THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I0666 NORTH TORREY PINES ROAD LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920]7 6t9 455-9t00 EI,IBARGOEDBy THE NEW EI{GLAI{D iIOURNAL OF MEDICINE: 6 pn Dec. 2, L992 (Eastern Standard Media Electronic Dec. 3, L992 Print t'tedia -- Thursday, For (6L9) Sue Pondrom, News Bureau Manager, Information: Tine) 554-8290 RESEARCII REPORTED IN NEW ENGIJAND iTOURNAIJ OF UEDICTNE INDICATES LESS EXPENSMIJY GAUCEER DISEASE cAN BE TREATED lloRE EFFECTMITY, CALIFORNfA LA JOLLA, Scripps Research reported in Medicine that Gaucher and less effectively disease, liver and spleen, whieh is by both Treatment for Experimental expensj-ve news for that of causes the WaIl of Journal for Medicine, the of of This the drug, Boston, most expensive and the one year Times. New York at the headed by Ernest Department provides data dose our health and insurance of Molecular supporting Beutler, and a low-dose, rrln an era when we need to schedule. use of Gaucher $380r000. investigators of for enlargement rrthe worldts Street more thought. treatment by Genzyme Corporation director patients previously and bone pain. bleeding by Genzlrme costs t,reatment more judicious a form of Journal can be treated The have California New Enqland than is at Investigators La Jolla, the a 1-55 pound patient Now, a group TSRf's in has been designated medicinert M.D., anemia, L992 patients disease disorder manufactured reconmended of expensively a hereditary Massachusetts, issue (Ceredase) Alglucerase 2, (TSRI) Institute week's this Dec. care resources, this companies, rr Beutler IIORE is said. less make good PAGE 2 -- per That's patients frequency schedule Center Scripps of that noted and tissues within a day. of proof is rrthe that administration Now, there 60 with very that in in that the new low-dose, the the General and Research Ctrinic from with Foundation. New England obtained Clinical Research Their Journal, when high high- response was doses were given two weeks. rrAnd, the Beutler than a quarter as much, rl Academy of Sciences, Beutler less said. National the physician/scientist internationally-known awarded the Foundationrr molecular rrAnnual Award deal treatment that credit for availability to to has been seriously an Roscoe Brady at who was recently National low-dose Gaucher Ceredase Disease the and of team headed by Dr. Health and Genzyme Corporation making this patients sufferers the is disease. frboth the of available of Gaucher Institutes of from studies of biology National a great his for He stated abroad costs treatment A member of its Beutler more frequent Ceredase of indistinguishable the blood were treated ds reported treatmentr every the be treated works. rf strategy Eleven two weeks, be more effective. doses would this from disappears why we believed small to once every kilogram medication patients Genzyme recommends that Although units RESEARCH INSTITUTE TIIE SCRIPPS with very Gaucher disease. from this compromised IIORE effective disease by its both high deserve new However, here cost. rt and PAGE 3 -- THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE rrWhat is at the administer hours rrThe results for patients the treatment of for the dollars schedule of rtTheir that to to promote with in first full the to year, will that low-dose it is) (and there the program always have shown to be fully same scaling could the whose dose/low high probably suggests every rr Beutler were diminish as a that very than six the down of for the data highthe cost of program that we Thus, the rrEven months. are no published be achieved. be much higher ef fective.It of millions Ceredase.rl Genzyme currently effective health The dosage afflicted. of care Newsweek magazine recommend can be halved is the to good is health the Gaucher disease, use of more rational rrlt Genzyme Corporation according will treatment patients the access rl which strategy frequency, continued and for save hundreds sales, they indicate for good news are how inadequate needs of resources. added that dosage recognize bad news is this Beutler this care schedule of companies meet the have $100 nillion if two weeksr t' every cost, rr he added. high its We all health representatives high only who were denied disease we recommend will rrThe only frequency of insurance are to that dollars the from because as a whole. system result 24 body within the we have performed studies the suffering too, said. given if the that said. Beutler care unlikely gone from is way to most effective is effective be optimally will news, which a drug of the and it treatment, administration is here issue PAGE ,l -- the Although advocated more frequent is by Beutler every-two-weeks by a nurse, our receive Other members of now assistant of Beutler with Thurston, Scripps Clinic Medical at home how most of is at analysisr' Terri PauI Garver, the Ph.D., M.D. with head of Gelbart, radiologic findingsl Figueroa, Andrea Kay, M.D., Oncology/Irnmunology TSRI; document the Michael Knoll the who assisted and Dennis neasurements and Barry at Rosenbloom, Los Angeles. Beutler noted that rrthe very performed were made possible sponsored General Stein California; James Koziol, who performed to safely and this team included Redding, Biostatistics data drug Genzymets once can be given patient, Beutler Corporation; U.D., I t { .D . , o f in than the drug, rr he said. the director, Pharmaceutical convenient rrthe drug the now practicing of adninistration member or the family Division less treatrnent, patients M.D., RESEARCH INSTITUTE THE SCRIPPS Foundation. Clinical costly by the resources Research.Center rl ### studies of that the and the were NIH- Sam and Rose