news CLINIC SCITIPPS iI-M] '. il1.-_i .\\{ iil'.i .\i']':{ili \l \li For Information: Sue Pondrom News Bureau l{anager (619) 554-8133 FOR RELE,ASEAUG. 11, # 08 1 1 8 9 - 4 1989 SCRIPPS CLINIC RESEARCEERSDEVELOP II{ETEOD$O PREDICT SEVERITY OF GAUCEERIS DISEASE LA JOLLA, CA Aug. 11, 1989 Researchers at and Research Foundation in predict Gaucher's Disease, the severity of results, published upon of the Scr ipps Clinic explains thai the a disease with so of death benign ds we]]. 47 patients, of Beutler, Molecular manifestations drsease' particularly the medicat journal, of Ernest Department of rapidll-fatai to authors, a disorder but found in othersr studies in the Aug. 12 issue one 1ife, based Clinic La Jol-La, CA have developed a method to commonamong the Jewish population, The Scripps I'r.D., wil_1 be The Lancet. chairman of and Experimental lvtedicine, Gaucherrs Disease vary occurring that ir- in is the fron, a year first diagnosed the quite of by accident. Because physicians of the disease in have been unabl-e to its early identify prognosis stages, the severity and genetic is variable counsel-inq have been difficult. "We've due to nIn our suspected different for mutations laboratories, J-ooking at disease will the some time we've mutation become in of the that the same gene," now worked and classiflzing the patient. It{ORE " disease out it to Dr. Beutler a means of says. actually see how severe the Page 2 -- Gaucher's Dr. Beutler severity Disease gives directly two Institutes Rose stein General clinical family of had was pregnant mother we were able to L l r s \, 1..r. ir^ ^b^ ^c^ c r 5 c , b u t In Center percent for the that severe Lancet is biology techniques "In of 1985, gene the adding that Dr. it major Cl-inic in and would also mild the form, have with a Disease, bone and says this a chird about so severely the rvas the then first the to the a a 30 treatment affected. use of genetic Diseaser" worked out carries published stuoy a n e x a m p J - eo f with neurologic radical Dr. in The moi-ecular disease. report the cloning Beutl-er method to look says, at the it. a few years ago, each patient project. oata within was diagnosed by the Gaucher's spleen, Gaucher's and classifiz be working on them until of to narrow down the type of scientists research for r epresents Scripps "Ho\,vever, just child Beutler significant involved gene mutation crinic. bone marrow transplantation rate, also form 1iver, would have to be considered that Sam and From an amniocentesis, second child a one-year-old Although is the an NIH the Disease, Gaucher's wOUId be a relatively serious mortality What of scripps in of he says. as having involvement. with tested program at a second child. it a second case, prognosis child with that who were supported prediction how the Research center determine !l^^ good prognosis," Health) a of patients affected (National 'One examples would have been a We could have found 60 patients, the year 2001,u he notes. a f ew hours. " }tORE but we'd "Now we can get Page 3 -- Gaucherrs Disease He credits modern DNA technology, ( P C R ), w h i c h a 1 l - o w e d t h e Polymerase Chain Reaction the to development of the the genes in nany people in a matter study of hours, such as researchers rather than months. Of 47 patients the determined to disorder, and that of one of mentioned have a mild three the form of the three severely asymptomatic ' wiLh and iower platelet early the in abnormal life liver The authors died at the note age and lung disease. mild remaining 22 were 22 had a moderate patients affected with with and liver disease, the article, disease, eight 14 experiencing were entirely enlarged spleens count. patients The of patients 22 The Lancet were diagnosed as severe. 32 due to complications Of in moderate had disease significant function tests, were usually enlargement significant of diagnosed the 1iver, bone involvement, and many had undergone spJ-enectomy. Of the severe plus involvement, Additional Israel to Sorge, authors of Scripps to continue M.D., of fellow the his an adjunct Clinic manifestations severe liver I'1.D., a post-doctoral has nov/ returned cases, included disease. The Lancet at Scripps article research associate Clinic for pronounceo Go Shey. in Disease; Zimran, years, who Jerusalem, and Joseph the Research Institute of the La Jolla ++Jr ltlltt three Center on Gaucher's member of Ari include Shaare Zedek lledical and president Note: Gaucher is and l-unq renal firm Stratagene.