Intelligence and Globalisation No longer the missing dimension of history? Intelligence in the papers - every day for a decade but not covered in a sophisticated way The Strange World of Baylis & Smith? Intell - a subset of Foreign Policy Analysis The deck chair school of intelligence studies Amy Zegart Spying Blind What did intell miss between 1989 and 2003? ‘Targettism’ - The search for the next target Jim Woolsey DCI 22 Feb 1993 Economic intelligence “hottest current topic” The New Terrorism – 1989? 1993? 2001? Other people of interest in the 1990s Organized crime kills more than war or terror What does globalization do to the intell environment? What does globalization do to the intelligence environment? 1. Cult/Econ provocation – diverse enemies 2. Provides provoked with new weapons 3. Removes boundaries – states then need intel-led policy 4. ‘Risk societies’ want pre-emption/cover 5. Toilet cleaners of globalization 6. But not prestigious – dirty agents What does globalization do to intell services? 1. Complexity makes collection much harder 2. Requires counter-intuitive sharing 3. Enforcement – hunters not gatherers 4. Trashes tac int cycle? – David Omand 5. Dissolves foreign/domestic boundary 6. Corodes state secrecy – reverse gaze 7. Towards Knowledge Intensive Security??? The World of Knowledge Intensive Security Globalization conjures up a new ecology knowledge-intensive security? 1. What was intelligence in 1970/1990/2000 2. David Omand’s “Protected Info” 3. Pressure for wholesale surveillance IMP? 4. Or Data-veillance – many little brothers 5. The pleasure of self-surveillance 6. No longer just 3 agencies in gov - Locals 7. Businesses – airlines banks ISPs 8. How do we incorporate the citizen? - PNJ Intelligence and the nation-state system Globalization also conjures up regulation by revelation ??? 1. The Westphalian system- cake and eat it 2. Strong global civil society = Dana Priest 3. KIS = lots of data about int services 4. Shift from political regulation to law 5. Whistle-blowing - Shield Law Rep –R/dems 6. Over the last 20 years business 7. How to engage with society? Trust ? Intelligence and two worlds of globalization? Tin Foil Hat Cat says “thank you for listening”