and Pseudotsuga) compared to the cleared areas of aggregated treatments. 50% of this mortality occurred in the first growing season. Counter to expectation, late mortality (5-12 yr) did not differ among treatments. Shrub cover (SHC) Predictors* H3. Local predictors of natural regeneration density. Results were consistent with expectation. Sapling densities were negatively correlated with slash cover (SLC) or slash depth (SLD). Negative correlations for saplings—but not seedlings—suggest a legacy of initial slash-loading effects, reducing establishment soon after harvest. Density of Pseudotsuga was negatively correlated with shrub cover (SHC) but density of late-seral species was not. 0 0.5 12 Slash cover (SLC) Slash depth (SLD) Seral group Saplings (>10 cm tall, Pseudotsuga +TPH, –SLD, –SHC <5 cm dbh) Late seral +TPH, –SLC Seedlings (<10 cm tall) Pseudotsuga –SHC, –TPH, +BA Late seral None Abies amabilis Abies procera Pinus monticola Pseudotsuga menziesii Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla Other species 0.0 0 Size class 0 0 0 1.0 0.1 0.0 Annual height growth (cm / yr) ● ● 110-130 310-500 12 b b 40%D, 15%D H1. Planted seedlings 4-7 10 a a Late BU 945-1310 8 0.1 PH LW WF 2 Pre Po Finst al ● Tree Basal Yarding method and Elevation Slope Stand density area Forest treatment of subBlock (m) (%) age (yr) (no./ha) (m 2/ha) zone* mechantable stems 6 Trees per ha (TPH) Basal area (BA) Abies concolor Abies magnifica var. shastensis Calocedrus decurrens Pinus monticola Pseudotsuga menziesii Taxus brevifolia Tsuga heterophylla DP 3 Pre Po Finst al ● 40%A 4 Pre Po Finst al Sampling design WF DP 0 0.0 CF 40%D 4 b b 0.2 5 ns 0.0 a a 0.3 ab ab b 0.1 0.5 0.4 a 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.6 0.4 Number of growing seasons (yr) Field Methods and Analyses The experiment consists of operational-scale (13-ha) harvest units replicated at six locations in western Oregon and Washington. Treatments contrast both the level of retention (15% vs. 40% of original basal area) and its spatial distribution (trees dispersed vs. aggregated in 1-ha patches). Replication across a broad range of latitudes and forest zones offers a rare opportunity to study responses to a common set of treatments in a diversity of physical and biotic settings. ns Abies spp. (n = 3) 0.8 Early 0.5 Total 10 Pre Po Finst al Locations and characteristics of the six experimental blocks 15%D 2 Total ns Thousand seedlings / ha Federal standards and guidelines for regeneration harvests in the Pacific Northwest require at least 15% overstory retention in each harvest unit, with 70% of this in the form of large (0.2-1.0 ha) aggregates. The Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options (DEMO) Study was initiated in 1994 to test the ecological and silvicultural implications of level and pattern of retention, including the sufficiency of the 15% minimum standard. 0.2 Late 0.6 Early a ab ab b Abies concolor Pinus ponderosa Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterophylla Other species 20 15 0.7 0.3 WF Pseudotsuga menziesii (n = 6) 0.8 Late ns 0.4 0 40%D Results H3. Local predictors of natural regeneration density Thousand saplings / ha Study Areas 0.5 0.0 40%A-c 15%A-c 40%D 15%D The DEMO Study 0.6 0.1 H3. Local predictors of natural regeneration density. Local (plot-scale) density of natural regeneration will be reduced by greater cover and depth of logging slash and by greater cover of competing shrubs. Effects will be stronger for early-seral species that prefer mineral substrates for germination and higher levels of understory light. Late-seral species will benefit from greater overstory influence (density or basal area), consistent with H2. Results H2. Density and species composition of natural regeneration 40%D 40%A-c 15%D 15%A-c 0.7 Annual height growth (cm / yr) We present results from long-term (12-yr) studies of conifer regeneration as part of a regional-scale experiment in variable-retention harvest in mature coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.—the DEMO Study. We examine mortality and height growth of planted conifers and density and seral composition of natural regeneration in treatments with differing levels and patterns of retention across a range of latitudes and forest zones. We also assess withintreatment (local) influences on natural regeneration, including variation in overstory structure, competing vegetation, and slash accumulation. Results H1. Mortality of planted seedlings Pinus monitcola (n = 5) 0.8 Cumulative mortality H2. Density and composition of natural regeneration. Responses will differ for early-seral (shade-intolerant) and late-seral (shade-tolerant) species, consistent with their physiological requirements. Greater retention and presence of a dispersed overstory will inhibit density of