Decadal climate variability: Societal impacts, Phenomena, Problems, and Prospects Vikram M. Mehta The Center for Research on the Changing Earth System, Columbia, Maryland, USA ¾ What is decadal climate variability? ¾ From Athenian irrigation in 400 BC to Zimbabwe corn in 2000 AD ¾ Are these slowly-evolving physical phenomena or mere wiggles in time series of observations? ¾ …so many problems in this field, we better find another problem!! ¾ Oh, don’t run away!! There is hope. ¾ Summary Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 What is decadal climate variability? ¾ Periodic or quasi-periodic phenomenon with an approximately 10-20 years period ¾ ”Bursts” or groups of higher frequency phenomena, e.g., El Niño-La Niña, hurricanes and other tropical cyclones, extreme precipitation or heat events, …., occurring every 10-20 years ¾ Abrupt, in approximately 5-20 years, transitions between climate states Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Periods in decadal climate variability research The pre-modern period: Statistical Sunspots-climate relationships; 400 BC-1980 AD z Irrigation engineer Meton of Athens (c. 400 BC): Connection between Sunspots and climate cause variability in precipitation z Sir William Herschel (1801): Price of wheat in London indirectly controlled by decadal variability of Sunspots z Cottage industry in 19th and early 20th centuries to predict weather and climate from Sunspots z Disrepute due to correlation reversals, prediction failures, and inability to test hypothesized mechanisms with models z Publications in refereed journals till the 1980s The modern period: z z z z z z z z z z z First demonstrations of interannual-decadal climate variability with oceanatmosphere models; 1980-1994 Busalacchi and O’Brien, 1980, JPO; 1981, JGR Lau, 1981: JAS McCreary, 1983; McCreary and Anderson, 1984: MWR Philander et al., 1983, 1984,1985: Nature, JAS Cane and Zebiak, 1985: Science Hirst, 1986, 1988: JAS Schopf and Suarez, 1988: JAS Battisti and Hirst, 1989: JAS Zebiak and Cane, 1987: MWR Mehta, 1991, 1992: Clim.Dyn., J.Clim. Latif and Barnett, 1994: Science The post-modern period: The topic of this talk: 1994Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Societal Impacts Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Water and civilizations z Fresh water the lifeblood of civilizations z Development of ancient civilizations near major rivers such as the Nile, the Euphrates-Tigris, the Indus, the Ganges, and the Yangtze z Spurts in the evolution of civilizations on their banks related to extremes of flow in these and other important river systems driven by climate variability and change z Association between availability of fresh water, the rise of civilization and societal well-being or vulnerability (susceptibility to damage), depends heavily on population and population density, internal cohesion, infrastructure and the resilience deliberately or inadvertently built into the society z The vulnerability also depends on socio-economic-political-religious dynamics of the society z Strains due to these dynamics (sometimes with geopolitical consequences) can be improved or exacerbated by climate variability and changes Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Impacts of water scarcity on civilizations [Adapted from: Elhance, A.P.: Hydropolitics in the 3rd World. United States Institute of Peace, 1999] Decreased Precipitation; reduced stream flow Other natural phenomena 3 High mortality/ morbidity 1 9 Migration/ displacement 4 Reduced quality of life 2 Water scarcity 7 Social unrest Environ. degradation 10 Domestic upheaval 5 Population growth Basinwide human activities Vikram Mehta Diminished agricultural production 11 8 Economic decline National insecurity 6 Diminished industrial production The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 12 Potential international conflict 27-29 October 2004 Decadal climate variability and impacts in recent times z z z z z z z z z Long history of decadal variability in precipitation, surface temperature, river flow, droughts, …; especially in regions where there are long records (Europe, Asia, North America) Decade-long droughts in the North American Great Plains and consequent societal impacts, including out-migration of people, especially in the 1890s and the 1930s Decadal variability in precipitation, stream flow, fish catch, and forest fires in the Pacific Northwest, and in precipitation in the southwest U.S. and Mexico Socio-economic-political instability in Brazil due to multiyear to decadal droughts in northeast Brazil The Sahelian drought in the 1970s-1980s-1990s and consequent societal impacts Multiyear to decadal droughts in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the 1980s and 1990s and consequent socio-economic-political upheavals, with geopolitical consequences Decadal-multidecadal variability in the Indian monsoon rainfall Decadal-multidecadal variability in numbers of hurricanes and other tropical cyclones … Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Problems Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Problems in decadal climate variability research Data Relatively short time series of instrument observations, especially over and in the oceans; high and stable data quality required z