THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I0666 NORTH TORREY PINES ROAD LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920]7 619455-9100 FOR II{MEDIATE #o62393-O2 RELEASE For Information: Sue Pondrorn ( 6].e) ss4- 8290 Scr ipps C1inic Robin Goldsnith (619) ss4-8134 The Scripps Research Institute THE ROLE OF FEI\{ALE HORMONES IN BREATHING DISORDERS TO BE STT]DIED BY SCRIPPS RESEARCTIERS LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA June 23, 1993- Investigatorsat The ScrippsResearch Institnte and ScrippsClinic and ResearchFoundationhave beenawardeda$.492,000threeyear grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effect of alcohol on breathing disordersin older men and women during sleep. Of particular interestis the possible prophylactic impact of female hormoneson upper respiratory disorders that could lead to heart attack and stroke. Previousresearchby the Scrippsteam has shown that moderateamountsof alcohol consumedby young men within two hours of sleep severely disrupts their breathing and increasesthe resistanceto flow in their upper airway. The new study, which is fundedby the NIH's National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism, will focus on the influences of age and genderon respirationduring sleepafter alcohol ingestionat bedtime. Merrill Mitler, Ph.D., researchdirector for ScrippsClinic's SleepDisordersCentel and a memberof The ScrippsResearchInstitute'sDepartmentof Neuropharmacology,noY that the investigationof women is a major focus of the study. women from sleepdisordered "Female hormonesseemto protect premenopausal women are not protectedas such." breathing," he said. "But, postmenopausal MORE PAGE 2 Another memberof the researchteam, Arthur Dawson, M.D., a seniormemberof the Scripps Clinic Medical Group, said "younger women are less susceptibleto sleep disorderedbreathing than their male contemporaries. Women also show less depressionof their waking respiratory drive when they drink a small dose of alcohol. We expect that these gender differences will disappearwhen postmenopausalwomen are comparedwith older mgn. tt He also notedthat "we believethat older womenon hormonereplacement will show lesseffect of alcoholon their upperairway resistanceand respiratorydrive during sleepthan we find in menof any ageor in olderwomennot on hormones." ###