Educational Technology Bibliography

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Educational Technology Bibliography
This bibliography has been compiled from citations in e-learning related papers and guides
published by CAP. It provides a reading list for relevant aspects of both academic practice and
educational technology.
Some resources are available online by clicking the web link, others may be found in the Library
Catalogues, including resources available in the staff development collection. Further
resources can be found on the CAP e-learning site, including a series of 'E-Guides' on a range of
e-learning topics.
The bibliography is ordered by author, but you can search on keywords or phrases in the titles
using the 'Find (on this page)' function under the Edit menu of your web browser (or using Ctrl+F
on your keyboard).
Agre P 1999 Information Technology in Higher Education: the 'Global Academic Village' and
Intellectual Standardization, On the Horizon 7 (5)
Agre P 2000 Infrastructure and Institutional Change in the Networked University, Information,
Communication and Society
Anita Pincas 1999 Management issues for online courses, Active Learning 9: 41-45
Armitage, S.,Rothery, J. and Jenkins, M. 1999 Report of a UCISA survey of support provided in
universities and colleges for the use of technology in teaching and learning. Universities and
Colleges Information Systems Association: Teaching, Learning and Information Group. Also
available on the web:
Armitage, S.and Steeples, C. 1996 Guidelines for using Computer Conferencing in Teaching BT
CMC in HE Newsletter Issue 4
Association of Canadian Community Colleges 1997 Mobilizing for the Future: Educational
Technology in Canada's Community Colleges and Technical Institutes:
ASTER Project 1999 A survey of current practice in the use of C&IT to support small-group
teaching activities in disciplines associated with the Humanities, Physics and Psychology. Accessed
on the web 05/03/03:
Australian Science and Technology Council. 1994 Matching science and technology to future needs:
an international perspective, Canberra, AGPS.
Baecker, R. 1992 Readings in groupware and computer-supported co-operative work. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc..
Bahnot, B. & Fallows, S. 2002 ICT: a threat to the traditional university? In Fallows, S. & Bhanot,
S. (Eds), Educational Development through Information and Communications Technology, 201213. London: Kogan Page.
Bailey P, Jenkins A, Oliver M, Maier P and Young C 1998 ALTering EFFECTS: Rewarding teaching
using C&IT, Active Learning 9, Oxford: CTISS Publications.
Barker D 1995 Seven new ways to learn, Byte 20(3): 54-55.
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Barker P 1997 Tools to support electronic lectures, Educational Technology Review 8: 16-20
Barker P 1999 Electronic course delivery, virtual universities and lifelong learning, Educational
Technology Review 11: 14-18
Barlow, J. 1995 Releasing staff on projects. In Brew, A. (Ed)Directions in Staff Development, 6480. Buckingham: SRHE/Open University Press.
Barnet R 1994 The Limits of Competence - Knowledge, Higher Education and Society, Buckingham:
SRHE/The Open University Press.
Bates A 1995 Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education, London/New York: Routledge.
Bates A 1995 The Future of Learning, paper presented at the Minister's Forum on Adult Learning,
Edmonton, Alberta, November 30-December 1st.
Bates A 1999 Restructuring the university for technological change , in: Brennan J, Fedrowitz J,
Huber M, and Shah T (eds) What kind of university? International perspectives on knowledge,
participation and governance, Buckingham: The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open
University Press: 207-228.
Beaty, E and McGill, I. 1995 Action learning: a guide for professional, management and educational
development, Kogan Page: London, U.K.
Becher, T. 1989 Academic Tribes and Territories: intellectual enquiry and the cultures of the
disciplines. Buckingham: SRHE/Open University Press.
Beckett M 1998 Foresight Consultation on the next round of the Foresight Programme, Office of
Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry.
Beetham H 1998 A Review of Learning and Teaching Innovation in UK HE, CTISS Publications.
Beetham H 2000 An alternative perspective on CPD, Educational Developments1 (2)
Beetham, H. 2000 Learning Technology Scoping Study: Lessons for Educational Developers.
Educational developments. 1.4.
Beetham, H. 2001 Developing practice through networks and shared resources, Educational
Developments, 2.4, 19-22. Accessed on the web 070303:
Beetham, H. 2001 How Do Representations of Our Practice Enable Change to Happen? Educational
Developments, 2 (4) 19-22.