early-seral species, including Pseudotsuga menziesii, the dominant canopy species in this system. However, both factors will increase the density of late-seral species—enhancing survival of advanced regeneration and facilitating post-harvest establishment. Aggregated Partial retention of the overstory is hypothesized to have both direct and indirect effects on the survival, growth, density, and composition of regenerating trees. Two elements of residual forest structure—the level (amount) and spatial pattern of retained trees—are likely to play important roles in the post-harvest regeneration of forests, but long-term studies of regeneration responses are rare. 15%A-c 40%A-c Density (thousand saplings / ha) Hypotheses H1. Mortality and growth of planted seedlings. Early survival of planted trees will be greater in dispersed treatments and at higher levels of retention, consistent with the amelioration of microclimatic stress by retained trees in the post-harvest environment. Longer-term growth and survival will be reduced in these environments, particularly for shade-intolerant species, as resource limitations (shading and root competition) become more important. Dispersed Introduction Variable-retention harvest has become a key component of ecologically sustainable forest management in many regions of the world. It emphasizes the retention of forest structure through harvest to mimic processes and outcomes of natural disturbance and succession. In contrast to clearcut logging, an implicit goal of variable retention is to balance the ecological and economic values of managed forests. Post Final Pre Post Final Pre Post Final H2. Density and seral composition of natural regeneration. Seedling densities did not differ among treatments at final sampling, although mean densities tended to be greater in dispersed treatments. Sapling densities were 1.5-2.5× greater in dispersed than in cleared areas of aggregated treatments. Consistent with expectation, low-level dispersed retention (15%D) promoted Pseudotsuga, the early-seral dominant, but high levels of dispersed retention (40%D) favored survival and subsequent establishment of late-seral conifers. ● Survival and growth of planted seedlings. Early (1-2 yr) survival was improved by greater retention of dispersed trees (40%). However, longer-term survival was not, and growth was distinctly reduced. Without further intervention or natural disturbance to enhance light availability in 40%D, planted seedlings are unlikely to contribute to future overstory development. In contrast, growth was not reduced at lower retention (15%D). Future observations are needed to assess the potential for planted trees to contribute to overstory development in these forests. ● Composition of natural regeneration. Level and pattern of retention can interact to influence the seral composition of regenerating trees. At low density, dispersed retention promoted establishment of Pseudotsuga, presumably by enhancing local seed rain within a relatively high-light environment. At higher density it favored late-seral conifers, increasing survival of advanced regeneration and facilitating establishment and growth of shade-tolerant species. ● Density of natural regeneration. Treatments with dispersed retention supported significantly greater (1.5-2.5×) regeneration than did the cleared areas of aggregated treatments. Final densities in dispersed treatments greatly exceeded minimum stocking levels (312/ha) in all but one experimental unit (15%D at DP). Depending on management objectives, dispersed treatments that regenerate to high local densities (e.g., WF and PH) may require thinning to reduce competitive interactions and to prevent extinction of the understory. Although densities in the cleared areas of aggregated treatments generally exceeded minimum stocking, they often fell below this threshold (e.g., DP and LW). Dispersal limitation, lack of advanced regeneration, deep accumulations of slash, and rapid recovery of a dense shrub layer may constrain regeneration in these forests. The slow pace of conifer establishment in these clearings highlights the potential to create and maintain early-seral habitats using retention harvests—habitats that are underrepresented in landscapes traditionally managed to achieve rapid reforestation. Acknowledgement: This a product of the Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options (DEMO) Study, a joint effort of the USDA Forest Service Region 6 and Pacific Northwest Research Station. Research partners include the University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Oregon, Gifford Pinchot and Umpqua National Forests, and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/rmp/demo/). Funding was provided by the USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station.