Instrument data quality, especially over the oceans, not well-known; quality of backward-extended instrument data dubious z Observing system changes make identifying physical climate variability from all-inclusive model-assimilated data difficult z Unambiguous interpretation of physical climate variables derived from proxy data difficult Analysis and interpretation z Uncertainty about decadal spectral peaks z Research guided by only one analysis technique, e.g. empirical orthogonal functions, confusing and misleading z A large number of mechanisms proposed, but no consensus on a small subset and not enough instrument data for verification of model-simulated variability z Pendulum has swung the other way: current mechanisms all about internally-generated decadal variability Predictability z Long-term predictability research stymied by exclusive use of short-term climate prediction models z What would be useful to societies if it can be predicted at multiyear to multidecadal lead times with some skill? Who will use the predicted information and how will it be used? General z The importance of research on geophysical variability at these “civilization” timescales not recognized much in the scientific community and in the U.S. funding agencies z Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Phenomena Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The North Atlantic Oscillation Bader [Hawaii, 2004] The positive NAO-Index phase The NAO Index SLP difference between Iceland and the Azores/Lisbon/Gibraltar is averaged and normalized from November through March • A stronger subtropical high and a weaker Icelandic low • Stronger north-south pressure gradient results in more frequent and stronger winter storms on a more northern track • This leads to warm-wet winters in northern Europe and cold-dry winters in Canada and Greenland Vikram Mehta ©Visbeck ©Hurrell The negative NAO-Index phase • A weaker subtropical high and a stronger Icelandic low • Weaker north-south pressure gradient results in fewer and weaker winter storms on a more southern track • Cold-dry winters in northern Europe and cold-snowy winters over the US east coast The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Impacts of the NAO: Economy Bader [Hawaii, 2004] ©PREDICATE •The annual heating oil consumption in Norway varies in anticorrelation with the NAO •Correlation of NAO with precipitation results in variability in hydropower generation Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Arctic Ocean circulation regimes: 1900-2002 Proshutinsky and Dukhovskoy [Hawaii, 2004]* * Presented in the CRCES-IPRC Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability; Kona, Hawaii; 23-26 Feb. 2004; sponsored by NASA-Ocean., NSF-Clim. Dyn., and NOAA/OGP; available from Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 River discharge anomalies (cubic km. per year; Shiklomanov et al., 2000, updated) Proshutinsky and Dukhovskoy [Hawaii, 2004] AOO Correlation between river runoff and AOO is 93%. NAO River discharge – blue solid and dotted Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Arctic climate since1900 Proshutinsky and Dukhovskoy [Hawaii, 2004] • SLP decreases over the Arctic • Ice area, ice thickness, and ice volume decrease • Air temperature, precipitation, sea level, river discharge, permafrost temperature increase • Wind driven ice and water circulation alternates between cyclonic and anticyclonic • Climatic indices show more or less stable conditions before 1940 and then have a well pronounced decadal variability and trends associated with the increase of cyclonicity over the Arctic Ocean. Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Enfield et al., 2001 Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and decadal scale climatic changes in the Greater Caribbean region Diaz, Hoerling, and Eischeid [Hawaii, 2004] Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The tropical Atlantic decadal variability and northeast Brazil rainfall Mehta, 1998 z z z e z Dominant pattern of tropicalsubtropical Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST) variability between 1881 and 1990 shows opposite phase anomalies in North and South Atlantic (Fig. a), with maximum variances at 15ºN and 15ºS (Fig. b) The 110-years long SST time series modulating this pattern (Fig. c) and its Fourier spectrum (Fig. d) clearly show decadal and multidecadal variability Low-pass filtered rainfall in northeast Brazil (solid line in Fig. e) shows opposite phase variability with respect to a low-pass filtered version of the SST time series in Fig. c Oscillations of this north-south SST gradient (Fig. a) influence the location of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The Pacific Decadal Oscillation Courtesy: Nathan Mantua, Stephen Hare Univ. of Washington z Vikram Mehta Major changes in northeast Pacific marine ecosystems have been correlated with phase changes in the PDO; warm eras have seen enhanced coastal ocean biological productivity in Alaska and inhibited productivity off the west coast of the contiguous United States, while cold PDO eras have seen the opposite north-south pattern of marine ecosystem productivity. The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Pacific Northwest forests and salmon catch Courtesy: Climate