TITLE _________________ ___________________________ ________________

Student Name
Student Number
1. Title of Research : ___________________
Personal Identity :
a. Name/St. Numb : __________________
b. Study Program : English Language and Literature
2. Introduction
a. Background of the Study
Your personal reasons (your own critical analysis): the significance of your
research; what aspects the work captures your interest, etc.
b. Research Focus
Par.1: significance/meaning/explanation of the title
Par.2: theory/approach to use, aspect/s to focus & significance of the
theory/approach in the research
Par.3: limitation of the topics being discussed
c. Research Objective/s
d. Research Significance
3. Literature Review
a. Theoretical Description
b. Previous Research Findings
c. Background (cultural/historical)
d. Analytical Construct
4. Research Method
a. Data Source:
1. primary source à works to be analyzed
2. secondary source à others (books, articles etc)
Describe the sources in details
b. Technique of Data Collecting
The researcher is the primary instrument & data cards are the additional
1. close reading & rereading in accordance with the focus of the research;
2. data in the forms of phrases/words/clauses/sentences related to the research
topics are documented in the data cards
c. Technique of Data Analysis;
1. classifying the data into categories in accordance the theory employed
2. interpreting the data as have been classified
3. relating the data interpreted to the research objective/s (c)
d. Data trustworthiness
Triangulation techniques:
1. theory triangulation: using more than one theory
2. observer triangulation: obtaining supervisor agreement
3. method triangulation: using different data collecting technique (reader
4. source triangulation: using more than one source
(sumber yang diacu dalam penelitian)
Susunan Acuan (disarikan dari Wacana, FIB-UI; Metafor, FKIP, Un. Lambung
Mangkurat, Banjaramsin; Inoteks, LPM-UNY; dan Polyglot, FIP,
Un. Pelita Harapan, Tangerang )
Printed Sources: sumber tertulis berupa buku, artikel, dan sumber tercetak lainnya
1. Nama penulis sumber atau penerjemah (bila karya terjemahan) disusun secara
alfabetis; bila anonymous gunakan underscore & judul dijadikan pengurutan
2. Tahun terbit sumber (dalam tanda kurung)
3. judul sumber (buku, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah dicetak miring, artikel, puisi, lagu
dalam tanda petik)
4. tempat & nama penerbit (sertakan pula keterangan cetak ulang & edisi perbaikan
bila ada)
Artikel dalam Buku Suntingan
Gunarwan, Asim. (1992). “Persepsi Kesantunan Direktif di dalam Bahasa
Indonesia di Antara Beberapa Kelompok Etnik di Jakarta, “ in Bambang
Kaswanti Purwo (ed.), PELLBA 5: Bahasa dan Budaya. Jakarta:
Lembaga Bahasa Unika Atma Jaya.
Moore, Tom Ingles. (1971). “The Social Elements in Literature,” in Tom Ingles
Moore (ed.), Social Patterns in Australian Literature. London: Angus &
Searle, John R. (1975). “Indirect Speech Act,” dalam P. Cole & J. Morgan (eds.),
Syntax and Semantics, Vol.3: Speech Act. New York: Academic Press;
London: Cambridge University Press.
______________ . (1991). Australian Aboriginal Culture. Canberra: Info
Broome, Richard. (1992). Aboriginal Australians: Black Response to White
Dominance 1788—1980. North Sydney: Allen & Unwin Pty. Ltd.
Leech, Geoffrey. (1993). Prinsip-Prinsip Pragmatik (trans. by M.D.D. Oka).
Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia.
Guerin, Wilfred L. (et al). (1992). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to
Literature. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Artikel dalam Journal, magazine & Newspaper
______________ . (1984). “Ciamis Flood Causes 170 Families to Flee.” The
Jakarta Post. Sept. 20, p. 3./ col. 1.
Mehta, Ved. (1983). “Personal History, Learning-I.” The New Yorker. August 22,
p. 36./ col. 2.
Tiffin, Chris. (1985). “Look to the New-Found Dreaming: Identity and Technique
in Australian Aboriginal Writing.” The Journal of Commonwealth
Literature. Vol. XX/ No. 1., October Spring Issue, pp. 156—69.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. (1987). “Indirectness and Politness in Request: Same or
Different?” Journal of Pragmatics II, pp. 131—46.
Unpublished …/Prosiding
Iswalono, Sugi. (1995). “The Primary Target Audience of The Year of Living
Dangerously: Indonesia—Australia, A Conflict of Culture.” Unpublished
Masters Thesis, Faculty of Communication and Cultural Studies, Curtin
University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, 30 July.