Beetham, H. 2001 User participation survey for the RESULTs project. Accessed on the web
Beetham, H. 2002 Designing representations of practice for a community of knowledge
practitioners, Issues in information design, forthcoming. Accessed on the web 070303:
Beetham, H. 2002 Developing learning technology networks through shared representations of
practice, in Rust, C, (ed), Improving student learning through learning technologies, Oxford:
Centre for Staff and Learning Development. Accessed on the web 070303:
Beetham, H. & Bailey, P. 2002 Professional Development for Organizational Change. In Macdonald,
R. & Wisdom, J. (Eds), Academic and Educational Development: Research, Evaluation and
Changing Practice in HE, 164-176. London: Kogan Page.
Beetham, H. and Twining, P. 2001 The Re-Useable Educational Software Library: lesson learned in
developing a shared resource. Unpublished report, RESL Project. Accessed on the web 070303:
Page 3 of 17
Beetham, H., Jones, S. and Gornall, L. 2001 Career Development of Learning Technology Staff:
Scoping Study Final Report. Accessed on the web 03/03/03:
Bell J 1997 Doing Your Research Project a guide for First-Time Researchers in Education and Social
Science (2nd edn), Milton-Keynes: Open University Press.
Bennett CK 1994 Reconceptualising staff development for technology diffusion, Journal of
Information Technology for Teacher Education 3
Bennett, S., Priest, A., and Macpherson, C. 1999 Learning about online learning: An approach to
staff development for university teachers. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 15 (3):
Billett, S. 1999 Guided learning at work. In Boud, D. & Garrick, J. (Eds), Understanding Learning at
Work, 151-164. London: Routledge.
Billett, S. 2002 Workplaces, communities and pedagogy: an activity theory view. In Lea, M. &
Nicoll, K. (Eds), Distributed Learning: Social and Cultural Approaches to Practice, 83-97. London:
Routledge Falmer.
Blackmore, P., Roach, M. & Dempster, J. A. 2002 The use of ICT in education for research and
development. In Fallows, S. & Bhanot, R. (Eds) Educational Development through Information and
Communications Technology, 133-140. London: Kogan Page.
Bleiman D 1998 Fixed term contracts outnumber permanent contracts, AUT Bulletin 4 (Dec 1998
Boud, D. 1988 Developing Student Autonomy in Learning. Kogan Page: London
Boud, D. 1995 Meeting the Challenges. In Brew, A. (Ed), Directions in Staff Development, 203213. Buckingham: SRHE/Open University Press.
Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University 1996 Reinventing
Undergraduate Education: a Blueprint for America's Research Universities. New York. The Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Brahler CJ et al, 1999 Developing on-line learning materials for higher education: an overview of
current issues, Educational Technology and Society, 2(2): 42-54.
Brennan J et al 1999 What kind of university? International perspectives on knowledge,
participation and governance, Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press.
Bressler S 1997 Exploring the Electronic Marketplace, VHS: Hewlett-Packard.
Bridges, D. 1994 Transferable Skills in Higher Education. Norwich: University of East Anglia
Brophy P et al (eds) 1997 Towards a National Agency for Resource Discovery Scoping Study:
British Library Research and Innovation Report 58, The British Library Board and the Joint
Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Bodies.
Brown D, Burg JJ and Dominick JL 1997 Excellence in Campus Networking 1997: Wake Forest
Brown D, Burg JJ and Dominick JL 1998 A Strategic Plan for Ubiquitous Laptop Computing,
Communications of the ACM , 41(1) , 26-35.
Brown JS and Duguid P 1998 Universities in the digital age, in Hawkins BL and Battin P (eds_) The
Mirage of Continuity: Reconfiguring Academic Resources for the 21st Century, Washington: Council
on Library and Information Resources.
Brown S 1999 Reinventing the University, Association for Learning Technology Journal, 6 (3): 307.
Page 4 of 17
Carvel J 1997 The unavoidable price of learning The Guardian Home News Thursday July 24th
1997: 6.
Castells M 1983 The Informational City, Oxford: Blackwell.
Castells M 1996 The Rise of the Network Society, London: Blackwell.
