THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE I 0 6 6 6 N O R T H T O R R E Y P I N E SR O A D LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 920]7 6t9 455-9t00 For information: Robin B. Goldsmith (619)5s4-8134 For immediaterelease # 050393 RESEARCHER AT THE SCRIPPSRESEARCH INSTITUTE RECIPIENT OF PRESTIGIOUS NIH AWARD LA JOLLA, CALIF., May 3, 1993-- ErnestBeutler,M.D., chairmanof the Departmentof Molecularand ExperimentalMedicineat The ScrippsResearchInstitute and principal investigatorof the ScrippsClinic GeneralClinical ResearchCenter (GCRC), hasbeenselectedto receivethe GeneralClinical ResearchCentersFifth Annual Award for Excellencein Clinical Research. The award will be grantedtoday at the national meetingof the American Society for Clinical Investigationin Washington,D.C., whereBeutlerwill give a lectureand receivea $5,000awardandplaque. The honor, awardedby the NationalCenterfor ResearchResourcesof the National Institutesof Health, acknowledges outstandingclinical researchconductedin a GCRC. A GCRC is a researchcenterwithin a major teachinghospitalthat conducts innovativepatientstudiesto test new therapiesand treatments.EachGCRC hashighly trainednurses,dietitiansand biostatisticians,advancedcomputersystemsand state-ofthe-artequipment.Clinical investigatorswho haveconductedresearchin the past seven MORB Page2 -- NIH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL RBSEARCH yearsat a GCRC are nominatedfor the award.An anonymouspeer review committee then selectsthe awardwinner on the basisof scientificmerit and utilization of the GCRC. Beutlerhasworked with the GCRC at ScrippsClinic sincejoining Scrippsin 1978. Foundedin 1974,ScrippsClinic's GCRC is the only one of the 75 NcRR-funded centerswhich is not affiliated with a universityor medicalschool. "Dr. Beutlerhasmadeimportantcontributionsto our understandingof disease mechanismsand to improvedtreatmentmodalitiesin severalareasof hematological diseases and in oncology," saysEng M. Tan, M.D., directorof the Autoimmune DiseaseCenterat ScrippsClinic and chairmanof the GCRC ScientificAdvisory Committeewhich nominatedBeutlerfor the award. Beutler'sselectionwas basedon his pioneeringwork in the fields of anemia,lipid storagedisorders(particularlyGaucherdisease),and the useof 2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA) in the treatmentof lymphomasand leukemia. Beutlerhas authoredor co-authoredhundredsof papersduring the courseof his in cloningthe cDNA and genefor glucocerebrosidase, career.Beutler'slab succeeded the enzymethat is deficientin Gaucherdisease.In Decemberof 1991,Beutlerwas the lead authorof a paperconcerningthe discoveryof a genemutationthat plays a role in Gaucherdisease.Suchresearchhad importantimplicationsconcerningscreeningfor couplesat risk for having a baby with Gaucherdisease. MORE Page3 -- NIH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL RESEARCH With the adventof enzymereplacement therapyand availabilityof glucocerebrosidase, Beutlerand his colleagueshave studiedthe responseof patientsto different doseschedulesof aglucerase, the commercially-available recombinantenzyme. It is now well documentedfrom their studyand thoseof others,that successfultreatment of adult Gaucherdiseasecanbe accomplished and at a much lower costthan was previouslybelieved. Beutlerled the teamthat testedthe new anti-cancerdrug, 2-CdA, developedat The ScrippsResearchInstituteby DennisCarson,M.D. It hasproduceda large number of completeremissionsin hairy cell leukemiapatientsand in patientswith other diseases. "Beutleris acknowledged to be the driving force behindstudiesconductedin the GCRC to determinethe therapeuticpotentialof 2-CdA in patientswith leukemias, lymphomasand autoimmunedisease" saysTan. "He is a first classclinician-scientist and exemplifiesthe excellencethat would be expectedof a GCRC clinical research " awardee. After receivinghis medicaldegreefrom the Universityof Chicagoin 1950, Beutler spentfour yearson the school'sfaculty. He then movedto the City of Hope Medical Centerin Duarte. Calif.. wherehe was chairmanof the division of medicine and director of the departmentof hematology.Beutlerwas also a clinical professorof medicineat the University of SouthernCaliforniauntil 1978when he joined Scripps Clinic. He is also currentlya clinical professorof medicineat the University of MORE Page 4 -- NIII AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL RESEARCH California, SanDiego. The four previous recipientsof the NIH award include researchersfrom Harvard University, University of Washington,Duke University and RockefellerUniversity.