Christen G. Jackson  

Christen G. Jackson 1417 Mayfield Dr. Unit 202 Ames, IA 50014 Curriculum Vitae Cell: 701‐400‐6865 EDUCATION North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota M.S., Animal Sciences (Reproductive Physiology), December 2012 GPA: 3.70 Thesis Topic: The use of various estrous synchronization protocols in estrous and anestrous ewes Advisor: Dr. Reid Redden Additional Research: Gender has a substantial impact on student success in introductory animal science courses PI: Dr. Eric Berg North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota B.S., Animal Sciences, Minors in Agribusiness and Zoology, May 2010 Advisors: Dr. Kimberly Vonnahme and Mr. Russ Danielson GPA: 3.53 CURRENT EMPLOYEMENT Lecturer, 50% Teaching Responsibilities and 50% Advising, Fall 2012 ‐ Present Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA TEACHING EXPERIENCE 
ANS 101: Working with Animals (Fall 2012, 2 credits, taught 2 lectures, 328 students)  Responsible for grading and returning homework for Section 3 (45 students)  Provided class lecture on: Overview of the Sheep Industry  Provided class lecture on: Overview of the Dairy Industry 
ANS 190X: Livestock Handling, Safety and Welfare (Fall 2013/Spring 2014 2nd 8 weeks, 24 students/Jan 2014 ‐ 1 week short course, 23 students, and Summer 2014, 17 students; 2 credits, taught 1 lecture and lab) – Guest Speaker and Course Coordinator  Provide class lecture on: Dairy 101 and the associated lab  Responsible for posting lecture material and handouts to BlackBoard prior to every class session  Took initiative to e‐mail and communicate with farm mangers as to when the course was, what animals were needed, along with their assistance 
ANS 210: Career Preparation in Animal Science (Spring 2013, 60 students in my section, 120 students total; Fall 2013, 80 students in my section, 160 students total; Spring 2014, 77 students in my section, 155 students total; Fall 2014, 83 students in my section, 163 student total) – Co‐Taught  Brought in numerous presenters to talk about life in the real world, finances, veterinary school and professional programs  Taught information pertaining to cover letters, resumes, and internships 
ANS 210: Career Preparation in Animal Science (Summer 2014, 8 week online course, 39 students, sole instructor)  Recorded lectures (powerpoints with voiceover) through Camtasia Software  Gathered various articles and videos for student viewing pertaining to a specific topic each week  Created 8 online quizzes through BlackBoard 
ANS 235: Dairy Cattle Science (Fall 2014, 106 students, sole instructor, 1 hour lecture twice a week, with a 2 hour lab once a week)  Brought in 7 guest presenters  Implement clicker quizzers prior to the start of lecture  Manage 8 Undergraduate Teaching Assistants who assist in grading lab assignments and assist in overseeing the labs  Teach both lecture and lab 
ANS 235: Dairy Cattle Science (Fall 2012, 84 students, provided 2 lectures; Fall 2013 taught 5 lectures, 88 students) – Co‐Taught with Dr. Kilmer  Responsible for lab instruction for Section 2 (Fall 2012, 29 students; Fall 2013, 26 students)  Provided sole instruction for Lab 9 – Reproductive Efficiency (Fall 2013)  Assisted with grading exams (33% of grading; Fall 2012 and 2013) 
ANS 310X: Advanced Career Preparation in Animal Science – Gradaute School Track (Spring 2014 – 5 students, 8 week course, 1 credit, Pass/Fail, sole instructor)  Informed students about graduate school  Created a graduate student and faculty panel 
ANS 332: Laboratory Methods in Animal Reproduction (Spring 2013, 17 students; Fall 2013, 18 students; Spring 2014, 18 students; sole instructor)  Created new anatomy diagrams with labeled parts to serve as supplemental material for course (Fall 2013)  Created and implemented – Reproduction Quiz Bowl (Fall 2013)  Coordinated 2 class field trips to Hawkeye Breeders and SGI (Fall 2013)  Procured speaker from Trans Ova, organized a bull collection lab out at the College of Veterinary Medicince, implemented and created a new weigh‐suckle‐weigh lab with lambs (Spring 2014) 
ANS 335: Dairy Cattle Selection (Spring 2013, 10 students; Spring 2014, 19 students)  Assisted with class on Thursdays  Listened and critiqued reasons  Attended Judging Field Trip to Lyon’s Jerseys (Spring 2013) 
ANS 399A: Animal Science Internship Experience, Internship Coordinator (Fall 2013, 31 students; Fall 2014, 26 students)  Created a new Internship Scoring Rubric and Bi‐Weekly Journal requirements  Developed directions explaining what requirements need to be completed  Sent out cooperator final evaluations  Coordinated classrooms and times students could present their internship experience presentations (Fall 2013)  Posted internship monitor slides to the monitors throughout Kildee and on the Animal Science Department Facebook page with upcoming internships and job opportunities  Planning and hosting the First Annual Internship Poster Fair November 5th, 2014  Created an Internship Guide for academic advisors 