Castells M 1999 Networks, Flows, Identities, in Castells et al (eds) Critical Education in the
Information Age, Rowan and Littlefield: 37-64.
Castells M and Aoyamay Y 1993 Paths towards the Informational Society: The Transformation of
the Employment Structure of G7 Countries 1920-2005, BRIE Working Paper, University of
California Institute of International Studies.
Ceruzzi PE 1999 Augmenting Human Intellect, 1975-1985, in A History of Modern Computing,
London: MIT Press, pp243-280.
Chems, the Higher Education Consultancy Group 2002 A Report to the JISC and the RLSP,
Resolving the Human Issues in LIS Project Work.
Chisholm K 1996 Technology Foresight : a brief overview. IEE Colloquium on Learning at a
Distance: developments in media technologies, London: IEE: 1/1 (Presentation)
Chitnis A and Williams G 1999 Casualisation and Quality: a study of the issues for quality in
teaching and learning raised by employment of part time and fixed term staff in UK HE, Institute of
Education, published by NATFHE.
Chris Jones 1999 Evaluating a collaborative online learning environment , Active Learning 9: 31-35
Coaldrake P and Stedman A 1999 Academic Work in the Twenty-first Century: Changing roles and
policies, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia.
Collins, M. et al. 1994 Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom (New Jersey)
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) of the Universities of the United Kingdom.
1996 Our Universities Our Future 1 Vision Statement and main recommendations. November 1996,
London: CVCP.
Conole G and Oliver M 1997 A Pedagogical Framework for Embedding C&IT into the Curriculum,
ALT-Journal 6 (2): 4-16.
Conole, G. C. 2003 The evolving landscape of learning technology. ALT-Journal 10 (3)
Conwell C 1999 Mobile Phone Networks in the UK 4-18. (Online)
Coolican H 1994 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Coopers & Lybrand, Institute of Education & Tavistock Institute 1996 Evaluation of the Teaching
and Learning Technology Programme. Report M21/96. Bristol: Higher Education Funding Council
for Englang. (last accessed
Cuneo C and Campbell B 2000 Changes in Canadian Higher Education ICT and Support, 2000 to
2003, EvNet Working Papers #6
Daniel JS 1996 Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher
Education., London: Kogan Page.
Daniel, J. 1996 Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher
Page 5 of 17
Education. London: Kogan Page.
Davenport TH 1997 Information Ecology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davenport TH and Prusak L 1998 Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They
Know, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Davies G 1994 Overview of Recent Developments in HE. Chief Executive, HEFCE NISSWAIS M2/94
Davis N 1997 Strategies for staff and institutional development for IT in education: an integrated
approach, in Davis N (ed) Using information technology effectively in teaching and learning:
studies in pre-service and in-service teacher education. London: Routledge, 255-268.
de Vaus 1996 Surveys in Social Research 4th Edition, Guildford: Biddles Ltd.
Dearing R. and The National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education 1997 Dearing Report
News, How much has the landscape changed? The Times Higher Education Supplement, July 24th
1998, p4-5. Higher Education in the learning society, HMSO.
Dempster, J. A. 2002 Are institutions ready for collaborative learning on the web? Interactions 6
(1): (last
accessed 27/8/02)
Dempster, J. A. & Blackmore, P. 2002 Developing research-based learning using ICT in HE
curricula: the role of research and evaluation. In Macdonald, R. & Wisdom, J. (Eds), Academic and
Educational Development: Research, Evaluation and Changing Practice in HE, 129-139. London:
Kogan Page.
Dempster, J.A. (2003) Developing and Supporting Research-Based Learning and Teaching Through
Technology, Chapter 7, pp.128-158, in Ghaoui, C. (Ed.) Usability Evaluation Of Online Learning
Programs. Information Science Publishing, Idea Group Inc., USA.
Dempster, J.A., Beetham, H., Jackson, P. & Richardson, S. (2003) Creating Virtual Communities of
Practice in Learning Technology: Issues, Challenges and Experiences, ALT-Journal, 11 (3), pp. 103117.
Dempster, J.A. & Deepwell, F. (2003) Experiences of National Projects in Embedding Learning
Technology into Institutional Practices in UK Higher Education, Chapter 5, pp. 45-62, in Seale, J.