Impacts Group, Univ. of Washington Low frequency variability in Pacific Northwest tree growth compared to the average winter, five-year running-mean, PDO. For the period 1922-1995, the number of forest fires burning more than 1,000 acres was higher during warm phase of the PDO (blue bar) than cool phase of the PDO (white bar) in nearly all of the Pacific Northwest’s national forests. Vikram Mehta Selected Pacific salmon catch records with PDO signatures. Black (gray) bars denote catches that are greater (less) than the long-term median. The dotted vertical lines mark the PDO polarity reversal times in 1925, 1947, and 1977. The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillationon on the U.S. temperatures and Columbia River stream flow Courtesy: W. Patzert, JPL; and Climate Impacts Group, Univ. of Washington z High PDO index in February-April is followed by above-average summer temperatures in the western and southeast U.S. and below-average summer temperatures in the northeast U.S. The impact of ENSO and PDO on Columbia River summer streamflow at The Dalles, Oregon for 1900-1999. The horizontal lines show average streamflow over each of the PDO epochs (cool: 1900-1925, warm: 1925-1945, cool: 19451977, warm: 1977-1995). The red dots are El Niño years, the blue dots are La Niña years, and the green dots are ENSO neutral years. The figure shows "naturalized" streamflow (i.e., with the effects of the dams numerically removed) for April-September of each year. Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Importance of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool in the global climate system z z z z z z Warmest surface ocean water on the Earth Annual-average SST≥28°C from approximately 90°E-180°, 20°S-20°N; pronounced annual cycle Saturation vapor pressure non-linearly related to SST⇒dramatic increase in atmospheric moisture content and convection when SST ≥ ≈28.5°C THE major source of heat for the global atmosphere Numerous studies of possible mechanisms of maintenance of time-average state of the IPWP (Ramanathan and Collins, 1991; Wallace, 1992; Fu et al., 1992; Hartman and Michelsen, 1993; Waliser and Graham, 1993; Waliser, 1996; Sud et al., 1999) Natural variability has not received much attention; influences ENSO and marine ecosystems at interannual timescales (Delcroix et al., 2000; Picaut et al. 2000) Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The Warm Pool Oscillation Climatology + low-pass filtered sea-surface temperatures from SODA: 1950-2001 Mehta and Mehta [Hawaii, 2004] Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 850-mb wind anomalies associated with the Warm Pool Oscillation: 1949-1998 Mehta and Mehta [Hawaii, 2004] Warm Pool less warm Warm Pool warmer a c b d 2 m/s z z z z Low-pass (≥8 years) wind anomalies; composited according to the phase of the low-pass filtered, western Pacific Warm Pool SST Note the equatorial westerlies (1-2 m/s) when Warm Pool less warm(Fig. a) and in the following year (Fig. b) Note the equatorial easterlies (1-2 m/s) when Warm Pool warmer(Fig. c) and in the following year (Fig. d) Also, note coherent mid- and high-latitude wind anomalies in both phases, especially over the North Pacific and the North Atlantic, confirming previous results by Mehta et al. (2000) and Hoerling and Hurrel (2002) Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Association between global upper-ocean temperature and solar irradiance at decadal-interdecadal timescales White, Lean, Cayan, and Dettinger; 1997 a z c z z Vikram Mehta b (a) First EOF and time series of 9-13 years filtered bathythermograph SST anomalies and solar irradiance anomalies from 1955 to 1994; first and second SST EOFs “explain” 50% of filtered variance; SST lags solar irradiance by ~1-2 years (b) First EOF and time series of 18-25 years filtered GISST SST anomalies from 1901 to 1990; “explains” 87% of filtered variance; SST lags solar irradiance ~0-4 years (c) Correlation coefficients, with confidence intervals, as a function of depth between filtered upper-ocean temperature and solar irradiance anomalies from 1955 to 1994; 9-13 years on the left and 18-25 years on the right The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Influence of solar irradiance on the Indian monsoon rainfall and Niño3 SST at decadal-multidecadal timescales Mehta and Lau, 1997 z z z z z Vikram Mehta (a) All-India rainfall and Niño3 SST index (b & c) Decadal variations in correlation coefficients between the two (d) Low-pass (≥ 24 years) filtered All-India rainfall (shaded; std. dev. units) varies coherently with lowpass filtered solar irradiance (dashed line; 2* W/m2); this can be seen even in unfiltered data (solid line). (e) Low-pass filtered Niño3 SST index (shaded; °C) shows less coherent variations and nearlyopposite phase variation with lowpass filtered solar irradiance. Differential heating/cooling of South Asia and the oceans around it can strengthen/weaken the monsoon, but one or more positive feedback processes may be necessary because irradiance changes are small eventhough persistent for one or more decades. The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Association between the decadal-multidecadal WPO and interannual ENSO (1950-2001): Dec-Jan-Feb sea surface temperature and wind stress