ANS 475B: Dairy Cattle Judging Team, Coach the Senior and Junior Teams (Fall 2014, 4 Seniors and 4 juniors)  Teach judging members what to look for when evaluating dairy cattle  Listen to and provide feedback on oral reasons  Coordinate weekend practices and practices enroute to contests  Teams compete in Louisville, KY; Viroqua, WI; and Madison, WI 
ANS 475F: Dairy Challenge Academy Participants (9 students, Fort Wayne, IN)  Oversaw Dairy Challenge Academy participants at National Contest  Went to Grand Central Jerseys in March for a practice contest farm tour INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE 
ANS 496/ANS 497A: Ag Travel Prep Course and Study Abroad Trip to France, Switzerland, and Italy (Summer 2014 May 10th – 26th, 2014; 30 students)  Served as a co‐leader alongside Dr. Kilmer and Dr. Sterle  Implemented class assignment, Products and Food Dishes “At‐A‐Glance”  Created flashcard books for Products and Food Dishes, Breeds of Livestock, and Livestock in Art  Once abroad we: o Received an overview of the French animal industry from numerous speakers from the French Livestock Institute o Toured various livestock operations (dairy, beef, dairy sheep/goat, swine, and water buffalo farms along with an organic dairy cattle/goat farm) o Learned about olive oil and wine production and artisan cheese making o Toured an AI stud in northern Italy 
ANS 496/ANS 497A: Ag Travel Prep Course and Study Abroad Trip to Ethiopia (Spring/Summer May 14th – 31st, 2013; 16 students)  Assisted Dr. Dollisso in creating a class schedule and individual project ideas for the spring semester travel prep course o Interacted with agriculture students from Hawassa University o Conducted a student forum, individually, and in groups Toured various dairy, sheep/goat, and poultry farms Learned about coffee and how it is grow, cultivated, and packaged Toured a bell pepper farm and a rose farm under greenhouses Learned about various crop production cycles and how they contribute to the global markets o Toured a crocodile farm, a local fish market, and Awash National Park o Visited the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) o Immersed in Ethiopian culture ranging from modern dance and music to spending a day with the nomadic and primitive Hammer Tribe o
ANS 114: Survey of the Animal Industry  Overview of the Dairy Industry (Fall 2012 and 2014, Spring 2013 and 2014) 
ANS 331: Domestic Animal Reproduction  Mammalian Embryonic Development (Fall 2012)  Differentiation of the male and female reproductive tracts (Fall 2012)  Fertilization (Fall 2012) 
ANS 334: Embryo Transfer Lab  Created worksheet: Guide to Handling Frozen Semen and Embryos (Fall 2012) 
ANS 399A: Animal Science Internship Experience, Internship Coordinator (Spring 2013 and 2014, Fall 2013 and 2014)  Guest Speaker in ANS 110: Internships: “Where do I begin to look?” 
Iowa 4H Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Youth Camp (Summer 2014)  Careers – Where will you go?  ~60 youth, 6th – 12th grade ADVISING EXPERIENCE 
Academic Adviser  Currently advise 83 students 
Serve as club advisor for:  ISU Dairy Science Club (Fall 2012 – Present) o 94 members o Attend monthly meetings o Oversee various club events 
Served as past club advisor for:  Sigma Alpha Sorority (January 2013 – May 2014) o 91 members 
Horse Interest Group for Block and Bridle (January 2013 – December 2013, ~40 members) o Attended the American Quarter Horse World Show – Fall 2103 PUBLICATIONS  Jackson, C. G., T. L. Neville, V. R. G. Mercadante, K. M. Waters, G. C. Lamb, C. R. Dahlen, and R. R. Redden. 2014. Efficacy of various five‐day estrous synchronization protocols in sheep. Small Ruminant Res. 120:100‐107 ABSTRACTS (* denotes presenting author)  Jackson, C. G.*, B. J. Williams and E. P. Berg. 2012. Gender has a substantial impact on student success in introductory animal science courses. Abstract presented at ASAS Joint Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.  Jackson, C. G.*, T. L. Neville, V. R. G. Mercadante, K. M. Bischoff, G. C. Lamb, C. R. Dahlen, and R. R. Redden. 2012. Out‐of‐season reproductive performance of ewes synchronized to estrus with various 5 d protocols. Abstract presented at WSASAS Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.  Jackson, C. G.*, T. L. Neville, C. R. Dahlen, and R. R. Redden. 2011. Estrous synchronization in sheep using gonadotropin‐releasing hormone, prostaglandin, and controlled internal drug release inserts. Abstract presented at WSASAS Meetings in Miles City, MT. June 2011. 