Suratidjo, Sukamti, (et al). (1985). “Laporan Penelitian Bahasa Indonesia dalam
Buku Bacaan Kanak-Kanak.” Unpublished Research Report, Fakultas
Sastra, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 25 Nov.
Sumber wawancara disusun setelah sumber tertulis dengan menyebutkan nama
sumber disertai umur (dalam tanda kurung), tempat, dan tanggal wawancara
K.R.T. Sosro Hadiningrat (65 years), June 20, 2009.
(Electronic Sources)
Sumber internet disusun setelah sumber lisan dengan menyebutkan judul artikel dan
alamat situs web dalam kurung siku.
“Joan of Arch and The Role of Medieval Women.” BBC. 25 Feb. 2003. 5 March
2006. Available: <http: www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A860366 >
“Slavery in Medieval Europe”. Wikipedia. 5 March 2006. Available:
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery#Medieval Europe>
Dutch, Steven. “A Distant Mirror: The 14 th Century”. The Middle Ages. 10 June
<http://www.uwgb.edu/DucthS/WestTech/medieval.htm >
Pengutipan Sumber Acuan
Pengutipan Sumber dituliskan dengan menyebutkan family name (nama belakang)
penulis yang diacu, tahun terbit acuan, titik dua, dan halaman acuan yang dikutip.
In the interview conducted by Jim Davidson, as published in Meanjin (1977:428—
41), Noonuccal admits that she ……
Buckley and Wheelwright (1992:21) state that ….
According to Moore (in/via Koentjaraningrat, ed., 1985:12), society and literature
form ….
Catatan Kaki
Catatan kaki digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan dan langsung
dituliskan pada “kaki” dari tubuh tulisan yang diberi keterangan tambahan tersebut.
A participant must once be a presenter, a moderator, a
reviewer, a note taker and audience who ask questions.
1. To be a presenter, a participant prepares a paper of two
page-length on a subject of his or her own choice. The paper
should be written and presented in such a way so that the
audience who are not very familiar with the subject can enjoy
the presentation. The time for the presentation is 10 minutes.
The presenter answers questions or responds to comments
from the audience in 10 minutes. Another 10 minutes is
divided into the moderator’s conclusion as well as the note
taker’ minutes and the facilitator’s comments. Presenters
copy their papers to be distributed to all participants. The use
of audiovisual media for the presentation is highly
2. To be a moderator, a participant leads the presentation of
another participant, keeps it going on the right track, reads
the presenter’s CV, introduces the topic, etc.
3. To be a reviewer, a participant reads the paper carefully,
observes the presentation, gives comments or suggestions to
the presentation of another participant.
4. To be a note taker, a participant carefully writes down the
minutes of the presentation, reads it at the end of the
5. To be active audience, a participant must ask questions,
give comments or suggestions to the presentation of another
Format dan TataTulis
(Bab IV, hal. 17)
A. Penggunaan huruf
1. Huruf Cetak Miring:
a. Judul buku, nama majalah/jurnal/koran dan publikasi lain yang sejenis.
b. Istilah, kosakata, frase, atau kalimat bahasa lain.
c. Huruf, kosakata, frase, atau kalimat sebagai aspek atau konstruk teori.
d. Huruf yang digunakan untuk symbol-simbol statistika atau aljabar.
… Selinker menyebutnya interlanguage, Nemser menyebutnya approximate
system, serta Coder menyebutnya idiosyncratic competence …
… bahasa Perancis, untuk mengungkapkan … digunakan kala passé compose,
imparfait, plus que parfait, dan sebagainya …
…for example, this study has reported a significant effect of Gender and Grade
{F.(8,450)=2.338; p.=0.0158}. This shows that …
2. Huruf Cetak Tebal:
a. Judul Tugas Akhir (di sampul) sampai dengan abstrak
b. Judul/nama bab, subbab, dan sub-subbab
c. Judul, nama table/gambar
B. Pengutipan
1. Kutipan Langsung
a. Kurang dari 4 baris & diawali dan diakhiri dengan tanda petik (“); sumber
rujukan ditulis sebelum atau sesudah teks kutipan;
b. Empat baris atau lebih ditulis 1 spasi dengan tab yang menyesuaikan; sumber
rujukan ditulis sebelum teks kutipan;
c. Penghilangan kata/frase ditandai dengan 3 titik; penghilangan 1 kalimat atau
lebih ditandai dengan titik sepanjang 1 baris;
d. Highlighting dan penjelasan dari pengutip ditandai dengan garis bawah
disertai keterangan dalam kurung, (underline mine)
e. Temuan kesalahan dalam kutipan ditandai dengan (sic!) langsung setelah
temuan kesalahan tsb;
Purwaka, dkk. (1990:33) menyatakan bahwa GT adalah
… wewatakan kang gampang nggugu lan mituhu marang gunem utawa
dedongengan kang pancene mono ora perlu digugu utawa pinotuhu
Gugon tuhon iku dening wong kang gugon tuhonan dianggep nduweni
daya (sic!), menawa nganti ora digugu … bakal nandhang ora kepenak
uripe (underline mine).
