UVIS SCIENCE TEAM MEETING AGENDA 4-6 June 2013 St. George, UT (As of 24 May 2013) MONDAY—3 JUNE: 2:00–EVENING Optional Field Trip—Hiking at Snow Canyon and photographing Mars analogs for anyone who wants to beef up their "intro to planetary science" lectures. Meet at the hotel at 2:00pm to carpool (about 20 minute drive). It will be warm—appropriate attire is hiking boots with shorts, and bring lots of water! After hiking, participants will be invited to Candy’s house for pizza and beer (less than a mile from Snow Canyon). Weather permitting, bring bathing suits and jump in her pool. (Candy will send updates on what to expect and what to bring as the meeting gets closer.) TUESDAY—4 JUNE [VICTORIA ROOM] 9:00am Welcome/Housekeeping 9:10 9:30 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00pm 1:30 Cassini and UVIS status. Operations update Break UVIS performance Flatfielding and calibration HDAC status and analysis LUNCH (TEAM PHOTO FIRST) XXM Status, priorities and plans 3:30 3:45 Break Cube Generator 4:15 DAPS and PDS: Updates and feedback. Methods to improve PDS utility UVIS Website update Adjourn TEAM DINNER AT CHINESE RESTAURANT 4:45 5:00 6:00 ESPOSITO/HANSEN (10) ESPOSITO (20) JOUCHOUX (45) (15) MCCLINTOCK (30) HOLSCLAW (30) KELLER (30) (90) COLWELL, WEST, HANSEN, SHEMANSKY (90) (15) BRADLEY-via skype (30) JUDD-telecon (30) BLOOM-telecon (15) (60) HANSEN WENESDAY—5 JUNE [NOTE ROOM CHANGE: TUSCANY ROOM] 9:00am 9:30 10:00 10:20 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00pm 1:00 Dynamics of the auroral bifurcations at Saturn Saturn’s temperature profiles from UVIS EUV solar ocultations Saturn’s auroras Break Icy satellite phase curves Icy satellite surface spectroscopy Enceladus and Dione occultation results Lunch Lab spectra of N2 GERARD (30) GUSTIN (30) PRYOR (20) (10) ROYER (30) HENDRIX (30) HANSEN (30) (60) AJELLO (30) 1:30 2:00 2:15 2:30 Titan results Titan hydrocarbons Break Ring halo predator-prey model & CIRS report 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:20 4:50 Ring edges and ringlets Self gravity wakes, and occultation statistics Occultation diffraction signals Ring propellers Ring spectroscopy & photometry 5:15 Saturn magnetosphere observations and model of energy balanced system. Adjourn BARBECUE AT HANSEN’S 5:45 6:45 SHEMANSKY (30) YUNG (15) (15) ESPOSITO, BROOKS (30) ALBERS (30) COLWELL (30) BECKER (20) SREMCEVIC (30) BRADLEY-via Skype (25) SHEMANSKY (30) (60) HANSEN THURSDAY—6 JUNE [TUSCANY ROOM] 9:00am 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00am Upcoming observations in 2013 Science activities and priorities for Cassini Solstice Mission Special issues and other publications planned Team presentations at upcoming events Action items and future team meetings Next Meeting 7-9 January 2014, Pasadena Adjourn BROOKS (30) ALL (30) ALL (15) ALL (15) ESPOSITO (15) YUNG (15) (60)