Jackson, C. G.*, E.K. Harris, K. A. Vonnahme, and E. P. Berg. 2010. Effects of maternal exercise during gestation on resting blood oxygen levels and gilt behavior. Presented at Midwest Sectional ASAS/ADSA Meetings in Des Moines, IA. March 2010. EXTENSION PULBICATIONS 
Jackson, C. G. 2013. Reproductive Performance in Sheep: Utilization of various five‐
day estrous synchronization protocols. North Dakota Sheep Industry Newsletter. January 2013. INDSUTRY/EXTENSION EXPERIENCE 
National Junior Holstein Convention, Dubuque, IA June 2014  Quiz Bowl Judge 
Family Day On the Farm at the ISU Dairy Farm: June 2013 and 2014  Welcomed visitors to the farm  Delivered presentations on the parlor throughout the day 
Iowa State 4‐H Youth Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest: June 2013 and 2014  Assisted coordination of events on that day and served as a scorekeeper 
Iowa State University 4‐H Ag Round Up: June 2013 and 2014  Co‐coordinated with Dr. Kilmer the Dairy Cattle Workshop 
Conducted Repro Wet Lab for approximately 20 students Invited speaker in the Sheep Workshop: Presented – “Why I Like Wool” ‐ 2013 
North Dakota State 4‐H Sheep Show: July 2012  Ring Steward 
Cass County Showmanship Clinic: June 2011  Dairy Showmanship Speaker Shepherds Clinic: June 2011  Invited presentation: Wool Production and Harvesting 
Livestock Judging Camp Assistant: June 2011  Assisted Livestock Judging Team Coach with camp activities 
Bismarck State College Ag Round‐Up: January 2011  Angus bull class educator: taught four groups of 4‐H and FFA Youth about what to look for when evaluating beef bulls 
Starter Flock Program: October – November 2010  Gathered and presented information about the Starter Flock Recipients at the North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Convention  Assisted in educational presentations and delivery of sheep to recipients of the Starter Flock Program 
Youth Contest Official  Bremer County, Iowa – 4H Youth Dairy Cattle/Goat Judge (August 2014) o ~80 dairy cattle and ~15 dairy goats  Iowa 4‐H State Youth Dairy Judging Contest Official (August 2013 and 2014)  North Dakota State Fair FFA Dairy Round Robin Judge (July 2010, 2012, 2013)  North Dakota State 4‐H/FFA Dairy Judging Contest (June 2011, 2012)  Walsh County Fair Jr. Showmanship Judge (October 2011)  Cass County 4‐H Record Book Judge (July 2011)  Carrington FFA Alumni Livestock Judging Contest (February 2011)  North Dakota State 4‐H and FFA Livestock Judging Contest (March 2010)  North Dakota State FFA Agricultural Sales Competition (March 2009 and 2010)  Renville County 4‐H Family and Consumer Science Crafts and Food Judge (July 2009) IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEES 
Academic Quadrathlon Curriculum Committee Student Recruitment and Retention Committee Chuck Wagon/Graduate Breakfast Committee Roundup Committee On search committees for:  Lecturer Position  4‐H/Stem Curriculum Development Position IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTAL/UNIVERSITY SERVICES 
College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Interviewer  Volunteered 8 hours in December 2013 to assist with 8 CVM behavioral interviews 
Midwest ASAS Academic Quadrathalon Lab Practicum Liaison between American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) and the Department of Animal Science at ISU: March 2014 Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa  Coordinated the lab practical portion of the Midwest ASAS Academic Quadrathalon and hosted 16 universities 
World Food Prize Immersion Session Presenter: April 2013 and 2014 Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa  Hosted the reproduction station which had various reproduction tracts on display and implemented an interactive activity, “Build Your Own Candy Reproduction Tract” (Fall 2013, ~50 participants)  Presented, coordinated, and created lecture: Animal + Agriculture: The Miracle of Life in Livestock (April 2013,~20 participants) 
Animal Science Academic Quadrathalon Coordinator: November 2010/2011 Division of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Dairy Cattle Lab Practical Coordinator PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 
American Dairy Science Association American Sheep Industry Iowa State Dairy Association North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture PAST WORK EXPERIENCE 
Instructor/Livestock Judging Team Coach, August 2011 – May 2012 Department of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota Primary responsibilities include:  Instructor for ANSC 331: Beginning Livestock Selection (2 credits, 24 students)  Instructor for ANSC 331: Advanced Livestock Selection (3 credits, 7 students)  Coached the Senior and Junior Livestock Judging Teams  Served as NDSU Judging Club co‐advisor  Coordinator for the 4‐H/FFA Livestock Judging Workout at North Star Classic  Chair of Little International 4‐H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest and State 4‐H Contest ADDITIONAL TEACHING AND MENTORING EXPERIENCE 
Graduate Experience Program Mentor, August 2011 – December 2011 North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Mentored an undergraduate student interested in Reproductive Physiology 
ANSC 482: Sheep Production (2 Credits) Graduate Teaching Assistant, January 2011 – March 2011 North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Graded quizzes and exams 