patterns Mehta and Fayos, submitted, 2004a 9 events La Niña 2 events El Niño WP warmer 15 events 8 events WP less warm Approximately same number but less warm El Niño events when WP warmer at decadal-multidecadal timescales. Warmer El Niño events when WP less warm at decadal-multidecadal timescales; Indian Ocean anomalously warm, mid-high latitude ocean and atmosphere anomalies. Warm minus less warm N/m2 ºC Vikram Mehta El Niño and La Niña events in highpass (≤7 years) filtered, DJF SST and surface wind stress data: SODA 1950-2001; composited according to decadal-multidecadal phase of the WP SST Very few La Niña events when WP warmer; many more La Niña events when WP less warm at decadalmultidecadal timescales. The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Association between the decadal-multidecadal WPO and interannual ENSO (1950-2001): Dec-Jan-Feb sea-level pressure and lower and upper troposphere zonal wind patterns Mehta and Fayos, submitted, 2004b SLP (mb) and u850 (m/s) 9 events SLP (mb) and u200 (m/s) WP WP warmer warmer 15 events 8 events Weak SLP and wind patterns in the tropical Pacific when WP warmer at decadal-multidecadal timescales; weak global response to weak El Niño (see previous slide) WP less warm Warmer minus less warm SLP shading mb Vikram Mehta El Niño events in high-pass (≤7 years) filtered, DJF SLP and wind data from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis 1950-2001; composited according to decadal-multidecadal phase of the WPO zonal winds contour Strong SLP and wind patterns in the tropical Pacific when WP less warm at decadal-multidecadal timescales; strong mid-high latitude SLP and upper tropospheric wind response to strong El Niño (see previous slide) The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Long-term variability of frequency and intensity of Atlantic hurricanes T.N. Krishnamurti (pers. comm.) Atlantic cyclone index (1886-1991) Interannual-decadal variability of Atlantic hurricane frequency simulated by the FSU global model 14 12 10 8 Observed 6 Forecast 4 Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 0 1978 2 27-29 October 2004 North American drought reconstruction from long tree-ring records Cook [Hawaii, 2004] WESTERN USA DROUGHT TREND: 1900 - 2003 PERCENT AREA OF THE USA AFFECTED BY DROUGHT (PDSI<-1) BASED ON RECONSTRUCTIONS FROM LONG TREE-RING RECORDS 100 y = -329.72 + 0.185x R= 0.232* p<0.05 2-tailed 80 A. ALL USA PDSI <-1 DAI 100 LESS CERTAIN DAI<-1 DAI 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 B. WEST USA PDSI <-1 DAI 100 80 DAI 1900 MEDIEVAL "DRY" PERIOD? 40 20 z 0 C. EAST USA PDSI <-1 DAI 100 FROZEN GRID FIDELITY LIMIT DAI 80 60 40 20 z <50% COVERAGE 0 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 YEAR Vikram Mehta 1940 1960 1980 2000 YEAR z 60 1920 z Irregular decadal-multidecadal variability in Drought Area Index over the last 1000 years in the U.S. Both the full grid (“changing observing system”; blue line) and the frozen grid (“constant observing system”; red line) show this variability Increasing tendency and decadal variability of droughts in the western U.S. in the last 100 years Entering a new period of increased aridity in the western U.S.? The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 The Virtual Center for Decadal Climate Variability Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Summary z Decadal-multidecadal climate variability impacts societies on civilization timescales and is one of the forces guiding the course of history. z Many patterns of decadal climate variability; not obvious that all of them independent and truly oscillatory z Many mechanisms proposed, all but one invoke internal variability in the coupled climate system; the oceans’ role crucial z Success in understanding and prediction of short-term climate variability and long-term climate change, especially at subcontinental to state/province scale, depends crucially on success in understanding and prediction of decadal-multidecadal climate variability z Major problems, including insufficient instrument data, largely unknown quantitative impacts on societies, largely unknown predictability Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004 Prospects z z z z z z z z z z Decadal variability research in danger of becoming parochial, as in the premodern period Must not limit our search for causes of decadal climate variability to internal processes only Variability of external forcings perhaps very important in exciting internal variability; interplay between the two Decadal climate predictability a function of external forcings and internal variability Decadal variability very important even if greenhouse gas emissions are limited in the future Growing research community The importance of research on geophysical variability at these civilization timescales not recognized much in the scientific community and in the U.S. funding agencies Systematic, permanent observing system required to provide high-quality observations, including forcings Systematic and large-scale effort required to assess impacts in various societal sectors Next Decadal Climate Variability Workshop in October 2005 somewhere in the Maryland to West Virginia mountains Vikram Mehta The SORCE Science Team meeting; Meredith, New Hampshire 27-29 October 2004