Allocating Resources Using Geodemographic Profiling Richard Scott

Allocating Resources
Using Geodemographic Profiling
Richard Scott
Analyst Manager, N. & E. Devon Basic Command Unit
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
Geodemographic Profiling
• The natural partner to neighbourhood
• Uses a combination of:
* Private sector methodology (MOSAIC)
* Local crime data
* British Crime Survey results
Geodemographic Profiling (2)
• Helps us to:
* Understand our neighbourhoods (composition
and problems)
* Target resources
* Plan reassurance measures or crime reduction
Geodemographic Profiling (3)
• Supports key elements of the National
Policing Plan, including:
* ‘Improving the experience of policing’ for the public
* Promoting ‘effective engagement with the public’
* Neighbourhood policing
• A market classification owned by Experian
• Used in the private sector for more than 20 years
• Provides geodemographic profiling to postcode
• Uses data from the census, market research
material and a range of other sources
MOSAIC (2) - Data Sources
Electoral Register
Companies House
Shareholder registers
Land Registry
Lifestyle Survey
Postal Address File
Market Research
• Using lifestyle-based data (over 400 variables),
MOSAIC classifies the UK population, by
postcode, into:
* 11 Groups
which further break down into
* 61 ‘lifestyle types’
• Each postcode is then allocated to one of the 61
British Crime Survey (BCS)
BCS results have been appended to MOSAIC
Respondents’ anonymity is preserved
Each lifestyle type’s responses can be determined
These (national) results can highlight possible
local issues of concern
F39 and the British Crime Survey
• Comparison of MOSAIC with the BCS results
identified one lifestyle type (F39) as having:
* the highest fear of burglary, rape, and violence from
* the highest reported victimisation immediately outside
their homes
* the lowest opinion of the police response
• 4,600 people in Devon & Cornwall, 950 in the N.
and E. Devon BCU
Fear of Physical Violence from Strangers
Victimisation Immediately
Outside the Home
Police Response rated
‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’
The F39 Lifestyle Type
• Household composition:
60% are single person households
• Household income:
42% of households earn less than £7,500pa
• Age profile:
38% are over 55
• Transport:
67% have no access to a car
The F39 Lifestyle Type (2)
• Type of Accommodation:
65% (4 times the UK average) live in purposebuilt flats
68% (3.3 times the UK average) live in social
Low rise flats and maisonettes
in the target area of Exeter,
typical of those occupied by the
F39 type nationally.
The F39 Lifestyle Type (3)
• Above average response to:
* Telemarketing calls
* Posters
* Direct mail
• Below average use of the internet
(Based on MOSAIC’s ‘Learn about Products’ data)
F39 in Exeter
F39 in Central Exeter
F39 in Central Exeter
• These postcodes lie on a direct route from pubs
and clubs to taxis and takeaways
• They experience:
* criminal damage
* late-night anti-social behaviour,
* a significant level of dwelling burglaries
F39 in Central Exeter
F39 in flats only yards from one
of Exeter’s busiest nightclubs
Targeted Reassurance - The Plan
1 A postal survey (as benchmarking, and to confirm whether
national (BCS) issues are replicated locally)
2 A partnership audit, covering noise complaints, graffiti,
street lighting, etc.
3 Targeted reassurance measures (including media tailored
to the F39 preferences), addressing concerns from the
4 A repeat survey, to measure results
Targeted Reassurance (2)
• The chosen media follow the F39 preferences
from the MOSAIC data:
* A postal survey (above average response)
* Posters (above average response)
* Posters at bus stops (two thirds of the F39 type have no
access to a car)
Targeted Reassurance (3)
• Neighbourhood policing calls for a detailed
understanding of the communities served;
• The private sector achieves this with tools such as
• This methodology, combined with crime data,
provides detailed neighbourhood profiles for police
• These can guide the targeting of resources and
reassurance, and help tailor policing to local needs.