clrNrc ffil scRrPPS 1066bNORTU t ( )RIit\ PtNLS ITOAI) I AND RESTARCH TOUNDATION II- news CO]\,lMUNICAT]ONS DE PART]\I ENI L{ .lOLLA.,aAt.lliORNtA 9lO 17 6 1 9 . 1 5 78 1 9 ( lo r 6 1 9 , 1 5 5f t l I ] O R L A N D O ,F L catalytic with D. antibodies Ph.D., Janda, Fourth The development Annual at is the the of topic American Conference model reactions a June 25 talk of Society on Biotechnology chemical for by Kim Microbiology's Research, in Orlando, FIor ida. a presentation In summarize the results work he and his Scripps Clinic The similar of not in a vast only bind catalyzing into proteins particular w€ proved We utilized Janda said. types chemical useful. would describe of the in Antibodies can recognize but also a manner are a class and specifically Enzymesr orr the In recent that antibodies other transform years, them by researchers which are hand, have artificial reactions. antibodies coul-d be transformed idea of transition state theory to as enzymes, and we gave them the term "Now, werre reactions and branching looking out at into how they different might be " He noted create of antibodies, which act abzymes," which the Research Institute Janda. targets, can speed chemical antibodies of to compounds. catalytic 1986 r use that develop enzymes. create the reactions. enzymes that "In to papers, Janda will California. chemical to worked have done at involves range of published three enzymes, according to Antibodi€s," "Catalytic La JoIla, immune system bind in colleagues research to titled that ones which then the "overall can disrupt inactivate the goal the virus. MORE for these protein coat Another antibodies is in which a virus possibility is to to "CATAI,YTIC ANTIBODIES' PAGE 2 i for as catalysts industrially antibodies utilize reactions which no known enzyme can perform. " presentation, his In published Selectivityr" two This configurations. branch that of do and out future model in of area this recognize "Science.rl cut a molecule the opposite point. to lead Now we can he notedr reacLionsr" could of issue chemically articl-e S Substrate and R or a beginning is types other research and recent his 28, I989 could that pieces, different to Activity the ApriI in antibodies "We obtained into Lipase with Antibodies "Catalytic refer Janda will adding deveJ-opment the nerd drugs. the Catal-yzes could since possibly disrupt it. Other armor of its In the Formation," third Janda antibody brought Stephen J. If outer the protein of in peptides and an amide bond' coat of the You and virus be abl-e to then that published also made up you can cut would things paper, and "Antibody in his the it attack Benkovic, of described the a two nrolecul-es to together authors of Bimolecul"ar Amide Catalysis Journal team American situation Chemical where perform an a chemical manner. in a more efficient Additional are "viruses an Antibody defense would be down." pubtished Society, reaction said of "Induction an Amide Bond," of amide bonds. contain inactivate titled Hydrolysis Janda "sciencer" peptides a paper to Referring on Richard the papers A. Lerner + r r* Janda will present and Diane Schloeder. were