Di lain bagian, Nunan (1992:80) menyatakan bahwa “while internal validity is
important, external validity may be irrelevant.”
… lain pihak, tidak disangsikan bahwa “while internal validity is important,
external validity may be irrelevant” (Nunan, 1992:80).
2. Kutipan Tidak Langsung
- berisi pokok pikiran yang diparafrase
a. 2 spasi (sesuai dengan teks)
b. Apabila sumber rujukan ditulis sebelum teks kutipan, cantumkan family name
penulis sumber rujukan & tahun terbitan ditulis di antara tanda kurung;
c. Apabila sumber rujukan ditulis sesudah teks kutipan, cantumkan family name
penulis sumber rujukan, titik dua, tahun terbitan & ditulis di antara tanda
Menurut Nunan (1992:84-6 & 90), penelitian studi kasus sering mengalami
kesukaran dalam hal validitas eksternal; hasil penelitian …
Hal lain yang menyebabkan kelemahan studi kasus adalah bahwa penelitian
jenis ini sering mangalami kesukaran dalam hal validitas eksternal; hasil penelitian
… (Nunan:1992).
1. As Henry VIII never regarded himself as a Protestant,
this quarrel was political, not religious. This led to a
great religious blunder until the 17th century, i.e.
“whether the Protestant or the Catholic worship should
become the authorized mode” (Miller, 1976:227).
2. But, now, the term lyric is used to “describe a particular
kind of poem in order to distinguish it from narrative or
dramatic verse of any kind” (Cuddon, 1992:514).
Furthermore, Cuddon (1992:514-5) affirms that
it is usually fairly short, not often longer than fifty or
sixty lines, and often only between a dozen and thirty
lines; and it is usually expresses the feelings and
thoughts of a single speaker (not necessarily the poet
himself) in a personal and subjective fashion.
3. Courtly, according to Hornby (1980:197) means “polite
and dignified” whereas Cuddon (1991:202—4)
introduces the same word which he attaches to certain
terms used in the art of writing, “courtly love” and
“courtly makers”. He states that courtly love “was
celebrated in the poetry of the troubadours” and courtly
makers refer to “a group of poets at Henry VIII’s court
who imported Italian and French poetic forms … which
had a considerable influence on Elizabethan writers”. In
view of that, courtly poetry here may be defined as the
sort of poetry which has been flourished since the
Elizabethan time.
4. Wikipedia
writes that religiosity is revealing “how religious a
person is, and less with how a person is religious (in
terms of practicing certain rituals, retelling certain
myths, revering certain symbols, or accepting certain
doctrines about deities and afterlife)”. Wijaya (1988:12)
clarifies this idea by asserting that religiosity is more
comprehensive than religion is. He uses Trio Bimbo’s
“Tuhan” as an example. This song, according to him,
has a religious quality, and, therefore, it may be sung by
those having different religions like Islam or
5. Hall (1983:VI) admits that literature is inexact.
6. Kennedy (1982:3) proposes that theme must be
distinguished from subject. Whereas theme is the central
thought of a poem, subject is its central topic.
How to Quote a Poem
2 ways:
1. The color white preoccupies Frost. He says (line?)that “I
found a dimpled spider, fat and white, / On a white healall, holding up a moth”.
I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
As snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth.
What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
2. The color white preoccupies Frost. The spider is “…fat
and white, / On a white heal-all…” and even the victim
moth is pale, too.
According to Frost () “As snow-drop spider, a flower like a
froth. // What had that flower to do with being white, / The
wayside blue and innocent heal-all?”
As Oedipus says “I’m blind at heart.”