(ed.) Learning Technology in Transition: From individual enthusiasm to institutional
implementation, Zwets & Zeitlinger, Lisse.
Department for Education 1995 Superhighways for Education, Consultation Paper on Broadband
Department for Education and Employment 1997 Connecting the Learning Society: National Grid
for Learning
Department for Education and Employment 1997 The Learning Age: a renaissance for a new
Department for Education and Employment 1998 Higher Education for the 21st Century: Response
to the Dearing Report:
Department of Education 1991 Higher education: a new framework. London: HMSO.
Dooley K 1999 Towards a Holistic Model for the Diffusion of Educational Technologies, Educational
Technology and Society 2 (4)
Dreyfus, L, Dreyfus, S E. 1986 Mind over Machine : The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in
the Era of the Computer. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
Page 6 of 17
Drummond I, Anderson K, Nixon I and Wiltshire J 1999 Managing Curriculum Change in Higher
Education: Realising good practice in key skills development, UCoSDA, Sheffield.
Dugdale C 1998 Electronic Reserves: Improving or impeding access to Knowledge? Shaping the
Knowledge Society: Proc. of the 6th International BOBCATSS Symposium, Budapest: National
Szechenyi Library, pp43-52.
Duke C 1992 The Learning University: Towards a New Paradigm, Bristol, USA: Open University
Dusick DM 1998 What social cognitive factors influence faculty members' use of computers for
teaching? A literature review, Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31 (2): 123-137.
Dyer J 1993 SuperJANET Applications In Multimedia in Higher Education: Portability and
Networking Workshop. Advisory Group on Computer Graphics Technical Report Series No 24.
Dyerson R and Mueller FU 1999 Learning, teamwork and appropriability: managing technological
change in the Department of Social Security', The Journal of Management Studies, 36:5, pp. 62952.
Dyrli OE and Kinnaman DE 1994 Integrating technology into your classroom, Curriculum
Technology and Learning 14 (5): 38-44
Eason KD 1994 The process of introducing information technology, in Armson R. and P. Paton (eds)
Organisations: Cases, Issues, Concepts (second edn) , London: Open University and Paul
Chapman: 99-118.
Eckel P 1999 Reports from the road: insights on institutional change, Washington, D.C.: American
Council on Education.
Edwards R 1997 Changing Places? flexibility, lifelong learning and a learning society, London:
Ehrmann, S. 2000 Technology & Revolution in Education: Ending the Cycle of Failure. Liberal
Education, Fall, 40-49. (last
accessed 27/8/02)
Ellington, H., Percival, F. and Race, P. 1993 A Handbook of Educational Technology (3rd edition),
Kogen Page: London.
Elton, L. 1986 Research and Teaching: Symbiosis or Conflict, Higher Education, 15, pp 299-304
Elton, L. 1995 An Institutional Framework. In Brew, A. (Ed), Directions in Staff Development, 177188. Buckingham: SRHE/Open University Press.
Enders J 1999 Crisis? What crisis? The academic professions in the 'knowledge' society, Higher
Education 38 (1): 71-86.
Engstrom, Y 1999 Activity theory and individual and social transformation, in Engstrom, Y.,
Mietinnen, R. and Punamaki, RL (eds) Perspectives on Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge, U.K.
Eriksson CB 1999 Role Conflict and Ambiguity at the Departmental Level, Higher Education
Management 11 (1): 81-96.
Evans T and Nation D 1997 Creating educational technologies: issues for staff and educational
development, Staff and Educational Development International 1(1)
Fontana A and Frey JH 1994 Interviewing: The Art of Science, in Denzin NK and Lincoln YS, (eds)
Page 7 of 17
Handbook of Qualitative Research, London: Sage Publications: 361-376.
Ford P et al 1996 Managing Change in Higher Education, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Foster, J., Bowskill, N., Lally, V. and McConnell, D. 2000 Researching Community: Developing a
design for a virtual professional development center in computer based collaborative group work,
paper to Internal Consortium for Educational Development in Higher Education, July 22-26,
Bielefeld, Germany.
Foucault M 1972 The Archaeology of Knowledge, London: Tavistock Publications.