ANSC 220: Livestock Production 220 (2 Credits) Graduate Teaching Assistant, August 2010 – December 2010 North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Coordinated weekly laboratory section comprised of 48 students  Assisted with the instruction of weekly lab sections on topics covering the four main species: beef, sheep, swine, and dairy  Developed laboratory section course material on topics including BCS in beef cattle and proper milking procedures in dairy  Graded laboratory assignments and several course exams  Invited lecture: Dairy Breeds and Selection 
AGRI 189: Skills for Academic Success (1 Credit) Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, August 2010 – October 2010 North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  This class was geared toward freshman in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources  Responsible for assisting instructor with lecture, discussing college life with students and grading papers RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 
Graduate Research Assistant, August 2010 – July 2012 Department of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota Research responsibilities and skills include:  Analyzing and administering various estrous synchronization protocols in sheep  Blood collection via jugular venipuncture  Heat detection and documentation  Transabdominal ultrasounding 
Undergraduate Research Assistant, September 2009 – August 2010 Center for Nutrition and Pregnancy, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Completed an independent undergraduate research project  Responsibilities and skills learned: animal handling in beef, dairy, sheep, and swine, data entry, tissue collection, feed collection for analysis, and blood collection  Assisted with exercise treatment application, collected blood oxygen saturation and heart rate using pulse oximeter, and analyzed behavior data HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2005 Certified ASI Wool Classer Animal Sciences Graduate Student Organization Fall Scholarship Recipient Featured student profile on the NDSU homepage ASAS Midwest Section B.S. Oral Paper Presentation – 2nd place NDSU Homecoming Queen Candidate George R. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Recipient North Dakota Livestock Endowment Foundation Scholarship Bismarck Century High School Class Valedictorian NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERISTY GRADUATE DEPARTMENAL PRESENTATIONS 
Jackson, C. G. 2012. Efficacy of various five‐day estrus synchronization protocols in sheep. Graduate Student Seminar. Department of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University. May 2012. 
Jackson, C. G. 2011. The use of estrous synchronization in sheep. Graduate Student Seminar. Department of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University. March 2011. COLLEGIATE LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE 
Masters of Success Leadership Program: September 2011 – December 2011 North Dakota State University, Memorial Union Division of Student Affairs, Fargo, North Dakota  Winning Project Manager  Enhanced and cultivated leadership skills to become a more capable, competent, and effective leader 
Animal Science Graduate Student Organization Member: August 2010 – May 2010 North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota  Secretary 2011 – 2012  Carnivore Catering Co‐Coordinator August 2011  Academic Scholarship Revisions Committee 2011  Purchasing Chair 2010 – 2011 
NDSU Judging Club: 2008 – 2011  Little International Judging Contest Chair – 2011  Organized Little “I” Judging contest consisting of approximately 300 contestants  Secretary 2009 – 2010 
NDSU Livestock Judging Team: 2010  15th Individual Overall in Sheep: North American International Livestock Exposition  9th Individual Overall in Reasons: Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic  9th Individual Overall in Sheep and Goats: Sioux Empire Farm Show 
NDSU Meat Animal Evaluation Team: 2010  Meat Animal Evaluation Contest: Stillwater, OK 
NDSU Agricultural Ambassador: 2008 – 2010  President 2009 – 2010 o Attended Agriculture Future of America Leaders Conference, Kansas City, MO (November 2010)  Secretary 2008 – 2009 o Attended the National Agricultural Ambassador Conference, Huntsville, TX (January 2009) 
NDSU Dairy Judging Team: 2008 – 2010  2nd Individual Overall in Brown Swiss: Fort Worth, TX 2010  8th Individual Overall in Reasons: Fort Worth, TX 2010  9th Individual Overall in Jerseys: Madison, WI 2008 
NDSU Bison Dairy Club: 2008 – 2010 
NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club: 2007 – 2010  Secretary 2009 – 2010  84th Little International Master of Ceremonies 2010  83rd Little International Princess 2009 
Kappa Delta Sorority (Sigma Psi Chapter): 2005 – 2009  Vice President – New Member Education 2007  Historian 2005 – 2009 o Attended the Presidents’ & Emerging Leaders’ Conference, Memphis, TN (January 2006) OTHER EMPLOYMENT 
Animal Care Technician, North Dakota State University Dairy Research Facility, Fargo, North Dakota: March 2008 – May 2010  Milked 90 head and assisted in the daily care and treatment of the herd  Certified in artificial insemination of cattle: Select Sires (March 2008)  Certified in the North Dakota Beef Quality Assurance Program (November 2009) 