‘It Was a Night..’ à “’It Was …’”
(sumber yang diacu dalam penelitian)
Susunan Acuan (disarikan dari Wacana, FIB-UI; Metafor, FKIP, Un. Lambung Mangkurat,
Banjaramsin; Inoteks, LPM-UNY; dan Polyglot, FIP, Un. Pelita Harapan,
Tangerang )
Printed Sources: sumber tertulis berupa buku, artikel, dan sumber tercetak lainnya
1. Nama penulis sumber atau penerjemah (bila karya terjemahan) disusun secara alfabetis;
bila tidak terdapat nama penulis gunakan kata anonymous;
2. Tahun terbit sumber;
3. judul sumber (judul buku, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah dicetak miring, sedangkan judul
artikel, puisi, lagu ditulis dalam tanda petik)
4. tempat & nama penerbit (sertakan pula keterangan cetak ulang & edisi perbaikan bila
Artikel dalam Buku Suntingan
Gunarwan, Asim. (1992). “Persepsi Kesantunan Direktif di dalam Bahasa Indonesia di
Antara Beberapa Kelompok Etnik di Jakarta, “ in Bambang Kaswanti Purwo
(ed.), PELLBA 5: Bahasa dan Budaya. Jakarta: Lembaga Bahasa Unika Atma
Moore, Tom Ingles. (1971). “The Social Elements in Literature,” in Tom Ingles Moore
(ed.), Social Patterns in Australian Literature. London: Angus & Robertson.
Searle, John R. (1975). “Indirect Speech Act,” in P. Cole & J. Morgan (eds.), Syntax and
Semantics, Vol.3: Speech Act. New York: Academic Press; London:
Cambridge University Press.
Anonymous. 1991. Australian Aboriginal Culture. Canberra: Info International.
Broome, Richard. (1992). Aboriginal Australians: Black Response to White Dominance
1788—1980. North Sydney: Allen & Unwin Pty. Ltd.
Leech, Geoffrey. (1993). Prinsip-Prinsip Pragmatik (trans. by M.D.D. Oka). Jakarta:
Penerbit Universitas Indonesia.
Guerin, Wilfred L. (et al). (1992). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature.
Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Artikel dalam Journal, magazine & Newspaper
Anonymous. 1984. “Ciamis Flood Causes 170 Families to Flee.” The Jakarta Post. Sept.
20, p. 3./ col. 1.
Mehta, Ved. (1983). “Personal History, Learning-I.” The New Yorker. August 22, p. 36./
col. 2.
Tiffin, Chris. (1985). “Look to the New-Found Dreaming: Identity and Technique in
Australian Aboriginal Writing.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. Vol.
XX/ No. 1., October Spring Issue, pp. 156—69.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. (1987). “Indirectness and Politness in Request: Same or
Different?” Journal of Pragmatics II, pp. 131—46.
Unpublished …/Prosiding
Iswalono, Sugi. 1995. “The Primary Target Audience of The Year of Living Dangerously:
Indonesia—Australia, A Conflict of Culture.” Unpublished Masters Thesis,
Faculty of Communication and Cultural Studies, Curtin University of
Technology, Perth, Western Australia, 30 July.
Suratidjo, Sukamti, (et al). (1985). “Laporan Penelitian Bahasa Indonesia dalam Buku
Bacaan Kanak-Kanak.” Unpublished Research Report, Fakultas Sastra,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 25 Nov.
Sumber wawancara disusun setelah sumber tertulis dengan menyebutkan nama sumber
disertai umur (dalam tanda kurung), tempat, dan tanggal wawancara
K.R.T. Sosro Hadiningrat (65 years), June 20, 2009.
(Electronic Sources)
Sumber internet disusun setelah sumber lisan dengan menyebutkan judul artikel dan alamat
situs web dalam kurung siku.
“Joan of Arch and The Role of Medieval Women.” BBC. 25 Feb. 2003. 5 March 2006.
Available: <http: www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A860366 >
“Slavery in
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery#Medieval Europe>
Dutch, Steven. “A Distant Mirror: The 14th Century”. The Middle Ages. 10 June 1998. 3
March 2006. Available <http://www.uwgb.edu/DucthS/WestTech/medieval.htm >
Pengutipan Sumber Acuan
Pengutipan Sumber dituliskan dengan menyebutkan family name (nama belakang) penulis
yang diacu, tahun terbit acuan, titik dua, dan halaman acuan yang dikutip. Contoh:
In the interview conducted by Jim Davidson, as published in Meanjin (1977:428—41),
Noonuccal admits that she ……
Buckley and Wheelwright (1992:21) state that ….
According to Moore (in/via Koentjaraningrat, ed., 1985:12), society and literature form ….
Catatan Kaki
Catatan kaki digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan dan langsung dituliskan
pada “kaki” dari tubuh tulisan yang diberi keterangan tambahan tersebut.