Fox, R. & Herrmann, A. 2000 Changing media, changing times: coping with adopting new
educational technologies. In Evans, T. & Nation, D. (Eds) Changing University Teaching:
Reflections on Creating Educational Technologies, 73-84. London: Kogan Page.
Freeman H et al 2000 The Virtual University: The Internet and Resource Based Learning, Kogan
French, D., Hale, C., Johnson, C. and Farr, G. 1999 Internet Based Learning: An Introduction and
Framework for Higher Education and Business, Kogan Page, London
Frey JH and Fontana A 1993 The Group Interview in Social Research , in Morgan DL (ed)
Successful Focus Groups: Advancing the State of the Art (London: Sage Publications) 20-34
Fullan M 1999 Change forces: the sequel, London: Falmer Press.
Ganzert RR and Watkins DA 1997 Innovative Staffing To Meet Technological Changes: A Case
Study at Wake Forest University, THE Journal 25 (4): 54-56.
Garrison, R. & Andersen, T. 2000 Transforming and enhancing university teaching: stronger and
weaker technological influences. In Evans, T. & Nation, D.(Eds) Changing University Teaching:
Reflections on Creating Educational Technologies. London: Kogan Page
Geoghegan WH 1994 Whatever happened to instructional technology? Norwalk: International
Business Schools Computing Association
Gibbons M 1999 Changing research practices, in Brennan et al (eds), What kind of University?
Society for Research in Higher Education and Open University Press.
Gibbs, G. 2000 Learning and teaching Strategies: Developments in English higher education
institutions 1998-2000, Centre for Higher Education Practice/Higher Education Funding Council for
Gilly Salmon 1999 Developing learning through effective online moderation, Active Learning 9: 3-8
Giroux H 1999 Border Youth, Difference and Post-modern Education, in Castells et al (eds) Critical
Education in the Information Age, Rowan and Littlefield: 93-115.
Goodyear P 1997 Ergonomics of Learning Environments, paper to EduTech 97, Universidad de
Goodyear P et al 2000 Effective networked learning in higher education: notes and guidelines,
Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Lancaster University
Goodyear, P. and Steeples, C. 1998 Creating shareable representations of practice, ALT-Journal, 6
(3): 16-23.
Gornall, L. 1999 New Professionals: change and occupational roles in higher education, in
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 3 (2): 44-49. London U.K.
Gosling, D. & D'Andrea, V. 2002 How Educational Development/Learning and Teaching Centres
Page 8 of 17
Help HE Institutions Manage Change. Educational Developments, 3 (2) 1-3.
Grabinger S, Dunlap JC and Duffield JA 1997 Rich environments for active learning in action:
problem-based learning, ALT-Journal 5 (2): 5-17.
Graham G and MacDonald R 1995 Motion: A Visual Database- Learning with Interactive Video. In
Thomas D (ed) Flexible Learning Strategies in Higher and Further Education, London: Cassell
Education: 99-111.
Green K 1999 The 1999 National Survey of IT in Higher Education, Center for Educational Studies
of Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, CA.
Green M.F. 1997 Leadership and Institutional Change: A Comparative View, Higher education
management 9 (2): 135-147.
Greenbaum TL 1993 The Handbook for Focus Group Research (New York: Lexicon Books
Greenberg J 1993 Multimedia and the Open University, in Multimedia in Higher Education:
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Series No 24: 2-7
Griffiths, T. & Guile, D. 1999 Pedagogy in work-based contexts. In Mortimore, P. (Ed)
Understanding Pedagogy and its Impact on Learning, 155-174. London: Paul Chapman.
Gunn C and Brussino G, 1998 An evolutionary approach to CAL Active Learning 6: 20-22
Hall R and Harding D 2000 Driving departmental change through evaluation: some outcomes and
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Hall W, Park Woolf B and White S 1999 Interactive systems for learning and teaching, in Furht B
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Hanna D.E. 1998 Higher Education in an era of digital competition: Emerging organizational
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Hawkins BL 1999 Distributed learning and institutional restructuring Educom Review 34(4): 12-15,
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HEFCE 1998 An evaluation of the Computers in Teaching Initiative and Teaching and Learning
Technology Support Network, at
Page 9 of 17
HEFCE 1999 Communications and information technology materials for learning and teaching in UK
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Technology Research and Development 44(4): 85-104
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